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Farangs, Hated Or Not?


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But one generally abhorred behavior, deplored the world over are Cheap Charlies,

and there are no shortage of spend-thrift farangs that give less than a sterling impression.

Of course this in it self doesn't generate hatred but anything can be a starting point.

Are you saying they like farangs as long as they keep spending? :) What about the spend-thrift Thais? Same feelings towards them?

Not a nice thing to say Cobra.Because some farangs have limited budget,whatever that means,there is no need for ridicule.I have friends who live here on min 200,000 baht a month and wont pay silly prices for farang food,drinks,but they spend 50,000 baht a month on condos,and have huge houses.

live and let live i say,there is a place for everyone here.

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To assess if Thais hate (if that is the right word?) farangs, just reverse the situation. You are in your home country and there are foreigners there...what types do you dislike, whether rightly or wrongly. Chances are you dislike the ones who don't bother to "learn the language", who form ghettoes and don't assimilate, who break the local laws, who show disrespect to local customs, who tells you what is wrong with your country. Are Thais really that different when it comes to foreigners in their country???

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To assess if Thais hate (if that is the right word?) farangs, just reverse the situation. You are in your home country and there are foreigners there...what types do you dislike, whether rightly or wrongly. Chances are you dislike the ones who don't bother to "learn the language", who form ghettoes and don't assimilate, who break the local laws, who show disrespect to local customs, who tells you what is wrong with your country. Are Thais really that different when it comes to foreigners in their country???

You are 100% correct

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To assess if Thais hate (if that is the right word?) farangs, just reverse the situation. You are in your home country and there are foreigners there...what types do you dislike, whether rightly or wrongly. Chances are you dislike the ones who don't bother to "learn the language", who form ghettoes and don't assimilate, who break the local laws, who show disrespect to local customs, who tells you what is wrong with your country. Are Thais really that different when it comes to foreigners in their country???

You are 100% correct

Well said.

Make an effort and show respect, its not that difficult and works wonders.

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To assess if Thais hate (if that is the right word?) farangs, just reverse the situation. You are in your home country and there are foreigners there...what types do you dislike, whether rightly or wrongly. Chances are you dislike the ones who don't bother to "learn the language", who form ghettoes and don't assimilate, who break the local laws, who show disrespect to local customs, who tells you what is wrong with your country. Are Thais really that different when it comes to foreigners in their country???

Yep. Back in the U.S., those are the reasons I kept getting put off by the English and Germans.

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I’ve noticed that in general, when Thai’s talk about westerners in the abstract, it is neutral or slightly negative. If they talk about tourists to Thailand, it’s generally quite negative. When they talk about actual experiences they have had in western countries, it’s generally very positive.

I’ve also found that when it comes to judging a westerner that they meet one on one, they don’t judge with any prejudice. They give you the benefit of the doubt, but enough rope to hang yourself. Once you’re in the bad books, it’s hard to dig yourself out.

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I can only speak for myself I suppose.

as a Thai, I do NOT hate farangs

As a "farang" to a Thai: I've tried for years to find out what the word "kamok" means, which has more and more been used instead of the word "farang". Could be either "cheap falang teacher" or "smelly foreigner" or "sun-tanned falang" or just "fuc_k off..." :D

I come to Thailand in 1997 for the first time. Years later I came here for good, because I liked the friendly and laid-back people. However, over the past 7 or 8 years things seem to have changed: less smiles and more rude words thanks to Taksin's nationalism (?) and the sluggish economy. So sad. :)

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Not a nice thing to say Cobra.Because some farangs have limited budget,whatever that means,there is no need for ridicule.I have friends who live here on min 200,000 baht a month and wont pay silly prices for farang food,drinks,but they spend 50,000 baht a month on condos,and have huge houses.

live and let live i say,there is a place for everyone here.

Well said. As for me, I like to cook myself. So does my girlfriend. I prefer western food and I spend 20,000 baht and more each month on groceries. But always when I go to the supermarket I hear some Thais bickering "falang poor", "falang mai mee tang", etc., despite the fact that I spend 1,500 baht and they perhaps just 50.. :)

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Not a nice thing to say Cobra.Because some farangs have limited budget,whatever that means,there is no need for ridicule.I have friends who live here on min 200,000 baht a month and wont pay silly prices for farang food,drinks,but they spend 50,000 baht a month on condos,and have huge houses.

live and let live i say,there is a place for everyone here.

