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Hi quick question, my gf has just received a 6 month visit visa to the UK. Does a return ticket need to be purchased or can she fly with me and our son on a one way ticket? then i purchase a return once we are in the UK amd know an exact return date.

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An IO at the point of entry can ask for a return ticket and without one could theoretically refuse entry, though my partner has only been asked once.

If your girlfriend has sufficient funds to buy a ticket in the UK and explains that she will be buying a ticket in the UK as they are substantially cheaper she might, if asked, get away with it, though cheaper tickets only apply in the case of return tickets.

A little concerned in the comment you make about not knowing the return date, now that could cause a problem if she is challenged.



An IO at the point of entry can ask for a return ticket and without one could theoretically refuse entry, though my partner has only been asked once.

If your girlfriend has sufficient funds to buy a ticket in the UK and explains that she will be buying a ticket in the UK as they are substantially cheaper she might, if asked, get away with it, though cheaper tickets only apply in the case of return tickets.

A little concerned in the comment you make about not knowing the return date, now that could cause a problem if she is challenged.

Reason is in our visit application we stated i have an air conditioning work contract in england which will last between 3-4 months. I do not know the exact date the contract will finish so would rather book a one way ticket and sort out the return details in england nearer the time. Also return flights from bangkok are alot more expensive, about 750GBP at the moment where i paid 440GBP from England...


Your g/f can not be refused entry simply for lack of a return ticket. She has a visa, which can only be cancelled if an Immigration Officer can prove that deception was employed in applying for the visa or there has been a change of circumstances since it was issued, and the onus of proof is on the IO. Unless, therefore, it is clear on arrival that you/she have not the means or intention of buying a ticket to go back she has absolutely nothing to worry about. The difference in prices between UK and Bangkok is a perfectly reasonable explanation for not buying a return tiket there, in the circumstances you describe.


We had a client who went against my advise may I add and purchased a one way ticket, she got in after a four hour grilling by the UK/BA please book a ticket.



Thanks for that response, it's very helpful.

The only time my gf has been asked for her return ticket was during a visit to the UK last year, we both sailed through border control at Terminal 3 with my girlfriend be admitted by a very pleasant young IO who even took the trouble to wish her a pleasant trip.

However on our return from a short side trip to Paris the IO at the Eurostar Terminal at Gare du Nord asked her when she was returning back to Thailand and when she told him that we were returning in three days he asked her for her return ticket, as her English is pretty poor she ushered me forward and I explained that we had e tickets but that I hadn't printed but I confirmed our flight a three days. He said that he needed to see the tickets adding that I was cleared and I had to leave whilst he dealt with "this girl". Now clearly I didn't want to antagonise him by hanging around, he was already being pretty obnoxious, but neither was I going to simply abandon her. I stayed well away from his desk but close enough for her to see me, she was pretty scared. Seeing I was still in the vicinity he told me to leave but I told him in a quiet and polite manner that we were travelling home in three days and said that I was not going to abandon her, anyway he interrogated her a bit more and then admitted her, adding that in future she must carry her return tickets with her all the time. I was pretty sure that her visa would have given her admittance, unless it was obtained fraudulently or her circumstances had changed, but I wasn't sure of my facts enough to say so, he was already being pretty obnoxious so I doubt if I would have said anything anyway. I am sure that any decision to refuse entry would have needed to have been approved by a CIO, but I have to say I was pretty worried.



As I understand it, a person with a valid visa may be refused entry if the IO believes they intend to breach the conditions of that visa. For example a visitor does not intend to leave the UK at the end of their leave. See Immigration Act 1971, Schedule 2 para 2A

Where the person’s leave to enter derives, by virtue of section 3A(3), from an entry clearance, he may also be examined by an immigration officer for the purpose of establishing whether the leave should be cancelled on the grounds that the person’s purpose in arriving in the United Kingdom is different from the purpose specified in the entry clearance

Therefore a visitor can be required to produce either a valid return or onward ticket dated on or before their leave expires or evidence that they have the funds with which to purchase one.

