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Australian Man Abandons Jailed Thai Girlfriend's Baby In Hospital

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If he is the father and living in Thailand i find the guy an total <deleted>. He should have cared for the baby then or hired someone to do it.

If he is just on holiday only knew the girl a short time and not the father then he did the right thing.

Hard to know how to judge him because we dont know all the facts.

Agreed :D

:) Well... one of the "facts" we do seem to know ----- is that she did not know his surname !!! She must have had fun filling in the birth certificate .

she left her baby with her Australian boyfriend, whom she knew only as Ron, 60.
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The story doesn't tell. But 8 month old baby... It's likely it could be his. Anyway... If I got together with a woman some months after she have had a baby, I would contact the authorities and have them to decide what to do with my girlfriend's baby. Since it wasn't mine and we're not married, they couldn't force me to stick with that child. Besides, I wouldn't just drop it at the hospital and then run. Judging from his behavior, it looks just as if it's his child. Don't wanna take any responsibility since he could easily find a new bargirl, in a soi near him. It was bad behavior against the child and his girlfriend even if the baby wasn't his. It was pure asshol_e behavior if the he's the father to it.

In our home countries... Doesn't the authorities lock you in, if you would do a thing like that?


Yes the reporting does not give the information.

It's UNlikely it is his. The mother doesn't even know his name. The police quickly traced the mother (how did they manage that? unless someone gave them the information on a plate.) You don't think they did any investigation, do you? No money in it.

The article doesn't say whether it is a Thai baby or a look krueng.

If you were in the situation, and your - you would pick up the phone and call the "authorities". Who ya gonna call? If you don't speak Thai, and you don't know the correct number?

Have you tried to explain something complicated to busy junior staff in a Thai hospital? When have you known junior staff to take any decision about anything, especially something important? Have you tried to explain anything (complicated or simple) to a Thai policeman?

In most of our home countries, you would be asked for ID, get involved in a lot of paperwork, but the baby would be well cared for.

Why must you judge this man on such a poor piece of "journalism"

Starting with paying a visit at the local police station would be great beginning. They could probably tell you where to go next. I doubt even the Thai police would say "sorry" take the child with you and go!" to an innocent tourist that just found a baby on his feet (as some here would like like to twist the story into). I would have done this regardless if the child were my gf's or if I even just found it on the street. If it wasn't his, no one could force him to take care of that child. What a low life creature behavior. Regardless of the journalism, a human being with moral just don't drop a child and run. If it includes paperwork not doing so, so what? If he's having a heart attack one day, I just hope someone could drop him of at the closest pig farm, where he belongs. Dead or alive. I mean... Someone could risk having to do paperwork if he would be taken care of in a kind and proper way. Who wanna risk that? (sarcasm)


You have great faith in the Royal Thai Police. Going into a police station in Thailand, signing pieces of paper which are written in Thai language, and expecting them to do the right thing, you could be easily extorted for kidnapping, child abuse, held for hours while they "make enquiries" / wait for you to pay a fee. How do they know you are an innocent tourist? Do they care?

And as noted before, we do not know if he "just dropped the child and ran". We would need more informative reports to know that. Given the choice of handing a baby over to a Thai policeman, and handing it over to a nurse in hospital, it sounds like he did a realistic thing in the circumstances (as far as we know them).

I don't know where you are living. If I turned up at the local police station where I live, telling them someone left me a child that isn't mine, I REALLY doubt they would make my life a living hel_l. I have had other issues here during my 10 years in this country and the Royal Thai Police have been really friendly.

Once again... You just don't drop a child somewhere and run. Especially if you knew the child's mother. Really especially if it's yours and, even though you had it with a cheap woman. But the cheap women are the reason then for idiots to end up in this country. Maybe I expect too much. My bad then.



I feel sorry for the infant, now it is back to granny in Roi Et and an uncertain future with a poor, drug addicted mother...

Oh, Ronnie60boy, why did you choose a government hospital??

In private hospitals are rich childless doctors/patients and 8 month wouldn't be too late to play fate...


The title in Pattaya Daily News is as follows : Aussie Dumps Baby Daughter Outside Pattaya Hospital

and the text

An Australian National left an eight month old baby girl in her stroller outside the Pattaya National Hospital at 3.00 am this morning along with some clothes and a bottle of milk.

Pattaya 2nd June 2010 [PDN] At 3.30 pm Police Major Suppharerk Yuphrai (Pattaya Police Investigator) rushed to the Pattaya Memorial Hospital after receiving notification that a foreign man had left a girl baby outside.

On arrival at the scene, the Officer found a female baby (8 months) in a stroller along with clothes and milk bottle. On questioning the people at the scene, no one had any information about the baby except the security guard who stated that he saw a foreign man arrive with the baby around 3.00am before the hospital officials informed the police.

The officer discovered that the baby’s mother was Miss Orasa Donsakhu [24] from Roied who had been restrained in Pattaya Police Station, charged with drug possession on the evening of 2nd June. Miss Donsakhu had handed her baby over to her foreign husband, Mr. Ron [60] an Australian national at the time of her arrest. Subsequently the officer brought the baby to the mother at the police station.

Police Major Suppharerk Yuphrai revealed that her husband may have left the baby at the hospital after the arrest of his wife as he had no idea of taking care of such a young child. The officer contacted Miss Donsakhu in order to ensure that her mother will come to take care of the baby at home in Roied.

Their are also some pictures and even a video clip


'xenomorph' date='2010-06-03 21:49:30' post='3664'anotheruser' post='3663871' date='2010-06-03 17:27:29']Well it seems to me that the girl would have known the guy at least 17 months if he is the father. I assume she would know more than he is Ron if that is the case. Unlikely the man is the father.

I wonder how many westerners do really, right from the mind, know the real first and last name (not the nickname) of your Thai girlfriend? If he's been living Pattaya and had a bar-girl for GF for 2 years or so... Why would she bother with knowing his last name, as that is of really no concern. Especially when she's apparently were living in the fast lane.

Looks to me that many here seems to defend this guy's lack of moral. Makes me wonder how many of the posters here do actually living a Ron-life in this country.


With your constant meanderings off topic , please let me enlighten you to a fact I became aware of several years ago : I was assisting a female Thai teacher send particulars of her and her four children to her B/F in America for immigration purposes , she did not know their correct given names or their actual birth dates until she made the effort to aquire birth certificates for them , so what , once again is the obtuse point you are attempting to make in regards to a mans moral obligations as it relates to the point in question ?

Looks like just one more stupid story between the "boyfriend" (farang who might be a grandfather to Thai woman) and a prostitute who found a golden spoon in grandpa b/f, to support her family all.

She is proud to have a farang b/f and he is proud to be with so young woman whom might be his grandchild.

Perfect couple, match.

He is not a father, he is ashy not able to have a baby in that his age and i would like to know he tried to save the baby that way or to get rid of that baby as she(mother) tried to show him as a father.

Any "relationship" with so huge difference in age makes me so sick.

He is to old guy, she is too young and she is drug addicted. Lovelly couple they are.


"""He is not a father, he is ashy not able to have a baby in that his age"""

I'm 56, and though my health is so-so at the moment, the old trouser snake has not fallen off and is :D fit as a fiddle with no rift in the lute :) , could make a baby any minute and looks like it will still do the job at 60 .

As to Ron, odds are he has children of his own ; he found himself a lady bar who was not with the baby at the bar, and when she told him he didn't mind since he has a good heart and likes babies. Not a good idea to get involved with a drug addict Ron , better luck to you next time.


How do you know Ronald is the father?

The story doesn't tell. But 8 month old baby... It's likely it could be his. Anyway... If I got together with a woman some months after she have had a baby, I would contact the authorities and have them to decide what to do with my girlfriend's baby. Since it wasn't mine and we're not married, they couldn't force me to stick with that child. Besides, I wouldn't just drop it at the hospital and then run. Judging from his behavior, it looks just as if it's his child. Don't wanna take any responsibility since he could easily find a new bargirl, in a soi near him. It was bad behavior against the child and his girlfriend even if the baby wasn't his. It was pure asshol_e behavior if the he's the father to it.

In our home countries... Doesn't the authorities lock you in, if you would do a thing like that?


Yes the reporting does not give the information.

It's UNlikely it is his. The mother doesn't even know his name. The police quickly traced the mother (how did they manage that? unless someone gave them the information on a plate.) You don't think they did any investigation, do you? No money in it.

The article doesn't say whether it is a Thai baby or a look krueng.

If you were in the situation, and your - you would pick up the phone and call the "authorities". Who ya gonna call? If you don't speak Thai, and you don't know the correct number?

Have you tried to explain something complicated to busy junior staff in a Thai hospital? When have you known junior staff to take any decision about anything, especially something important? Have you tried to explain anything (complicated or simple) to a Thai policeman?

In most of our home countries, you would be asked for ID, get involved in a lot of paperwork, but the baby would be well cared for.

Why must you judge this man on such a poor piece of "journalism"

Starting with paying a visit at the local police station would be great beginning. They could probably tell you where to go next. I doubt even the Thai police would say "sorry" take the child with you and go!" to an innocent tourist that just found a baby on his feet (as some here would like like to twist the story into). I would have done this regardless if the child were my gf's or if I even just found it on the street. If it wasn't his, no one could force him to take care of that child. What a low life creature behavior. Regardless of the journalism, a human being with moral just don't drop a child and run. If it includes paperwork not doing so, so what? If he's having a heart attack one day, I just hope someone could drop him of at the closest pig farm, where he belongs. Dead or alive. I mean... Someone could risk having to do paperwork if he would be taken care of in a kind and proper way. Who wanna risk that? (sarcasm)


You seem to under estimate the danger of going to the police, I,m amazed at your faith in them, The risk is,nt the paperwork involved although not being able to read thai even that could be a real trap,

I doubt the police would have much interest in the welfare of the baby but rather a great interest in how much money they could make out of the situation this guy was in, To my mind going to the police would have been inviting them to empty his bank account,

Would you consider going to the local mafia with such a problem?

The title in Pattaya Daily News is as follows : Aussie Dumps Baby Daughter Outside Pattaya Hospital

and the text

An Australian National left an eight month old baby girl in her stroller outside the Pattaya National Hospital at 3.00 am this morning along with some clothes and a bottle of milk.

Pattaya 2nd June 2010 [PDN] At 3.30 pm Police Major Suppharerk Yuphrai (Pattaya Police Investigator) rushed to the Pattaya Memorial Hospital after receiving notification that a foreign man had left a girl baby outside.

On arrival at the scene, the Officer found a female baby (8 months) in a stroller along with clothes and milk bottle. On questioning the people at the scene, no one had any information about the baby except the security guard who stated that he saw a foreign man arrive with the baby around 3.00am before the hospital officials informed the police.

The officer discovered that the baby's mother was Miss Orasa Donsakhu [24] from Roied who had been restrained in Pattaya Police Station, charged with drug possession on the evening of 2nd June. Miss Donsakhu had handed her baby over to her foreign husband, Mr. Ron [60] an Australian national at the time of her arrest. Subsequently the officer brought the baby to the mother at the police station.

Police Major Suppharerk Yuphrai revealed that her husband may have left the baby at the hospital after the arrest of his wife as he had no idea of taking care of such a young child. The officer contacted Miss Donsakhu in order to ensure that her mother will come to take care of the baby at home in Roied.

Their are also some pictures and even a video clip

Thanks for the followup, kuifje!

So, he's then HUSBAND to the arrested woman!! Man... What a lowlife sh*t-head creature.

Shall be interesting to read what the Ron-apologists have to say about this then.

As a foreigner well above middle age, divorced in the past, living in a country with easy women... It's totally okay to be unmoral and totally don't care about others. Can't be a coincidence to end up here then, since that behavior isn't well accepted from where foreign <deleted> comes from...

I feel sorry for the infant, now it is back to granny in Roi Et and an uncertain future with a poor, drug addicted mother...

Oh, Ronnie60boy, why did you choose a government hospital??

In private hospitals are rich childless doctors/patients and 8 month wouldn't be too late to play fate...

I don't share your views on family.

-grandmother has strong moral rights on her grandchild.

-in private hospitals are rich perverts as well.

-mother might quit drugs and behave.

-baby probably has aunts& uncles & cousins , not rich, but family.

-adopted kids ache to know about their parents.

He did the smartest and most decent things to be done ...

a.) He got the heck away from that situation as fast as possible ... phew!!!

b.) He had the greatest of decency to personally take the baby to the safest and best possible place

before disappearing.

BIG respect to Mr Ron :)

I'm assuming Ron was not the babies father and just a decent bloke

(to all you racialist pigs - kindly note that I am a Brit patting an Aussie on the back)

Ahhh yer right- he so decent to be involved with a Pattaya bar girl drug addict in the first place- yer top class guy.

In terms of dropping off the child, he should have brought it to the police station and requested the addicts mother take care then head off...

Yet it unfair for thais to blame the Farang for the addicted girls issues with Police- yes correct we are always to blame in many cases. Unless you pay the right people enough 'Tea money'.

No..........Another drug/child abandonment story, legalizing drugs will not make a person like this more responsible it will just give her more reason and excuse in her mind not to live up to her responsibility.. People addicted to drugs aren't known for their sense of reality nor responsibility, just how to get their next fix even if that means leaving their child with strangers or depriving them of food to have the money to purchase more drugs...

Please explain how taxing and regulating then etc. is going to elevate that problem in the slightest?? It hasn't worked for either tobacco nor alcohol it's just brought it out front more and lined the pockets of the police and governments in the form of fines etc.. You're going to solve the worlds budget problems on the back of junkies?? That's even more pathetic an approach..

because it has been proven many times in the past that drugs causes more problems when illegal - it has been proven!

there's a huge difference between making drugs legal and tolerating them, what's happening now is that drugs are illegal but largely tolerated - that's the problem!

it would be better to have all drugs legal, but very strictly controlled - legalizing drugs doesn't mean encouraging it - it means you take it out of the hands of criminal gangs and most importantly - to known who uses drugs!!

it's not about helping drugies to get their drug easier, it's about keeping an eye on them!!

The title in Pattaya Daily News is as follows : Aussie Dumps Baby Daughter Outside Pattaya Hospital

and the text

An Australian National left an eight month old baby girl in her stroller outside the Pattaya National Hospital at 3.00 am this morning along with some clothes and a bottle of milk.

Pattaya 2nd June 2010 [PDN] At 3.30 pm Police Major Suppharerk Yuphrai (Pattaya Police Investigator) rushed to the Pattaya Memorial Hospital after receiving notification that a foreign man had left a girl baby outside.

On arrival at the scene, the Officer found a female baby (8 months) in a stroller along with clothes and milk bottle. On questioning the people at the scene, no one had any information about the baby except the security guard who stated that he saw a foreign man arrive with the baby around 3.00am before the hospital officials informed the police.

The officer discovered that the baby’s mother was Miss Orasa Donsakhu [24] from Roied who had been restrained in Pattaya Police Station, charged with drug possession on the evening of 2nd June. Miss Donsakhu had handed her baby over to her foreign husband, Mr. Ron [60] an Australian national at the time of her arrest. Subsequently the officer brought the baby to the mother at the police station.

Police Major Suppharerk Yuphrai revealed that her husband may have left the baby at the hospital after the arrest of his wife as he had no idea of taking care of such a young child. The officer contacted Miss Donsakhu in order to ensure that her mother will come to take care of the baby at home in Roied.

Their are also some pictures and even a video clip

being the husband doesn't make him the father ; no custody at all. Met the girl when baby was already there & the mother desperatly looked for a provider .

but it does put him in a finer pickle , money- wise, for the bail .

good for him he has no drugs charge.

The title in Pattaya Daily News is as follows : Aussie Dumps Baby Daughter Outside Pattaya Hospital

and the text

An Australian National left an eight month old baby girl in her stroller outside the Pattaya National Hospital at 3.00 am this morning along with some clothes and a bottle of milk.

Pattaya 2nd June 2010 [PDN] At 3.30 pm Police Major Suppharerk Yuphrai (Pattaya Police Investigator) rushed to the Pattaya Memorial Hospital after receiving notification that a foreign man had left a girl baby outside.

On arrival at the scene, the Officer found a female baby (8 months) in a stroller along with clothes and milk bottle. On questioning the people at the scene, no one had any information about the baby except the security guard who stated that he saw a foreign man arrive with the baby around 3.00am before the hospital officials informed the police.

The officer discovered that the baby's mother was Miss Orasa Donsakhu [24] from Roied who had been restrained in Pattaya Police Station, charged with drug possession on the evening of 2nd June. Miss Donsakhu had handed her baby over to her foreign husband, Mr. Ron [60] an Australian national at the time of her arrest. Subsequently the officer brought the baby to the mother at the police station.

Police Major Suppharerk Yuphrai revealed that her husband may have left the baby at the hospital after the arrest of his wife as he had no idea of taking care of such a young child. The officer contacted Miss Donsakhu in order to ensure that her mother will come to take care of the baby at home in Roied.

Their are also some pictures and even a video clip

Thanks for the followup, kuifje!

So, he's then HUSBAND to the arrested woman!! Man... What a lowlife sh*t-head creature.

Shall be interesting to read what the Ron-apologists have to say about this then.

As a foreigner well above middle age, divorced in the past, living in a country with easy women... It's totally okay to be unmoral and totally don't care about others. Can't be a coincidence to end up here then, since that behavior isn't well accepted from where foreign <deleted> comes from...

Based on the above version of the story, which is slightly better quality information than the OP, you are right that if he is the HUSBAND not the "boyfriend" , and if the baby is his daughter, then you can assume that he would be likely to take responsibility for the baby. So you are right to be critical of this.

It is still amazing that without any information from the hospital staff, the police identified the mother - did the baby tell him? And it is still amazing that the Nation, with its resources, cannot write a story, but the Pattaya Daily News can manage a better job.

Enjoy being right this time.......


Sounds like a case of child abandonment then by a legal guardian, regardless of whether he is the father of the child. He should face criminal prosecution. Also, even if he weren't the father/married to the mother, I don't think dropping a child off unattended at a hospital and walking away without a word to anybody would have made him a candidate for the model expat of the month award.

The title in Pattaya Daily News is as follows : Aussie Dumps Baby Daughter Outside Pattaya Hospital

and the text

An Australian National left an eight month old baby girl in her stroller outside the Pattaya National Hospital at 3.00 am this morning along with some clothes and a bottle of milk.

Police Major Suppharerk Yuphrai revealed that her husband may have left the baby at the hospital after the arrest of his wife as he had no idea of taking care of such a young child. The officer contacted Miss Donsakhu in order to ensure that her mother will come to take care of the baby at home in Roied.

And how did they find out who the mother was.Guess the 8 month old didn't tell them.

I think the story is missing some facts.Sounds to me that the farang isn't such a bad lad.

I guess the baby had a sign showing the number 101. :)

The title in Pattaya Daily News is as follows : Aussie Dumps Baby Daughter Outside Pattaya Hospital

and the text

An Australian National left an eight month old baby girl in her stroller outside the Pattaya National Hospital at 3.00 am this morning along with some clothes and a bottle of milk.

Pattaya 2nd June 2010 [PDN] At 3.30 pm Police Major Suppharerk Yuphrai (Pattaya Police Investigator) rushed to the Pattaya Memorial Hospital after receiving notification that a foreign man had left a girl baby outside.

On arrival at the scene, the Officer found a female baby (8 months) in a stroller along with clothes and milk bottle. On questioning the people at the scene, no one had any information about the baby except the security guard who stated that he saw a foreign man arrive with the baby around 3.00am before the hospital officials informed the police.

The officer discovered that the baby's mother was Miss Orasa Donsakhu [24] from Roied who had been restrained in Pattaya Police Station, charged with drug possession on the evening of 2nd June. Miss Donsakhu had handed her baby over to her foreign husband, Mr. Ron [60] an Australian national at the time of her arrest. Subsequently the officer brought the baby to the mother at the police station.

Police Major Suppharerk Yuphrai revealed that her husband may have left the baby at the hospital after the arrest of his wife as he had no idea of taking care of such a young child. The officer contacted Miss Donsakhu in order to ensure that her mother will come to take care of the baby at home in Roied.

Their are also some pictures and even a video clip

Thanks for the followup, kuifje!

So, he's then HUSBAND to the arrested woman!! Man... What a lowlife sh*t-head creature.

Shall be interesting to read what the Ron-apologists have to say about this then.

As a foreigner well above middle age, divorced in the past, living in a country with easy women... It's totally okay to be unmoral and totally don't care about others. Can't be a coincidence to end up here then, since that behavior isn't well accepted from where foreign <deleted> comes from...

Based on the above version of the story, which is slightly better quality information than the OP, you are right that if he is the HUSBAND not the "boyfriend" , and if the baby is his daughter, then you can assume that he would be likely to take responsibility for the baby. So you are right to be critical of this.

It is still amazing that without any information from the hospital staff, the police identified the mother - did the baby tell him? And it is still amazing that the Nation, with its resources, cannot write a story, but the Pattaya Daily News can manage a better job.

Enjoy being right this time.......

Well, I don't enjoy being right in this matter since I got really upset because of the child. I would rather see that the story was wrong all from the beginning.


There are worse characters than him. There are bad characters who could've done any other action rather than "make sure the baby was ok".

In my eyes the story could've had a much much drastically worse ending

I am not disputing that, yes this could have been much much worse.

However, walking into a hospital with an 8mth old baby, discarding/abandoning/leaving the baby and then simply walking away without even a word to any of the authorities does not make him the 'Decent bloke' you are all singing about...

We only have the poorly written report and half the facts here. "Discarded" is a harsh word, but it may just be journalistic licence. Maybe he tried to explain the situation to the receptionist, and maybe they couldn't be bothered to understand him.

It sounds unlikely that he was the father of record - even the Thai bureaucrats would question a surname like "60". What kid would want to go through life .. (maybe Joe 90?) and if the loving caring mother could not remember his name even if they were living together, it does not sound like a major commitment......

A poster above pointed out that often these stories become "the Farang is always wrong". With Thai logic if he had not been in Thailand he could not have intervened and the baby might have died waiting for its mother. Then who would we be able to blame. Certainly not anyone Thai.....

If you want to "discard" a baby you can throw it into the bushes or the nearest police box. You don't need to make the effort to take it to a hospital.

With all respect to the oldest 'industry' of the world, isn't it possible that he was the 60th Ron she had in her carrier? Indeed worth to think about. :)

Another Drug Prohibition story... An alternative? Legalize and regulate just like alcohol and cigarettes. LEAP - Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

Yeah mate that should solve the problem..

I wonder what are you on? :)

Your false accusations are proof of your foolishness...

you know nothing about that poster.... yet you call a foolish remark with your propaganda to discredit him.

Likewise, you know nothing of that you speak so dismiss it as foolishness to discredit the concept.

A fool laughs at knowledge, let alone discredits someone or something he knows nothing of.

However, you'd have to think first to call it knowledge. Something you have clearly done little of without the opinions given to you.

You wanna know something?

When 'prohibition' ends I am gonna set up shop in front of your kids' school and sell them drugs

and go to jail for it - legalizing doesn't mean liberalizing!

nuclear bombs are also legal, does that mean they get used freely, no, it means they don't get used in a controlled fashion, that's the point - it's not about tolerating drugs, it's about controlling it better

He did the smartest and most decent things to be done ...

a.) He got the heck away from that situation as fast as possible ... phew!!!

b.) He had the greatest of decency to personally take the baby to the safest and best possible place

before disappearing.

BIG respect to Mr Ron :)

I'm assuming Ron was not the babies father and just a decent bloke

(to all you racialist pigs - kindly note that I am a Brit patting an Aussie on the back)

Ahhh yer right- he so decent to be involved with a Pattaya bar girl drug addict in the first place- yer top class guy.

In terms of dropping off the child, he should have brought it to the police station and requested the addicts mother take care then head off...

Yet it unfair for thais to blame the Farang for the addicted girls issues with Police- yes correct we are always to blame in many cases. Unless you pay the right people enough 'Tea money'.


even after reading he's the husband ( not the father presumably ) I'd rather have a beer with him than you.

You wouldn't like to have a beer with me anyway.

I'd think twice about going with somebody else's baby to the police station here in France in my own country ; I know they'd harass me no end .


The moral of this story is: get involved with losers, become a loser yourself.

This guy was left holding the baby, literally.

The worst that could happen to this guy is that he may get tagged with all the hospital bills and fined for not following the correct procedures, such as taking the baby to the police or relatives of the woman in the first place.

The fat 60 year old Farang probably realised that he was not going to receive his nightly desserts anymore once the bint was jailed and was looking for an easy route out of his predicament.

To be honest , he most likely did the best thing he could think of , how many men , let alone at 60 , have the knowhow to care for a child of that age , DIY could have caused him all kinds of problems . We do not have the whole story as of yet , as in co-habitation , parentage , depth of drug use and types etc , so far the mother has only been charged (?) with drug abuse , how about unfit mother etc ? In my mind , the police were the first to abandon this child .

And some posters here like to nag about how bad Thai males are on taking care of their family and children. I'll guess the old Jurassic Reptile found it more enjoying to make babies, than to take care of them. Shame on him, just abandon a child that haven't asked to been born. Would it be that much different if the mother had an traffic accident and died? -Just leave the kids at the nearest hospital and run! He probably got children back at his home country, which he doesn't see anymore.

Well Ron60 might have 'children' older than his so attractive girl. That doesn't mean that it was his duty to take care the baby, made in Thailand.

He brought it to the Memorial hospital, to make sure that somebody is taking care.

The baby was even smart enough to draw 101. (Roi Et).

He did what everybody would do. It wasn't his child, should he walk down the walking street with the baby?

Guess you'd be much better in that. Lol :)


An absolute nightmare of a story.

If it is his kid, shame on him.

If the kid isn't his, but he is the husband, married to a drug addict, one can only wonder what anyone would do in the same situation. In that situation, the best place for the baby is with extended Thai family presumably up country, because any man who can marry into this kind of disaster at his age, can't even take care of himself yet alone a baby.

There is still plenty of meat on this bone, give it a day or two and I will give the guy the benefit of the doubt and wait for them to change the translation and clarify that he is neither legal husband nor legal father to the poor kid.

The moral of this story is: get involved with losers, become a loser yourself.

This guy was left holding the baby, literally.

The worst that could happen to this guy is that he may get tagged with all the hospital bills and fined for not following the correct procedures, such as taking the baby to the police or relatives of the woman in the first place.

The fat 60 year old Farang probably realised that he was not going to receive his nightly desserts anymore once the bint was jailed and was looking for an easy route out of his predicament.

The fat 60 year old Farang probably realised that he was not going to receive his nightly desserts anymore once the bint was jailed and was looking for an easy route out of his predicament.

You might be younger,and with some good luck you'll get older. How can you call this guy a fat 60 year old? Shame on you. And I mean it. Doesn't that mean that older people are bad guys? You seem to be somebody not realizing that your day will come............

Typical Farang behavior. The farang's fault 100% I bet he got her into drugs and ruined her life.. It's ALWAYS the farang! :)

It would be the same where you come from...a black man steals a car...all black men are car theives.

It would be the same where you come from....a yellow man steals two cars, and can't drive with it.


How do you know Ronald is the father?

The story doesn't tell. But 8 month old baby... It's likely it could be his. Anyway... If I got together with a woman some months after she have had a baby, I would contact the authorities and have them to decide what to do with my girlfriend's baby. Since it wasn't mine and we're not married, they couldn't force me to stick with that child. Besides, I wouldn't just drop it at the hospital and then run. Judging from his behavior, it looks just as if it's his child. Don't wanna take any responsibility since he could easily find a new bargirl, in a soi near him. It was bad behavior against the child and his girlfriend even if the baby wasn't his. It was pure asshol_e behavior if the he's the father to it.

In our home countries... Doesn't the authorities lock you in, if you would do a thing like that?


Yes the reporting does not give the information.

It's UNlikely it is his. The mother doesn't even know his name. The police quickly traced the mother (how did they manage that? unless someone gave them the information on a plate.) You don't think they did any investigation, do you? No money in it.

The article doesn't say whether it is a Thai baby or a look krueng.

If you were in the situation, and your - you would pick up the phone and call the "authorities". Who ya gonna call? If you don't speak Thai, and you don't know the correct number?

Have you tried to explain something complicated to busy junior staff in a Thai hospital? When have you known junior staff to take any decision about anything, especially something important? Have you tried to explain anything (complicated or simple) to a Thai policeman?

In most of our home countries, you would be asked for ID, get involved in a lot of paperwork, but the baby would be well cared for.

Why must you judge this man on such a poor piece of "journalism"

Starting with paying a visit at the local police station would be great beginning. They could probably tell you where to go next. I doubt even the Thai police would say "sorry" take the child with you and go!" to an innocent tourist that just found a baby on his feet (as some here would like like to twist the story into). I would have done this regardless if the child were my gf's or if I even just found it on the street. If it wasn't his, no one could force him to take care of that child. What a low life creature behavior. Regardless of the journalism, a human being with moral just don't drop a child and run. If it includes paperwork not doing so, so what? If he's having a heart attack one day, I just hope someone could drop him of at the closest pig farm, where he belongs. Dead or alive. I mean... Someone could risk having to do paperwork if he would be taken care of in a kind and proper way. Who wanna risk that? (sarcasm)


you have not been in Thailand for long, do you?

here's the rule: DO NOT GET INVOLVED - you'll be sorry for a long time to come ... he took a big risk already

assuming this: "Orasa told police that she left her baby with her Australian boyfriend, whom she knew only as Ron, 60." (so she don't know the last name) means: they just met

I think he did the best he could, if he would have contacted anybody, they would have made him pay for it - big time!!

and as some suggested; it could indeed have been the police who told him to do so ... could very well be ...


How do you know Ronald is the father?

The story doesn't tell. But 8 month old baby... It's likely it could be his. Anyway... If I got together with a woman some months after she have had a baby, I would contact the authorities and have them to decide what to do with my girlfriend's baby. Since it wasn't mine and we're not married, they couldn't force me to stick with that child. Besides, I wouldn't just drop it at the hospital and then run. Judging from his behavior, it looks just as if it's his child. Don't wanna take any responsibility since he could easily find a new bargirl, in a soi near him. It was bad behavior against the child and his girlfriend even if the baby wasn't his. It was pure asshol_e behavior if the he's the father to it.

In our home countries... Doesn't the authorities lock you in, if you would do a thing like that?


Yes the reporting does not give the information.

It's UNlikely it is his. The mother doesn't even know his name. The police quickly traced the mother (how did they manage that? unless someone gave them the information on a plate.) You don't think they did any investigation, do you? No money in it.

The article doesn't say whether it is a Thai baby or a look krueng.

If you were in the situation, and your - you would pick up the phone and call the "authorities". Who ya gonna call? If you don't speak Thai, and you don't know the correct number?

Have you tried to explain something complicated to busy junior staff in a Thai hospital? When have you known junior staff to take any decision about anything, especially something important? Have you tried to explain anything (complicated or simple) to a Thai policeman?

In most of our home countries, you would be asked for ID, get involved in a lot of paperwork, but the baby would be well cared for.

Why must you judge this man on such a poor piece of "journalism"

Starting with paying a visit at the local police station would be great beginning. They could probably tell you where to go next. I doubt even the Thai police would say "sorry" take the child with you and go!" to an innocent tourist that just found a baby on his feet (as some here would like like to twist the story into). I would have done this regardless if the child were my gf's or if I even just found it on the street. If it wasn't his, no one could force him to take care of that child. What a low life creature behavior. Regardless of the journalism, a human being with moral just don't drop a child and run. If it includes paperwork not doing so, so what? If he's having a heart attack one day, I just hope someone could drop him of at the closest pig farm, where he belongs. Dead or alive. I mean... Someone could risk having to do paperwork if he would be taken care of in a kind and proper way. Who wanna risk that? (sarcasm)


Have you ever been on a police station in this country to find a cop to write a report? Your sarcasm is really insane.


The story doesn't tell. But 8 month old baby... It's likely it could be his. Anyway... If I got together with a woman some months after she have had a baby, I would contact the authorities and have them to decide what to do with my girlfriend's baby. Since it wasn't mine and we're not married, they couldn't force me to stick with that child. Besides, I wouldn't just drop it at the hospital and then run. Judging from his behavior, it looks just as if it's his child. Don't wanna take any responsibility since he could easily find a new bargirl, in a soi near him. It was bad behavior against the child and his girlfriend even if the baby wasn't his. It was pure asshol_e behavior if the he's the father to it.

In our home countries... Doesn't the authorities lock you in, if you would do a thing like that?


Yes the reporting does not give the information.

It's UNlikely it is his. The mother doesn't even know his name. The police quickly traced the mother (how did they manage that? unless someone gave them the information on a plate.) You don't think they did any investigation, do you? No money in it.

The article doesn't say whether it is a Thai baby or a look krueng.

If you were in the situation, and your - you would pick up the phone and call the "authorities". Who ya gonna call? If you don't speak Thai, and you don't know the correct number?

Have you tried to explain something complicated to busy junior staff in a Thai hospital? When have you known junior staff to take any decision about anything, especially something important? Have you tried to explain anything (complicated or simple) to a Thai policeman?

In most of our home countries, you would be asked for ID, get involved in a lot of paperwork, but the baby would be well cared for.

Why must you judge this man on such a poor piece of "journalism"

Starting with paying a visit at the local police station would be great beginning. They could probably tell you where to go next. I doubt even the Thai police would say "sorry" take the child with you and go!" to an innocent tourist that just found a baby on his feet (as some here would like like to twist the story into). I would have done this regardless if the child were my gf's or if I even just found it on the street. If it wasn't his, no one could force him to take care of that child. What a low life creature behavior. Regardless of the journalism, a human being with moral just don't drop a child and run. If it includes paperwork not doing so, so what? If he's having a heart attack one day, I just hope someone could drop him of at the closest pig farm, where he belongs. Dead or alive. I mean... Someone could risk having to do paperwork if he would be taken care of in a kind and proper way. Who wanna risk that? (sarcasm)


you have not been in Thailand for long, do you?

here's the rule: DO NOT GET INVOLVED - you'll be sorry for a long time to come ... he took a big risk already

assuming this: "Orasa told police that she left her baby with her Australian boyfriend, whom she knew only as Ron, 60." (so she don't know the last name) means: they just met

I think he did the best he could, if he would have contacted anybody, they would have made him pay for it - big time!!

and as some suggested; it could indeed have been the police who told him to do so ... could very well be ...

Will be only 10 years in October for me. Maybe not so long time then...

So... Ron is still your hero then?


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