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The Views Of A Western "reporter" On Sexpats And Sex-tourism In Thailand

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I was surfing one of my regular news and blog sites, Slate.com, and came across this piece on sex-tourism in Thailand. It's from the "Double X" blog on Slate so you already know they have an agenda and certain point of view. Apparently, the author parachuted into Bangkok a couple months ago to cover the Red-Shirt vs. Gov't. riots and found time to stick her nose into the commercial sex industry. Her description of the industry, the people who populate it (both clients and the sex-workers) and her descriptions of Bangkok, Pattaya, and Issan are so off base and cliched it almost beggars the imagination. There is even a mention of the Thai-Visa forum [Congrats to T-V.].

She rehashes the old canard that Thailand is a world-wide magnet for underage prostitution and is almost solely inhabited and visited by sex-crazed and depraved foreigners. Slate is affiliated with the Washington Post so their POV is basically that of the North-East liberal Wash. D.C.-NYC elite. Most likely it was the authors first visit to Thailand, she most surely doesn't speak the language, didn't know a rat's arse about anything she saw (either about the riots or sex-tourism) and just pulled this this piece of trash journalism out of her neither regions for it's salacious and voyeuristic appeal to her Western audience.

Here is the link: http://www.slate.com/id/2255294/

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Before this gets deleted, there's a section of that almost-parody article here the site owners might be interested in:

So now that it's not, where else is there to go? A man with the username UKmatt on the popular expat (and sexpat) forum thaivisa.com suggests the Phillipines as a viable alternative to Thailand.

Love it or hate it, ThaiVisa is certainly *not* a "sexpat" site.

Before this gets deleted, there's a section of that almost-parody article here the site owners might be interested in:
So now that it's not, where else is there to go? A man with the username UKmatt on the popular expat (and sexpat) forum thaivisa.com suggests the Phillipines as a viable alternative to Thailand.

Love it or hate it, ThaiVisa is certainly *not* a "sexpat" site.

I wonder where she got that idea. :)



After reading this you can see she's obviously done some very good research about Thailand and the numbers of people that come here. Like most Femanazi's she's got NO IDEA! or as we say downunder NFI!

Lol. TV's very own UKmatt get's quoted in the article...

When do I get my 15 mins of fame? :)

I met a bloke in a pub.....oh yeah really top journalism not.


I was willing to give her a pass for most of her misinformed views, until I got to the very last sentence in that article.

That was just totally uncalled for. I don't even believe it. Sounds to me like she made the whole thing up. Come on. There must be people here who live in Nong Khai and are regulars at "Ice Bar". Do you remember this miserable excuse for a human that calls herself a reporter? I seriously doubt there was ever anyone called Terry. Nobody would say that. Nobody. Even if they thought it, they wouldn't say it out loud.

What a disgusting cretin this Jessica Olien is. Everyone in Thailand with the first name of Terry should sue her for slander. Couldn't win of course, but it might make an impression.


i have edited the topic title

debate her article, debate her reporting, debate her style, debate her if you wish

but do not use offensive terms, and particularly do NOT try to turn this into a generalisation about western women. just a forewarning :)

This airhead is about as accurate about expats as the rest of the media was about the political situation in Thailand during the recent troubles.

Gotta agree with that about the political reporting and without even reading the Slate article it sounds from the OPs description that it could just have been written by someone who has not even been to Thailand but just culled previous sex biased reports.


I believe sometimes people already come here with the opinions and gossip that they have heard before they stepped foot out of the plane. They talk to a few people, and those may confirm by their actions that it could be true. Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason... She more than likely already had this vision in her mindset.

BUT..I believe to write a story full of generalizations and things that people already know is pretty pointless. So what if guys come to Thailand for to fill their fantasies??? It happens all over the world, not just here...

I think the "journalist" has a creativity problem....and obvoiusly couldn't think of anything nice to write.. (She was looking for refrences in Thai Visa....instead of looking to the Thai people about Thailand)

Just my opinion: I'm a western female, living in Thailand. Of course I do see guys that come here just for sex... BUT there are also a lot of guys that come here for fun, like going to the islands, parties, going shopping for import-export business, coming here for food, culture and experience.. I'm only one person but I try to stick up for this place because even though on the surface I have a love/hate relationship w/ it...deep in my heart I really love it here....

I think whoever reads this article has probably already heard the stereotypes and generalizations made about Thailand before, so what's another one??

I believe it's up to people to come here and experience it first hand and make their decision based on that....

I think if little miss "journalist" had spent a longer amount of time here w/ and open mind she might be able to recognize that.....


I would say Jessica Olien was under pressure from her editor to come up with a story after she wasted her time ( and news medias money) so she fabricated her story from hearsay and general perceptions of Thailand she gleaned from the internet.

total load of rubbish IMHO


Why is sex always a dirty subject to some people? I'm not talking about underage or trafficking or other things which are deviant. Sex is fun.

I haven't read her article, but she sounds like my daughter-in-law who thinks she's a journalist. Thailand is an easy target, and everyone likes to point the finger at someone else. The immigration thing going on in the US is a perfect example. It's not an immigration problem, it's a drug smuggling problem. It's like the Mexicans are physically forcing the citizens to use drugs. Keep your own house clean, and everything else will naturally follow.


Hehehe I just had a quick look for some other things she has written. One was about her hatred of being given a massage. Another was an article about Sex Shops in China selling fake Hymen's (Virginty)

When stuck for a good story get into to the smut and tittilating stuff. Sex Sells after all. And let's face it, cruising the Air Conned Go-Go Bars is a dam_n sight easier than manning a picket line in the middle of the road at the height of the hot season. How was the Gin and Tonic anyway? More Ice?