However, an IO cannot refuse entry alone, they must obtain the authority of a Chief Immigration Officer or of an Immigration Inspector. See immigration rules, paras 10, 10A and 10B

If I have interpreted this incorrectly, feel free to correct me.


As I understand it, a person with a valid visa may be refused entry if the IO believes they intend to breach the conditions of that visa.

There is a radical difference between non-visa and visa nationals. In the former case, the IO's "belief" or suspicion is sufficient to generate a refusal. In the latter, assuming they hold the correct visa, the visa application is the reference point for the IO, who must show either that deception was employed, a material fact concealed, or that there has been a change of circumstances since the visa was issued. So the while the IO may believe that someone intends to breach their visa he can only justify refusal by, in effect, saying "This is what you declared on the visa application, but that wasn't true/ you didn't mention that/ you are no longer whatever..", and he has to have some evidence to back it up. If refused, the passenger has the right to remain in the UK for an appeal hearing (albeit sometimes in detention), thus cancellation of visas is not authorised merely on an IO's suspicion.

In the OP's case if he declared on the VAF that there wasn't a fixed return date and that they were only buying single tickets, there are simply no grounds for refusal. (I assume there is still a question on the VAF about what sort of ticket will be purchased). If they said they would be holding return tickets, then the IO may start digging, but unless it's clear that they have no funds to purchase same, it would be a pretty thin refusal and she could get her visit anyway by exercising her right of appeal. His experience at the Gare du Nord pretty much confirms that the IO may have had his suspicions, but could muster no real grounds for refusal.


Thankyou all for your responses, they have been very helpful. We stated on my visa application that i would be working in England for a period of 3-4 months until an air conditioning contract finished. I have purchased a one way ticket for my girlfriend, if she is questioned at the airport we will show them her visa application form which shows we mentioned we wasn't 100% sure of an return date at present....


If refused, the passenger has the right to remain in the UK for an appeal hearing (albeit sometimes in detention), thus cancellation of visas is not authorised merely on an IO's suspicion.

His experience at the Gare du Nord pretty much confirms that the IO may have had his suspicions, but could muster no real grounds for refusal.

It was my partner and I who had the unpleasant experience at Gare du Nord, not sure that he really had anything to be suspicious about, he was just being obnoxious, you needed to be there to witness it. My girlfriend and I both explained we had confirmed flights back to our home in Bangkok and whilst we didn't have the tickets on us, as they were e-tickets they could have been accessed pretty easily, I am assuming they have POISE or even Internet access there.

It would have been pretty ironic, though pretty embarrassing, if he had thought that detention could be justified for my girlfriend, we were actually staying with a UKBA Manager of a Removal Centre and her IO partner before our return home, now that could have been the topic of conversation at many a dinner party. smile.gif

I think we would have been more concerned at the attempt to cancel the visa in the unlikely event that he had been able to convince a CIO or HMI that it was justified, as that would need to be declared in any further visa application.



Well i booked then one way ticket and did get asked as we were boarding the plane, they just asked what our relationship was and why we didnt have a return ticket. I just replied that she was my gf and i would be purchasing a return ticket in england as im unsure of the exact date of return, they simple said ok and wave us through.... :)


And any problems at the UK/BA as you entered the country ?

No problems, i went through british passport control with our son which took a couple minutes and then i had to wait for my gf to get through the huge foreign cue. An immigration officer after 10 minutes came over and asked who i was waiting for, i told him my gf and mother of our son was way back in the cue. He then went and got her and allowed her to jump the cue :) which she whould have been in for at least another 30-40 minutes...


And any problems at the UK/BA as you entered the country ?

