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Australian Man Abandons Jailed Thai Girlfriend's Baby In Hospital

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The story doesn't tell. But 8 month old baby... It's likely it could be his. Anyway... If I got together with a woman some months after she have had a baby, I would contact the authorities and have them to decide what to do with my girlfriend's baby. Since it wasn't mine and we're not married, they couldn't force me to stick with that child. Besides, I wouldn't just drop it at the hospital and then run. Judging from his behavior, it looks just as if it's his child. Don't wanna take any responsibility since he could easily find a new bargirl, in a soi near him. It was bad behavior against the child and his girlfriend even if the baby wasn't his. It was pure asshol_e behavior if the he's the father to it.

In our home countries... Doesn't the authorities lock you in, if you would do a thing like that?


Yes the reporting does not give the information.

It's UNlikely it is his. The mother doesn't even know his name. The police quickly traced the mother (how did they manage that? unless someone gave them the information on a plate.) You don't think they did any investigation, do you? No money in it.

The article doesn't say whether it is a Thai baby or a look krueng.

If you were in the situation, and your - you would pick up the phone and call the "authorities". Who ya gonna call? If you don't speak Thai, and you don't know the correct number?

Have you tried to explain something complicated to busy junior staff in a Thai hospital? When have you known junior staff to take any decision about anything, especially something important? Have you tried to explain anything (complicated or simple) to a Thai policeman?

In most of our home countries, you would be asked for ID, get involved in a lot of paperwork, but the baby would be well cared for.

Why must you judge this man on such a poor piece of "journalism"

Starting with paying a visit at the local police station would be great beginning. They could probably tell you where to go next. I doubt even the Thai police would say "sorry" take the child with you and go!" to an innocent tourist that just found a baby on his feet (as some here would like like to twist the story into). I would have done this regardless if the child were my gf's or if I even just found it on the street. If it wasn't his, no one could force him to take care of that child. What a low life creature behavior. Regardless of the journalism, a human being with moral just don't drop a child and run. If it includes paperwork not doing so, so what? If he's having a heart attack one day, I just hope someone could drop him of at the closest pig farm, where he belongs. Dead or alive. I mean... Someone could risk having to do paperwork if he would be taken care of in a kind and proper way. Who wanna risk that? (sarcasm)


Have you ever been on a police station in this country to find a cop to write a report? Your sarcasm is really insane.

Oh Yessss I do have!

They've been helpful and friendly every time.

During my first year here: I was even picked up one evening by a police car that came to our house, by orders from the highest police chief in this Yangwat. They took me to a local karaoke bar where more police officers already were partying. They just wanted to know me better.


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Will be only 10 years in October for me. Maybe not so long time then...

So... Ron is still your hero then?


1) show me where I say he's my hero?

2) "They(the police) could probably tell you where to go next" ... and they told him to go to the hospital ...

you're probably one of those people who think that it's enough to grow older to be an adult ... and at the age of 60 still believe in child stories ...


Contacting the police aside, it is largely recognised that the place to take abandoned babies in the rest of the world is the hospital or health care facility.





If anyone is ever to abandon a child, as horrendous as it may be, the most logical place to do it has to be a hospital. Where else would anyone ever consider having to do such a difficult thing?

Will be only 10 years in October for me. Maybe not so long time then...

So... Ron is still your hero then?


1) show me where I say he's my hero?

2) "They(the police) could probably tell you where to go next" ... and they told him to go to the hospital ...

you're probably one of those people who think that it's enough to grow older to be an adult ... and at the age of 60 still believe in child stories ...

Since the only truth that exists, is the one that comes from you... Why don't you write a book then and share your extensive knowledge to all of us old aged infants?





And why did he do it all wrong, ending up in news media? The child's mum is his wife. If he wanted to do it the right way, not a drop and run, he would contacted the authorities and do it the properly. It would maybe take a couple of days of his life, but...


Can you find any other reason on why this have been blown up in this way?

Other than: "You simply don't do it like this?"



