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Tempers Flairing.......let's All Take A Deep Breath And 'chill Out'


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It seems to me that we all are a little short tempered lately. Notice it in politics, thaivisa members snapping at each other, personal relationships strained etc.

I blame a lot of it on the HEAT and try to let it go, but I have to remind myself to 'TAKE A DEEP BREATH AND CHILL OUT' when it comes to personal relationships and those around me.

Am I the only one that notices the short tempers lately???

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could have something to do with the amount of so called new/banned members logging in under a different user name and getting a kick out of stirring the pot.

Between excellent moderation policies and a general tolerance of opposing views, until recently this was an enjoyable place both to read other's and post one's own views. Very recently the content is getting highly polarizing with a large measure of patently false information getting thrown about. One eventually tires of correcting every mis-statement of fact, every lie, and eventually one lashes out instead. I'm as guilty as anyone.

Edited by lannarebirth
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"could have something to do with the amount of so called new/banned members logging in under a different user name and getting a kick out of stirring the pot."

and members [supposedly] leaving the country???

I've witnessed several 'shout outs' on thaivisa among good standing and formerly friendly members.

yeah, let's hope the rains come soooooon!! and chill us out.

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The thaksinphobes who frequent this forum have helped create an atmosphere of intollerance.

I am certainally no Thaksin supporter but when I say anything critical about Abhisit, there is a Thaksinphobe ready to jump from behind the bushes and they invaribly draw the same false and tired conclusion that i *must* be a Thaksin supporter. In their strange black and white world, someone disliking both Abhisit and Thaksin is an impossibilty. Its the "either you are with me or against me mentality." that rules around here.

Since I don't agree with the mob mentality here, I've had all sorts of weird stalkers, I've even had a sleazy, disgusting PM sent to me by one member.

A great deal of the political posters around here need to take a short break - forced or otherwise. I fear for their sanity.

Edited by RussellHantz
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I think its just the stressful politics, a lot of people (me included-sometime) decides to release it on this site.

Also, it is just better to pose opinions on the internet because there is 0% chance of being beaten up

Just be careful i might look up your IP and visit you at home :D

You have been warned :)

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"could have something to do with the amount of so called new/banned members logging in under a different user name and getting a kick out of stirring the pot."

and members [supposedly] leaving the country???

I've witnessed several 'shout outs' on thaivisa among good standing and formerly friendly members.

yeah, let's hope the rains come soooooon!! and chill us out.

Your wish is my command. It pissed it down last night out Bang Na way.

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I heard another TV member mention that its too hot to go out so he stays at home on the forums. Maybe cabin fever, the heat, and I think several members have been hit pretty hard (business wise) over the past couple months, all contribute to some of the sharpish replies. I try to avoid discussions on politics/religion, (individuals involved are fair game), but I have noticed a few real peckish posts directed at me.

I also think some of the members may be a little under the influence when they cut loose. The other day, I was told that I was pro red shirt, came to Thailand 4 years ago, lived in Vience/Ventura (cant remember which), California for 25 years prior to that, and that I was a liar. The member also noted this info came from his memory of my past posts. One of the reasons I do not lie, is my memory is not that good, but I know I would never subject myself to supporting the red shirts, nor live anywhere in California for 25 years. Go figure.

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I'll breathe anyway I want to, and stuff your serenity and calmness.

i suppose i should have used block capitals, for that, but I'm shy...


I get homesick, hearing about the rain in Bangna.

Its turned out nice and sunny and warm here again today, although less so overnight

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Agreed. There is a lot of hateful speech going on here these days. Let's hope it moderates. Bring on the rains!

unfortunately different political views have often turned best friends into enemies :)

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Well; as a newbie I've noticed that whenever some other newbie starts a thread asking questions about subjects that have been dealt with on a previous thread by more "experienced" TV forum members; the response from certain members is at times a nasty "done to death before; just use the search engine".

Seems we were all newbies at some time and we all asked questions that someone else asked five years ago. Situations and times change; what was relevant and applicable then may not be anymore.

Every newbie thinks his/her situation is unique; so they ask a question that's been asked before. No need to put them down for it. Like I said; everyone was green and had to ask. If it's been done before then there's no need for experienced guys to trash it; just move on to a thread where your valuable input and opinion will assist.

And if some guy is heading for a fleecing from some bargirl; maybe let him get fleeced without nailing him for being stupid. Isn't that how the rest of you learned your lesson? Men have been known to give it all away for love. And survived.

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I basically stopped reading the news forum for this reason. At most I throw in a couple pearls sometimes when I come across a good link or thought, but I don't really bother to debate it as it's all pretty pointless and ultimately fruitless. It's good for the keyboard warriors to have their own padded room though. :)

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I have been getting very stressed over nothing lately to be honest, and I put it all down to the stifling heat and humidity we've had in BKK for the past few weeks. Not to mention all the other things that've been happening in Thailand lately.

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Thaivisa is meant to be a discussion, a sharing of opinions and news on-line channel for Thai related issues.

There are those who bring ridicule and throw themselves into the lion’s den, such as the sin sot threads and my girlfriend has asked me for 2 million baht to build a shelter for papas 10 buffalo, should I give it to her type threads. To be honest, they are not going to be taken seriously and will be considered as a bit of a joke. So if you’re one of those who create these sorts of threads, expect a few knocks and members not giving any credibility to the OP.

Also there are others who cant take the opposing of their opinions or criticism and as a whole take these posts as a personal affront against them, which of course is nonsense because it`s all to do with the subject of the thread and not as anything vindictive against ThaiVisa members, the actual persons themselves.

I’ve had positive and negative responses to my posts; more positive I’m proud to say.

A lot of Thaivisa members take these forums far too seriously and if you are sensitive and afraid of kickbacks, than the easy answer is do not participate and become an observer.

There is more to life than an on-line forum.


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