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Thai Stocks For Mid To Long Term Investors

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Well I pulled out 40K profit today on one headed for the basement, I did that based on what I saw yesterday and a chart that said it will fall further today. Unless something great comes along I will be on the sidelines with humbug.

I'm now in a pretty good position so no reason to push my luck

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SET finished out at 880

Through this past week I managed to spot the laggards and which ones will hold up with time. Trimmed my portfolio to seven stocks took 50 K profit.

A real change in one day

Lunch time I don't thinks so it was for about a 2 &1/2 hour period. Ive only seen it twice now. Normally I can trade all day. But it's Thailand maybe a long lunch.

Well I got my profits protected for a while I will wait and see where this goes. It can go down just as fast as it goes up.

Edited by ray23
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Darn couldn't resist went to 890, so I'm back in again accumulated on the ones that have done well when it was down and when I was up. Really only have one wild card at the moment. If it breaks I will certainly be in the money. I fit doesn't ten percent rule is in effect It's down 1.78% at the moment everything else I hold in in the green.

I have a question does anyone having any experience going short on new IPO"S ?

If so what were the result, not paying that much attention but they seem to go up rapidly and they fall rapidly. Probably close to being a day trade.

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SET finished out at 880

Through this past week I managed to spot the laggards and which ones will hold up with time. Trimmed my portfolio to seven stocks took 50 K profit.

A real change in one day

Lunch time I don't thinks so it was for about a 2 &1/2 hour period. Ive only seen it twice now. Normally I can trade all day. But it's Thailand maybe a long lunch.

Well I got my profits protected for a while I will wait and see where this goes. It can go down just as fast as it goes up.

The SET loses for 2 hours at 12.30 every day.

Another rally today, which i needed!

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Darn couldn't resist went to 890, so I'm back in again accumulated on the ones that have done well when it was down and when I was up. Really only have one wild card at the moment. If it breaks I will certainly be in the money. I fit doesn't ten percent rule is in effect It's down 1.78% at the moment everything else I hold in in the green.

I have a question does anyone having any experience going short on new IPO"S ?

If so what were the result, not paying that much attention but they seem to go up rapidly and they fall rapidly. Probably close to being a day trade.

Abrvak I think you are right about lunch, cause it went much farther today and it's working.

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Abrvak I think you are right about lunch, cause it went much farther today and it's working.

Well the market is closed from 12.30 to 2.30 everyday Ray.

I just hope you havent been putting orders in at 1.00pm and staring at the screen waiting to see if they get filled!!!

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Abrvak I think you are right about lunch, cause it went much farther today and it's working.

Well the market is closed from 12.30 to 2.30 everyday Ray.

I just hope you havent been putting orders in at 1.00pm and staring at the screen waiting to see if they get filled!!!

You know me I just love those blinky lights

This sounds crazy to me but I tried something today. I held 36,000 shares of a company my average buy was 1.85 I sold 20K shares at MKT price, the price dropped and bought them back at MKT price now my average cost is 1.82

So I'm now trying it with the balance of my shares 16,400 At MKT price, then I bid them at 1,80

I don't why that worked, but I will pay less in commissions then what I gained.

Ok yell at me l know it was dumb but, you got try in order to learn.

Not one I will be doing a lot of. With 36K in shares those little numbers add up quickly.

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You know me I just love those blinky lights

This sounds crazy to me but I tried something today. I held 36,000 shares of a company my average buy was 1.85 I sold 20K shares at MKT price, the price dropped and bought them back at MKT price now my average cost is 1.82

So I'm now trying it with the balance of my shares 16,400 At MKT price, then I bid them at 1,80

I don't why that worked, but I will pay less in commissions then what I gained.

Ok yell at me l know it was dumb but, you got try in order to learn.

Not one I will be doing a lot of. With 36K in shares those little numbers add up quickly.

It's all well and good Ray. Whatever strategy that makes money is a good one. But bear in mind you have turned from someone interested in investing in stocks for the mid to long term - into a day trader. To be honest day trading is a lot of fun. They are two very different skill sets though and most people are not good at doing both. The parameters are so different.

Remember Bt0.03 on 36,000 shares is Bt1,000 profit before commission.

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Just wanted to try it once and see how it works. I'm back in my original position just at a cheaper cost. The one supply's large rental equipment for construction. So it will get busy probably before the end of the year. Then it should move up nicely. So that's day trading. As you said exciting but I don't think I want to do that very often.

Tomorrow should be interesting my warrants get their prices sit tomorrow and be available for trading. This will be a first for me so something new to amaze me beside the blinky lights. :whistling:

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I was on the sidelines last week thinking somehow the market would be weak but it surprised even with a 2 day holiday, i was waiting to enter on price for bland-w2 at 0.17 and waiting for cgd-w2 to move down, this week i couldnt pick up bland-w2 at 0.17, nearest was 0.18 so i targeted cgd-w2 which had a fall and bought on monday at .56 it then slid down the next day to a low of 0.44 and finished the day at 0.53 today it is making a small profit after finishing the day at 0.60, so i will looking at certain factors friday to either sell or hold on to monday

ipos on opening days are a hard one to summarize, i always try to wait for the dust to settle down on new stocks, let the craziness wear off a little before making a decision, i got burned on tpoly, the stock dropped on its first day and continued to drop for 3 days, whereas i bought in at a very low price thinking great, and then suddenly it became news that the brokers behind the ipo were dumping all their left over holdings in the stock at crazy low prices, i cant remember the broker name, but to this day tpoly has never been able to shake of that incident and its price is still hovering around 2 baht ever since.

but this market just keeps on surpising, i just rather stay patient and nimble and hope that there are some corrections so i can pick up stocks for a longer hold, than just short term speculation, today was very surpising to see the set come close to 900 points

Edited by humbug
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I believe today will be very interesting SET hasn't opened yet but the markets around us for the most part are falling. Asia markets pretty much as a whole were up yesterday.

