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Thai Police On High Alert To Catch World Cup Punters

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The Government has a responsiblity to protect it citizens, especially the vulnerable ones.

What about the people who aren't vulnerable ?

I guess using your argument we all have to be dragged down to the same level and treated as unconscionable miscreants who are incapable of making a decision without the states help ?

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The Government has a responsiblity to protect it citizens, especially the vulnerable ones.

What about the people who aren't vulnerable ?

I guess using your argument we all have to be dragged down to the same level and treated as unconscionable miscreants who are incapable of making a decision without the states help ?


And in addition, even the vast majority of the unconscionable miscreants who are incapable of making a decision without the states help probably deserve some protection themselves. Only legalisation and regulation can offer that.

Good to see they have their priorities straight. Things like this and inspecting tourists' pockets are much more important than stopping idiots from going around with guns and grenade launchers.

Good time to be a member of the RTPF, what with these new opportunities and all the $$ they got for looking the other way for over 2 months.

It`s irrelevant whether you agree with this clamp down or not.

The law is the law and if you don’t agree with the laws and legal policies of Thailand, then there is always the option of seeking pastures anew, where you consider gives more freedom to participate in gambling and other pursuits. Or take a vacation to places that permit gambling while the World cup in on.

If people living here don’t want to become victims of the legal system or owned by corrupt police, than keep your head down and abide the laws.

No point in wringing about it later.

Whoops, excuse us big wheel man.

How rude of us to forget that we are not allowed to form opinions and have discussions on this site. Perhaps we should all just log off now, eh!

Well my opinion is that the police do an excellent job here in Thailand.

They put their lives on the line every day for a pittance each month.

There are always going to be rotten apples in the basket, but this is no reason to continue slagging off Thailand, the police do deserve credit sometimes.

The saying that has run through generations of my family, is that a policeman can be your best friend in times of crisis. I still believe this pertains today.

I would never criticise the policies of Thailand, because it is my home and rather support the authorities, who could tell me to sod off with a stroke of a pen, than slag the country off.

Try living in some parts of Britain for a few months, with thug rule, under councils with draconian powers, scared to walk the streets after dark and having to secure your property like Fort Knox.

I appreciate and consider myself extremely fortunate being able to live in Thailand.

Its no laughing matter, gambling along with drinking, drugs and prostituition are a sure way to ruin and perpertrators should burn in hel_l!!!

Haha - you mean all 4 at once right ? Burn baby burn...

But seriously, you are being IRONIC i hope ?

By the way, the major existential problem is that for so many people He_ll happens WAY before death.

As for the Thai BIB being on 'High Alert' - shouldn't that just read on a 'High' ?

(an acquaintance of mine ordered some weed in a local bar a while back, and an hour later it was delivered

to his front door by...an employee of guess what govt. organisation ? )

NO!. Sinners and pornificators will reap the wrath of damnation and the and the burning curse of hells fire will come down and scortch their souls for all they deserve

It`s irrelevant whether you agree with this clamp down or not.

The law is the law and if you don’t agree with the laws and legal policies of Thailand, then there is always the option of seeking pastures anew, where you consider gives more freedom to participate in gambling and other pursuits. Or take a vacation to places that permit gambling while the World cup in on.

If people living here don’t want to become victims of the legal system or owned by corrupt police, than keep your head down and abide the laws.

No point in wringing about it later.


Your pathetic response is about as sickening as the topic. Perhaps you will consider editing when you sober/grow up.

This is all about throttling those who'd like to bet on a game direct and avoid surcharge. That gambling is a morality issue is not part of the equation. Perhaps this group (the Thai police) should concentrate on the current bigger woes than attempt to divert attention to crap like this.

And in addition, even the vast majority of the unconscionable miscreants who are incapable of making a decision without the states help probably deserve some protection themselves. Only legalisation and regulation can offer that.

My point being that legislative interference to protect the dim-witted shouldn't be at the expense of my personal freedom to do as I please.

NO!. Sinners and pornificators will reap the wrath of damnation and the and the burning curse of hells fire will come down and scortch their souls for all they deserve

I hope you're taking the Michael with your pontificating. If not, please go away :)

Good to see they have their priorities straight. Things like this and inspecting tourists' pockets are much more important than stopping idiots from going around with guns and grenade launchers.

Good time to be a member of the RTPF, what with these new opportunities and all the $ they got for looking the other way for over 2 months.

It`s irrelevant whether you agree with this clamp down or not.

The law is the law and if you don't agree with the laws and legal policies of Thailand, then there is always the option of seeking pastures anew, where you consider gives more freedom to participate in gambling and other pursuits. Or take a vacation to places that permit gambling while the World cup in on.