Well said. As for me, I like to cook myself. So does my girlfriend. I prefer western food and I spend 20,000 baht and more each month on groceries. But always when I go to the supermarket I hear some Thais bickering "falang poor", "falang mai mee tang", etc., despite the fact that I spend 1,500 baht and they perhaps just 50.. :)

See, there's a great opportunity right there to paint a positive picture of 'farang'. Next time you're in the cue to pay for a big shop load, if the thai behind you has only a couple if things, let them go in front. I often do it (providing it IS just a few items) and it blows their mind everytime :D

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Never had a problem with thais,and even had a thai police man saying i had a good heart for giving my gf son a good home and education.He said many thai do not look after their kids very well and he shook my hand for my kindness,then give me the ticket for 200 baht fine for my gf not wearing a crash helmet

Nice touch. You have to remember though that just because you look after your girlfriends son does'nt mean you are allowed to break the law. :)

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To assess if Thais hate (if that is the right word?) farangs, just reverse the situation. You are in your home country and there are foreigners there...what types do you dislike, whether rightly or wrongly. Chances are you dislike the ones who don't bother to "learn the language", who form ghettoes and don't assimilate, who break the local laws, who show disrespect to local customs, who tells you what is wrong with your country. Are Thais really that different when it comes to foreigners in their country???

You are 100% correct

Well said.

Make an effort and show respect, its not that difficult and works wonders.

Making an effort with the language and respecting the culture does help a lot, but it will not overcome their distrust/dislike for farang. It's embedded in who they are. They are Thai and are proud of it, and everybody else to them is s***.

I think there was a time when they did like farang, but that was way back when they were poor. Now they have wealth and because of this new wealth they feel superior.

I think the important thing is to acknowledge this and brush it aside and try and enjoy life in LOS. If you dwell on the negatives, you'll start to hate Thailand.

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it's the eternal debate isn't it. Do they like us, or not?

As for nationalism? The rise in 'nationalism' is a bit of a worldwide thing really. And a worry. Australia fell victim to it under the reign of John Howard. Everyone likes to believe that their country is the best in the world. There is no shortage of unintelligent, intolerant bigoted Red Necks where i come from too. I also set up, owned and ran a few thai restaurants back home in Australia and got to see the best and worst of Australians when it came to their view of Asians. Most Australians would never be able to tell the difference between someone from Taiwan and someone from Thailand. A Chinese from a Vietnamese. Etc.

I live in an area of suburban BKK where there are very few farangs. About 6 years ago a new pub opened across the road from me. I started frequenting it and found the Thais who also frequented the place were fairly well educated, good jobs and very friendly, decent people. We all shared a love of music. It was really great. The music loving, guitar playing owner was a huge Beatles fan. Among others. We found we had some great 'common ground' and interests.

In the very early days of the Pubs existance I walked in one night and was surprsied to be introduced to a 30 something American man. He was tall and large, long hair, dark trousers, grubby and wrinkled white shirt and I took him to be one of those 'English Teachers' we hear so much about. The greeting was short as he was about to leave the establishment. So we both assured each other that we would 'catch up' at some later date.

Shortly after i went up country for a week and when I returned I noticed things were a little 'different'. The locals seemed a little standoffish. The owner came and pulled up a chair and asked me if I remembered the farang I had been introduced to last time I was there. Yes, I said, I remember. Well, said Aer, don't expect to see him again, he WON'T be back!

MMmmmmm what happened? The Yank, apparently, had got pissed and turned nasty. Culminating in him picking a fight with an Off Duty Thai Policeman and then wanting to take on everyone in the Pub. He was quite a big and strong man too and he would have terrified a few of them. I was glad I wasn't there!

The next thing I had about 6 or more Thais pulling up chairs, gathering in a semi circle around me. What's going on? I was being given the 3rd Degree, with the owner and his wife leading the push. In no uncertain terms either. I, like the Yank, was a Farang. The thrust of the interrogation was whether i was going to, at some point in time, pull the same stunt as him. I.E. Get pissed, turn nasty and want to fight everyone. If so, then I should leave now and never return.

No, no, no! I replied. I am not like that.

Why are you not like that? You are the same as him. You are farang! (I kid you not). this was the way they saw things.

It was time to think on my feet. What can I say or do here to allay their fears and concerns?

I tried explaining that we are all different. I was not a nasty drunk and would never behave like that. Still they wanted to know WHY NOT. Stereotyping to the extreme.

Then I said that I was Australian and not American.

Again, so what?

I looked the owner in the eye and said - 'Aer, for a start we don't want to rule the world'

Aer looked back at me, thought for a while and all of a sudden said - 'GOOD ANSWER!'

The conversation was over, the gathering around me broke up, everyone was happy and we carried on singing and drinking.

I was to become, over the years, a member of the family almost. I formed many good friendships there.