No problems, i went through british passport control with our son which took a couple minutes and then i had to wait for my gf to get through the huge foreign cue. An immigration officer after 10 minutes came over and asked who i was waiting for, i told him my gf and mother of our son was way back in the cue. He then went and got her and allowed her to jump the cue :D which she whould have been in for at least another 30-40 minutes...

can i ask th OP how he went about getting the UK visa? did you use a company and if so how much. my gf wants to come here in the new year but is worried about how she gets her visa. she has a restaurant and shop at home but no official job or income and never uses her bank account. what doess she need to do to be able to come here on holiday. btw i am also currently not working officially so she is not relying on me finantially for her stay on the visa app but just her ticket. how does a thai national just go on holiday without being sponsored?

as for plane tickets , she does not want to fly here on her own so i was planning on going there before and coming back with her. the problem here is that we both have to buy return tickets for visa requirements. my ticket on emirates is £546 but hers to come here is £964 using the same flight. for the future we are looking at travelling back and forward together and would like to know how you guys who travel regularly with your partners go about this as far as flight times/ costs and repeat visa apps for UK/Thailand. would be nice to get our trips in sync so we are not always opposite.

just to add to this i just been on emirate site and for me to book one way to bangkok costs more or less the same as return trip but for her to fly one way here costs 12000 less than return. why the hel_l cant the flights be ore fairly priced and it be easier for us to fly together. why is it we have to jump through hoops to get our gf's with us when immigrants from so many other countries seem to be flooding in and then just jumpng on the social, so annoying this country. (rant over for now :))

thx in advance.


I did the application myself, took a fair amount of time but just submitted as much evidence as i could based on our 2+1/2 year relationship including bank statements, photos etc. Agents kept telling us there is no chance of a visa being granted but we refused to listen as they were just after there 30,000-40,000 fee for doing something i could simply do myself.

As i said i booked my gf on just a one way ticket and told immagration i would be buying the return ticket in england as its cheaper (nearly douple price from thailand).

You just need to collect all your relationship evidence together (emails, phone bills, skype calls, bank accounts, etc) and an invite letter, there are other threads on here which explain exactly what you need to submit...


I did the application myself, took a fair amount of time but just submitted as much evidence as i could based on our 2+1/2 year relationship including bank statements, photos etc. Agents kept telling us there is no chance of a visa being granted but we refused to listen as they were just after there 30,000-40,000 fee for doing something i could simply do myself.

As i said i booked my gf on just a one way ticket and told immagration i would be buying the return ticket in england as its cheaper (nearly douple price from thailand).

You just need to collect all your relationship evidence together (emails, phone bills, skype calls, bank accounts, etc) and an invite letter, there are other threads on here which explain exactly what you need to submit...

thx for reply, but i still dont understand why a person cant come from thailand for a visit of there own back. why should they have to prove all this, we can go anywhere in the world for holiday and most people can come here but thais , no.

im really not organised with paperwork but guess i'll have to try. all i can prove is that we talk every day on the phone and the odd email, but dont like the idea of some jobsworth reading personal mail. roughly how long did it take and how much? did you do all this from UK? Or can my gf do it all from thailand.


Pacman32, There are basically three criteria which she will need to meet.

1) She is a genuine visitor with a genuine reason to visit

The reason to visit is the relationship with you. You should write a sponsor's letter briefly outlining the history of the relationship, what your plans for the future are and the reason for visiting the UK at this time, plus how long she intends to stay. BTW, in this case 'sponsor' does not mean the person supplying the finance; it means the person the applicant is visiting and who is supporting the application.

She and you should provide evidence of the relationship: your passport showing entries into Thailand to show how often you have visited her, phone and e-mail records etc. Photos of the two of you together at various times can help.

2) She will be adequately supported and accommodated while in the UK.

Finances for the trip can come from her resources, yours or both. Whoever is contributing toward the cost of the trip should provide evidence of their ability to do so; 6 months bank statements and, if working, payslips is recommended.

There is no set amount of money needed; it depends on the individual applicant's situation; how long they'll be staying in the UK, whether they'll be staying with friends or family etc.

Whoever is offering accommodation should show that there is room for her; ideally one room for her exclusive use, but sharing with another female should be OK for a visit, as should sharing you.

They should also show that she is allowed to stay there; either by providing proof of ownership if they do own (mortgage statement or copy of deeds) or a letter from their landlord granting her such permission if they rent.