If people living here don't want to become victims of the legal system or owned by corrupt police, than keep your head down and abide the laws.

No point in wringing about it later.

Whoops, excuse us big wheel man.

How rude of us to forget that we are not allowed to form opinions and have discussions on this site. Perhaps we should all just log off now, eh!

Well my opinion is that the police do an excellent job here in Thailand.

They put their lives on the line every day for a pittance each month.

There are always going to be rotten apples in the basket, but this is no reason to continue slagging off Thailand, the police do deserve credit sometimes.

The saying that has run through generations of my family, is that a policeman can be your best friend in times of crisis. I still believe this pertains today.

I would never criticise the policies of Thailand, because it is my home and rather support the authorities, who could tell me to sod off with a stroke of a pen, than slag the country off.

Try living in some parts of Britain for a few months, with thug rule, under councils with draconian powers, scared to walk the streets after dark and having to secure your property like Fort Knox.

I appreciate and consider myself extremely fortunate being able to live in Thailand.

:) you must have fallen out of the logic tree and hit an illogical rock

policeman, best friend...ok I agree it is possible but then tell you to sod off at the stroke of a pen? would a friend do this? :D

The thread is about gambling and the nonsense 'crackdown' (line your pockets boys) not some imaginary UK

It`s irrelevant whether you agree with this clamp down or not.

The law is the law and if you don’t agree with the laws and legal policies of Thailand, then there is always the option of seeking pastures anew, where you consider gives more freedom to participate in gambling and other pursuits. Or take a vacation to places that permit gambling while the World cup in on.

If people living here don’t want to become victims of the legal system or owned by corrupt police, than keep your head down and abide the laws.

No point in wringing about it later.


Your pathetic response is about as sickening as the topic. Perhaps you will consider editing when you sober/grow up.

This is all about throttling those who'd like to bet on a game direct and avoid surcharge. That gambling is a morality issue is not part of the equation. Perhaps this group (the Thai police) should concentrate on the current bigger woes than attempt to divert attention to crap like this.

Jackr U R n idiot :D


If they just would legalize gambling, at least they could avoid billions of baht to 'escape' the country to Cambodia, Myanmar etc to the casinos.... !! Build casinos here or allow them and tax them, then Thailand government will have an extra-income to rebuild after the disaters of last month...

NO!. Sinners and pornificators will reap the wrath of damnation and the and the burning curse of hells fire will come down and scortch their souls for all they deserve

I hope you're taking the Michael with your pontificating. If not, please go away :)

The destruction to family life that gambling and the above has done is inexcusable..'he who crawls on his belly through the garden of Eden and eats the dust below him' shall be shown no mercy

The Government has a responsiblity to protect it citizens, especially the vulnerable ones.

What about the people who aren't vulnerable ?

I guess using your argument we all have to be dragged down to the same level and treated as unconscionable miscreants who are incapable of making a decision without the states help ?

It is not an argument.

The UK Government hasn't legalised Cocaine yet has it?

Why not?

Gambling is actually a worse addiction than drugs or alcohol. Ask the experts, (trick cyclists) they will tell you.

Previously good, cleanskin, respectable people are being locked up on a daily basis back home. Middle aged mothers with long careers as trusted Bank Managers doing time for embezzlement. These are not 'one offs' either. We have created a social huge problem. At our casinos and gambling venues in melbourne and sydney babies die from being left inside motor vehicles in the hot Australian Summer Sun, whilst mum is inside playing the Pokies.

The basic tenet of confucianism - The good of society comes before any individual.

NO!. Sinners and pornificators will reap the wrath of damnation and the and the burning curse of hells fire will come down and scortch their souls for all they deserve

I hope you're taking the Michael with your pontificating. If not, please go away :)

The destruction to family life that gambling and the above has done is inexcusable..'he who crawls on his belly through the garden of Eden and eats the dust below him' shall be shown no mercy

You can't be a Christian then.

I would say that this country is becoming a joke, but I think it's well past being "funny" now


Yup And the biggest joke of all today was TV's SMS about a Japanese Guy who was arrested trying to smuggle a huge amount of some odd grams (NOT KILOS >>>>!! ) of Cannabis + a huge amount of 16 pills of Viagra ... Pfffff!! And this makes the headlines of really Newbreaking content and worth while for TV to SMS...??? Unless TV ws trying to show us how petty and ridiculous this country is becoming I really didn't see the point of this as Breaking News .... :D ....Wow, but then of course there was the 2 Thai ladies arrested at Suvanabhumi with ICE worth 20 Million Baht ... ummmm... :) ...oops! think these girls MAYBE in a bit of trouble but then again that will depend on their connections and will probably never hear anything about again ... nor about the Japanese guy .... So it just boils down to a little bit of daily news to keep us on top of the efficiency of the law in case we have nothing better to do during the day :D


NO!. Sinners and pornificators will reap the wrath of damnation and the and the burning curse of hells fire will come down and scortch their souls for all they deserve[/quote,

I hope you're taking the Michael with your pontificating. If not, please go away :)

The destruction to family life that gambling and the above has done is inexcusable..'he who crawls on his belly through the garden of Eden and eats the dust below him' shall be shown no mercy

WHooooooooaaaaaaaa - do you have a long white beard and robe and a forky-type thing in your right hand ? scary, and

surely Off-Topic ? (not a thread about the value of Old Testament thinking!)

