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Australian Man Abandons Jailed Thai Girlfriend's Baby In Hospital

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CHON BURI: -- An 8-month-old baby girl was found discarded inside the Memorial Pattaya Hospital early Thursday.

Am i the only one who thinks that leaving a baby (even in a hospital) isn't a good thing, like most of you are suggesting.

Simple fact.. he abandoned the child, discarded is the exact phrase the news article used... I don't give a rats ass if the guy was the kids father, step-father or just some random guy tapping the Thai mother, you don't just discard/abandon a 8mth old baby in a hospital and walk away... If this guy was such a decent chap, as most of you are suggesting, then physically handing over the child to the authorities is the right course of action, not getting to the hospital grounds and leaving the baby carriage somewhere and walk away.

Maybe this is one of the problems of having a system in which most of the authorities are totaly corrupt and fear of getting involved with any such as the police might have been a disaster for him,

I feel quite sure had i been in this possition my actions would be different to those made in my home country,

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If he is the father and living in Thailand i find the guy an total <deleted>. He should have cared for the baby then or hired someone to do it.

If he is just on holiday only knew the girl a short time and not the father then he did the right thing.

Hard to know how to judge him because we dont know all the facts.

try reading the opening post, not hard to work out you moron!

My first question after recent times was, 'Is this really an Australia or another another breed claiming to be an Aussie?' :)


CHON BURI: -- An 8-month-old baby girl was found discarded inside the Memorial Pattaya Hospital early Thursday.

Am i the only one who thinks that leaving a baby (even in a hospital) isn't a good thing, like most of you are suggesting.

Simple fact.. he abandoned the child, discarded is the exact phrase the news article used... I don't give a rats ass if the guy was the kids father, step-father or just some random guy tapping the Thai mother, you don't just discard/abandon a 8mth old baby in a hospital and walk away... If this guy was such a decent chap, as most of you are suggesting, then physically handing over the child to the authorities is the right course of action, not getting to the hospital grounds and leaving the baby carriage somewhere and walk away.

Agreed 100%.

If I found a baby on my doorstep, do I just drive to the nearest hospital and DISCARD it there like some soi dog? Of course not and no decent person (whether he is the father, the BF, total stranger or a mere one-night-stand) would do it. I am shocked that so many posters seem to think that Ron did the right thing! Perhaps he should have taken the trouble (we are talking of a human life) to go to an orphanage and explain the situation re: the mother, and let them handle it. To just dump the baby at a public hospital and walk away is neither decent nor kind; it is plain irresponsible, careless, heartless, inhuman and stupid.

If anyone did what Ron did in a western country, I am sure he wouldn't be lauded as quite the hero as some posters here seem to think he is. Shame.

Doggie, look around you! Parts of Oz are worse than Thailand. Exactly what orphanage should he take the baby? Do you know where one is? I've been here 11 years and damned if I know!

Ron did what any reasonable man would have done, in the circumstances :) IMHO

If he is the father and living in Thailand i find the guy an total <deleted>. He should have cared for the baby then or hired someone to do it.

If he is just on holiday only knew the girl a short time and not the father then he did the right thing.

Hard to know how to judge him because we dont know all the facts.

try reading the opening post, not hard to work out you moron!

Wouldn't the'girl' know more about Ron#60, if he'd be the father??? Agreed to moron. The guy did the right thing. Pretty sure that all in Roi Et know what's up, it isn't a big city at all. Ron60 should get the Memorial award.

There are worse characters than him. There are bad characters who could've done any other action rather than "make sure the baby was ok".

In my eyes the story could've had a much much drastically worse ending

I am not disputing that, yes this could have been much much worse.

However, walking into a hospital with an 8mth old baby, discarding/abandoning/leaving the baby and then simply walking away without even a word to any of the authorities does not make him the 'Decent bloke' you are all singing about...

I agree. Our standards are set too low when a stunt like this is considered 'good' or 'decent' just because the child wasn't dumped in the bushes or in a trashcan...

Ron did what any reasonable man would have done, in the circumstances :) IMHO

My beef isnt that the guy took the child to a hospital, that is the correct course of action in this situation. My issue is that the guy apparently dumped the child somewhere and walked away... luckily the child was found quite quickly, but what if the child hadn't been found for a long time? or worse still some miscreant found the child before the staff and abducted it?