3) She will return to Thailand, or at least leave the UK, when or before her visa expires.

If she satisfies the ECO on point 1, then this will go a long way toward the ECO believing she will return. However, concrete evidence is a great help as well. You say no official job, but what about property or other assets in Thailand?

You may find Guidance - Visitors (INF 2) and Guidance - Sponsors (INF 3) helpful.

If you are considering using an agent, read this topic first.


but i still dont understand why a person cant come from thailand for a visit of there own back. why should they have to prove all this, we can go anywhere in the world for holiday and most people can come here but thais , no.

Thais can, like any other nationality, come to the UK for a holiday independently or with a tour group without the involvement of a UK based sponsor.

For where and how to apply, cost etc. see UK visa application centre.

BTW, there is no need to provide the content of your e-mails etc., just print out the headers to show that you have sent them to each other. Also, if you and she intend to have any future together in the UK, i.e. settlement for her, not mentioning you now will only cause problems later.


Pacman32, There are basically three criteria which she will need to meet.

1) She is a genuine visitor with a genuine reason to visit

The reason to visit is the relationship with you. You should write a sponsor's letter briefly outlining the history of the relationship, what your plans for the future are and the reason for visiting the UK at this time, plus how long she intends to stay. BTW, in this case 'sponsor' does not mean the person supplying the finance; it means the person the applicant is visiting and who is supporting the application.

She and you should provide evidence of the relationship: your passport showing entries into Thailand to show how often you have visited her, phone and e-mail records etc. Photos of the two of you together at various times can help.

2) She will be adequately supported and accommodated while in the UK.

Finances for the trip can come from her resources, yours or both. Whoever is contributing toward the cost of the trip should provide evidence of their ability to do so; 6 months bank statements and, if working, payslips is recommended.

There is no set amount of money needed; it depends on the individual applicant's situation; how long they'll be staying in the UK, whether they'll be staying with friends or family etc.

Whoever is offering accommodation should show that there is room for her; ideally one room for her exclusive use, but sharing with another female should be OK for a visit, as should sharing you.

They should also show that she is allowed to stay there; either by providing proof of ownership if they do own (mortgage statement or copy of deeds) or a letter from their landlord granting her such permission if they rent.

3) She will return to Thailand, or at least leave the UK, when or before her visa expires.

If she satisfies the ECO on point 1, then this will go a long way toward the ECO believing she will return. However, concrete evidence is a great help as well. You say no official job, but what about property or other assets in Thailand?

You may find Guidance - Visitors (INF 2) and Guidance - Sponsors (INF 3) helpful.

If you are considering using an agent, read this topic first.

ok i get all that but point 2 is gonna be the hard one, like i said no official job. she has a restaurant and shop at home but as many in thailand this is not run as a business just cash in hand also she does sometimes work at a bar but again cash in hand. same goes for me. im currently signing on so have no income going in bank. i make most of my cash on shares or poker believe it or not but none of that goes through bank. she also never uses her bank.

is it true she has to have a certain amount in her account so they let her leave thailand?

if i pay a couple of thousand in the bank would that do

she will be staying at my mams house with me and as for future plans well i would prefer to stay in thailand but be able too visit family if possble, but thats the future.

how can we get too fly together aswell if we both have to have return flights every time, we want to eventually be travelling together all the time really.


Pacman i stayed with my girlfriend for 2+1/2 years in Thailand so i did the application from there, i had alot of evidence to support this so i felt no need for an agent. As mentioned you do not need to show email contents, just print of the headers to show that you have both been emailing regulary. Also print of skype calls of whatever phone service you use to speak.

Simply putting a cash amount into your girlfriends bank account may not be enough to satisfy them, i showed 6 months bank statements for my UK account and my girlfriends Thai account. Also i showed my mortgage statement, employment letter, invite letter, invite letter from my family, pictures, etc.

It cost me 3400 baht for a 6 month visa as i didnt use an agent, we just went to the application centre in Bangkok and submitted ourselves...


