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Glitterman Speaks About Department Store Girls.


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The Almighty and Powerful Wizard is back with this follow up sequel to my recent GIRLS article.

There seems to be an awful lot of interest generated in my other GIRLS article [ this forum had nearly 3000 views] especialy about my socialising with the Mikes shopping mall girls, so i will enlarge upon that.

There is NOTHING in this article to show that this is either a troll or against the Thai race, I am speaking very highly of these Thai girls because they were all my good personel friends, and this article shows how the biggest star of Pattaya spent his social time here. Mention my name 'James bond' to any girl there and they WILL remember me with fun and fondness.

"No other fellang has ever done what you do" they used to tell me admiration. I was the only fellang who ever went around socialising with the entire department store of Mikes shopping mall [good brand name side only] I was seeing all my friends, [NEVER men or Ladyboys as i am 100% straight, i am not a closet gay either]

These girls would wait for me all day to turn up and be very reluctant for me to leave. But i had so many girlfriends to see per store visit that i could only spend about 20-30 mins with each girl/counter. I would be in there for a few hours during the day before swimming, and then i would return again at 7:30 and stay untill 10:30pm. At 10:30 i would quickly dash home to change into my Goldenman costume and take out my show bike. Then cycle straight back to Mikes again and wait just outside the staff exit, where we would wave each other 'goodnight' as the girls came pouring out. Then after about 15mins of that i would continue on with the rest of my Goldenman show. Unless i had arranged to meet a girl after work, then the show would be cancelled.

I was VERY good friends with about 80% of all girls on all 4 floors. Some forum members have suggested that i was stalking them, this was obviously written in jealousy as you lot have only ever had 'rentable' girls [ I have not stepped foot inside an alcohol outlet for 5 years now]

they never had a bad word to say to me, but some became very jealous when they saw me going to another counter and labeled me 'butterfly' Many of these 'Mike' girls naturally fell in love with me [quite understandable really] , and i even allowed some to become long term very close girlfreinds of mine.

this socialising with the entire department store everyday lasted for about 3 years. and the big boss of 'mikes' was always happy to see me [ the even bigger high profile tycoon boss also is on friendly terms with me].

the higher up you go on the 4 floors the more friendly the girls are. This is because on the ground floor the girls are constantly exposed to characters like some of you lot, wanting to have sex with any girl [or man] that breathes. so you give fellang a very bad reputation. But you lot are too lazy to up to the other floors, so the girls up there have no reason to be cautious and suspicious of fellang. But in all fairness i would say that beer bar girls have alot more lively character to them, probaly from copying fellang.

Some girls on the upper floors do not sell anything all day, so end up sitting doing embroidery, waiting for me to turn up. Alot are very miserable and bored there. I almost felt like it was my job to turn up and make them happy, and put golden sunshine into their day/night.

One girl there was an ex go go dancer from walking street [only bad girl in the store] and while we were both seated [ i often sat with them] and playing a board game, her broken plastic stool collapsed, she fell to the floor, legs in the air, revealing 'no knickers' a very pleasurable sight indeed i should say what ho [upper class jargon talk]

Another girl; i would collect shells for her glass perfume display unit on the ground floor while swimming. The list could go on and on.

Then when Central shopping opened in 2010 i did the same there too [ i also headed the opening parade through Pattaya]

The Royal Glitterman hath spoken.

post-96609-087418100 1276009537_thumb.jp

Edited by glitterman
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i no longer understand what you are getting at anymore. if you're gonna tell a story, make it a story. not about how in a nutshell, you eat lunch at the same place everyday and talk to thai girls but you don't talk to ladyboys because you like girls.

i'm not allowed to call you an idiot on Thai Visa and i supported you at first, but you're just letting me down now.

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The Almighty and Powerful Wizard is back with this follow up sequel to my recent GIRLS article.

There seems to be an awful lot of interest generated in my other GIRLS article [ this forum had nearly 3000 views] especialy about my socialising with the Mikes shopping mall girls, so i will enlarge upon that.

There is NOTHING in this article to show that this is either a troll or against the Thai race, I am speaking very highly of these Thai girls because they were all my good personel friends, and this article shows how the biggest star of Pattaya spent his social time here. Mention my name 'James bond' to any girl there and they WILL remember me with fun and fondness.

"No other fellang has ever done what you do" they used to tell me admiration. I was the only fellang who ever went around socialising with the entire department store of Mikes shopping mall [good brand name side only] I was seeing all my friends, [NEVER men or Ladyboys as i am 100% straight, i am not a closet gay either]

These girls would wait for me all day to turn up and be very reluctant for me to leave. But i had so many girlfriends to see per store visit that i could only spend about 20-30 mins with each girl/counter. I would be in there for a few hours during the day before swimming, and then i would return again at 7:30 and stay untill 10:30pm. At 10:30 i would quickly dash home to change into my Goldenman costume and take out my show bike. Then cycle straight back to Mikes again and wait just outside the staff exit, where we would wave each other 'goodnight' as the girls came pouring out. Then after about 15mins of that i would continue on with the rest of my Goldenman show. Unless i had arranged to meet a girl after work, then the show would be cancelled.

