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The Met Satorn

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Im currently considering a move to a new apartment.

Im interested in renting a 2-3 bedroom apartment in the met.

I have looked at various rental company website and have found conflicting prices for the exact same apartment.....prices varies from 60,000-80,000 baht p/m for 2 bed apartment.

Does anyone currently own or rent in The Met?

Or has a reliable agency i could use ?

Also would be good to see what others are paying in the building.

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I would not go near an agent if you can avoid it. You are more valuable to a prospective landlord without one. If you go through an agent your rent will effectivly be marked- up 10 to 15 % as a minimum to cover the agents commision. You would be better off doing a "net" deal directly.The issue is how to contact the owners. Might be worth going along and introduce yourself at the building to the buillding management. On a new project like this there is usualy someone who deals with the transfers , they are will be in close touch with the purchasers and know who wants to sell or rent,try to get to know them; 500bt here and there can help! Sometimes they may also get some small commision from the landlord for introducing a tenant, or , they may just want to try to help their customers.In this market there will be some desparate prospective landlords out there so you have a great chance of getting a good deal.

I did exactly this the last time I rented and ended up getting an apartment significantly below the price CBRE were asking for the same unit. Also Prakard.com is worth a look as it is often used by landlords who want to reach renters without going through an agent.

On price, you will pay slightly more for a new prestige project with a good fit-out and high quality furnishing, but, as a rule of thumb, for a high quality unit ,you should be paying no more than 50 % of the sqm area in baht multiplied by1000; eg if the unit is 180sqm then 90000 bt per month maximum etc. With a bit of negotiation you should be able to get it a fair bit cheaper.

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I would not go near an agent if you can avoid it. You are more valuable to a prospective landlord without one. If you go through an agent your rent will effectivly be marked- up 10 to 15 % as a minimum to cover the agents commision. You would be better off doing a "net" deal directly.The issue is how to contact the owners. Might be worth going along and introduce yourself at the building to the buillding management. On a new project like this there is usualy someone who deals with the transfers , they are will be in close touch with the purchasers and know who wants to sell or rent,try to get to know them; 500bt here and there can help! Sometimes they may also get some small commision from the landlord for introducing a tenant, or , they may just want to try to help their customers.In this market there will be some desparate prospective landlords out there so you have a great chance of getting a good deal.

I did exactly this the last time I rented and ended up getting an apartment significantly below the price CBRE were asking for the same unit. Also Prakard.com is worth a look as it is often used by landlords who want to reach renters without going through an agent.

On price, you will pay slightly more for a new prestige project with a good fit-out and high quality furnishing, but, as a rule of thumb, for a high quality unit ,you should be paying no more than 50 % of the sqm area in baht multiplied by1000; eg if the unit is 180sqm then 90000 bt per month maximum etc. With a bit of negotiation you should be able to get it a fair bit cheaper.

Load of rubbish in your post. Your opinion is not universal for all unit owners, and through intelligent use of the agent the rental fee can be reduced. Your approach may work for the type of expat with too much time on their hands, but frankly its insulting and simple minded.

For the Met, where there are clearly a lot of units available for rent you will see rents decline in the short term due to excess supply and limited (very limted) demand. Call every agent - nobody can updte a website in real time and no agnets list all the unist they have - its not hard!

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I would not go near an agent if you can avoid it. You are more valuable to a prospective landlord without one. If you go through an agent your rent will effectivly be marked- up 10 to 15 % as a minimum to cover the agents commision. You would be better off doing a "net" deal directly.The issue is how to contact the owners. Might be worth going along and introduce yourself at the building to the buillding management. On a new project like this there is usualy someone who deals with the transfers , they are will be in close touch with the purchasers and know who wants to sell or rent,try to get to know them; 500bt here and there can help! