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Thai Authorities Recommend Week-long Curfew Extension

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Start the curfew too early and you hurt the night life business, don't lift it until too late in the morning and you hurt the markets.

Army wants to extend them, many don't.


How about all the wimps & people that are scared of there own shadow stay home so the rest of us can go enjoy ourselves?

How about all the wimps & people that are scared of there own shadow stay home so the rest of us can go enjoy ourselves?

That's exactly what I do. (Chiang Mai). No hassle from anyone if you're out at night. It's a big farce.

It's silly wannabe-Burma or something, or trying to kill the economy and tourism once and for all. The only people who really care are tourists who will stay home. Good job.

but seriously....how long do they want to keep this up?? Forever? If these so called "terrorist" want to do anything, they can do it whatever time they want, or whenever they finally decide to take off the curfew...

Many international flights leave at 7 AM or arrive at 11:30 PM

Only option we have is stay over night at the Airport. I am 67 years old 6'2" tall blond hair blue eyes.My profile must fit their terrorist to a T. As usually THE BOYS in BKK are a joke.Welcome to LA LA LAND :)


It looks like the curfews are the new "money-machine". 511 people have so far been arrested and charged 2,000 Baht each, then released again. It sure is better business than pulling over motorbikes and cars for 20 Baht each.

It looks like the curfews are the new "money-machine". 511 people have so far been arrested and charged 2,000 Baht each, then released again. It sure is better business than pulling over motorbikes and cars for 20 Baht each.

You break the law. You pay the fine. Pulling over motorbikes is one thing but how does one justify being outside after curfew?


thailand will not be same before for long time . since 2006 coup starts to worsen and this gouvernment knows that well . thais know thais as I ofen had been told by thais . the nice time of thailand is over


<deleted> - If and when the Government end the curfew and a problem arises i imagine most of you will be shouting "why end the curfew? The government are uselss! It's all their fault."

This is bigger than those of you who can't leave a bar before 11.30pm for a few days. Not only does it gove the authorities the chance to clean up but also arrest those who are out during curfew. Why would anybody be out during curfew without good reason? It is impossible to prove that anybody breaking curfew is out for any reason other than they are stupid or it is an emergency (unless somebody is caught armed with weapons) However, it gives the authorities more names and addresses to search with good reason, should they need to.

Those of you moaning about the airport, the Government have made it quite clear that anybody travelling to the airport will be able to do so as long as they carry passports and flight tickets/confirmations etc. There were free buses to the airports laid on over the weekend so contact TAT for more info on that.

The curfew is a good idea. It is a shame for the markets and the bars however these business owners will be supported financially if they contact the appropriate authorities as they have been requested to do so, and it will all be over very soon. Get over it!!

What's the problem? Put your own selfish ideals to one side for a minute and think about others!


i would think another reason it was extended is because the govt. is probably leary of red reaction to court verdict on terrorist arrest warrant for Thaksin that is coming out today.

i would imagine that once the curfew is lifted the reds have some sort of nefarious plan to make the govt look bad. if simply calling for more red protests gets red leaders a trip to jail, the reds have 2 choices: 1. give up and do nothing, 2. make a 'statement'. i can't imagine them throwing in the towel so easily, so i'd wager on the latter. when it happens, it could open the door for a curfew becoming the norm.

i was in bkk for most of the red shirt rally and i'm planning to head back to Thailand in june. the though of spending my holiday (albeit a working holiday) under a nightly curfew doesn't exactly elicit images of fun. so, will more than likely give bkk a pass, head south, and spend 1/2 the time in Malaysia. if not for the fact that my return is partly due to a Thai girl, i'd more than likely not set foot back in the country- too many other places to go without curfews and violence messing with my R&R. i think i'm probably heartier than the norm, figure most with refundable tickets are on lonely planet trying to figure where they'll go instead. cannot be good for bkk businesses, and whatever compensation the govt. throws their way will most certainly be a drop in the bucket vs their losses. kinda doubt the girl slaving away at my favourite food stall is going to be made whole. and, of course, the underground economy isn't going to see baht 1- a wee bit difficult to imagine the govt handing out 1000 baht notes to the 'working girls'...


4 hour curfew window - that does nothing for security - it just annoys the heck out of people that are affected by it. There are a lot of people that run businesses along Sukhumvit at night that are still having there businesses affected, people that could least afford it too.

Because it is good for business and tourism. That is why we call protesters terrorists and terrorists in the South "insurgents". The DP would have better looked into the fact why there were no attacks in the South during the murderous attempts to kill people in Bangkok. Are their certain people who used the opportunity?

So the perpetrators of the events in Bangkok are to be linked to those of the events in the South? This post takes the cake.

It looks like the curfews are the new "money-machine". 511 people have so far been arrested and charged 2,000 Baht each, then released again. It sure is better business than pulling over motorbikes and cars for 20 Baht each.

And more lucrative for the looters as well. Just knock off an ATM, give the cops THB 2,000 and keep the rest for yourself. The cops aren't prosecuting for looting, only the THB 2,000 for being out past the curfew. It's the best business in Bangkok.


