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Not all red/yellow shirt's, Are bent on causing trouble!!!

My wife's eldest sister (62) has been on the missing list for over 7 week's turned up two day's ago.

Every one has been frantic, Where have you been my wife asked her on the phone this morning. Oh ive been at the red shirt camp... Wife, but i thought you were a yellow shirt???... No im not either i love the king... then why did you go with the Yellow shit's two year's ago. And now you've been to the red shirt camp. Are you crazy.???.. No im not mad it's just that my new job doesn't start till mid June....What's that got to do with it. And what did you do there???... I just listened to the music, went to sleep or away when they talked. But like "most" peep's there, we just went for the FREE FOOD, same at the yellow camp. And it was very nice. Saved me a lot of cash. If some one want's to pay up to them... Just go's to show, as most of us know i think, that not all there were suporter's, or bent on causing trouble. Maybe just a little bit silly though. By the way her name is DIM, English, a bit stupid.


I believe it was Ian Dury who wrote and performed the song "There ain't 'alf been some clever bastards."

Fred, that's one of the most ridiculous posts I've every read. You've taken the apologists to a new level.
Sure it is, but it's a fact, I not trying to apologise for there behaviour. I just tried to point out how some Thai brain's work. Beat's me.

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