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Cursed Fiancée!


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OK! I realize this whole subject might sound stupid but my fiancée apparently has been cursed by a very evil woman! According to a monk and four other "magicians" or holy men this woman is cursing my fiancée every day when all it takes is once a week. I'm actually not sure what to believe, but since a fifth fortune teller (or whatever) precisely described what has been happening between me and my fiancée although she had absolutely no knowledge about our situation (all she got was the date and place of birth of my fiancée) I'm inclined to start believing in magic.

So I had to get my fiancée back to Thailand to counteract the curse but I'm now wondering what I can do to protect her in the future - I'm from Sweden and I know an old "wise woman" who has a few curses of her own to dish out if she wanted to, so my question is...

Would a curse from Sweden have any effect in Thailand? The old lady I'm refering to is herself a firm believer in both white and black magic and since the people around my fiancée are also firm belivers in magic I would think it at least would mean something. I myself know a few norse curses (or galder/seid) that I could invoke on this person but would it have any effect? I'm not sure if I believe in magic or if this is just psychology but either way if the recipient of the curse believes in it the curse will probably work!

I'm sorry if there's inconsistencies in what I've written but I'm actually quite drunk at the moment but the question is serious!

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Funny! I'm laughing so hard I can hardly use my keyboard... Oh wait... Perhaps not that funny...

I don't know if I believe in this or not but I know the people involved believe in (thai) magic! What I want to know is if the Thai would believe in Swedish "magic" or what ever you'd call it!? If it would help my fiancée against this woman it would be a welcome weapon of sorts! I love my fiancée and if I can protect her, no matter what, I'll do that!

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OK then! Don't call it a curse! Call it brainwashing, psychology or whatever you want! She and her whole family believes it! I've only been engaged to and lived with my fiancée for three months and I don't know everything about Thai culture. I didn't know that they believed in magic until a few weeks ago and I don't know if the fact that she's from Isaan makes any difference. I honestly just don't know enough about Thai culture! I'm not a troll and the question is honest! I'm sorry if I sound like an idiot but how am I supposed to learn if I don't ask questions and I thought this forum looked like a serious place to ask.

I'm not saying that I myself believe it either... but that's not the point! Would a person who believe in (Thai) magic also believe in magic or curses from another country? All I want is for this particular woman to stop interfering with my and my fiancées life!

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Most likely not! But that's another point... I don't know! I have no idea what the average Thai thinks about this! Maybe they'll take it very serious! I just don't know! That's why I'm asking!

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WOW, one of the best post ever! Very funny, I am laughing out my head off. It just does not get any better than this.

Since these fortune tellers seem to know so much. Why not ask them what the winning lottery numbers are and tell them you will split the winnings with them. That will shut them up fast and prove to your girlfriend they are nothing but fakes.

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Well I'm happy that my misfortune is bringing some of you joy! :) No one apparently knows anything about this so I'll just stop asking any more questions. I am serious about this but as it seems that everyone else takes is as a joke I guess I'll try and ask somewhere else. Have a nice life gentlemen!

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OK, since you appear to be serious I will try and answer your question using the little information I know about the subject. But, seriously you yourself should know this is just a bunch of BS.

Superstition is very prevalent in Thailand, especially among the poor and uneducated. Since you girlfriend comes from Isaan, more than likely she fits in this category.

Everywhere you go you will see a little old lady sitting on a blanket with some kind of fortune telling cards and four or five girls waiting for the answers they want to hear.

Funny enough it is usually very earlier in the morning, I always think they do good business at this time of day because the girls did not make any money the night before. Who knows? In addition, every bar has some kind of good luck ritual at opening.

Who knows what is going on with your girlfriend? Her family could miss her and want her to come home. It could be some kind of scam that you have to pay money to get the curse lifted. Or, they really could believe it, nobody knows. But, sooner or later you are going to find out.

I know one girl who was a real estate agent, so she was fairly well off who went to one of the card wielding so called mystics that told her that her name was bad luck. The next day she changes her legal name, just craziness.