Surely the best approach here would have been to inform the Hospital staff... if the guy didn't want to be directly involved then just walk to the information desk "I just saw someone leave a pram with a child in it over there - you should go check it out!"

Ron (or whatever his name is) is generally a good soul for trying to handle the situation, he was put in a very difficult situation by the child's mother but he fell short of being the decent guy some here are claiming because he walked into a hospital, left the child in a corridor somewhere and left without a word. That's my issue with the scenario that's been painted for us.

Ron did what any reasonable man would have done, in the circumstances :) IMHO

My beef isnt that the guy took the child to a hospital, that is the correct course of action in this situation. My issue is that the guy apparently dumped the child somewhere and walked away... luckily the child was found quite quickly, but what if the child hadn't been found for a long time? or worse still some miscreant found the child before the staff and abducted it?

Surely the best approach here would have been to inform the Hospital staff... if the guy didn't want to be directly involved then just walk to the information desk "I just saw someone leave a pram with a child in it over there - you should go check it out!"

Ron (or whatever his name is) is generally a good soul for trying to handle the situation, he was put in a very difficult situation by the child's mother but he fell short of being the decent guy some here are claiming because he walked into a hospital, left the child in a corridor somewhere and left without a word. That's my issue with the scenario that's been painted for us.

Come on. Let's be serious here. You can't see this situation?

Ron, a tourist who has only been in Thailand for a few days and can't speak the language nor knows anyone, is suddenly and unexpectedly left in charge of an 8 month old baby that he has no idea how to care for. He probably asked a policeman who gave him a typical Thai response, or the policeman possibly even suggested the best course of action to take.

"Ron" simply wants to get back and have a beer and doesn't feel like lightening his wallet to pay for this unwanted problem, but since there are no social services in Thailand to speak of, he is left with no way out. So he writes a note on where the mother can be found, parks the baby outside the nursery at a local hospital where he is sure the crying will eventually attract attention by the nurses, and walks away.

Why? Probably because someone in brown told him to do it that way. He then goes back to his holiday and has a beer. You really think he wanted to try explaining the situation to someone who didn't speak English very well? You think Ron had the responsibility to get the hospital to admit the baby? Who would have paid for that? Or are you saying that Ron should have learned to speak Thai overnight and waited until he could pawn this problem off on someone else? I really think you are being a bit too harsh on the guy.

The baby was probably never in any danger. A normal 8 month old child can survive through an entire day without any special care, although the baby sure wouldn't enjoy it. Someone was bound to find this child though long before his situation became critical.

A hospital with an emergency MUST accept responsibility. If Ron had talked to anyone, then they could legally refuse. You think Ron wasn't advised of this by someone?

It was never Ron's responsibility. Blame the mother and the indifference of the Thai police. I say Ron did everything correct. He gets my respect. I would probably take care of the baby longer until I could find the nearest relatives of the child, but that is only because I really love children and understand more of the culture.

I would not expect a tourist on holiday to have these same values.

Can't even make it to two full pages without getting inflammatory.

Not many Threads last that long before being turned into a war of words.

Ron did what any reasonable man would have done, in the circumstances :D IMHO

My beef isnt that the guy took the child to a hospital, that is the correct course of action in this situation. My issue is that the guy apparently dumped the child somewhere and walked away... luckily the child was found quite quickly, but what if the child hadn't been found for a long time? or worse still some miscreant found the child before the staff and abducted it?

Surely the best approach here would have been to inform the Hospital staff... if the guy didn't want to be directly involved then just walk to the information desk "I just saw someone leave a pram with a child in it over there - you should go check it out!"

Ron (or whatever his name is) is generally a good soul for trying to handle the situation, he was put in a very difficult situation by the child's mother but he fell short of being the decent guy some here are claiming because he walked into a hospital, left the child in a corridor somewhere and left without a word. That's my issue with the scenario that's been painted for us.

Come on. Let's be serious here. You can't see this situation?