It seems that many dont realise a problem the government has. The people feel happy and secure with army on the streets and dont trust the police. Maintaining a curfew and then maintaining an SoE are ways to continue this. However the government cant do it forever. What can they do to address the security situation in the long term with no trust in the police to provide security?

It seems that many dont realise a problem the government has. The people feel happy and secure with army on the streets and dont trust the police. Maintaining a curfew and then maintaining an SoE are ways to continue this. However the government cant do it forever. What can they do to address the security situation in the long term with no trust in the police to provide security?

At this point I think private security will be the most important thing going forward for Bangkokians. When you can't trust the police and you know the military at some point will have to go back to the barracks, you then have to go out and hire security services from the professionals (the one's who have been in Bangkok for a long time - Thai and foreign firms alike).

I can see some of the Thai families hiring their own private armies, but most will look at the real professionals when it comes to guard services and the like. The common element will be the complete distrust of the police in Bangkok, and when you can't trust the police to protect you, then you have to go out and get your own protection.

You should be ok if you have passport and tickets to show...

Don't hate the PM... hate the reds :)

If you are out after curfue and have a good reason

like just arriving from overseas or about to leave you will have luggage and a passport

Farangs also have very little o worry about, a friend of mine was picked up on Sunday night by the police late at night returning to Bkk from Udon

The police asked him what he was doing

he told them, showed them his passport and they just told him to go straight home as soon as possible

They are looking for trouble makers not tourists

so no need to worry


I get the feeling the government just want to show who is in charge with these curfews. I personally do not believe they are doing much good because of the limited hours set. Too many people are being stopped well outside the curfew too. Why? I have seen as many as 50 motorbikes stopped at any one time. Seems pointless.

As others have stated, if people of any shirt colour want to start a riot, commit arson or whatever they will do so anyway.

what use is a curfew between 12 midnight and 4am?

All the municiple market traders start work around 2am and markets open at 4am, that how people get their food stuffs

What about the Field markets, they travel overnight to the site and start setting up around 4am

What a mess urination in a brewery

Its never going to be right again especially if Dr Evil is twanging the wires behind the scenes

I prefer my vegetables arrive late

than some innocent person getting killed on the street by so rebel re shirt

Keep up the god work Mr. PM

I love Thailand and Thai people

There are some who only think of themselves

Let me get this straight ...a few days ago, the PM said that "order has been restored in Bangkok". So what is the curfew needed for? Clearly things are not in order. Or they are in order and we're having a curfew for no reason. It's one or the other.

Not even close to a reasoned and accurate argument. Order being restored and Order being maintained are not the same thing.

The government may in fact have more information about planned attacks etc and feel that this time is needed to maintain public safety while they arrest the people that have committed or are planning further attacks in Thailand.

That things seem to have calmed down on the surface level is obvious but that does not mean that things are actually calm or that they will stay calm. Threat assessment is the responsibility of the government and CRES.

For posters like Winnie that seem to be advocating violating the law, they should remember that there are risks involved in doing so. (Both in advocating such action and in violating the law.) I won't be shedding any tears if people choose not to abide by the law and get nicked.

Let me get this straight ...a few days ago, the PM said that "order has been restored in Bangkok". So what is the curfew needed for? Clearly things are not in order. Or they are in order and we're having a curfew for no reason. It's one or the other.

Order has been restored

some of us just want it to stay this way

we have family and children here in Thailand

get off your high horse and give peace a chance

How about things are in order and we would like them to stay in order. Does that work? :)

An extra week long curfew and a Buddhist holiday with no drinking on Friday I bet the bars hate Abhisit I had some respect for him when he eventually sorted out the reds but this Curfew business is bullshit. :D

Would you still say the same, if walking home from a bar late one night

Some drugged up Red shirt slits your throat, thinking he is getting revenge for the loss of face

Most bars are owned by farang

Farang want a good future for there business

Not a quick buck

Better to loose a dollar today for many dollars to come

I remember the UK after 1am it wasn't called a curfew but if the police saw you walking down the street they would stop and ask you a million questions and that was any day of the week. The police here must be loving this no key money coming in from the bars that stay open till 4-6am. I sometimes get carried away because the bars don't shut, in away i think its good to see some actual enforcement for a change. Can't wait till they start enforcing the red light traffic laws here or underpaid labour laws would help the poor no end. Most of this problem seems to stem from poor people, most of which are exploted and paid under the minimum wage, the goverment should start an awareness program about how much employers have to pay them by law, that way they would be a bit richer and happier, if the government can be bothered that is.

After the protest you may be amazed at the effect Thai Visa may have on the future

If you feel something is wrong like you state

make a thread and bring this to the attention of the public

Times are tense and the Government want to look like they are doing something

Your small voice just might make a difference if it can gather support

Remember Thiland is a democracy, unlike what the red shirts want you to think

There's no need for the curfew to be extended. There were IRA bombers all over the place in Blighty for 40 years and I can't remember any curfews. On 7/7, I took the Central Line to Bank station instead of my usual Hammersmith & City or Circle Line to Aldgate. But for a stroke of luck, I might have been on that carriage with all those poor people but I'm fugged if I was going to let that stop me lashin' it on the weekends.

