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2 Deported As Unable To Pay For Cigarettes


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A filipino couple have been sent to jail pending a court hearing and deportation yesterday.

At the immigration checkpoint at Pailin their minibus was stopped and they were found to have 6 cartons of cigarettes between them, the prescribed fine was B23,000, bieng unable to pay it they were taken to jail.

I visited Banlaem myself yesterday and narrowly escaped a similar fate, we were warned after buying 9 cartons and dumped everything over the alowable at the border market, we were stopped at a marine checkpoint and our car was searched, luckily we were clean.

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Unless they are for re-sale, cigarettes here are cheap, particularly if you compare them to Australia or the UK.

I was told what I can buy in BKK for 38 Baht costs 300B in Sydney. Thats retail.

Last time I felw home to BKK, the cost of smokes were more in the Duty Free shop than they were in 7-11.

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I just came back from a visa run, I bought 3 cartons of cigs and 9 bottles of red.

It seems I was lucky!  :D

arsey more like it. :D

arsey maybe, but I didnt actually know there was a limit :D

Penfolds Bin 389 Cabernet Shiraz 2002 :o = 9 bottles @ 139 Ringit each.

not a bad buy, hey Doc? :D

I got some 389 in Oz at $AUD 35. It's usually over $40. Nice stuff too. A gift bottle will do wonders for you with officialdom hereabouts. :D

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Thailand Marlboro's and other cigs are crap quality like anything else made in this country. I don't blame anyone for wishing to import stuff here cause everything is made better elsewhere; however, it should be done within legal limits

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Thailand Marlboro's and other cigs are crap quality like anything else made in this country. I don't blame anyone for wishing to import stuff here cause everything is made better elsewhere; however, it should be done within legal limits

I thought they were 'manufactured' in Philippines and/or Malaysia. From my limited observations, they all appear to have "import duty" seals on the packs.


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Thailand Marlboro's and other cigs are crap quality like anything else made in this country. I don't blame anyone for wishing to import stuff here cause everything is made better elsewhere;

Are you actually talking Thailand or China here? In the latter case I absolutely agree. In respect of Thai manufacture I don't. All based on personal experiences rather than pure polemic.


Richard :o

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1 pack of ciggies (20's) - $10.00 (320+ baht) regular price (varies across the country) (almost 50 cents per ciggie !)

1 carton (10 packs-20's) - $90.00+ (2,900+ baht) (at some stores)

(in Canada, taxes on cigarettes can add up to more than 50% of the total price)


1 pack (20's) - $0.25 US (10 baht ?) (just over a penny per ciggie !)

1 carton (10 packs) - $2.50 US (100 baht) !

(most cigarettes are "knock-offs" of popular brands, smuggled in from Pakistan)

At those prices, who can afford to quit ! It'll be quite the shocker if I ever go home !

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Cigarette manufacturers dump their inferior products on third world countries.

That is partly why cigs are cheaper in many third world countries and of course in western countries the taxes on cigs are astronomical.

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In the U.K. 200 Marlboro Lights are £45 (app 3,300baht) in Thailand approx 500baht. Theye don't taste the same but i've got used to them, especially with that price difference. Must admit though, everytime time one of my mates get's a Brown top out I drool.......or swap him 2 of mine for 1 of his ! :o

Mr BoJ

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A pack of Camel (no filter) Euro 4.00 in Germany, that's Baht 200 and you get only 19 sticks.

gees, Im glad I dont smoke at all.....Im also hoping we'll get non smoking legislation in restaurants over here one day. Nothing worse than someone lighting up at the next table whilst youre eating. :o

Not doing a wind up on you smokers, but..... doesnt those pictures of smokers lungs and bad teeth on the cig packets put you off smoking at all? :D

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In the U.K. 200 Marlboro Lights are £45 (app 3,300baht) in Thailand approx 500baht. Theye don't taste the same but i've got used to them, especially with that price difference. Must admit though, everytime time one of my mates get's a Brown top out I drool.......or swap him 2 of mine for 1 of his !  :o

Mr BoJ

They definately put some dodgy additives in the Thai brands, the same as the dodgy scams going on in the U.K with eastern europeans selling cheap copy smokes full of arsenic lead etc etc.

