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Cholesterol Way Too High ?


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""use non sugar sweetener"" not :

Aspartame & Aspartame Poisoning Information Site

see "distribution" on this link , then google "aspartam silent killer".

He is diabetic and thus cannot use sugar, it is either a sugar substitute or do without.

The dangers of aspartame are open to debate, but anyhow it is not the only sweetener available, there are others such as the sucralose which I recommended. They taste a whole lot better than aspartame, too.

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""use non sugar sweetener"" not :

Aspartame & Aspartame Poisoning Information Site

see "distribution" on this link , then google "aspartam silent killer".

for fish oil, I used to have lots of cans of smoked cod liver ; worth 2 euros a can ,must contain 10 times the amount in a box of pills for 7 times less expensive than one box.

(lost the taste for this right now , just like cans of sardins in olive oil; very convenient though, not easy to shop& cook healthy all the time ; buying fresh fish I can ,but at a distant shop, then must cook quickly, not easy ; and expensive .

I have coffee without sugar , only a little jam or honey in the morning.

of course sometimes I go bababobo and swallow 2/3 of a pack of whatever biscuits or a chocolate bar (§125 grams) before I get to my sense .The trick is not to buy them , which sometimes is too much for my will power .

Nobody's perfect .

for eggs, cheese , I have one or the other on days I don't have fish or chicken .

they're all : "animal fat" , so one or the other. Because you need calcium etc too.

there is low fat cheese, I'd rather have regular amsterdamer or gouda , but with smaller servings (same for yogurt) ; then again, not always easy to buy then eat just a little at a time . Don't aim at perfection , don't become allergic to animal fat :)

Thanks again.

Edited by miodo2009
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