And why did he do it all wrong, ending up in news media? The child's mum is his wife. If he wanted to do it the right way, not a drop and run, he would contacted the authorities and do it the properly. It would maybe take a couple of days of his life, but...


Can you find any other reason on why this have been blown up in this way?

Other then: "You simply don't do it like this?"


This happens all over the world, every single day.

Even worse, people leave babies in dumpsters and under shrubs in parks where they freeze to death in other parts of the world.

No one wants to do things this way, but it happens. Why has it been blown up? Because it makes good print to paint farangs as heartless.

If he has ever even visited the in-laws up country I doubt. They probably believe their wonderful daughter is working hard in a factory somewhere. If he had, would he have been able to even remember how to get there to probably nakhon nowhere just 50 clicks east of sakhon somewhere.

A relevant question is, where is the original dad? I bet he contributes plenty to the upbringing of this kid. Ironically, if she is given a custodial sentence, if the kid isn't paternally his, I believe he has little legal right to bring the kid up anyway.


Man... This is starting to look like the discussion on rights and wrongs during the red-shirt spectacle in Bangkok.

It really show that whoever you are and wherever you come from, the definition on what's right or wrong really only is in the mind of the beholder. Honestly, I'm really glad that the society got rules and a law system. Otherwise it would be a total anarchy where anyone is doing to others what they like and only the weight of the metal is obstacle to keep you alive.


Man... This is starting to look like the discussion on rights and wrongs during the red-shirt spectacle in Bangkok.

It really show that whoever you are and wherever you come from, the definition on what's right or wrong really only is in the mind of the beholder. Honestly, I'm really glad that the society got rules and a law system. Otherwise it would be a total anarchy where anyone is doing to others what they like and only the weight of the metal is obstacle to keep you alive.


You have obviously never had to go through the hurdles of trying to adopt a kid in this country, when the original dad, be he millionaire or peasant is rarely compelled to provide for their offspring and yet can prevent someone who wants to take care of a kid at the whim of his pleasure.

It would be interesting to know the legal stance on the situation if he had retained hold of the kid and the "wife" or in-laws had claimed that he had claimed possession of an infant that is patently not of his own paternal blood.


And why did he do it all wrong, ending up in news media? The child's mum is his wife. If he wanted to do it the right way, not a drop and run, he would contacted the authorities and do it the properly. It would maybe take a couple of days of his life, but...


Can you find any other reason on why this have been blown up in this way?

Other then: "You simply don't do it like this?"


This happens all over the world, every single day.

Even worse, people leave babies in dumpsters and under shrubs in parks where they freeze to death in other parts of the world.

No one wants to do things this way, but it happens. Why has it been blown up? Because it makes good print to paint farangs as heartless.

If he has ever even visited the in-laws up country I doubt. They probably believe their wonderful daughter is working hard in a factory somewhere. If he had, would he have been able to even remember how to get there to probably nakhon nowhere just 50 clicks east of sakhon somewhere.

A relevant question is, where is the original dad? I bet he contributes plenty to the upbringing of this kid. Ironically, if she is given a custodial sentence, if the kid isn't paternally his, I believe he has little legal right to bring the kid up anyway.

Even if people got mugged, raped, killed every day... Should we accept it and just don't bother? Why do we expect to be left alone and safe against evil, when we at the same time just don't bother what is happening around us? Build your personal bunker and drive your tank to work. As long as I'm safe myself...

If you don't care about other's lives or kids, why would you expect others to respect and bother about yours? Let the wrongdoers be wrong, but do never accept or sanction it! If you do, you're morally equal guilty as they are!



In the video the police ask her is this baby from falang , She said no it has a Thai father , but she says she has been with falang three years , makes you think , why the Thai father has not been taking care of the baby , So it looks like Ron has done the right thing,


And why did he do it all wrong, ending up in news media? The child's mum is his wife. If he wanted to do it the right way, not a drop and run, he would contacted the authorities and do it the properly. It would maybe take a couple of days of his life, but...