For many Thais who rarely, if ever, come into contact with farangs, they make no distinction between what nationality you are, and one bad experience with a farang can cement their attitude towards them for life. Just like what happens at home where I hail from. BTW I have a Yank Brother In Law. Who received his Masters Degree from the King at Chula 20 years ago. He is certainly not in the same league as the one I describe above.

Everytime we step out of our front doors in the Kingdom we are ambassadors for our respective countries. We should behave accordingly. Not just for ourselves, but if you love your country, as I do, you will do it for your country.

You don't have to be weak, or a 'Pussy', but Good manners, respect, humility, politeness. They are all their own rewards in the LOS.

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To assess if Thais hate (if that is the right word?) farangs, just reverse the situation. You are in your home country and there are foreigners there...what types do you dislike, whether rightly or wrongly. Chances are you dislike the ones who don't bother to "learn the language", who form ghettoes and don't assimilate, who break the local laws, who show disrespect to local customs, who tells you what is wrong with your country. Are Thais really that different when it comes to foreigners in their country???

You are 100% correct

Well said.

Make an effort and show respect, its not that difficult and works wonders.

Making an effort with the language and respecting the culture does help a lot, but it will not overcome their distrust/dislike for farang. It's embedded in who they are. They are Thai and are proud of it, and everybody else to them is s***.

I think there was a time when they did like farang, but that was way back when they were poor. Now they have wealth and because of this new wealth they feel superior.

I think the important thing is to acknowledge this and brush it aside and try and enjoy life in LOS. If you dwell on the negatives, you'll start to hate Thailand.

Apparently we associate with different Thai people. (Or the Thai people you associate with also associate with a different class of foreigner.)

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If Thai's were to form their opinions of farangs based entirely on the comments written on the ThaiVisa forum, I believe Thai's would overwhelmingly develop a deep, intense hatred of farangs. The number of pricks on this forum, many of whom just find reasons to attack Thai's and Thailand, poorly represent the typical farangs in Thailand.

Have to agree with that.

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The bitching, cat fighting, mud slinging, name calling, and general level of abuse we see between foreigners here on TV (examples above) would suggest Farangs don't actually like each other.

Why then would we expect Thais to like us?!

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If Thai's were to form their opinions of farangs based entirely on the comments written on the ThaiVisa forum, I believe Thai's would overwhelmingly develop a deep, intense hatred of farangs. The number of pricks on this forum, many of whom just find reasons to attack Thai's and Thailand, poorly represent the typical farangs in Thailand.

Have to agree with that.

I agree, we should all just become sheep in order to blend in and be accepted. Sing together now..

Bah Bah farang sheep, have you any dough?

Yes Mamasan have I, 3 bags full

One for my mrs,

One for my noi,

One for the BIB, that live down the lane.

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The bitching, cat fighting, mud slinging, name calling, and general level of abuse we see between foreigners here on TV (examples above) would suggest Farangs don't actually like each other.

Why then would we expect Thais to like us?!


I expect the majority of Thais not to think much about me one way or the other. I expect Thais that I meet to like me on a superficial level. I expect the Thais that really get to know me to either really like me or really dislike me :) I don't expect many of them to dislike me on the basis that I don't understand Thais though :D

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Mudslinging, fighting and name calling has been deleted, along with one post that involved questionable material and one with comments on moderation.

If you can't discuss sensibly, don't waste your time writing for the trash bin.

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I was at my Dr's office the other day and we were randomly talking about what I do in Thailand. He said, "You are the type of farang Thailand needs."

Don't tell me JD mate. He was a sick buffalo doctor with a gold shop sideline and shares in Beer Chang. :)

Nope --- he's a Department Head at the med school at CMU and a Dr at Sri Pat. I don't wear or buy gold and have only had ONE beer chang ever! :-)

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Never had a problem with thais,and even had a thai police man saying i had a good heart for giving my gf son a good home and education.He said many thai do not look after their kids very well and he shook my hand for my kindness,then give me the ticket for 200 baht fine for my gf not wearing a crash helmet

Nice touch. You have to remember though that just because you look after your girlfriends son does'nt mean you are allowed to break the law. :)

I know lol,my gf jumped on the back and i didnt have a clue she hadnt got her crash helmet on.We only went a few hundred yards and got done,fair cop lol

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Hate! Most of you have never witnessed real hate, You think every one should cater to you.

Have you ever been to the U.S. South during Segregation?

South Africa during Apartheid?

Not yet, but it is on my list of things to do...


