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Bitter Thai Red Shirts Promise Further Rallies In North

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English only, post edited. Sorry.

And guys, lets drop the insults, the flaming and the endless discussion about the last election. ENOUGH!!!

Nice to know this woman is happy that poor people in Bangkok (many of whom actually come from the same kind of background as her) have lost their jobs thanks to all the burning she is happy about. Seems nobody is picking up on all the poor that are suffering because of the red arson and violence. There is a big irony in that albeit a sad one. Bnagkok is not full; of only rich people and it is the poor who are suffering most from the attacks through lost work.

I am sorry to say I agree with the woman from Chiang Mai, the Abhisit government is not legitimate, it rorted the normal electoral process.

It is also cynical, shameless and unprincipled. I believe Abhisit's objective is simply to hold on to power and he doesn't much mind at what cost.

You are not sorry at all.

The one who doesn't care at what cost is Thaksin.

The woman participated in an attack on Bangkok people.

The one who will suffer is her child.


"mindless brain-washed red sock-puppet" in thai? :)

Any phonetic version too?

I just edited out a quote... though with a english treansliteration, fair play...

Just shows the real problem. She is uneducated. The only way to fix this nation is by affordable health care and affordable education. This is the only way to stop the cycle of poverty.

Education is going to be a real problem if red heroes keep burning schools.

Go ahead let them burn their own villages for a while.

World, outside?

the rural thai have no idea about life outside. Show them a map of the far east and they cant even identify thailand properly let alone the major cities. They dont even understand what a map is - cant visualise.

When I taught in a primary school I realised that they had never seen a world globe before, didn't know what it was, couldn't grasp the idea of a round earth and my thai supervisor advised against this path to knowledge as its never in the curriculum even in high school. This was quite a progressive school as they go btw

Absolutely spot on! My thai ex had twin girls who were coming with us to Australia. I bought an inflatable globe (in oz) and brought back to help them understand where they were going. Everyone was really interested, especially their older brother. As soon as I left the house, he and his uncle used it for a football.

She wants cheap rice. Rice farmers want government subsidies. That's something a government can work with. They didn't exactly make that a visible issue during their occupation.

If she enjoys the comraderie of sleeping street, there are streets up north. Enjoy! Buildings to torch there too. Hope this insane mob stays home from now on, they were the worst house guests in the history of the world!

:) the worst house guests in the history of the world! uninvited to boot! I would have had so much more respect for these people if after the road map was offered and rejected they all turned against their leaders and burned them down instead. Never before has a movement shot themsleves in the foot as bad as this if the are looking to be bitter at something or someone they need look no further than their own leadership.

Nice to know this woman is happy that poor people in Bangkok (many of whom actually come from the same kind of background as her) have lost their jobs thanks to all the burning she is happy about. Seems nobody is picking up on all the poor that are suffering because of the red arson and violence. There is a big irony in that albeit a sad one. Bnagkok is not full; of only rich people and it is the poor who are suffering most from the attacks through lost work.

I am sorry to say I agree with the woman from Chiang Mai, the Abhisit government is not legitimate, it rorted the normal electoral process.

It is also cynical, shameless and unprincipled. I believe Abhisit's objective is simply to hold on to power and he doesn't much mind at what cost.

You are not sorry at all.

The one who doesn't care at what cost is Thaksin.

The woman participated in an attack on Bangkok people.

The one who will suffer is her child.

Truth. Her actions are completely irresponsible and detestable. Her children should always take precedence over her political inclinations.

World, outside?

the rural thai have no idea about life outside. Show them a map of the far east and they cant even identify thailand properly let alone the major cities. They dont even understand what a map is - cant visualise.

When I taught in a primary school I realised that they had never seen a world globe before, didn't know what it was, couldn't grasp the idea of a round earth and my thai supervisor advised against this path to knowledge as its never in the curriculum even in high school. This was quite a progressive school as they go btw

Absolutely spot on! My thai ex had twin girls who were coming with us to Australia. I bought an inflatable globe (in oz) and brought back to help them understand where they were going. Everyone was really interested, especially their older brother. As soon as I left the house, he and his uncle used it for a football.

Yes when I say Im from Canada I often get "oh nearly Africa?" :) and another one that makes me laugh is when I explain about North America and mention Mexico - "Mexico is very rich country like a hi-so right?" :D:D

Just shows the real problem. She is uneducated. The only way to fix this nation is by affordable health care and affordable education. This is the only way to stop the cycle of poverty.

Education is going to be a real problem if red heroes keep burning schools.

Go ahead let them burn their own villages for a while.

I agree 100% with the education/health care comment - I imagine some of the teachers on here may suggest a broader curriculum that breaks away from traditional indoctrination.