Ron, a tourist who has only been in Thailand for a few days and can't speak the language nor knows anyone, is suddenly and unexpectedly left in charge of an 8 month old baby that he has no idea how to care for. He probably asked a policeman who gave him a typical Thai response, or the policeman possibly even suggested the best course of action to take.

"Ron" simply wants to get back and have a beer and doesn't feel like lightening his wallet to pay for this unwanted problem, but since there are no social services in Thailand to speak of, he is left with no way out. So he writes a note on where the mother can be found, parks the baby outside the nursery at a local hospital where he is sure the crying will eventually attract attention by the nurses, and walks away.

Why? Probably because someone in brown told him to do it that way. He then goes back to his holiday and has a beer.

The baby was probably never in any danger. A normal 8 month old child can survive through an entire day without any special care, although the baby sure wouldn't enjoy it. Someone was bound to find this child though long before his situation became critical.

It was never Ron's responsibility. Blame the mother and the indifference of the Thai police. I say Ron did everything correct. He gets my respect. I would probably take care of the baby longer until I could find the nearest relatives of the child, but that is only because I really love children and understand more of the culture.

I would not expect a tourist on holiday to have these same values.

Awesome comment gregb! :D

Too much Beef :) here. Ya know what too much beef'll do ...

You wanna know something?

When 'prohibition' ends I am gonna set up shop in front of your kids' school and sell them drugs..

Not feeling comfortable ,do you?

So 'legalising it' not such a good idea after all..

By the way have you ever met a drug user with an 'expanded conciousness'?


What a racket..

Grow up...drugs suck..well.. so does alcohol and cigarettes if you ask me..

Why are they legal?That's a topic for another thread.

Why wait to commit a criminal act, you could do it now. Set up shop and sell them smokes and booze. What is the difference between contributing to the delinquency of a minor with one substance or another? You certainly don't expect us to believe that people are advocating drug use for children. Do you really think if it were legal it would be different than smokes and booze and 15year olds could buy it legally?

Maybe if it were legal the police would have more time to catch scumbags like you who would sell drugs to school kids.

I would probably take care of the baby longer until I could find the nearest relatives of the child, but that is only because I really love children and understand more of the culture.

Ron should have taken the Baby to the nearest Thai Visa member it seems, they seem to know what's best for everything. :)

I think he did do the right thing, yet as Wolfie says, maybe he should not have just abandoned the baby ( If that is in fact what happened ) in a hospital corridor, kinda heartless if that was the case.

Nobody here knows the exact circumstances, maybe Ron is a member here and can enlighten us.

Is he the father?

If he isn't he took all the required steps that a foreigner should.

Not quite right jdinasia. He did what any decent caring person should do.

However, I disagree with your wording "all the required steps that a "foreigner" should.

This implies that foreigners are under some legal obligation and that said obligation is different from the actions expected of non-foreigners.

Other than as I said, it seems he just did the decent "human" thing to do, he probably was under no other (legal) "obligation" to do anything.

There are worse characters than him. There are bad characters who could've done any other action rather than "make sure the baby was ok".

In my eyes the story could've had a much much drastically worse ending

I am not disputing that, yes this could have been much much worse.

However, walking into a hospital with an 8mth old baby, discarding/abandoning/leaving the baby and then simply walking away without even a word to any of the authorities does not make him the 'Decent bloke' you are all singing about...

We only have the poorly written report and half the facts here. "Discarded" is a harsh word, but it may just be journalistic licence. Maybe he tried to explain the situation to the receptionist, and maybe they couldn't be bothered to understand him.

It sounds unlikely that he was the father of record - even the Thai bureaucrats would question a surname like "60". What kid would want to go through life .. (maybe Joe 90?) and if the loving caring mother could not remember his name even if they were living together, it does not sound like a major commitment......

A poster above pointed out that often these stories become "the Farang is always wrong". With Thai logic if he had not been in Thailand he could not have intervened and the baby might have died waiting for its mother. Then who would we be able to blame. Certainly not anyone Thai.....

If you want to "discard" a baby you can throw it into the bushes or the nearest police box. You don't need to make the effort to take it to a hospital.