Surely the headline should read: "Thai Police on high alert to fleece World Cup punters".

The current headline is misleading, as it suggests that the police are interested in curtailing the activity, rather than cashing in....

That about sums it up.

Its no laughing matter, gambling along with drinking, drugs and prostituition are a sure way to ruin and perpertrators should burn in hel_l!!!

oh thats ripe!!! do you mean drinking like Jesus' wine at the last supper, or prostitution like Mary Magdelene, or drugs like cigerettes (nicotine, more addictive than heroin) or coffee.

Please go back to your cave and wait for the rapture. we will send for your bones later.

just another method to make this country, more unpleasant and childish, so ovious to extort money from tourists. nothing else to do, :) BIB ? not enough traffic money to make any more, after their NONACTION against the red they need an other income...

No it's to extort money from Thai's! Not everything is about you being a farang!

Forget stopping Red shirts stocking weapons and harassing the populace,

but lets clamp down on bettors...

wait that have money to take,

much better time spent.

That was dangerous work! Best left to the The Royal Thai Armed Forces! Bib's don't do that as they may actually have to do some work without a payoff! :D


Unless a person has lived with a family member that gamles, they wouldnt understand the life changing ramifications that it can have on the children and dependants. It is a disease and any attempts to stop that disease should be welcome.

NO!. Sinners and pornificators will reap the wrath of damnation and the and the burning curse of hells fire will come down and scortch their souls for all they deserve

I hope you're taking the Michael with your pontificating. If not, please go away :)

The destruction to family life that gambling and the above has done is inexcusable..'he who crawls on his belly through the garden of Eden and eats the dust below him' shall be shown no mercy

Oh Please yes...Just go away or get a job at Grace International as a teacher ... but go away !! :D

Unless a person has lived with a family member that gamles, they wouldnt understand the life changing ramifications that it can have on the children and dependants. It is a disease and any attempts to stop that disease should be welcome.

This is very true, and even low level / local amateur gambling can ruin lives or relationships and lead to debt and despair.

Unfortunately, relying on the Royal Thai Police to actually improve the situation, rather than exploit it, is a fairytale dream.

Unless a person has lived with a family member that gamles, they wouldnt understand the life changing ramifications that it can have on the children and dependants. It is a disease and any attempts to stop that disease should be welcome.

And so does living with an alcoholic family member, or a violent one, or an obsessed jealous one or a pedophile one or a manic depressive one .... And I can go on and on.... There are numerous problems and seriously affected people in all these areas + many more that I have not mentioned, but we can't ban everything cause of the ones who have no control over their actions / lives cause then it would become a really robotic and boring society to live in ..... They are minorities and their friends and families have to deal with helping them find a way out and a solution to their problems which is yes, a HUGE task and with a very low success rate ...but ........

NO!. Sinners and pornificators will reap the wrath of damnation and the and the burning curse of hells fire will come down and scortch their souls for all they deserve

I hope you're taking the Michael with your pontificating. If not, please go away :D

The destruction to family life that gambling and the above has done is inexcusable..'he who crawls on his belly through the garden of Eden and eats the dust below him' shall be shown no mercy

OMG, a right wing bible thumper in Thailand! You must be joking me! I suppose you must be a "Christian" missionary! Please do your pontification back where ever you came from! Get real, no get a life. This has nothing to do with sin or sinners, it has everything to do with MONEY! This is a Buddhist country, is it not? Please at least respect that fact! I don't gamble, but what people do with their money is up to them. Some Thai's do have a gambling problem, so do people from every other country! :)


I couldn't understand the betting practices of futbol, but it seemed more interesting than the sport.

You should try ice hockey. In that sport, it's ok to try to take the head off the guy with the puck.



Oooo..wow. Four pages and only two "Thais are always right because I'm a guest in their country" responses! Maybe it's the really new ones who haven't had their Thai friends screwed over yet and asked to shell out loans so they can win their money back. I'm sure reporting it to the police would help...


last World Cup, black market betting was available on match results,underwritten by the Big Boys,

even in the village shops,same as the twice monthly black Lottery.

This World Cup will be no different!

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