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I suppose that I am not the only one to notice that there seems to be a great number of Brits making the headlines lately. Drug runners, drug dealers, and now the fake passport business.

Is Thailand becoming another Spain for British expat criminal gangs?

Am curious to see the percentages by nationality in LOS's prisons.

Anyone have any explanations? :o

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TBH I think the Aussies carried the tradition on pretty well , they surely make up the largest percentage of Farang crims in the likes of Bang Kwan etc....

especially when you consider their modest population total etc , I mean , trying to export Rolf Harris? etc etc



That is why New Zealand is happy that AUSY is far enough away, that the one ausy with half a brain ( and he only got that from his kiwi father)

Can not swim here and stuff us but tonight we will stuff the AUSY out of the world cup :o


a culture that over the past 20 years has failed to educate its children properly,failed to instill any sense of responsibility into a large proportion of the population,yet taught them all there is to know about their "rights", brought them up on a diet of easy benefits,poor or non-existent policing,lax sentencing, and a government supported ethic of the lowest common denominator fits all, coupled with a propensity for alcohol fuelled fighting have all led to the present day glorification of yob culture, that now extends far beyond the social classes where it originated.

in the uk today,crime is rampant. those committing these crimes know that they stand a very good chance of getting away with it. the burden of proof required by the prosecuting authorities is so great that the police know that they have no chance of getting a conviction in a large proportion of petty crimes,even though they may know who the perpetrator is.

rapists and others accused of violent crime are routinely bailed, never to be seen again. yet those accused of parking offences and minor motoring offences are pursued mercilessly. the punishments for speeding are greater than for burglary.

the government recently decreed that first time burglars are not to be imprisoned.

petty criminals are allowed to wreak havok with impunity. its total madness.

the country is becoming one big horrible council estate.

socially, the uk is sinking into a cesspit of its own making,and as a brit myself i find it sad.

and now they are flocking to the far east and other destinations.


Uk still a ###### sight safer in general than USA or even Thailand for that matter.

Murder rate in Australia one of the highest, Thailand has highest road deaths by a long way. There may be a few tea leaves but I'll take that over School kids with guns any boring day.


a culture that over the past 20 years has failed to educate its children properly,failed to instill any sense of responsibility into a large proportion of the population,yet taught them all there is to know about their "rights", brought them up on a diet of easy benefits,poor or non-existent policing,lax sentencing, and a government supported ethic of the lowest common denominator fits all, coupled with a propensity for alcohol fuelled fighting have all led to the present day glorification of yob culture, that now extends far beyond the social classes where it originated.

Hey Thailand isn't that bad Tax?


Guest IT Manager
TBH I think the Aussies carried the tradition on pretty well , they surely make up the largest percentage of Farang crims in the likes of Bang Kwan etc....

Chonabot, as an elderly person, I respect you, as I have been taught to do. As a student in the University of life, whose professor is adroit at seeing the fallacy in argument, and a dearth of accurate supportive documentation, can you share with this humble student where you arrived at that "fact".

I visited for some months, a chap in Chiang Mai prison. I knew him before he became a <deleted>. He is British. He was deported. At the time, I spoke in a sideways fashion to another chap, also British. They were accompanied by a veritable kaleidoscope of Nationalities. Can't for the life of me, remember hearing the familiar twang of an Australian.

I know a man in CM who does little but cause havoc, and only judicious spending of his capital on 3 occasions I am aware of, kept him out of jail. He is Scottish, though the Major at Prasingh Police described him to me over a beer one night, as skittish, which I was not equiped to debate.

This week no less than three Brits on criminal charges in LoS. 1 Australian, as far as I can remember, in the last couple of years, as discussed elsewhere in the forum today, with a mouth full of condom.

On this forum, there are representatives of many nationalities (not races, all human). Can you from your elderly viewpoint, assess which ones are the cleverest, have the sharpest wit, the most endearing turn of phrase? Which are the ones who say the most outlandish things, the silliest comments the most venal responses to people in need?

Think about it. The polyglot of humanity, in 2 places, both with enough differences about them, to render the comparison of the two meaningless, and I defy anyone, to identify the answers to the above-posed processes.

The places are Bang Kwang and Thaivisa. Tell me which Nationality shines and which is shone.

Then the next time you want to flame or troll, go to soc.culture.thai and have a go at the two members left in that forum. A little different. No moderation.

Have a good day.



uk citizens are , according to the most recent "statistics", more likely to be victims of violent crime than citizens of any other european country, and more likely to be the victims of robbery and street crime than us citizens.

its a jungle out there!!! and i dont see any banana trees.

Murder rate in Australia one of the highest

S. Africans actually kill each other the most, Aussies come in at #19 (behind Sweden, Scotland, NZ, N. Ireland, Spain, USA, and Russia). I left out a few


Ok I agree Britain is a shithole , British people are the worst expats in Thailand etc etc.

All happy now children?

Now wheres my hankerchief for my head in t'sun...... :o

Guest IT Manager
IT , I was merely standing up to a bit of Brit bashing.

Now <deleted> off!


Ah, well that explains it.

Must be I had too many coffees today. Was the last one a deliberate misspelling?

My good self? How dare you assume sir, that I am good. My wife does say I am good at it though.

I didn't generalise. I factualised.

Neat spelling error :D and right back to you sir.


For the main thing,I think that the demoralization of the masses is to ###### much liberalism,to much cowering to the masses and immigrants, to much political correctness,and to lax law enforcement.