If it is not some kind of scam, which it most likely is you can try and talk to her rationally and try to explain why giving somebody a curse is not even remotely possible.

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@billaaa777 and metisdead

First of all... Thanks a lot for a serious answer!

The question is not whether I think it's bullshit or not - what I'd like to know is if a Thai person who believes in black, white or any other coloured magic also would believe in "magic" from another country! I love my fiancée and I'd like to protect her in any way I can - even the supernatural or superstitious way!

No one has asked me for money - it's quite the opposite as the parents is almost ashamed of their daughter and have said that they'd pay all expenses (I did volunteer to pay half of the ticket back to Thailand)! The only thing they've asked for is a piece of clothing from me to help counteract the curse. They like me a lot lot and owns their own business and besides wanting their daughter to have a better life here in Sweden there hasn't been a single plea, demand or anything else for money or help in any way. I get the feeling that many Thai women/families are only in it for the money but this is not one of those relationships!

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Slightly off-topic, but here's an example of extreme superstition in Thailand. I went to visit my ex yesterday at the hotel in Phuket that we used to manage together. Sad day, since her mother had apparently just died the week before. I found her staff removing the toilet pedestals from the bathrooms, rotating them 90 degrees, and re-installing them, (quote a task when you consider the plumbing involved). According to my ex, this was because the toilets had previously been orientated towards the east, which was extremely unlucky and the cause of her mother's untimely death. Therefore, to ensure the bad luck did not continue, she was replumbing/repositioning the hotel toilets....

My knowledge of Thai Buddhism and animism does not include rotating toilets

Those who know the saga of me and my ex might conclude that she is indeed, one coconut short of a full shie. But what do I know? I'm just a farang :)

So for SKK's problem, what may seem crazy to one person, can make perfect sense to another - it all depends how strongly you believe in something


PS - Due to replumbing, guests are recommended not to stay at the hotel this week

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Nope! Didn't have to pay her ticket at all! Her parent bought a round-trip-ticket! But I would have bought one if they hadn't!


Oh! My! God! :D And I thought my grandmother was full of superstition! :) But yeah... That sounds a lot like my fiancée and her family! Well... Live and learn! :D

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@billaaa777 and metisdead

First of all... Thanks a lot for a serious answer!

The question is not whether I think it's bullshit or not - what I'd like to know is if a Thai person who believes in black, white or any other coloured magic also would believe in "magic" from another country! I love my fiancée and I'd like to protect her in any way I can - even the supernatural or superstitious way!

No one has asked me for money - it's quite the opposite as the parents is almost ashamed of their daughter and have said that they'd pay all expenses (I did volunteer to pay half of the ticket back to Thailand)! The only thing they've asked for is a piece of clothing from me to help counteract the curse. They like me a lot lot and owns their own business and besides wanting their daughter to have a better life here in Sweden there hasn't been a single plea, demand or anything else for money or help in any way. I get the feeling that many Thai women/families are only in it for the money but this is not one of those relationships!

My replies regarding the police where serious, if you think I was joking you do not realise how serious Thai's take this stuff.

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Thais do take this stuff seriously , even the educated ones. In Thailand she would consult someone like a Monk or female monk who had the gift of white magic. I've been to such a person myself just to appease the missus. I could hardly stop myself from laughing but she did seem to know a lot about the situation which was kinda puzzling. Anyway, maybe you can find such a person in Sweden, I don't know.

We don't need to believe it, but if she does then you have a problem.

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Like I said - I don't know how serious the average Thai is about this as I don't know Thai culture well enough - at least not yet anyway!

But... By your comment can I assume that you actually could charge somebody with assault or something similar if you knew that they were cursing somebody? I'm not looking to punish anyone but as I said I want to protect my fiancée in anyway I can! That's why I thought about using Swedish and/or Norse "counter magic" like a sort of deterrent if it's possible!