As I said, whoever is providing the finance needs to show that they have the money. Sudden, unexplained large deposits into an applicant's or sponsor's bank are always viewed with deep suspicion by the ECO.

im currently signing on so have no income going in bank. i make most of my cash on shares or poker believe it or not
You're making enough money from shares and poker to pay a couple of thousand into a bank, yet you're signing on! Perhaps if you weren't abusing the benefits system you wouldn't have this problem!

As I said, whoever is providing the finance needs to show that they have the money. Sudden, unexplained large deposits into an applicant's or sponsor's bank are always viewed with deep suspicion by the ECO.

im currently signing on so have no income going in bank. i make most of my cash on shares or poker believe it or not
You're making enough money from shares and poker to pay a couple of thousand into a bank, yet you're signing on! Perhaps if you weren't abusing the benefits system you wouldn't have this problem!

im signing on because i am unemployed and entitled to , wheres the abuse? if i did not sign on i would be invisible and thats wrong. when i do agency IT work then i tell them.

please dont make statements like that. i lost a lot of cash last year on the crash so anything i am making back now is payback and i pay more taxes on that income than i get from social. i only asked for advice not social judgements.

plus you make the assumption that the money comes from poker/ shares which i did not say. i have a large collection of ww2 stuff and prints which i can sell for that cash easily but that does not show any income. maybe better to sell some each month and bank it hence creating an income that way?


Op asks:

Hi quick question, my gf has just received a 6 month visit visa to the UK. Does a return ticket need to be purchased or can she fly with me and our son on a one way ticket? then i purchase a return once we are in the UK amd know an exact return date.

Ignore the rubbish written here. She does not need a return ticket. Accompany her through the non EEA channel in case the immigration officer has any questions.


Op asks:

Hi quick question, my gf has just received a 6 month visit visa to the UK. Does a return ticket need to be purchased or can she fly with me and our son on a one way ticket? then i purchase a return once we are in the UK amd know an exact return date.

Ignore the rubbish written here. She does not need a return ticket. Accompany her through the non EEA channel in case the immigration officer has any questions.

Which is what he did, and reported back a couple of days ago, keep up Archie :)



Op asks:

Hi quick question, my gf has just received a 6 month visit visa to the UK. Does a return ticket need to be purchased or can she fly with me and our son on a one way ticket? then i purchase a return once we are in the UK amd know an exact return date.

Ignore the rubbish written here. She does not need a return ticket. Accompany her through the non EEA channel in case the immigration officer has any questions.

Which is what he did, and reported back a couple of days ago, keep up Archie :)

Which is what he didn't. He went through the EEA channel and then wandered back down to the non EEA channel. Nonetheless you make a fair point.


Which is what he didn't. He went through the EEA channel and then wandered back down to the non EEA channel. Nonetheless you make a fair point.

OK one each there.

When entering the UK through LHR my gf and I have always gone through the UK/EU Channel and have never been turned away.



im signing on because i am unemployed and entitled to , wheres the abuse? if i did not sign on i would be invisible and thats wrong. when i do agency IT work then i tell them.

please dont make statements like that. i lost a lot of cash last year on the crash so anything i am making back now is payback and i pay more taxes on that income than i get from social.

Ok, maybe I was a bit harsh.

You're saying that you make an income from shares and poker and that you pay tax on that income, at least the shares income. If you are also claiming job seekers, and they are aware of this other income, then I guess all is kosher.

In which case, where is the difficulty in showing this income in your girlfriend's visa application? You presumably pay the income into a bank somewhere.

Even if you currently have no income other than your job seekers, any savings which you have in the bank can be used to fund her visit.


Which is what he didn't. He went through the EEA channel and then wandered back down to the non EEA channel. Nonetheless you make a fair point.

OK one each there.

When entering the UK through LHR my gf and I have always gone through the UK/EU Channel and have never been turned away.

Indeed , when accompanying my Thai wife we always used the EEA (I'm point scoring) and the BKK Thai/ASEAN channels. I've read on Thaivisa there a an EU law/directive that family members should be permitted to use the same channel. I doubt there is though.

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