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whenever I get passed or even pushed out of the way by someone, when I am waiting in a queue at 7/11 , I smile to myself and think " they must really hate me!" . . however, it is just their respectlessness, not hate ! You will not encounter open hatred, as this will be loss of face for a Thai. But if you ask for trouble, it will be at your feet in no time ! There are nationalists and such , like in every other country , that think their nation or their race is superior. I just avoid such people, and love and show that I like nice and friendly folk. You get back hatred when you give people a reason !

You are much more likely to be barged off the sidewalk in Shenzhen or Hong Kong than you are in Bangkok. And you stand a chance of receiving an apology in Bangkok.

But in Bangkok if you do get into a disagreement with a Thai man, it is almost certain that other Thai men standing around will join in against you.

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To assess if Thais hate (if that is the right word?) farangs, just reverse the situation. You are in your home country and there are foreigners there...what types do you dislike, whether rightly or wrongly. Chances are you dislike the ones who don't bother to "learn the language", who form ghettoes and don't assimilate, who break the local laws, who show disrespect to local customs, who tells you what is wrong with your country. Are Thais really that different when it comes to foreigners in their country???

You are 100% correct

Especially irritating are the immigrants who tell you that your country should be changed to be more like the one they ran away from...

How many expats here complain that England, US, Australia, New Zealand, Germany etc have become unattractive through the appeasement of immigrants.

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I live in a Thai Neighborhood and I have some of the best neighbors.

They bring food over and stop their truck or motorcycle and chat a little if they see me outside.

Honestly they may all come over to much, but, I rather have that then like back in the USA

where we were just to busy to visit. I was busy there (USA) too and just did not have time except a quick passing

hello but I kept moving.

Someone in a above post said they (Thai's) think they are smarter then farangs and we are all stupid.

I do not see this. I feel sometimes like when I lived in Mexico. The Mexicans always

thought that the gringo could fix anything. Same here in Thailand they think I know

how to do most anything. In my many years on and off in Thailand I am always

felt the Thai's thought we were a little bit smarter in most categories, but this of course not always true.

I am glad also the Thai's do not read this forum. Most of the farangs who hate Thailand

and their citizens have the same feelings about their own country, ask them.

Not saying anyone here in TV but looking around here in CM the farangs look like a bunch misfits, rude and

drive like they think they are back in their countries. Dress in loud colors, short shorts (guys I am referring to) and robin hood outfits.

Some farangs I see around town and at the malls seem like they were just released form the nut house.

Like I said I am not talking about anyone here (that I know of) on TV.

Now where is my favorite dark green outfit?

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To assess if Thais hate (if that is the right word?) farangs, just reverse the situation. You are in your home country and there are foreigners there...what types do you dislike, whether rightly or wrongly. Chances are you dislike the ones who don't bother to "learn the language", who form ghettoes and don't assimilate, who break the local laws, who show disrespect to local customs, who tells you what is wrong with your country. Are Thais really that different when it comes to foreigners in their country???

You are 100% correct

Especially irritating are the immigrants who tell you that your country should be changed to be more like the one they ran away from...

How many expats here complain that England, US, Australia, New Zealand, Germany etc have become unattractive through the appeasement of immigrants.

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Every country you mentioned is a welfare nation, meaning that immigrants can come swanning in from all over and instantly receive benefits, UNLIKE thailand, where we get bugger all.

Ah... but farangs in Thailand are not immigrants, and this is borne out by the thing they put in your passport....Non-Immigrant "O" or "B"........ :D

And some people do get "benefits" on arrival....STD's, bank accounts getting emptied and being called hansome man...... :D

Addtional benefits include paying over sin sot to your well connected, Thai-Chinese "inlaws" or the privilage of building houses in Isaan....

The benefits recieved by farangs in Thailand are endless... :)

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Every country you mentioned is a welfare nation, meaning that immigrants can come swanning in from all over and instantly receive benefits, UNLIKE thailand, where we get bugger all.

Ah... but farangs in Thailand are not immigrants, and this is borne out by the thing they put in your passport....Non-Immigrant "O" or "B"........ :D

And some people do get "benefits" on arrival....STD's, bank accounts getting emptied and being called hansome man...... :D

Addtional benefits include paying over sin sot to your well connected, Thai-Chinese "inlaws" or the privilage of building houses in Isaan....

The benefits recieved by farangs in Thailand are endless... :)

That was actually a cockup on my part, tried to delete the whole thing, but to no avail :D nice comeback tho

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Hate is a strong word. Especially in a country where the average IQ is 85.

I'd say most people here aren't smart enough to hate. They're simply acting upon pure animal impulse.

It's best not to read too much into what you see.

Just keep your head down to avoid catching stray bullets and boogers. :)

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