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That's just the thing! Both her, her parents, her siblings and her relatives here in Sweden believes she's been cursed! And like you said - the monks, fortune tellers or whatever all seems to come to the same conclusion even though they don't get told any of the facts! I don't really know what to believe to tell you the truth!

But if I can protect her with some sort of Swedish, Scandinavian or Norse magic I'll do it!! I don't have to believe it as long as she and the woman who's cursing her does it - especially the other woman.

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She's back in Thailand at the moment (since yesterday) at her parents request. They've already talked to both monks and some fortune tellers who've all said that she needed to go back to have a counter curse performed and they're going to perform it tomorrow.

We do have a Buddhist monastery not far from where we live here in Sweden so from now on I'll make sure we'll visit there from time to time - but as I have a possibility to use Swedish "magic" I'd like to know if it would be of any use on a Thai person who herself believes in Thai magic.

I know this topic is a bit... extraordinary and perhaps no one has tried "foreign magic" on a Thai before... But as I've said... I just want to protect the one I love!

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According to my ex, this was because the toilets had previously been orientated towards the east, which was extremely unlucky and the cause of her mother's untimely death. Therefore, to ensure the bad luck did not continue, she was replumbing/repositioning the hotel toilets....

Can you confirm this, should toilet be facing or back-on to the east. If it only curses mother-in-laws I'll be calling the plumber to rebuild the bathroom.

Awaiting your response.

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Can you confirm this, should toilet be facing or back-on to the east. If it only curses mother-in-laws I'll be calling the plumber to rebuild the bathroom.

That's really funny! Good one, this thread just might turn into the best ever.

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She's back in Thailand at the moment (since yesterday) at her parents request. They've already talked to both monks and some fortune tellers who've all said that she needed to go back to have a counter curse performed and they're going to perform it tomorrow.

We do have a Buddhist monastery not far from where we live here in Sweden so from now on I'll make sure we'll visit there from time to time - but as I have a possibility to use Swedish "magic" I'd like to know if it would be of any use on a Thai person who herself believes in Thai magic.

I know this topic is a bit... extraordinary and perhaps no one has tried "foreign magic" on a Thai before... But as I've said... I just want to protect the one I love!

It'll all be OK tomorrow after the Counter curse so don't worry about the foreign magic. I'm sure its all in the mind but it is uncanny how they have the facts without actually telling them.

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never a dull moment on TV is there.

yes, it is very real to the Thais. My missus was always telling me stories about this stuff. As stated above, It isn't just the bloody poor and ignorant who believe in this stuff either. Taksin consulted the same sort of Sharmans and Fortune Tellers when he was PM, and he still does. You would hardly call him poor and uneducated. Ronald Reagan was known to have 'consulted' the Stars too.

I remember my wife telling me years ago about certain 'magic' women who could weave a spell over men to seduce them away from their wives and girlfriends. Dreams, twitches in the eye, They all mean something to a Thai.

How many of you reading this post would deliberately avoid walking under a ladder? or open your umbrella in the house.

You will have a Wat no doubt somewhere in your country, staffed by travelling Monks. That would be my first port of call.

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sad thing is.. anyone who knows even just a little about magic(even though its total bs) knows that curses are non-existant and there is no white/black magic..

So saying you believe in that crap and yet believe in curses.. just doesnt make much sense

this is coming from someone that believes if he doesn't shave first then wash hair, then wash my face and then my body in that order, ill be unlucky all day..

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Many years ago I married into a family with superstitious beliefs like the OP is experiencing.

It started with a sister in law having a series of minor health problems. A shaman showed up one day and with much ado, some fake blood and a rusty nail supposedly removed from her leg all was sorted. :D

Roll on a couple of years and during a visit I was informed I was cursed. :D :D I played along with their games. They trimmed my fingernails, cut some hair tied some string from my head to a banana tree and a monk sprinkled water on my while chanting.

Soon after I realized I was indeed cursed and the exorcism had failed. I was cursed with the wife.

I took matters into my own hands and divorced her. I haven’t looked back since. :)

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