I was VERY good friends with about 80% of all girls on all 4 floors. Some forum members have suggested that i was stalking them, this was obviously written in jealousy as you lot have only ever had 'rentable' girls [ I have not stepped foot inside an alcohol outlet for 5 years now]

they never had a bad word to say to me, but some became very jealous when they saw me going to another counter and labeled me 'butterfly' Many of these 'Mike' girls naturally fell in love with me [quite understandable really] , and i even allowed some to become long term very close girlfreinds of mine.

this socialising with the entire department store everyday lasted for about 3 years. and the big boss of 'mikes' was always happy to see me [ the even bigger high profile tycoon boss also is on friendly terms with me].

the higher up you go on the 4 floors the more friendly the girls are. This is because on the ground floor the girls are constantly exposed to characters like some of you lot, wanting to have sex with any girl [or man] that breathes. so you give fellang a very bad reputation. But you lot are too lazy to up to the other floors, so the girls up there have no reason to be cautious and suspicious of fellang. But in all fairness i would say that beer bar girls have alot more lively character to them, probaly from copying fellang.

Some girls on the upper floors do not sell anything all day, so end up sitting doing embroidery, waiting for me to turn up. Alot are very miserable and bored there. I almost felt like it was my job to turn up and make them happy, and put golden sunshine into their day/night.

One girl there was an ex go go dancer from walking street [only bad girl in the store] and while we were both seated [ i often sat with them] and playing a board game, her broken plastic stool collapsed, she fell to the floor, legs in the air, revealing 'no knickers' a very pleasurable sight indeed i should say what ho [upper class jargon talk]

Another girl; i would collect shells for her glass perfume display unit on the ground floor while swimming. The list could go on and on.

Then when Central shopping opened in 2010 i did the same there too [ i also headed the opening parade through Pattaya]

The Royal Glitterman hath spoken.

That's all very interesting, boring, but interesting. So what's the point?

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I think your post is insulting to many people on this forum,refering to you lot as renting girls and so on,

Your posts are also always trollish because you never reply to responses to them,how they are kept open...god only knows:blink:,oh i forgot you are god! :D

Shouldn't you be out riding your bike?:)

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If you are so popular, why not develop a meaningful relationship with one of the said girls and who knows? It could lead to marriage, a family and future happiness that would make dressing up and cycling in the sun seem banal in comparison?

Give it a try.

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I think the fellas not all there to be honest. Why did you leave your home country, come across as a bit of a loner trying to justify your stalking tendancies. You don't like people judging you hence the reason for this follow on topic, yet you judge everyone else, all expats and the ex go go girls. A bit of a hypocrite if you ask me.

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Personally I love a good entertainer/character and appreciate the need for a bit of variation in life . This post killed off any thought of that with regard to the OP; way too egotistical and judgmental.

And why the OP feels it necessary to 'prove' a lack of gayness by stating that men/gays/ladyboys don't get to be friends because he's 'not gay' is beyond me - I imagine that's why he also feels the need to profess the delights of a knickerless girl falling over. I get it - you're not gay or in any closet and wouldn't be seen dead talking to a man or being his friend. Anyone dumb enough to think having male friends makes him gay isn't fun any more.

What a shame; far from finding the whole idea entertaining as I once may have, I would avoid him and his narrow-mindedness. It helps me to feel sorry for him, which is what i'll do. As one poster says, "..not all there.."....carry on....

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And why the OP feels it necessary to 'prove' a lack of gayness by stating that men/gays/ladyboys don't get to be friends because he's 'not gay' is beyond me - I imagine that's why he also feels the need to profess the delights of a knickerless girl falling over. I get it - you're not gay or in any closet and wouldn't be seen dead talking to a man or being his friend. Anyone dumb enough to think having male friends makes him gay isn't fun any more.

Yes, I noticed that. It reminds me of the life of A.E. Housman.

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... I would collect shells for her glass perfume display unit on the ground floor while swimming ....

Swimming in the polluted bay everyday, now it's making sense, parasitic worms have made their way from your ear canal to your brain,

We'll expect even more odd behavior from you in the future, please keep us informed and entertained.

(and visiting the Mike's girls in the morning, then the evening, then waiting for them at closing time, we'll it may not be stalking but it is creepy and just plain weird.)


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If you are so popular, why not develop a meaningful relationship with one of the said girls and who knows?

This is the crux of the matter though. He CAN'T develop a meaningful relationship. Hence the need to be noticed with his pointless posts and bizarre suit.

I mean, the references about hanging around Mikes all the time, particularly when the girls are going home is almost.........stalking.

Do they really admire you? More like pity to be honest. The joke. The crazy guy.

Still, what would life be without characters like you huh?

Care in the Community. Gotta admire it.

Edited by Phatcharanan
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He sounds a bit creepy to me....

Only 'a bit' ?

I wonder why he eats in the same place everyday, how boring.

That might be because it's the only place where he got served in time.In the other places the are unable to cook because they are laughing their arse off when such a clown enters the place.

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That's all very interesting, boring, but interesting. So what's the point?

There is a Girl at Mikes without Knickers?

I think the point is he cannot sustain a relationship for more than a few seconds so has to go from girl to girl wherever he goes.

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