Btw i like your signature

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In the U.K. 200 Marlboro Lights are £45 (app 3,300baht) in Thailand approx 500baht. Theye don't taste the same but i've got used to them, especially with that price difference. Must admit though, everytime time one of my mates get's a Brown top out I drool.......or swap him 2 of mine for 1 of his !   :o

Mr BoJ

They definately put some dodgy additives in the Thai brands, the same as the dodgy scams going on in the U.K with eastern europeans selling cheap copy smokes full of arsenic lead etc etc.

Btw i like your signature

Yeah your right about the dodgy-ness but i suppose there's no such thing as an healthy ciggarette eh !! One day i'll do the patches, acupunture and Hynotherapy all at once, if i can't pack the habit then i never will :D

Btw ditto on your signature

Mr BoJ

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A pack of Camel (no filter) Euro 4.00 in Germany, that's Baht 200 and you get only 19 sticks.

Not doing a wind up on you smokers, but..... doesnt those pictures of smokers lungs and bad teeth on the cig packets put you off smoking at all? :D

I know what you mean about the pictures but the one with the teeth has nothing to do with smoking. The guy has never brushed his teeth or been to a Dentist in his life. Smoking doesn't cause your teeth to buckle, twist and form huge gaps.

These are mine and i've smoked for years :D:o

Mr BoJ

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I take allwys 4 boxes home with me , L&M green ( menthol ) that is . It is illegal to take 4 inside europe , but the penalty is not so overwhelming that i don't take the risc ( been caught once , had to pay around 42 euro or something like that , they charged me for 2 boxes ) . That is why the prices of the penalty here sounds way to much . Personally i think this goes about the large boxes , i mean 50 small boxes in 1 large , so that is 500 packs of sig's in each box . As far as i know there is nothing wrong with taking sig's out off a country ( maybe in such large amounts it is ) . It is only illegal to take them inside another country where you have to pay duty on the items .

About the crap quality , you don't know what you are talking about . I'm pretty sure that 3/4 of every item you buy , next to food , is Asian made . For ex. Timberland makes quality stuff , but is completely manufactured in Thailand . When you say , every thing made in Thailand which is replica is bad quality , well there are some sences in my body who say ok , but even that ain't true .

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In the U.K. 200 Marlboro Lights are £45 (app 3,300baht) in Thailand approx 500baht. Theye don't taste the same but i've got used to them, especially with that price difference. Must admit though, everytime time one of my mates get's a Brown top out I drool.......or swap him 2 of mine for 1 of his !  :o

Mr BoJ

They definately put some dodgy additives in the Thai brands, the same as the dodgy scams going on in the U.K with eastern europeans selling cheap copy smokes full of arsenic lead etc etc.

Local newspaper recently interviewed some of the punters who they found buying these "dodgy " fakes just up the road from here.

Most of them are flogged on the street by gangs of usually illegals immis (eastern europe) and as said above they are all fake and contain high levels of Arsenic,Lead and Cadmiun mixed with a dubious synthethic tobacco mix and sell for @ £2-50 a pack (20)

One old croan who was asked why she bought them remarked that although she know that they wernt quite "right" unlike nomal "fags" she could at least TASTE them...plus they were cheap :D:D

Government now finally talking about banning all smoking in ALL Public Places. :D

...bit of Info...

Why should you stop smoking?

Average smoker in UK spends just under £1700 a year on their "thing"

@ Bt 127,000...over 10 year= Bt 1,127,000......Price of a CONDO. :D

and...it seems....

The health benefits of stopping smoking start almost immediately.


20 minutes: Blood pressure and pulse return to normal

8 hours: Nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in the blood are halved, oxygen

levels in the blood return to normal

24 hours: Carbon monoxide is eliminated from the body and the lungs start to

clear out the build up of tar

48 hours: There is no nicotine left in the body.

Taste and smell are greatlyimproved

72 hours: Breathing becomes easier, bronchial tubes begin to relax, energy

levels increase

2 - 12 weeks: Circulation improves, making walking and running a lot easier

3 - 9 months: Coughs, wheezing and breathing problems improve

5 years: Risk of heart attack is halved

10 years: Risk of lung cancer is halved.


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In the U.K. 200 Marlboro Lights are £45 (app 3,300baht) in Thailand approx 500baht. Theye don't taste the same but i've got used to them, especially with that price difference. Must admit though, everytime time one of my mates get's a Brown top out I drool.......or swap him 2 of mine for 1 of his !  :o

Mr BoJ

They definately put some dodgy additives in the Thai brands, the same as the dodgy scams going on in the U.K with eastern europeans selling cheap copy smokes full of arsenic lead etc etc.

