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Blacklist For Nothing ?

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Hi my name is John i live in france

i got thai gf in bangkok we have baby together and i back france now and she want make me blacklist from thailand because i leave her

she reallly can do that blacklist me ?? or she just get crazy and angry ?

thank you very much :)

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No, she can't. To be blacklisted in Thailand requires the signature of a top ranking immigration official who doesn't give a dam_n about whether your girlfriend's heart is broken or not - unless she is the daughter of the immigration minister. If it was possible to do this, half the foreigners in this country wouldn't be here now.

Don't worry about it.

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are you supporting the child or have you abandoned the child it appears so far from reading what you said there is shame on you.

in first view yes, some child support 'must' be acknowledged. Maybe there is more to his story such as if he sends money for child support, will the child really get the support? rather see the money spent for their grandfather's drinking habits?

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Although she cannot blacklist you, be careful anyway if you return. Even in Europe or America, a malicious, evil and manipulative woman can get a man wrongfully arrested with any false accusation she wants to think up. If you come back, avoid her entirely and if you want to see your child, see a Thai attorney and take a credible witness with you. I was a lawyer in the USA and represented many men against false malicious domestic violence accusations.

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are you supporting the child or have you abandoned the child it appears so far from reading what you said there is shame on you.

in first view yes, some child support 'must' be acknowledged. Maybe there is more to his story such as if he sends money for child support, will the child really get the support? rather see the money spent for their grandfather's drinking habits?

Someone is taking a lot of liberties with what little information was posted by the OP. The OP asked a specific question and asked for help with that question. Now we are seeing opinions on whether or not he is supporting the child. We don't know if he is or isn't, nor do we know if she ended up with a 6,000,000 baht piece of land with a house, a business, his entire savings, cars, motorcycles or whatever.

I suspect that if he wants advice on child support, he will post that question. Whether or not he is supporting the child wouldn't figure into blacklisting. Even if he was offering no support, it would be wise to allow him to return to Thailand in order to increase the chances of said support being recovered.

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An empty threat from an angry woman. A threat unfortunately often used by angry or money-seeking Thai's on farang visitors/boyfriends/etc. Now the anger and money-seeking may be well-founded on the vistor's/boyfriend's action, but the Thai can't have you blacklisted as that requires a major legal offence against Thai law/immigration rules as determined in a court of law/immigration bureau.

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are you supporting the child or have you abandoned the child it appears so far from reading what you said there is shame on you.

in first view yes, some child support 'must' be acknowledged. Maybe there is more to his story such as if he sends money for child support, will the child really get the support? rather see the money spent for their grandfather's drinking habits?

Someone is taking a lot of liberties with what little information was posted by the OP. The OP asked a specific question and asked for help with that question. Now we are seeing opinions on whether or not he is supporting the child. We don't know if he is or isn't, nor do we know if she ended up with a 6,000,000 baht piece of land with a house, a business, his entire savings, cars, motorcycles or whatever.

I suspect that if he wants advice on child support, he will post that question. Whether or not he is supporting the child wouldn't figure into blacklisting. Even if he was offering no support, it would be wise to allow him to return to Thailand in order to increase the chances of said support being recovered.

Right on, Mr Kandahar! Too often in these forums, the armchair moralists let their imaginations run wild - suddenly some Frenchie is dodging his responsibilities, but perhaps justified in doing so because the woman's father will just drink all the money. All the ugly prejudices surface, whichever side the poster happens to be on (and sometimes they change sides halfway through the thread!)

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You cannot be black listed so to speak, Unless the Thai Immigration stamps your passport, But I would avoid being around where she lives, If you return to Thailand keep it quite, nasty things do happen in Thailand.

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Doubt she can black list you but I believe she can file criminal charges against you.

A few months ago a Swiss journalist was arrested entering Thailand because someone filed defamation charges against him about 5 years before and he didn't even know. You could hire a Thai lawyer to find out if any criminal charges have been filed.

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are you supporting the child or have you abandoned the child it appears so far from reading what you said there is shame on you.

in first view yes, some child support 'must' be acknowledged. Maybe there is more to his story such as if he sends money for child support, will the child really get the support? rather see the money spent for their grandfather's drinking habits?

Someone is taking a lot of liberties with what little information was posted by the OP. The OP asked a specific question and asked for help with that question. Now we are seeing opinions on whether or not he is supporting the child. We don't know if he is or isn't, nor do we know if she ended up with a 6,000,000 baht piece of land with a house, a business, his entire savings, cars, motorcycles or whatever.

I suspect that if he wants advice on child support, he will post that question. Whether or not he is supporting the child wouldn't figure into blacklisting. Even if he was offering no support, it would be wise to allow him to return to Thailand in order to increase the chances of said support being recovered.

Well said!

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Doubt she can black list you but I believe she can file criminal charges against you.

A few months ago a Swiss journalist was arrested entering Thailand because someone filed defamation charges against him about 5 years before and he didn't even know. You could hire a Thai lawyer to find out if any criminal charges have been filed.

Don't know if I would call it crimmal charges; I think it's referred to as a police complaint, as in a complaint is filed against you with the police. What the police do with it after that depends on the situaiton; I expect this particular complaint would be filed in the "boyfriend and girlfriend hate each other" file...file for one year and then sell to the paper recyling company.

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thanks you for your help

she dont want see mee again and she dont want i see my son too

i got 21 year old , and her 30 years old :) she say to me she gonna say bullshit to the police for i never come back to thailand , she really can do that ?

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are you supporting the child or have you abandoned the child it appears so far from reading what you said there is shame on you.

in first view yes, some child support 'must' be acknowledged. Maybe there is more to his story such as if he sends money for child support, will the child really get the support? rather see the money spent for their grandfather's drinking habits?

Wow its a very small world.

You know the thai girls grandfather?????????????

Are you saying the girl will give her grandfather all the money to get pissed.Have a word with him as you must know him

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thanks you for your help

she dont want see mee again and she dont want i see my son too

i got 21 year old , and her 30 years old :) she say to me she gonna say bullshit to the police for i never come back to thailand , she really can do that ?

A empty threat by an angry woman. BUT, when/if you do come back to Thailand just be sure not to see her or let any of her friends see you unless you and her workout your disagreements out in advance; if you do see her then it sounds like she will run to the police and try to get you arrested on some complaint/charge. What you do regarding the child you fathered is something you will need to morally come to grips with and decide what to do.

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