I also believe 100% in democracy and on a much earler thread I said that I would rather see all Thais having the ability to vote - education to enable them to think HOW to use that vote can come later.

The selfish, barbaric bitch in this interview has caused me to slightly question my earlier view.

I wonder if she knows Ning ?

:) The Trickle Down Effect......I am here in Melbourne Australia with my thai partner of 5 years. He is from Roi Et. His family is dirt poor, subsistence rice farmers. We received a phone call from his aunt who told him I am too old to be concerned what people think. It just seemed surreal to receive a phone call from Isaan at this time asking for money. It blew me away and of course the mind and the imagination reel, are these people in trouble due to the crisis. I tend to think "Yes"!

Have you considered applying for permanent resident status for your partner, he is entitled so long as you have been a couple for more than 5 years...he could get a temporary one if you had only been together for as little as one year! His next move would be to apply for citizenship, although he could get unemployment benefit from the day he gets his PR? That might solve your financial problems?? There is always family reunion once he's a citizen...why not???? :D

Yes when I say Im from Canada I often get "oh nearly Africa?" :) and another one that makes me laugh is when I explain about North America and mention Mexico - "Mexico is very rich country like a hi-so right?" :D:D
Could be they think that because Mexican restaurants are rather expensive here and somewhat popular with Thai elites.

She just sounds bitter. So what does she want? Communism? Money? Once she's rich does she fall into the category of people she hates? She blames her own incompetence and stupidity on people who had nothing to do with it. She can swim in her pool of schadenfreude all she wants, for all I care. An attitude like hers in no way helps this country move forward. In fact, it's probably the most counterproductive way to think.

they all want absolute power ,,, whatever colour flag they have ,,

same old ,, nothing new ..

Saisunee meanwhile helped prepare food for the Red Shirts, and she said she sold her motorcycle, television set and a sewing machine to raise the money she needed to afford travel to the capital.

All that for a 600-baht bus ticket?? :D

Brainwashed - she probably believed she hadto help and rescuer "her"country....! :)

True, the red leaders don't want better education. How could they shamelessly manipulate educated people?

to true. both sides don't.

keep the people uneducated and they will not revolt!!!!!! Unless somebody with a lot of money can aid them!! I don't like Thaksin but his greed and selfishness may paradoxically help Thailand in the long run. The system in place is broken beyond repair. Antiquated laws,junta control & corruption by everybody including the whiter than white PM has split the country in two. The poor and uneducated mob now have a voice, albeit funded by a criminal.

I am sorry to say I agree with the woman from Chiang Mai, the Abhisit government is not legitimate, it rorted the normal electoral process.

It is also cynical, shameless and unprincipled. I believe Abhisit's objective is simply to hold on to power and he doesn't much mind at what cost.

OMG: Another newbie member as of yesterday with a whopping 4 posts has morphed into a thai know it all political pundit!!! :)

What rock are these people crawling out from under? Yet another red apologist is spawned, or should that be 'spurned', (one more for the ignore bin). :D

The rock of Robert Amsterdam. That lawyer actually comes from under the scum that lives on the slime under the rock. He can only aspire to be directly under a rock.

I submit there should be a rule that every poster should meet the minimum restriction of membership for 6 months and at least 100 posts before being allowed to post in the politics section. That would stop the lobbyist from paying people to take these extreme views. Honest discussion between people who truly care about the country is severely inhibited right now because of all these dubious postings.

It is up to the admins of course, but you may wish to take this suggestion under advisement.


Over the past few years I have witnessed first hand the treatment of and attitude towards 'nannies' in Bangkok. They are usually from up country maybe even Myanmar but not always foreigners. It disgusts me the way they are treated by their own people in most cases I have seen. Very low salary, no time off, very long days, sleep on the floor, spend all day long looking after a snotty kid, blah blah blah. Bad luck if they want a day off or a few days off to attend a funeral or family event......that's the end of the world for them. I am sure there some horror stories out there. Then you hear the horror stories from the parents how the maid has run away or abandoned the child etc etc. What do they expect ??? Anyway this is just one example of why there is problems in Thai society......imho ! Whats the word used here is it 'khon chai' people you use !??


It has to said many times.

The reds have no economic programme whatsoever.

Land reform, education, economic developments.


It is quite deliberate.

For Thaksin having no economic demands means that his regional base is not threatened by competing economic interests.

Secondly, he has promised them that if they return him to power, he will be free to distribute largesse to them.

So, he gets the support he pays for.

The other class avenues are shut off.

(notwithstanding the class war bullshit).

Bangkok is turned into the enemy as a blockage to the Thaksin power claim.

Thaksin set out to weaken the state forces against him into capitulation.

But now they are stronger and more confident.

The red supporters may be pawns in Thaksin's game and they may be bitter.

But the game of going on an expedition to attack the Bangkok people is over.

