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Cursed Fiancée!


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One only has to look at the mafia of old - strictly catholic, but somehow managed to murder people etc.

The Church also used peoples beliefs to get people to Join the crusades which were nothing short of mass killing, rape, pillage etc, but if you wore a cross on your shield or clothing, you were guaranteed a place in heaven according to the Church, who stood to gain out of all the slaughter.

The Churches were once superpowers in their own times, because they could scare people into believing in God, or have them killed if they didn't.

The Popes and Bishops were very powerful, they preyed on peoples misguided beliefs, they didn't become fabulously wealthy by luck either.

Bit like Thailand now....

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They would much rather have a copy of your family gene map but i reckon they they could knock you back for being cursed. All is fair in Love and Insurance. Lets face it. Isn't there an 'Act Of God' Clause?

Thai insurance policies may not have this clause as Buddhism has no singular god.

On the other hand, Thai insurance policies surely must account for black magic, shouldn't they?

Edited by elkangorito
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They would much rather have a copy of your family gene map but i reckon they they could knock you back for being cursed. All is fair in Love and Insurance. Lets face it. Isn't there an 'Act Of God' Clause?

Thai insurance policies may not have this clause as Buddhism has no singular god.

On the other hand, Thai insurance policies surely must account for black magic, shouldn't they?

That's what I am saying - Delete GOD, Insert Magic Woman/Spirit/Ghost (Stand fast Holy Ghost).

Can't let the Christians have all the Clauses.

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Genhis61, apparently if the toilet is back-on towards the east, she considers this to be unlucky for my M-I-L, and since M-I-L dropped dead at an early age (RIP), perhaps she is right. I do recall that when we built the hotel some 5 years ago, she raised this same concern at that time.

Considering the run of very bad luck that occurred in those 5 years, perhaps I should go and check the direction of toilets in any house that I live.

However,I've not heard of this superstition before, and am not sure as to why it is considered unlucky. (I know about the direction that your bed is oriented, but not a toilet!)



Fascinating stuff. I wonder if any tv member could ask their wife/girlfriend to report on the goings-on in ladies toilets. I thought they all went in their together to have a chat and do their make-up. It now appears as though they are comparing compasses to ensure the direction of the toilet is correct. That's why it always takes them so bloody long.


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I recommend rotating toilets, so they can switch. Muslims to Mekka, Thais to the whatsoever they want to curse. Probably a new business opportunity. :)

I nearly forgot to mention:

They changed the toilet direction in UK prisons for the Muslims. :D A few million pounds only. ... :D

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The curse indeed appears to be getting worse..............try switching off your computer and not going near it for 1000 days..... :D


Anyway 473geo, I hereby curse you as follows;

May your balls turn square & fester at the edges. :D

Ah you see, can't beat calling up a good old fashioned curse when you need one!!!!........The curse worked by the way, I guess they turned square, edges dropped off and now they are left a sort of oval shape!!!!..... :D

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never a dull moment on TV is there.

How many of you reading this post would deliberately avoid walking under a ladder?

In Thailand I most certainly would - severe risk of something falling on my head. (dead Thai electrician) Similarly I am very superstitious when it comes to crossing badly maintained steel pedestrian footbridges during a rain and lightening storm. I am also very reluctant to touch the big bundle of high voltage electricity cables which are stapled to the steel bridges . The list goes on....

It is very unlucky to go swimming in the San Saeb canal with your mouth open.

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She's back in Thailand at the moment (since yesterday) at her parents request. They've already talked to both monks and some fortune tellers who've all said that she needed to go back to have a counter curse performed and they're going to perform it tomorrow.

We do have a Buddhist monastery not far from where we live here in Sweden so from now on I'll make sure we'll visit there from time to time - but as I have a possibility to use Swedish "magic" I'd like to know if it would be of any use on a Thai person who herself believes in Thai magic.

I know this topic is a bit... extraordinary and perhaps no one has tried "foreign magic" on a Thai before... But as I've said... I just want to protect the one I love!

As you know, in your large surrounding area there are no more than a few hundred Thai women. Chances are all of the 'psychics' talk to eachother and know of your wife by name if they wanted to. Hence, for one to make up a story and others to follow it isn't hard.

In small villages, as the one you come from, everybody knows everybody...especially the 'odd ones out'.

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never a dull moment on TV is there.

How many of you reading this post would deliberately avoid walking under a ladder?

In Thailand I most certainly would - severe risk of something falling on my head. (dead Thai electrician) Similarly I am very superstitious when it comes to crossing badly maintained steel pedestrian footbridges during a rain and lightening storm. I am also very reluctant to touch the big bundle of high voltage electricity cables which are stapled to the steel bridges . The list goes on....

It is very unlucky to go swimming in the San Saeb canal with your mouth open.


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@billaaa777 and metisdead

First of all... Thanks a lot for a serious answer!

The question is not whether I think it's bullshit or not - what I'd like to know is if a Thai person who believes in black, white or any other coloured magic also would believe in "magic" from another country! I love my fiancée and I'd like to protect her in any way I can - even the supernatural or superstitious way!

No one has asked me for money - it's quite the opposite as the parents is almost ashamed of their daughter and have said that they'd pay all expenses (I did volunteer to pay half of the ticket back to Thailand)! The only thing they've asked for is a piece of clothing from me to help counteract the curse. They like me a lot lot and owns their own business and besides wanting their daughter to have a better life here in Sweden there hasn't been a single plea, demand or anything else for money or help in any way. I get the feeling that many Thai women/families are only in it for the money but this is not one of those relationships!

I usually avoid fortune tellers. That said, my girlfriend was once told that I was cursed by the black spirit who swims through the moon at night. Amazingly enough, the fortune teller could cure me of this problem for only 499 Baht! We passed on that option, but did go to the market and obtain a dozen different black things -- candles, candy, coffee, etc. And that night, we had a little ritual so that the black spirit would leave me. Problem solved.