To be honest , he most likely did the best thing he could think of , how many men , let alone at 60 , have the knowhow to care for a child of that age , DIY could have caused him all kinds of problems . We do not have the whole story as of yet , as in co-habitation , parentage , depth of drug use and types etc , so far the mother has only been charged (?) with drug abuse , how about unfit mother etc ? In my mind , the police were the first to abandon this child .

And some posters here like to nag about how bad Thai males are on taking care of their family and children. I'll guess the old Jurassic Reptile found it more enjoying to make babies, than to take care of them. Shame on him, just abandon a child that haven't asked to been born. Would it be that much different if the mother had an traffic accident and died? -Just leave the kids at the nearest hospital and run! He probably got children back at his home country, which he doesn't see anymore.

Ron is not the father!

How do I know? because 'father abandons baby in hospital' is a far better headline, and it would have been used if possible.

And "girlfriend" is a better headline than "girl who doesn't even know his name"

Can't even make it to two full pages without getting inflammatory.

lets drop the flaming, the baiting and the general nastiness, cheers.

Seems to me that most people on here can't make it to two words, let alone two pages before getting all bitchy . . . obviously some people have got far too much time on their hands and nothing better to do with it lol . . . ah, wait a minute, perhaps the go-go's were shut and they had nothing else to do? :)

Last year she knew him as Ron 59?.

No. Last year it was 59 Ron or Ron,59.

You've missed the purpose of the comma. Last name first.

Well, Ron acted reasonably. The police wouldn't have taken the baby and just made a lot of complications for Ron. If he'd asked the hospital, they'd have refused and escorted him out with the baby. He didn't know where to turn. So he left the baby where it would be quickly discovered, health care would be readily available, and knowledgeable, responsible Thais (if that isn't too much an oxymoron) would deal with the problem.


Well it seems to me that the girl would have known the guy at least 17 months if he is the father. I assume she would know more than he is Ron if that is the case. Unlikely the man is the father.

To be honest , he most likely did the best thing he could think of , how many men , let alone at 60 , have the knowhow to care for a child of that age , DIY could have caused him all kinds of problems . We do not have the whole story as of yet , as in co-habitation , parentage , depth of drug use and types etc , so far the mother has only been charged (?) with drug abuse , how about unfit mother etc ? In my mind , the police were the first to abandon this child .

And some posters here like to nag about how bad Thai males are on taking care of their family and children. I'll guess the old Jurassic Reptile found it more enjoying to make babies, than to take care of them. Shame on him, just abandon a child that haven't asked to been born. Would it be that much different if the mother had an traffic accident and died? -Just leave the kids at the nearest hospital and run! He probably got children back at his home country, which he doesn't see anymore.

How do you know Ronald is the father?

To be honest , he most likely did the best thing he could think of , how many men , let alone at 60 , have the knowhow to care for a child of that age , DIY could have caused him all kinds of problems . We do not have the whole story as of yet , as in co-habitation , parentage , depth of drug use and types etc , so far the mother has only been charged (?) with drug abuse , how about unfit mother etc ? In my mind , the police were the first to abandon this child .

And some posters here like to nag about how bad Thai males are on taking care of their family and children. I'll guess the old Jurassic Reptile found it more enjoying to make babies, than to take care of them. Shame on him, just abandon a child that haven't asked to been born. Would it be that much different if the mother had an traffic accident and died? -Just leave the kids at the nearest hospital and run! He probably got children back at his home country, which he doesn't see anymore.

How do you know Ronald is the father?

The story doesn't tell. But 8 month old baby... It's likely it could be his. Anyway... If I got together with a woman some months after she have had a baby, I would contact the authorities and have them to decide what to do with my girlfriend's baby. Since it wasn't mine and we're not married, they couldn't force me to stick with that child. Besides, I wouldn't just drop it at the hospital and then run. Judging from his behavior, it looks just as if it's his child. Don't wanna take any responsibility since he could easily find a new bargirl, in a soi near him. It was bad behavior against the child and his girlfriend even if the baby wasn't his. It was pure asshol_e behavior if the he's the father to it.

In our home countries... Doesn't the authorities lock you in, if you would do a thing like that?



Looks like just one more stupid story between the "boyfriend" (farang who might be a grandfather to Thai woman) and a prostitute who found a golden spoon in grandpa b/f, to support her family all.