Thaksin is back in his box for now.

Saisunee meanwhile helped prepare food for the Red Shirts, and she said she sold her motorcycle, television set and a sewing machine to raise the money she needed to afford travel to the capital.

All that for a 600-baht bus ticket?? :D

Brainwashed - she probably believed she hadto help and rescuer "her"country....! :)

It's really a problem for all you people who insisted the Reds were only in it for the payment, overwhelmingly and comprehensively shown to be proven wrong.Now it's "brainwashing" to account for people who were prepared to die for what they believed.Actually that explanation's a lot more plausible and one I partly agree with.

Nice to know this woman is happy that poor people in Bangkok (many of whom actually come from the same kind of background as her) have lost their jobs thanks to all the burning she is happy about. Seems nobody is picking up on all the poor that are suffering because of the red arson and violence. There is a big irony in that albeit a sad one. Bangkok is not full; of only rich people and it is the poor who are suffering most from the attacks through lost work.

Ditto that!

It is sad to see poor and exposed people like her, being indoctrinated and filled with hate by a false movement that wasn't about her and the other poor. They've been thought to hate the government and "the rich" in Bangkok. So what is their own solution then?

Get rid of the government...? Confiscate the money and assets from "the rich elite" and... Give it to the poor? Then what? Money for free have never thought anyone to be innovative and self sufficient. When the money from the rich elite is used up on liquor and karaoke, who will employ the poor then? If they expect the government to hire every poor into the public sector... That won't work. Those experiments have been tested already in eastern Europe and elsewhere in world. China and even Vietnam are doing away with that kind of economy.

A country need investors in order to grow, expand businesses and employment. Either the investors are people and organizations from the homeland or from foreigners abroad. Personally, I prefer investors to be fellow countrymen. They will spend their their private money and wealth mostly at home, which is good for those who are involved in providing goods and services for that. Yes, it can hurt to see that some may have a bigger house and and a faster car than you. I don't see any problems with that, as long as they've been successful in a honest way.

So what can be done then? Well first the poor have to realize that the only way to success is by education and work. Unfortunately there are still way to many poor that don't want their kids to continue with the education after 9th grade. Many raise their daughters to became indirect prostitutes, hoping a rich guy or farang one day will marry them and then securing the family pension. The government must guarantee that every child can continue their studies through college and even university. There should be a student loan programme + some government premiums that would help the most absolute poor to have their kids at school. But that's not a guarantee for success. The student must be able to take good care of the studies. Not everyone got high IQ or clever brain. Some will drop from studies just because they are not suited for it. It's nothing money can do about that. Further more... There should be some kind of level of lowest wages that anyone can pay a worker. There should also be a pension programme as well. It do actually exist already, but it requires that the either the worker or the employer pay a percentage to the government pension fund. Most poor are simply not interested in that, sine it will be a premium taken of from the salary.

So... My question remains...

What was their plan and concept on helping the poor?

What do the poor homeless lady hope to be the outcome of toping the existent government?


Saisunee meanwhile helped prepare food for the Red Shirts, and she said she sold her motorcycle, television set and a sewing machine to raise the money she needed to afford travel to the capital.

All that for a 600-baht bus ticket?? :D

Brainwashed - she probably believed she hadto help and rescuer "her"country....! :)

It's really a problem for all you people who insisted the Reds were only in it for the payment, overwhelmingly and comprehensively shown to be proven wrong.Now it's "brainwashing" to account for people who were prepared to die for what they believed.Actually that explanation's a lot more plausible and one I partly agree with.

And your point is?


In my travels there would be rural people in Africa or next door to Thailand, Laos, that would love to have the opportunity to own a motorbike (with a petrol station nearby) instead of walking by foot on a rutted dirt road; to even have a home that has electricity with such luxuries as a TV or sewing machine, and to have a clinic near by to go to. UNFAIR, BURN Khun Parichart's neighborhood down!!! --sarcasm.


"she sold her bike, tv set, sewing machine" to buy a hard-seat train ticket?? give me a break.

The other one had sold anything valuable too before going to BKK -in the hope of some kind of permanent position there ( she did manage poorly" making sure no weapons came in". Only belonging thrown out of her room were an old rotten mattress and plastic plates. What did she expect, her landlord re decorating the place for her while she was away without even a postcard ? "kao kao gniab hai " (no news good news)paï song-sam phi (two years ago) ..neukwa paï daï dee .. (think she went away for good)(my favorite song about the sao went to town for her perdition)

These women would have enough for rice and plenty chicken if they hadn't stopped working two months; they have no idea what true poverty is, in Africa *in lots of places a woman with a sewing machine would be happy, with a motosaï she'd be queen of the village. Just she comes and sees the homeless in my street in winter .

*right Toenail, I've just read your post and entirely agree.