Life goes on and the Thai authorities would have a better chance of catching these lunatics if they enlisted the help of what is a highly observant Thai public instead of clearing the streets at night.

Your opinion

But I do not agree

Isn't it great we live in a Democracy

Not a dictatorship under Thaskin

What does an 11pm -6AM curfew actually stop?

They won't capture a real terrorist this way. And a terrorist attack is more likely to take place during the day or early ebvening anyway.

I really don't like army governments, pity Thailand can't have democracy really.

So far there has been 511 arrests with 12 months jail sentences and 2,000 Baht fine - oh and they suspended the jail terms. What sort of curfew is this? 12 months jail and 100,000 Baht should be the go. What is the point of any curfew if there is none... Buffaloes all over. I bet if it were a Farang there would be far heavier penalties.

The curfew is to trap red shirts with a plan to harm and destroy

Farangs with an excuse are not what this is about

Most people who have be caught or really innocent This just caught up in the process

Fines are just for "Justice to be seen to be done"

and not to hurt innocent thais

Great job Mr. PM

there will always be those who complain no matter what you do

Safety on the streets is most important no individual freedom

My parents lived under curfew for ages during the Battle OF Britan They just excepted it and got on with there lives

but seriously....how long do they want to keep this up?? Forever? If these so called "terrorist" want to do anything, they can do it whatever time they want, or whenever they finally decide to take off the curfew...

Many international flights leave at 7 AM or arrive at 11:30 PM

Only option we have is stay over night at the Airport. I am 67 years old 6'2" tall blond hair blue eyes.My profile must fit their terrorist to a T. As usually THE BOYS in BKK are a joke.Welcome to LA LA LAND :)

When they started the Curfew there was Information on Thai TV in ENGLISH that everybody who has to travel from and to the Airport/Port can do so. But he has to show his Travel Documents (Passport, Ticket) if there is a Roadcheck. You will have no Problems.

Its not LA LA Land, they do a good Job.

but seriously....how long do they want to keep this up?? Forever? If these so called "terrorist" want to do anything, they can do it whatever time they want, or whenever they finally decide to take off the curfew...

Many international flights leave at 7 AM or arrive at 11:30 PM

Only option we have is stay over night at the Airport. I am 67 years old 6'2" tall blond hair blue eyes.My profile must fit their terrorist to a T. As usually THE BOYS in BKK are a joke.Welcome to LA LA LAND :)

It is your comments which are La La

It has been said many times

Farang are not at risk travelling during Curfew, if they have a reason and carry a passport

It looks like the curfews are the new "money-machine". 511 people have so far been arrested and charged 2,000 Baht each, then released again. It sure is better business than pulling over motorbikes and cars for 20 Baht each.

You are a clown

On the spot fines go into the policeman's pocket

Court fines are paid into the court

Next lesson will be on feeding yourself

thailand will not be same before for long time . since 2006 coup starts to worsen and this gouvernment knows that well . thais know thais as I ofen had been told by thais . the nice time of thailand is over

And you will be leaving :):D:D

i would think another reason it was extended is because the govt. is probably leary of red reaction to court verdict on terrorist arrest warrant for Thaksin that is coming out today.

i would imagine that once the curfew is lifted the reds have some sort of nefarious plan to make the govt look bad. if simply calling for more red protests gets red leaders a trip to jail, the reds have 2 choices: 1. give up and do nothing, 2. make a 'statement'. i can't imagine them throwing in the towel so easily, so i'd wager on the latter. when it happens, it could open the door for a curfew becoming the norm.

i was in bkk for most of the red shirt rally and i'm planning to head back to Thailand in june. the though of spending my holiday (albeit a working holiday) under a nightly curfew doesn't exactly elicit images of fun. so, will more than likely give bkk a pass, head south, and spend 1/2 the time in Malaysia. if not for the fact that my return is partly due to a Thai girl, i'd more than likely not set foot back in the country- too many other places to go without curfews and violence messing with my R&R. i think i'm probably heartier than the norm, figure most with refundable tickets are on lonely planet trying to figure where they'll go instead. cannot be good for bkk businesses, and whatever compensation the govt. throws their way will most certainly be a drop in the bucket vs their losses. kinda doubt the girl slaving away at my favourite food stall is going to be made whole. and, of course, the underground economy isn't going to see baht 1- a wee bit difficult to imagine the govt handing out 1000 baht notes to the 'working girls'...

You are all so busy complaining you can not see the light over your shoulder

Really attractive bar girl can maybe get 3-4 short time in one night

with the curfew this is to risky

Now she wants a deffinate income

So long time at a reasonable price is must

Going home with an empty purse is unexceptable

She used to ask for top money as even if she did not score she could go to any of the early morning eating places on the main Soi and pick up a short time

and there are hundreds of very attractive ladies who are now out of a job, looking for a Farang Boyfriend to help her get over the financial loss

Farang never had it so good in Bkk

Sometime I wish I was not married to a Thai lady

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