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Thetyim...point taken. :D Love your avatar :o


  • 2 weeks later...
Guest IT Manager

Thought he was into baseball and scored a .... :-)

Guest IT Manager
He must have thought that someone would delete his post,ya know,like happens so often. :o

Kevin, for the record, posts are not arbitrarily deleted. The admins actually discuss deletion and other things before it's done and in fact it is quite rare.

Sometimes a warnign may be issued but only after consultation.

As junior admin, I am given the job of expressing the disquiet of admins to members, about their posts. I try to be honest and I try to be thoughtful of the needs of the members to express their views openly and in an honest way, but with over 7,000 members, the needs of the many definitely outweigh the wants/peccadillos of the few. (My professor during my doctoral research).

So to say it happens often is <deleted>. :D



This one is obvious, It's an old guy who still goes to Thailand, He typed that much in and then had a senior moment, pushed the enter key, and now is too embaressed to repost. Pride can be an awful thing.


Guest IT Manager

My concern is he misspelt "deks". I will leave it at that, but keep watching with interest.

  • 2 weeks later...

IT, I can not believe that "the admins" all got together and decided to delete my little tongue-in-cheek comment about 30 Day Walkers over on the visa forum. If something so unimportant and inoffensive (except to dr. Patpong, apparently) "needs" to be deleted, it really calls into question the sincerity of what you've written below :o

QUOTE (KevinN @ Wed 2003-11-26, 22:39:59)

He must have thought that someone would delete his post,ya know,like happens so often.

QUOTE Kevin, for the record, posts are not arbitrarily deleted. The admins actually discuss deletion and other things before it's done and in fact it is quite rare.

Sometimes a warning may be issued but only after consultation.

As junior admin, I am given the job of expressing the disquiet of admins to members, about their posts. I try to be honest and I try to be thoughtful of the needs of the members to express their views openly and in an honest way, but with over 7,000 members, the needs of the many definitely outweigh the wants/peccadillos of the few. (My professor during my doctoral research).

So to say it happens often is <deleted>.


Guest IT Manager

Georgie, I missed it. I was late getting up and by the time the deed was done, I missed it completely. Following the advice of some members, I got an outside hobby and indulge in that a bit as well as watching for snakes in the forum.

Sorry, though knowing the Doc, I wouldn't have supported you. However weirder things have happened. We once argued for an hour over quality. Mind you it was two different reds we were discussing, not two different threads.


From what i can see... the editing and deletion is pretty random... Ive seen some pretty bad comments stay on while from pretty innocent stuff edited....

ADMIN..... do u have some sort of 'offence edition protcol' you run by?? or all just get together and decide how much a n00b the writer portrays himself to be or how much he contradicts ur point of view? There just doesnt seem to be a line of standard....

Guest IT Manager

Interesting question Koh. We work independently, and are not always on at the same time. When we are we discuss when we aren't we run the risk, then I take the blame since I am junior.

Works quite well all things considered.

The first things I look at are the capacity of the post to cause offence, then its ability to draw flaming in thread and change the direction of the thread or turn it into a shouting match.

Also comments are often considered by me at least, in the light of other things said in other threads and other topics areas. I have been taking course of Valium but these cold mornings often make me slip, in spite of the medication.

Have you noticed how one particular members' input has improved. A few days sandboxed seemed to clear up the problem for him quite nicely.

I know it goes against the grain of members from bangkoksexy etc, but here while not trying to be hi-so, we are all interested in keeping a note of thought going into the posts, and if folks have a problem with that there are plenty of forums around where you will not have to wade through thought-provoking drivel about important or interesting stuff.

If you need to see the result of the unmoderated style, have a look at soc.culture.thai in your newsreader. It is essentially the same as this in many ways, but is unmoderated and operates in Usenet.

IMHO, we can live without it.


I do agree IT however if your not all there at the same time then u can see what happens. One of your admin may have a different point of view to the other.. and as such it seems that the editing happens according to the particular editors 'offence threshold'.

Yes of course a forum or thread even.. runs better when there is someone making sure it stays on course and on a relevent subject... however i beleive it has to be rememberd that a forum is made up of everyones opinion.. The Admins editions may present a warped view of whaqt the writer actually wanted to say..

Anyways.. what is this thread about?? :o

Guest IT Manager

I disagree about the admins opinions being anything but 3 very different people applying a set of personal guides to what is happening. Some things the Doc cans, I wouldn't, and vice versa. On the whole, I am the fastest with the delete key, doc prefers editing or delete and comment.

Doc has suggested an increase in Valium, and a review of delete/edit & comment, which view I am currently doing but since the Valium only just started to kick in, I am waiting for a definitive outcome/assessment of its' properties, vis a vis the board.

Thank you for not degenerating into flaming.

Guest IT Manager

Well you're certainly getting better.

Flames are when someone says something controversial and rather than disputing it, posters stick it into the poster personally or rudely, which I simply won't tolerate, and tend to delete postings which have the capacity to do it. I call it "deleted for the capacity to attract in-thread flames" and that is a version of what I write on the deleted post or in a comment immediately after it.

Guest IT Manager

It will die over a few days. Most topics only last a week or two. If they are particularly interesting, people will revisit them and they will come back up for comment. Guests especially when they first come in tend to look around and find all old stuff then comment when they become members, or become members so they can comment.


We have one newbie trying to become a major poster by revisiting long dead topics. Some of which I think are better left alone and forgotten. But different admins are bound to have different views, and varying degrees of tolerence and

that's a kinda human response. I won't cop personal abuse. Critical comment is O.K, but abuse isn't.


Last night, I posted the exact same post as above, about silly deletions, on the visa forum and someone, I would guess dr. Patpong, deleted the post completely. Now, I would think that this subject is certainly worth discussing, since I've seen IT mention it a number of times very recently and besides that, I'm pretty sure that Net censorship is always a hot topic.

I thought that this was supposed to be a forum for Expats and others to discuss issues, not dr. Patpongs personal soapbox. He complains about "personal abuse" and then calls me a "newbie trying to become a major poster" (huh?) in his posting above and basically says that HE is bored of this topic, so is not going to address it.

I'm sorry, but I would imagine that a lot of people that are new to this web-site, most of the time, so you are going to have to address some of the same topics time after time. It's the nature of the beast and the nature of the job. If the dr. can't handle it, he should do us all a favor and pass on his responsibilities to someone a little less opinionated. :o

he should do us all a favor and pass on his responsibilities to someone a little less opinionated. :o

Someone moderate and less opiniated like you I suppose. And rest assured that I was not referring to you at all in the quip about major posters.

ok fair enough.. understood... :o

Is there gonna be an actual topic to this thread? :D its going stale

Over stale I think and it still never really had a topic...I'll close it Koh Falang.

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