Can you find any other reason on why this have been blown up in this way?

Other then: "You simply don't do it like this?"


This happens all over the world, every single day.

Even worse, people leave babies in dumpsters and under shrubs in parks where they freeze to death in other parts of the world.

No one wants to do things this way, but it happens. Why has it been blown up? Because it makes good print to paint farangs as heartless.

If he has ever even visited the in-laws up country I doubt. They probably believe their wonderful daughter is working hard in a factory somewhere. If he had, would he have been able to even remember how to get there to probably nakhon nowhere just 50 clicks east of sakhon somewhere.

A relevant question is, where is the original dad? I bet he contributes plenty to the upbringing of this kid. Ironically, if she is given a custodial sentence, if the kid isn't paternally his, I believe he has little legal right to bring the kid up anyway.

Even if people got mugged, raped, killed every day... Should we accept it and just don't bother? Why do we expect to be left alone and safe against evil, when we at the same time just don't bother what is happening around us? Build your personal bunker and drive you tank to work. As long as I'm safe myself...

If you don't care about other's lives or kids, why would you expect others to respect and bother about yours. Let the wrongdoers be wrong, but do never accept it! If you do, you're morally equal guilty as they are!


The kid got delivered to a hospital. Infinitely better than happens every minute of every day all over the world. Of course no one wants to do this kind of thing, but assuming the child is not his delivering the baby to a hospital would have been the least worst option in my opinion.

So far we hear, boyfriend, husband, drugs, girlfriend.

In many ways, if the kid was adopted by someone who wanted to take real care of her, it would be infinitely better than being with a 60 year old dad who patently has no real interest or feels little moral obligation to care for the child. Lest we forget, a divorce can probably be granted in 30 seconds in this country, and legally he has no legal obligation whether married or divorced. Legally the kid is still responsibility/under the control of the paternal father irrespective of her marrying a foreigner. No one can take legal responsibility of that child without the paternal father's permission.

That is the system here, if you don't like it, campaign to change the law so that paternal dads (Thai men) have to take financial responsibility for their offspring.

There is so much that we don't know about this situation that filling in the blanks can't lead to a good ending anyway. 60 year old husband, mum in jail and 8 month old baby. Catastrophe written all over it. Baby should go home to in-laws asap.


And why did he do it all wrong, ending up in news media? The child's mum is his wife. If he wanted to do it the right way, not a drop and run, he would contacted the authorities and do it the properly. It would maybe take a couple of days of his life, but...


Can you find any other reason on why this have been blown up in this way?

Other then: "You simply don't do it like this?"


This happens all over the world, every single day.

Even worse, people leave babies in dumpsters and under shrubs in parks where they freeze to death in other parts of the world.

No one wants to do things this way, but it happens. Why has it been blown up? Because it makes good print to paint farangs as heartless.

If he has ever even visited the in-laws up country I doubt. They probably believe their wonderful daughter is working hard in a factory somewhere. If he had, would he have been able to even remember how to get there to probably nakhon nowhere just 50 clicks east of sakhon somewhere.

A relevant question is, where is the original dad? I bet he contributes plenty to the upbringing of this kid. Ironically, if she is given a custodial sentence, if the kid isn't paternally his, I believe he has little legal right to bring the kid up anyway.

Even if people got mugged, raped, killed every day... Should we accept it and just don't bother? Why do we expect to be left alone and safe against evil, when we at the same time just don't bother what is happening around us? Build your personal bunker and drive you tank to work. As long as I'm safe myself...

If you don't care about other's lives or kids, why would you expect others to respect and bother about yours. Let the wrongdoers be wrong, but do never accept it! If you do, you're morally equal guilty as they are!


The kid got delivered to a hospital. Infinitely better than happens every minute of every day all over the world. Of course no one wants to do this kind of thing, but assuming the child is not his delivering the baby to a hospital would have been the least worst option in my opinion.

So far we hear, boyfriend, husband, drugs, girlfriend.

In many ways, if the kid was adopted by someone who wanted to take real care of her, it would be infinitely better than being with a 60 year old dad who patently has no real interest or feels little moral obligation to care for the child. Lest we forget, a divorce can probably be granted in 30 seconds in this country, and legally he has no legal obligation whether married or divorced. Legally the kid is still responsibility/under the control of the paternal father irrespective of her marrying a foreigner. No one can take legal responsibility of that child without the paternal father's permission.

That is the system here, if you don't like it, campaign to change the law so that paternal dads (Thai men) have to take financial responsibility for their offspring.

There is so much that we don't know about this situation that filling in the blanks can't lead to a good ending anyway. 60 year old husband, mum in jail and 8 month old baby. Catastrophe written all over it. Baby should go home to in-laws asap.

Question remains:

Is it acceptable? He was involved with the child's mother as her husband. Couldn't he simply just spend a couple of days trying to sort things out the best way for the child? Besides... What would happen in your home country if you dumped your wife's 8 months old child at a hospital, just because your wife got arrested? Would the authorities tap you on the shoulder and say: Good work?

Why is the personal threshold on morality so much lower just because you're living in a country other than your own?


Question remains:

Is it acceptable? He was involved with the child's mother as her husband. Couldn't he simply just spend a couple of days trying to sort things out the best way for the child? Besides... What would happen in your home country if you dumped your wife's 8 months old child at a hospital, just because your wife got arrested? Would the authorities tap you on the shoulder and say: Good work?

Why is the personal threshold on morality so much lower just because you're living in a country other than your own?


Because the moral compass of this society doesn't turn to my whim. We are forever lectured about if you don't like it go home. This is how Thailand is, love it or loathe it. It accepts men abrogating their responsibility every day be they policemen or fathers.

The system you see in my and maybe your own home country aids in every which way it can to prevent this kind of thing.

There is no comparison between a foreigner in Thailand (of what means we don't know) being able or not able to provide for a baby, and me being saddled with presumably someone else's children in a my home country by a woman half my age with a dodgy habit. Ron is a plonker who had no idea what he was getting into.

Indeed, the moral compass of the society in which you are staying is directly related to the level of support society affords you. People are formed by the society around them. If society in Thailand provided for women such as this the way that the system provides in my home country, I doubt very much that she would marry a man from a country 5000 km away and of his age as a husband to provide some kind of long term security.

You cannot compare the moral compasses of Thailand versus the West when the Thai system cannot even compel a Thai man to take financial and legal responsibility for his own offspring.

It is the weakness of Thai society that put this girl in this position and it is not a foreign man's responsibility to save the world when society around him does not assist him legally to do so. Tonight up country, there have probably been a dozen babies abandoned in the same way born in Thai/Thai marriages, and yet these stories are not making the front pages.

I donate to an orphanage in my family's hometown every 6 months. I have been told 200 to 250 babies per year, 99% abandoned, not because both parents are dead. This is the reality of Thailand every day. Ron 60, is the tip of an iceberg that makes good news copy.

Question remains:

Is it acceptable? He was involved with the child's mother as her husband. Couldn't he simply just spend a couple of days trying to sort things out the best way for the child? Besides... What would happen in your home country if you dumped your wife's 8 months old child at a hospital, just because your wife got arrested? Would the authorities tap you on the shoulder and say: Good work?

Why is the personal threshold on morality so much lower just because you're living in a country other than your own?


Because the moral compass of this society doesn't turn to my whim. We are forever lectured about if you don't like it go home. This is how Thailand is, love it or loathe it. It accepts men abrogating their responsibility every day be they policemen or fathers.

The system you see in my and maybe your own home country aids in every which way it can to prevent this kind of thing.

There is no comparison between a foreigner in Thailand (of what means we don't know) being able or not able to provide for a baby, and me being saddled with presumably someone else's children in a my home country by a woman half my age with a dodgy habit. Ron is a plonker who had no idea what he was getting into.

Indeed, the moral compass of the society in which you are staying is directly related to the level of support society affords you. People are formed by the society around them. If society in Thailand provided for women such as this the way that the system provides in my home country, I doubt very much that she would marry a man from a country 5000 km away and of his age as a husband to provide some kind of long term security.

You cannot compare the moral compasses of Thailand versus the West when the Thai system cannot even compel a Thai man to take financial and legal responsibility for his own offspring.

It is the weakness of Thai society that put this girl in this position and it is not a foreign man's responsibility to save the world when society around him does not assist him legally to do so. Tonight up country, there have probably been a dozen babies abandoned in the same way born in Thai/Thai marriages, and yet these stories are not making the front pages.

I donate to an orphanage in my family's hometown every 6 months. I have been told 200 to 250 babies per year, 99% abandoned, not because both parents are dead. This is the reality of Thailand every day. Ron 60, is the tip of an iceberg that makes good news copy.

The humanity is gone then. Do as bad as your environment is doing. Don't feel any regrets or moral scruples since you are surrounded by wrongdoers. You can defend your bad actions by the existence of others there are always doing more bad than you.

Isn't that lovely? You moral is relative to other's doings. How relaxing. Welcome to paradise!


In the video the police ask her is this baby from falang , She said no it has a Thai father , but she says she has been with falang three years , makes you think , why the Thai father has not been taking care of the baby , So it looks like Ron has done the right thing,

2+2=5 yep, the baby is 8 months + 9 = 17 months The baby has a Thai father.

But she has been with the Falang (=farang) 3 years = 36 months.

Yep, it is the farangs fault as always, because 2+2=5 :)


The Thai version of the PDN adds just a little more info. According to Police Major Suphareuk, the baby was hungry and wouldn't stop crying. The husband, Ron, didn't know what to do so he left it at the hospital. (Not sure where this info comes from - Ron or via his wife).

Also the girl's mother is apparently on her way down from Roi Et to take care of the baby and arrange for bail. Not quite sure why the husband hasn't done this though.

He did the smartest and most decent things to be done ...

a.) He got the heck away from that situation as fast as possible ... phew!!!

b.) He had the greatest of decency to personally take the baby to the safest and best possible place

before disappearing.

BIG respect to Mr Ron :)

I'm assuming Ron was not the babies father and just a decent bloke

(to all you racialist pigs - kindly note that I am a Brit patting an Aussie on the back)

Agreed IMHO he did the decent thing, the article mentioned the Police were able to trace the mother so i would assume he must have left some details of the babies mother for them to be able to Trace her.

Yes that's right tiger, he must've done. He's a decent chap in my books :D What was he supposed to do? File for custody??? :D

"The major problem with dumb people is that they are too dumb to realise it"


Please explain how taxing and regulating then etc. is going to elevate that problem in the slightest?? It hasn't worked for either tobacco nor alcohol it's just brought it out front more and lined the pockets of the police and governments in the form of fines etc.. You're going to solve the worlds budget problems on the back of junkies?? That's even more pathetic an approach..

hmmm let me see, there are billions of people drinking and smoking in moderation yet they have good jobs and keep the economy going. What was your point exactly mr economist?

My first question after recent times was, 'Is this really an Australia or another another breed claiming to be an Aussie?' :)

A very sad story indeed.

No evidence yet as to the full story,he may have been just a good Samaritan sort of Guy.

No..........Another drug/child abandonment story, legalizing drugs will not make a person like this more responsible it will just give her more reason and excuse in her mind not to live up to her responsibility.. People addicted to drugs aren't known for their sense of reality nor responsibility, just how to get their next fix even if that means leaving their child with strangers or depriving them of food to have the money to purchase more drugs...

Please explain how taxing and regulating then etc. is going to elevate that problem in the slightest?? It hasn't worked for either tobacco nor alcohol it's just brought it out front more and lined the pockets of the police and governments in the form of fines etc.. You're going to solve the worlds budget problems on the back of junkies?? That's even more pathetic an approach..

Wait... the problem is not the person, it's the behavior; both the habit and the separation from the baby.

The problem is that the incarceration led her to being separated from her baby. That's a problem of drug prohibition.... bust up a family just cause someone wants to get high? Now the child has to suffer without a mother while she is locked up for the next however long. It does not solve her dependency issues and now the child suffers. This gets worse, not better for anyone.

If, on the other hand, she had taken alcohol or tobacco or some legal prescription drugs and likewise was addicted, would it have led to the separation of the family in the immediate, or long term future???? No. At least otherwise she had a chance of ending her habit and keeping her family intact.... or an educational based program where she could keep the baby and fix the bad habit.

Of course, forget the fact that education plays the major role in all of this..... as does brainwashing about illicit drug dangers (not related to the problems caused by being caught); based on the economic motives of pharmaceutical, tobacco and alcohol industries.

Surely, forget enough fundamental information, you can convince yourself of anything.... especially the dark ages war against [illegal] drugs which statistically are associated with lower mortality rates than SUGAR, ALCOHOL and TOBACCO. Please don't tell me these are not under the blanket term 'drugs'.

How much bad must be done in the name of good?

The problem is that the incarceration led her to being separated from her baby. That's a problem of drug prohibition.... bust up a family just cause someone wants to get high? Now the child has to suffer without a mother while she is locked up for the next however long. It does not solve her dependency issues and now the child suffers. This gets worse, not better for anyone.

Silly me I was thinking it was just taking Drugs in the first place that was the root of the problem.

Got it now, Prohibition was the problem,and had she not been arrested she would have been a fit and proper Mother to

look after the Baby.

She is a victim of state oppression. The state takes the individuals freedom, the freedom to take drugs, the freedom to sell her body and the freedom of choice. No wonder the Red shirts are angry. :)

He did the smartest and most decent things to be done ...

a.) He got the heck away from that situation as fast as possible ... phew!!!

b.) He had the greatest of decency to personally take the baby to the safest and best possible place

before disappearing.

BIG respect to Mr Ron :)

I'm assuming Ron was not the babies father and just a decent bloke

(to all you racialist pigs - kindly note that I am a Brit patting an Aussie on the back)

you sum it up real well.

I'll add

-tourist most probably hasn't been 17 months in LOS

-baby maybe not even weaned

-lady never told the police about the baby, or the police would have contacted grandmother before or

-what she maybe tried to avoid

-police would have been at her place and taken the baby.

-I'm a 56 y o divorced father , I had to care for my son part time since he was 18 months and Ron has all my sympathy.

to all you racialists, note that I'm a French patting both a Brit and an Aussie on the back.

"-I'm a 56 y o divorced father , I had to care for my son part time since he was 18 months and Ron has all my sympathy."

So, you have done and paid your part for the humanity then?! Don't have to take any responsibility anymore then.

Behavior like Ron's is totally accepted, as long as you are above middle aged, divorced and have already paid for a divorce-child?

Great! As I wrote in another posting. Why would you expect anyone to care for you, since you don't care for others?


?? reading comprehension not your favourite subject maybe? or the present heat wave in LOS ?

It should read: "Thai bar girl on drugs abandons her 8 month child while being incarcerated, a 60 year old Australian while on Holiday, whom she hardly knew, had the compassion to return the child to Thai Authorities via the local hospital"

Think we need a liiiitle more info before we make assumption. But I agre that the story (typical Thai reporting) leaves much to the imagination :)

Typical Farang behavior. The farang's fault 100% I bet he got her into drugs and ruined her life.. It's ALWAYS the farang! :)

Yes 100% the truth ! :D

Let every farang pay an extra 800 000 to the police every year,for all the bad things happening

in Thailand,and sterelize them when they come into Thailand,than later accuse them of making

the thai girls pregnant of their 100% thai baby's !Why not? :D

CHON BURI: -- An 8-month-old baby girl was found discarded inside the Memorial Pattaya Hospital early Thursday.

Am i the only one who thinks that leaving a baby (even in a hospital) isn't a good thing, like most of you are suggesting.

Simple fact.. he abandoned the child, discarded is the exact phrase the news article used... I don't give a rats ass if the guy was the kids father, step-father or just some random guy tapping the Thai mother, you don't just discard/abandon a 8mth old baby in a hospital and walk away... If this guy was such a decent chap, as most of you are suggesting, then physically handing over the child to the authorities is the right course of action, not getting to the hospital grounds and leaving the baby carriage somewhere and walk away.

Agreed 100%.

If I found a baby on my doorstep, do I just drive to the nearest hospital and DISCARD it there like some soi dog? Of course not and no decent person (whether he is the father, the BF, total stranger or a mere one-night-stand) would do it. I am shocked that so many posters seem to think that Ron did the right thing! Perhaps he should have taken the trouble (we are talking of a human life) to go to an orphanage and explain the situation re: the mother, and let them handle it. To just dump the baby at a public hospital and walk away is neither decent nor kind; it is plain irresponsible, careless, heartless, inhuman and stupid.

If anyone did what Ron did in a western country, I am sure he wouldn't be lauded as quite the hero as some posters here seem to think he is. Shame.

Doggie, look around you! Parts of Oz are worse than Thailand. Exactly what orphanage should he take the baby? Do you know where one is? I've been here 11 years and damned if I know!

Ron did what any reasonable man would have done, in the circumstances :) IMHO

I am from Oz ad I have been here 3 years. As a matter of fact I do know where the orphanages are...read any local papers and you will see. Even if I didn't, I'd take the trouble to find out.

If you think Ron is "reasonable" I hope you don't get dumped by your loved one on the steps of the Aussie Embassy when you are unable to look after yourself because by your own standard, it seems a perfectly decent thing to do.

The title in Pattaya Daily News is as follows : Aussie Dumps Baby Daughter Outside Pattaya Hospital

and the text

An Australian National left an eight month old baby girl in her stroller outside the Pattaya National Hospital at 3.00 am this morning along with some clothes and a bottle of milk.

Pattaya 2nd June 2010 [PDN] At 3.30 pm Police Major Suppharerk Yuphrai (Pattaya Police Investigator) rushed to the Pattaya Memorial Hospital after receiving notification that a foreign man had left a girl baby outside.

On arrival at the scene, the Officer found a female baby (8 months) in a stroller along with clothes and milk bottle. On questioning the people at the scene, no one had any information about the baby except the security guard who stated that he saw a foreign man arrive with the baby around 3.00am before the hospital officials informed the police.

The officer discovered that the baby's mother was Miss Orasa Donsakhu [24] from Roied who had been restrained in Pattaya Police Station, charged with drug possession on the evening of 2nd June. Miss Donsakhu had handed her baby over to her foreign husband, Mr. Ron [60] an Australian national at the time of her arrest. Subsequently the officer brought the baby to the mother at the police station.

Police Major Suppharerk Yuphrai revealed that her husband may have left the baby at the hospital after the arrest of his wife as he had no idea of taking care of such a young child. The officer contacted Miss Donsakhu in order to ensure that her mother will come to take care of the baby at home in Roied.

Their are also some pictures and even a video clip

Thanks for the followup, kuifje!

So, he's then HUSBAND to the arrested woman!! Man... What a lowlife sh*t-head creature.

Shall be interesting to read what the Ron-apologists have to say about this then.

As a foreigner well above middle age, divorced in the past, living in a country with easy women... It's totally okay to be unmoral and totally don't care about others. Can't be a coincidence to end up here then, since that behavior isn't well accepted from where foreign <deleted> comes from...

Your quick and naive to step up to the plate. Thai's talk in generic terms. By no means can the post mean he is her husband. "fan" or "samee" or "poowa" can all mean anything from the guy I met yesterday to live in boyfriend to husband by marriage. You've jumped the gun on this my friend.

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