Tell the world something it doesn't know already Jessica Olien or maybe we should call you Rank Xerox, for what you have written would hardly be classified as original. Lazy and boring journalism with a smattering of, shall we say, poetic license.

Very easy to do, cruise the downtown bars looking for human rubbish. Nicolas Cage was right in the movie when he said if you want to find garbage, go to a garbage dump. The last para I too found absolutely repugnent in the extreme.

Next time you come to Thailand Jess, give me a shout. Come and meet my friends, have a drink, sing a few songs, share our food and chill out. Who knows, you may even discover something positive to write about.

I promise I won't invite anyone called Terry.

Before this gets deleted, there's a section of that almost-parody article here the site owners might be interested in:
So now that it's not, where else is there to go? A man with the username UKmatt on the popular expat (and sexpat) forum thaivisa.com suggests the Phillipines as a viable alternative to Thailand.

Love it or hate it, ThaiVisa is certainly *not* a "sexpat" site.

I wonder where she got that idea. :D


What goes on in that mods room? :):D

I was willing to give her a pass for most of her misinformed views, until I got to the very last sentence in that article.

That was just totally uncalled for. I don't even believe it. Sounds to me like she made the whole thing up. Come on. There must be people here who live in Nong Khai and are regulars at "Ice Bar". Do you remember this miserable excuse for a human that calls herself a reporter? I seriously doubt there was ever anyone called Terry. Nobody would say that. Nobody. Even if they thought it, they wouldn't say it out loud.

What a disgusting cretin this Jessica Olien is. Everyone in Thailand with the first name of Terry should sue her for slander. Couldn't win of course, but it might make an impression.

OK so she did make up some lies but some of the stuff was the truth; such as the fact that most of Thailand sex workers are from Issan. That's a fact. and the fact that thaivisa is part sexpat forum in that many sexpats do use the forum, though of course none of you


And Now You Can Discover Step-by-Step

How to Attract These Beautiful Women

Just By Reading My Sexpat Secrets eBook!

The truth is out there :)


I'm sorry, but I disagree with most of you on several of the issues. The one thing I totally disagree with that the author wrote is that his forum/website is a sex-pat forum. It's clearly not that. Nevertheless, the topic has come up from time to time in restrained ways, and more than one poster has mentioned the fun one can have meeting and/or marrying younger women in Thailand.

Come on guys...are you telling me that the bars in Pat Pong and Soi Cowboy are holding knitting parties? Are you telling me there aren't hundreds of massage places in Bangkok that aren't going beyond massaging your aching shoulder?

I don't care if it's straight or gay, Bangkok is one of the most sex-friendly countries in the world. I know...been there, done that. Back in 1987 on my first visit I left Thailand after 3 weeks and was totally satiated. After I returned in subsequent years I started behaving myself, and the year I just spent living in Thailand I was a totally good boy...but then again I'm not the old retired viagra-taking retiree that some are. And by the way, I hate to tell you how many times I've gone in a drug store for some med and been offered Viagra. Why do you think the drug store folks are making the assumption?

The problem with the author's story is that she painted too broad a picture. But if you can't tell me stories of your own or of others, then you're not being honest. One year before my brief retirement here I had a flat down near Onnut for 7 weeks. There were two older American men who shared a flat there and in the 4 of 7 weeks I was in Bangkok, I never once saw them go out of the flat...although I know they must have...but what I did see was a constant stream of young men going in and out all day and all night long. Some of you make it sound like people in this routine are perhaps taking Bible lessons.

Bangkok is one of the sex capitals of the world. Period. Back in the days when I had flights booked by travel agents, twice they said things like, "So when you get back, come tell me what Pat Pong is really like." Gee...wonder what they meant...did they think there was lots of artwork for sale?

I don't know if it's true, but I once saw a statistic that incoming flights to Thailand have the largest percentage of men traveling alone of any destination in the world. I guess they're all coming for the health spas. Think I'm wrong, next time you go to immigration (or even the American embassy) count the ratio between women doing business at those places and men doing business there. I was at the American embassy last week – I would estimate the ratio at 90% men, 10% women. Gee, maybe just a coincidence.

Of course, not everyone is in Thailand for sex. Or even primarily for sex. But, methinks thou(s) dost protest too much.


I wish I could earn money like her , no resaerch , no investigation , probably took her 10 minutes to write that article and she has been in thailand for 1 day

Totally laughable , what a joke , hope the member in question sues her fat ugly arse !


Thanks for the link OP, I totally disagree with your assessment and actually think she's more or less summed up Thailand's sexpat community.

Almost everything she has said has been discussed many times here on TV.

Frequent discussion and rabid indignation when a pedophile is caught in Thailand - happens enough in Thailand and is discussed enough on TV that it is simply ridiculous to deny that Thailand is a destination of choice for pedophiles.

Sexpats desperately looking for an alternative to Thailand - Again frequently discussed on TV

Sextourists spending their time staggering from bar to bar and prostitute to protitute - You mean you've never seen this?

Unlike the OP I don't find the statements made at all offensive - They are far too near the truth to be that.

Or maybe it's this truth that hurts some amongst us.


I must be going blind (too much sex perhaps) I have been a member for a long time but have never seen the sexpat forum on TV can someone send me the link please?

Perhaps the reporter was disappointed to come to Thailand to report on the revolting reds and found out they where not actually Communists.

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