But I of coarse can only speak for what I have seen in the USA. But what I have seen on here it must be the same thing in Britain, If you give to much,then you can see that the general population will expect more,Drugs are partly responsible for this,if you are a druggie then you need help and are to be excused of your anti-social acts instead of shot on the spot as I think should be done.maybe one reason there are so many brits in the can here is because I seem to see more brits than other nations represented here.

Might just be the law of averages,but any way it is making all farangs look bad.

so many brits in the can here is because I seem to see more brits than other nations represented here.

Might just be the law of averages,but any way it is making all farangs look bad.

Thats funny.

I see more Americans than other nationalities (possibly due to the Agreement). If you covort with farang all the time then you will see a disproportionate number of bad people from foriegn countries.....that, my friend, is statistics at its best.

I try to avoid farang whenever possible (inverse xenophobia?). So I very rarely meet bad farang from any nationality.

But. If there is one thing I do say from experience. In general it is farang (from any nationality) that are more likely to rip you off! If you hang around with farang, you will be ripped off by farang. If you hang around with Thai's, you will be ripped off by Thais. Choose you poison!


I hardly ever see a farang unless I go into town to the super market to buy something I want that is not sold here in our village market,as I try to keep the money in the village,and I only know 5 farang around the area to speak to,an icelander,a bravarian,an american,a swiss and a dane,but there was an aussie at my house the other day, and I only deal with Thai's and I am never "ripped off".

The only other farang that I have seen to speak to is at an AA meeting in chiang mai,and there are slightly more americans there than other nationalitys,but a goodly number of british subjects I think ,if that includes canadians , Irish, aussies and kiwis.

but a goodly number of british subjects I think ,if that includes canadians , Irish, aussies and kiwis.

have you been in your village for a long time then?? :o:D


"Why so many Brits"

Probably has a lot to do with the fact that the British are some of the most travelled folks on this planet along with high ratios also from Australia and New Zealand. % of Brits with passports is staggering and WAY higher than most other countries. Also foreign travel from the UK is not expensive and most of the average brits can take a holiday in Thailand for approx 50% of an average monthly salary. Therefore its easy to afford it, easy to do it (London still being THE major International hub for airlines) and clearly many folk are keen to get out of an increasingly tough Britain.

By tough Britain, I mean that unless you are very capable in your job, unskilled workers are in less and less demand. Therefore many guys who cannot hold down a job in the UK, opt for the perceived easier life either of Spain or increasingly Thailand. I for one have noticed a huge influx of Brits who I would not share the time of day with let alone trust them with a dime. Many are also peeved of with the tax regimes in the UK, failing infrastructure (Transport, health service etc) and want to get out. They can generally release a huge amount of baht just by selling their house. Many of the more street smart Brits I have come across are also heavily into utilising their non resident tax status by buying, selling and renting property and paying minimal taxes. Why be resident when you can save a fortune in taxes by being non-resident and living in somewhere like Thailand.

Just my initial ideas, plus of course there are a heap of villains who would have no chance of getting a job in the UK and like the idea of a cash rules society. Easy to knock of a bank and be on the next plane to BKK.

In the Ayutthya period the Brit's set up a wool clothing business there, aiming to sell the clothing for local consumption. No more needs to be said :o

And before during and after that period the British colonised and took over 30 present day countries. Yeah real dumb asses us Brits.

Lets put this into perspective please! 2 british people are arrested and for some reason we are suddenly a criminal country , please. Ive lost count of the number of times ive read about a Thai pimp operating a vice ring in a foreign country being jailed. :D


My explanation for what shaped modern day brits: 1000 years ago, the scandinavian vikings came over to England on their 'berzerk charter tourism' tours. They killed anyone who put up a fight, kidnapped the good looking women (yes, it is true, there used to be good looking women in England) and men who were strong enough to be useful as slaves. They left the rest behind. After the tours stopped, 1000 years of inbreed among the 'not good enough to become slaves' followed (after all, they live on an island). :o

This explanation is always very popular among brits.

Guest IT Manager
Uk still a ###### sight safer in general than USA or even Thailand for that matter.

Murder rate in Australia one of the highest, Thailand has highest road deaths by a long way. There may be a few tea leaves but I'll take that over School kids with guns any boring day.


Per Capita Vilent Crime statistics ordered by volume.

Source "Fortune City

50.14 South Africa

21.40 Russia (1999)

10.00 Lithuania

_9.94 Estonia

_6.22 Latvia

_5.64 U.S.A.

_2.94 Spain

_2.86 Finland

_2.84 Northern Ireland

_2.72 Czech Republic

_2.65 Slovakia

_2.58 New Zealand

_2.50 Romania

_2.31 Turkey (1999)

_2.23 Poland

_2.11 Scotland

_2.04 Hungary

_1.97 Sweden

_1.81 Australia

_1.79 France

_1.76 Canada

_1.61 England & Wales

_1.54 Belgium

_1.50 Greece

_1.48 Ireland (Eire)

_1.42 Netherlands

_1.42 Italy

_1.41 Slovenia

_1.24 Portugal

_1.17 Germany

_1.10 Japan

_1.09 Norway

_1.09 Denmark

_1.06 Malta

_1.01 Austria

_0.96 Switzerland

_0.60 Cyprus

_0.23 Luxembourg

Now you were saying about Australia?


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