Not so sure the move I tried was so good I lost 2651 yesterday.

Well I tried to trim down to the companies that weathered the storm the best last time.

So we will see what happens, my beast guess down turn today I shouldn't writing I'm wrong to often

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Sold the W-4's at 1.16 5452 baht, the t stock itself i also going down bought a 1,000 shares at 5.10. There will be an additional dividend at .10 makes for a good buy.

Now I wait on the w'3's came on lower then expected thus far. the w-4's were actually higher then expected.

Right now everything looks like its on a yoyo string

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SET is doing quite well despite the falls in US/Euro markets last night.

I am heavily into ADVANC and TTA since last week- they dipped abit initially but today are picking up and are both in the positive for me now

Also, after selling my TRUE stocks a couple of weeks ago (taking 1 million baht profit, 101% return in a month, - best return ever for me) and just bought in again, a medium sized position- today they are picking up nicely (+4%).

I bought ADVANC/TRUE hoping that any 3G news will be positive. bought TTA because the baltic dry index has dropped alot last 2 months and i think its bottomed out and can only go up (much like the TTA stock price which is at a low point now).

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This is the best week I have had,ended up 12.43 x my normal profit The warrants took me to 74,351 profit and everything else was in the green as well.

Must be why you guys learned this oh well late in life better then never.

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SET is almost at it's 2007 high. Is there anywhere else in the world where that has happened?

I must be missing something in this event ?

Nikkei today is down 158.64 at 8836.50, Shanghai is still going down 26.37 at 2623.94

DJIA earlier last night dropped momentarily below 10,000.

I know Japan is concerned about its exports because the yen is too strong so why

isn't this concern about export growth showing in the SET and in particular with another rate rise probably today ?

Also if something unexpectedly happened with loss of confidence in the US dollar

which many people are now writing about, wouldn't this have bad impact on Thailand

because I understood the reserves here are in US dollars?

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Thailand like the Baht seem to be in a world of it's own, closed at 890 yesterday back up to 895 at noon today. everything I see indicates it; being driven by foreign funds these days.

Yesterday the world was headed to dollars something I just don't get why is that a safe haven? The dollar has been bashed for years now. But. things get shakey back to the dollar.

It's all pretty confusing. But, none the less the SET is doing good

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This had to have been the craziest day I have seen thus far, Set stayed in the 895 range most of the day about 1500 hours it dropped to 884.

Nothing happened here that I seen thus far to cause the move like that.

I think about the time for the EU open maybe news from there

in any event I'm up 334 baht from yesterday

ABRVAK Midas on the other stock thread you guys talked about manipulating the market, is it possible that happened here today?

You know me and blinkly lights, things changed in about 20 Mins.

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Not a bad day for me either- +12,000 baht. But there is a drip drip of bad economic news emerging in the last week or so- terrible house sales in US, over valued Yen, european banks still needing massive loans from the Euro Central Bank, Irish economic worries...im sensing maybe there will be a big drop in the worlds stocks exhanges in coming weeks.....a hunch

But if i/we sell just at the right time before the drop or early on in the drop..there will be fantastic buying opportunities after.

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Interesting I was having the same thoughts today. By the way mine is a running total form April. I don't have enough end to have day like that often.

Bernake is going to have doom and gloom speech today. Per Kelive foreigners were not net buyers for the past few days. Abrvak already said this is a sit out time. Had another investor from a different forum to gop back to 800 before years end. Although he didn't give his reasoning.

If I believe it's going that way yes I would sale and sit it out till December and start another buying pattern. You see it coming a heads up would be nice.

I've now consumed three books on value investing. There is one aspect common in all them the management team, there is no way I can do that, for that I have to rely on Thaistocks. I really don't mind that they have done well by me thus far.

After listening to great advice here, my portfoio is much smaller. I would actually opt to have even smaller. But, I have pretty much weeded out the slackers. I should a good moth next month I have four holdings paying dividends next month.

I built then heavy for me anyway knowing the dividends were coming. I really only have n one wild card in the group so I wouldn't even know where to start trimming. I have huge risk of 2400 baht on it.

So what say ye 800 again this year?

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Well 1200 hours market is back at 894 have no idea why.

In my last post I talked about dividends. I tried something new to me I had steadily built the ones up that would pay next month. One the closing date was yesterday so I locked up the 1000 baht no matter what I do now. I sold out 10000 shares (50%)

I two I could see as an advantage to holding more of one I bought 5100 shares of that stock.

Why it's dividends are at .15 x 5100= 765 baht so with the 10K shares I already hold the dividend will now be a 2265 baht dividend. I think of it as getting more bang for my buck.

Maybe I think funny in things like this but to me net is net and that's what want not the gross. In this process I still hold both stocks the one I bought today I consider a better of the two. The best thing is I make 3265 baht ect. with no money coming out of my pocket.

I don't see that as day trading just good business.

Sure would like some feed back guys, sometimes I feel like I''m talking to myself. I do enough of that anyway maybe that is why I like the flashy lights so much B)

Remember I'm new to all this I know there are guys out there a lot sharper then me.

I'm into my third book of value investing now. One thing that stands out from all else that I will never be able to do nor can you find in charts. That is evaluating the management team, the only method I have for that is Thaistocks so I will be a member till I stop doing this. I'm not in the circle of investors, since I do this from home. I don't have the clout to get a CEO or CFO to take my phone calls. I don't know enough to make company visits even if they would see a little guy like me. But, Paul does, that gives you one heck of an advantage over most.

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