"We are excited about returning to Bangkok streets soon," her friend Saisunee said.

Sorry. THAT isn't going to happen. She and her friends won't get within 100km of Bangkok anytime soon. Promise.

What a cracker of a comment, and so true, cheers moto77 for giving me a healthy but true chuckle.. Like to see any Reds try and do this again in the foreseeable future.

Nice to know this woman is happy that poor people in Bangkok (many of whom actually come from the same kind of background as her) have lost their jobs thanks to all the burning she is happy about. Seems nobody is picking up on all the poor that are suffering because of the red arson and violence. There is a big irony in that albeit a sad one. Bangkok is not full; of only rich people and it is the poor who are suffering most from the attacks through lost work.

Ditto that!

It is sad to see poor and exposed people like her, being indoctrinated and filled with hate by a false movement that wasn't about her and the other poor. They've been thought to hate the government and "the rich" in Bangkok. So what is their own solution then?

Get rid of the government...? Confiscate the money and assets from "the rich elite" and... Give it to the poor? Then what? Money for free have never thought anyone to be innovative and self sufficient. When the money from the rich elite is used up on liquor and karaoke, who will employ the poor then? If they expect the government to hire every poor into the public sector... That won't work. Those experiments have been tested already in eastern Europe and elsewhere in world. China and even Vietnam are doing away with that kind of economy.

A country need investors in order to grow, expand businesses and employment. Either the investors are people and organizations from the homeland or from foreigners abroad. Personally, I prefer investors to be fellow countrymen. They will spend their their private money and wealth mostly at home, which is good for those who are involved in providing goods and services for that. Yes, it can hurt to see that some may have a bigger house and and a faster car than you. I don't see any problems with that, as long as they've been successful in a honest way.

So what can be done then? Well first the poor have to realize that the only way to success is by education and work. Unfortunately there are still way to many poor that don't want their kids to continue with the education after 9th grade. Many raise their daughters to became indirect prostitutes, hoping a rich guy or farang one day will marry them and then securing the family pension. The government must guarantee that every child can continue their studies through college and even university. There should be a student loan programme + some government premiums that would help the most absolute poor to have their kids at school. But that's not a guarantee for success. The student must be able to take good care of the studies. Not everyone got high IQ or clever brain. Some will drop from studies just because they are not suited for it. It's nothing money can do about that. Further more... There should be some kind of level of lowest wages that anyone can pay a worker. There should also be a pension programme as well. It do actually exist already, but it requires that the either the worker or the employer pay a percentage to the government pension fund. Most poor are simply not interested in that, sine it will be a premium taken of from the salary.

So... My question remains...

What was their plan and concept on helping the poor?

What do the poor homeless lady hope to be the outcome of toping the existent government?


Indeed so!

I have in fact been asking this question for weeks now - What do the reds actually want. You know, policies and initiatives.

Of course education is number one and that has now been provided free up to age 16. It's a start. Just imagine some vocational training so that some kid can get trained and licensed for some particular trade and then get paid a useful wage......We don't all have to be PhDs

There is already a minimum wage (derisory by the way)

And an old age pension. Again not much but it is a start.

I did suggest to MODERATORS that a constructive thread of possible initiatives would be interesting. There are some smart people on here and I for one would be interested in their views! No response so far. Anybody out there? Hello? Hello?

True, the red leaders don't want better education. How could they shamelessly manipulate educated people?

to true. both sides don't.

From what I read in many posts I get the impression that also educated people can easily be manipulated :)

Quote: "My task was to make sure no weapons were brought into the camps".

She did a lousy job.

I think the fact that she thought she could up and leave her life in the north, without paying rent, and expecting to have a home on return, shows she could quite possibly be stupidly optimistic to say the least and in some amazing fantasy land. I'm sure she went questioning people along the lines of "Is that another one of those M79 water launchers for Song Kran on your shoulder Mr. Black Clad? OK you boys have fun."

Over the past few years I have witnessed first hand the treatment of and attitude towards 'nannies' in Bangkok. They are usually from up country maybe even Myanmar but not always foreigners. It disgusts me the way they are treated by their own people in most cases I have seen. Very low salary, no time off, very long days, sleep on the floor, spend all day long looking after a snotty kid, blah blah blah. Bad luck if they want a day off or a few days off to attend a funeral or family event......that's the end of the world for them. I am sure there some horror stories out there. Then you hear the horror stories from the parents how the maid has run away or abandoned the child etc etc. What do they expect ??? Anyway this is just one example of why there is problems in Thai society......imho ! Whats the word used here is it 'khon chai' people you use !??

not often do they sleep on the floor, typically on a bed or cot in their own room that they do not need to share with 10 others, hot water, shower, plenty of food 3x per day and color tv plus trips to malls etc..... so it is in the eye of the beholder.

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