What morals might be drawn from this? First, as I said, stay away from fortune tellers. Who needs to know the future anyway? Second: be naive; respect the beliefs of your fiance and her family. And know that this is the way they are. They will likely always believe in this way. Third: if these sorts of beliefs become too big a problem, well, be prepared. If the family were to start asking for extra cash to alleviate this problem, for example, it could be to pay off a fortune teller for a fix, or it could be something more/else. So pay the fortune teller yourself?

I doubt that your Norse magic would have an effect. This is because they have no reason to believe it has any power whatsoever. And since when does a farang believe in magic (see other posts in this thread). Thais can turn on TV from time to time, however, and actually =see= the effects of their own magic on "that sort of TV show." You might be able to get away with foreign magic if you were native American Indian, or South American, African, etc. Best advice to actually get rid of the problem is to appeal to Thai magic, or possibly Burmese or Laotian magic.

The effects of magic on "the recipient" are largely inside their own heads. What this means, I think, is that whatever magic you appeal to or employ to rid your fiance of her problem, it needs to be =convincing= to both her and her family. Might involve animal sacrifice at the family spirit house.

I will say once more: respect your fiance and her family, and their beliefs. This is an absolute necessity if you're really going to marry. If you can't provide this respect, in your heart, then don't marry her.

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Sounds like total tosh to me but l can cure you for say 498 bht. :)

Why 498 Baht, Trans?

All of this stuff is complete rubbish. Unfortunately, 'beliefs' are the most powerful thing in the world. Ask any politician or 'free' clergyman who use blind followers to the max. Look at history & how blind belief has led countries to madness.

Again, I go back to the 80/20 rule. 80% of people are dolts & it's the remaining 20% that keep things afloat.

I prefer my humorous comments about insurance. :D

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To the OP, let this "Wise woman" exorcise her. It'll make your wife happy, and you can ask the woman how to protect your wife from future curses. We might think it's a load of crap, the Thais take it very seriously. We went into a neighbouring province to see the wife's cousin exorcised of a curse. My wife asked me what I thought, and i told her it was BS. There again all religion is IMHO.

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OK then! Don't call it a curse! Call it brainwashing, psychology or whatever you want! She and her whole family believes it! I've only been engaged to and lived with my fiancée for three months and I don't know everything about Thai culture. I didn't know that they believed in magic until a few weeks ago and I don't know if the fact that she's from Isaan makes any difference. I honestly just don't know enough about Thai culture! I'm not a troll and the question is honest! I'm sorry if I sound like an idiot but how am I supposed to learn if I don't ask questions and I thought this forum looked like a serious place to ask.

I'm not saying that I myself believe it either... but that's not the point! Would a person who believe in (Thai) magic also believe in magic or curses from another country? All I want is for this particular woman to stop interfering with my and my fiancées life!

Buy her a Swedish amulet and tell her this has very strong magic powers that will protect her from Thai 'magic'.

Besides the free air travel, are you sure she is up to no good and using this as a front cover for something else?... which normally involves money extraction of some sort?

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I'm so glad I don't have a Thai wife/girlfriend.

Nonetheless, one of my good mates is married to a Thai woman & she believes none of this trash...& she doesn't have a university education. It appears as though she is a member of the 20%. :)

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Hi again! Almost forgot I wrote her last night! As I said I was pretty drunk and only had a small recollection of that I visited here. :D

Anyway! A few answers to a few questions and a bit of update...

The effect of the curse was a complete change of personality (which happened as soon as she got a telephone card so she could make cheap calls to her friends and family in Thailand) - I and her thai friends and relatives here in Sweden could hardly even recognize her and she usually had this empty stare as if she was druged. All she talked about was going back to Thailand but she couldn't give a reason for why she wanted to. When asked the reply were in the lines of "I want to go because I want to go! And I don't want to be in Sweden because I don't want to!". All she's talked about since she came here last year to visit her aunt and her cousins who lives here, was how much she wanted to live here too.

No! I'm not an American! I am Swedish! Why would I lie about that? :)

Nope! She's not up to no good! I know that! Besides... Her aunt went with her to supervise her so that she wouldn't try to contact and/or visit the "friend" who's been cursing her. They apparently has been visiting two or three wise men/women or fortune tellers today and they're going to visit a monk tomorrow on their orders to finalize the protection. I've only talked to the aunts husband but he said that it looks like she's back to her normal self again and can't wait to get back to Sweden.

Apart from the usual small gifts that we exchange with each other whenever someone goes to Thailand or Sweden there hasn't been any request for money or anything else - this particular family appears not to be the freeloading kind. The aunt of course sends money to her mother and I'm guessing that my fiancée will do the same for her mother and father but that's just the Thai way, isn't it?

I do respect every persons beliefs! Who am I to tell somebody that what they believe in is wrong?

Someone also asked why I would marry someone that I knew so little about... Well I do know her! But so far my experience with the female gender have never included the question "Oh! By the way! Do you believe in magic?" It never came up as I guess it's natural for her and part of the daily life the same way it's not for me!

Well... A small update as I said! If anyone's interested I'll update again when there's something new to tell. Otherwise I'll say thanks for listening to and trying to help a desperate, lonely, sad and very drunk man (at least when I started this thread) who felt he was out of his depth with things he didn't know about and didn't understand. To everyone else... Try and have an open mind and an open heart and the world will be a much nicer place. :D

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Yep, certainly sounds like a curse. No way she was just going through culture shock and missing her friends back in Thailand. The fact the problem started at exactly the time she started talking with her old friends back home is clearly unrelated.

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