She is proud to have a farang b/f and he is proud to be with so young woman whom might be his grandchild.

Perfect couple, match.

He is not a father, ashy he is not able to have a baby in that his age and i would like to know he tried to save the baby that way or to get rid of that baby as she(mother) tried to show him as a father.

Any "relationship" with so huge difference in age makes me so sick.

He is to old guy, she is too young and she is drug addicted. Lovelly couple they are.



Don't blame the girl

Blame a culture that has made her this the way of life for ages

And what culture is it? the drug culture ?


'dumball' post='3662937' date='2010-06-03 11:56:28']To be honest , he most likely did the best thing he could think of , how many men , let alone at 60 , have the knowhow to care for a child of that age , DIY could have caused him all kinds of problems . We do not have the whole story as of yet , as in co-habitation , parentage , depth of drug use and types etc , so far the mother has only been charged (?) with drug abuse , how about unfit mother etc ? In my mind , the police were the first to abandon this child .

And some posters here like to nag about how bad Thai males are on taking care of their family and children. I'll guess the old Jurassic Reptile found it more enjoying to make babies, than to take care of them. Shame on him, just abandon a child that haven't asked to been born. Would it be that much different if the mother had an traffic accident and died? -Just leave the kids at the nearest hospital and run! He probably got children back at his home country, which he doesn't see anymore.

How could you come up with so much blatant inanity after reading my post ? Thai males were not even mentioned or any reference made toward them , the mother did not die in an accident and what has children in his own country got to do with the price of bananas ? This is about a Thai female being arrested on drug charges and a person who knows her , delivering HER child to a place of safety where it would be cared for .

Read , read and read again until you UNDERSTAND a post before flaming the poster .


How do you know Ronald is the father?

The story doesn't tell. But 8 month old baby... It's likely it could be his. Anyway... If I got together with a woman some months after she have had a baby, I would contact the authorities and have them to decide what to do with my girlfriend's baby. Since it wasn't mine and we're not married, they couldn't force me to stick with that child. Besides, I wouldn't just drop it at the hospital and then run. Judging from his behavior, it looks just as if it's his child. Don't wanna take any responsibility since he could easily find a new bargirl, in a soi near him. It was bad behavior against the child and his girlfriend even if the baby wasn't his. It was pure asshol_e behavior if the he's the father to it.

In our home countries... Doesn't the authorities lock you in, if you would do a thing like that?


Yes the reporting does not give the information.

It's UNlikely it is his. The mother doesn't even know his name. The police quickly traced the mother (how did they manage that? unless someone gave them the information on a plate.) You don't think they did any investigation, do you? No money in it.

The article doesn't say whether it is a Thai baby or a look krueng.

If you were in the situation, and your - you would pick up the phone and call the "authorities". Who ya gonna call? If you don't speak Thai, and you don't know the correct number?

Have you tried to explain something complicated to busy junior staff in a Thai hospital? When have you known junior staff to take any decision about anything, especially something important? Have you tried to explain anything (complicated or simple) to a Thai policeman?

In most of our home countries, you would be asked for ID, get involved in a lot of paperwork, but the baby would be well cared for.

Why must you judge this man on such a poor piece of "journalism"

Last year she knew him as Ron 59?.

lmao are you sure it wasnt Dave 48 prevously John 57 previously Phil 35 :)

CHON BURI: -- An 8-month-old baby girl was found discarded inside the Memorial Pattaya Hospital early Thursday.

Am i the only one who thinks that leaving a baby (even in a hospital) isn't a good thing, like most of you are suggesting.

Simple fact.. he abandoned the child, discarded is the exact phrase the news article used... I don't give a rats ass if the guy was the kids father, step-father or just some random guy tapping the Thai mother, you don't just discard/abandon a 8mth old baby in a hospital and walk away... If this guy was such a decent chap, as most of you are suggesting, then physically handing over the child to the authorities is the right course of action, not getting to the hospital grounds and leaving the baby carriage somewhere and walk away.

if the guy is the father then shame on him but if just a tourist caught up in this then personally i think he did the correct thing, made sure the baby was safe but didnt risk the awkward questions from the authorities.....that would certainly have killed of any holiday he has left.

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