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I am thinking of doing a solo drive from Bangkok to Nong Khai leaving tomorrow night

Does any one know how many hours this is?

Any thing I need to be careful off?

Thank you


Very easy drive once you get out of Bangkok. Road was originally built by the Americans to service the airforce base during the Vietnam war so it has lots of long straight sections.

How long it takes depends on how fast you drive, you can pretty much divide the distance by your average speed and add a bit to get out of Bangkok as its possible to keep your average speed.

If you tend to drive over the speed limit there are lots of police stops on the road during the day, though none at night.

Although when I was given a ticket by one, all the others interpreted that as a free pass so I never got another one!


yes, looney bus/coach drivers. especially at night time, they will not move out of the right hand- side lane. even when flashed and you end up having to undertake them.

ive driven by night to sakhon nakhon via saraburi, korat, khon khen and then udon. the only difference is you get to drive straight on, where as i double back and do a right.

i used to set out around 8-9pm and arrive early morning. your journey should take a little less time, but do be sure to take a lot of pit stops. especially around the the stretch between sarburi and korat- khon khen if youre going that way. it is very hilly and dangerous in some parts. it can be even more of a test on the eyes if the rain starts to come down.

also beware of the traffic lights. out that way at night there is a total disregard for a red light and most thais shoot straight through them.

happy travels and take care.


I am thinking of doing a solo drive from Bangkok to Nong Khai leaving tomorrow night

I did that in daylight, :D much better than at night :)



I am thinking of doing a solo drive from Bangkok to Nong Khai leaving tomorrow night

I would strongly advise against doing this in night time. It is around 500km and time depends on your speed and how many and how long stops you make. If you decide to go tonight anyway and if it starts raining, stop and take a rest/nap. Thais have no idea what aquaplaning is.

You ask what dangers to look out for. All other vehicles, especially trucks and buses! These will, during night time, take no notice of or concern for your vehicle. Meaning you may find yourself quickly approaching a truck with no lights and when you are almost on him, he swervs out to overtake his mate in front. Or, on a two-lane road, you meet a bus overtaking a row of cars or trucks and you can only hope there is room for you on the side of the road. Or trucks without any light whatsoever crossing your path. Just to give you a couple of examples.


The stretch between Saraburi and Khorat is said to have more accidents than any other highway on the mainland, so go carefuly there. In my experience there are some rather avaricious boys in blue around the Khorat area, especially on the bypass. Watch out for that figure you may step out from the shadows in the distance and try to shake you down for a couple of hundred baht.

8 hrs. Make sure u take the by-passes at Korat, KK and Udon.

Yes or you might get your car impounded for being out durring curfew and a heavy fine etc. 578 arrested already you know and many in the north.

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