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You're certainly getting some fine shots off Robby , I have a tendency of scaring all my subjects away w00t.gif



Your doing a great job with the ones you don't scare.

But hay I know what you mean I have the same problem, particularly with birds.

I have an advantage with the butterflies in that I get the best results standing back a couple of meters or so and zooming in. Even then I dump a lot before getting one that's worth looking at.

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Yes, every lens increases depth of field as you increase the F stop; but close up at 150mm is going to give you a very small DOF at any F stop. Even F11 would not put the entire subject in focus.

The first shot above was at F3.5, the second at F4. I try and stay below F8 for M43 otherwise you can get diffraction degrading the image; plus of course at 150mm I need to keep the shutter speed up to ensure a sharp pic, although the E-M1 stabilisation helps a lot.

I was happy with the DOF in the first shot; in the second one I should have stopped down a bit more to try and get the "nose" in focus; but you don't get much time before they decide they have had enough and disappear into the bushes!

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You can get MUCH closer with a macro; but for lizards, butterflies, flowers and similar sized objects, the 40-150mm can fill the frame and allow you to get shots you would not otherwise get because the closeness of the macro would share the subject away.

You can hold this lens 70cm away from the subject, irrespective of focal length and even with the 1.4 extender attached and still get focus.

It's a great lens, really sharp across the frame even wide open. Good for sports, portraits, semi-macro, everything!

But it is comparatively large.

I wrote a review here: http://www.pattayadays.com/2015/03/olympus-40-150mm-f2-8-pro-review/

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