Local newspaper recently interviewed some of the punters who they found buying these "dodgy " fakes just up the road from here.

Most of them are flogged on the street by gangs of usually illegals immis (eastern europe) and as said above they are all fake and contain high levels of Arsenic,Lead and Cadmiun mixed with a dubious synthethic tobacco mix and sell for @ £2-50 a pack (20)

One old croan who was asked why she bought them remarked that although she know that they wernt quite "right" unlike nomal "fags" she could at least TASTE them...plus they were cheap :D:D

Government now finally talking about banning all smoking in ALL Public Places. :D

...bit of Info...

Why should you stop smoking?

Average smoker in UK spends just under £1700 a year on their "thing"

@ Bt 127,000...over 10 year= Bt 1,127,000......Price of a CONDO. :D

and...it seems....

The health benefits of stopping smoking start almost immediately.


20 minutes: Blood pressure and pulse return to normal

8 hours: Nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in the blood are halved, oxygen

levels in the blood return to normal

24 hours: Carbon monoxide is eliminated from the body and the lungs start to

clear out the build up of tar

48 hours: There is no nicotine left in the body.

Taste and smell are greatlyimproved

72 hours: Breathing becomes easier, bronchial tubes begin to relax, energy

levels increase

2 - 12 weeks: Circulation improves, making walking and running a lot easier

3 - 9 months: Coughs, wheezing and breathing problems improve

5 years: Risk of heart attack is halved

10 years: Risk of lung cancer is halved.


Oh gawd, don't I just looove those do gooders, health preachers and holier than thou folks.

I am 70 years old, have smoked since I was 14 and still (if I am bored) smoke about 2 packs a day. Right now, I am coughing my brains out, but not because of the L&M's, but I cought something like a "cold" which would be a misnomer at 32 degrees. Several of my neighbors harbor the same bug, which manifest itself by expelling ugly green slime in no way reminiscent of anything closely related to tabacco.

My own brother in law decided to give up the nasty habit (and yes it is a filthy habit) at the age of 30, mainly because of his wife's constant nagging. At 54 he had a triple bypass and from what my ex wife told me (via e-mail) he is back in the hospital for another one. (He is now also 70) I lost one of my best friends who died of a heart attack at the age of 53 jogging, just to keep his heart "healthy". My original flight instructor would tell me, every time I lit one "get away from me with those darn cigarettes". He died of emphysema at the age of 60. The man never smoked a cigarette in his life.

I remember a scandal at a nursing home in Brooklyn NY about 25 years ago. The staff was stealing money from the old folks. NBC TV went there with some broad, I think her name was Rosemary Scarmadello, to interview a 96 year old lady. This tomato asked the woman "How are you managing your money ?" "Oh", the woman said, "my son and daughter in law are sending me just enought to keep me in cigarettes" "Ohmigosh" said the interviewer "don't you know it is bad for your health to smoke?" "Lady", the woman said, "I am 96 and if it bad for me, so be it. I enjoy smoking and have for 80 years".

Rinada,, There is nothing worse than an ex-smoker or ex-drunk and I have the feeling that you are one of the other (or both :>)

I respect non smoking people's homes. I wouldn't dare light a cigarette in their house. On one occasion, I think it was Christmas back in the USA, I had my ex-wife's relatives up for holiday dinner. One of her cousins came up to me as I was smoking a cigarette and said "I wish you wouldn't smoke in the presense of my two children." "Well" I said, "I have this huge deck outside, it is minus 12 but if you don't want your kids to be exposed to my smoke, take them outside. Whenever I am at your house I respect your non smoking policy, but this is my home. Here I allow myself to smoke, burp, fahrt and whatever else".

Needless to say, they never came back, which was no great loss.

I really did not want to get so long-winded.

Greetings the ol Capt'n happily retired.

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More on my original post, The immigration policeman who was the only one who spoke english came down to translate for us, he said that the reason for the crackdown was that a European had crossed the border a couple of days before in a group of 10 on a visa run from Pattaya and was found with 20 cartons.

I didn't hear what happened to him and what penalty he received.

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More on my original post, The immigration policeman who was the only one who spoke english came down to translate for us, he said that the reason for the crackdown was that a European had crossed the border a couple of days before in a group of 10 on a visa run from Pattaya and was found with 20 cartons.

I didn't hear what happened to him and what penalty he received.

Why do they have to take the risk? Is there any black market in Thailand selling cigarette?

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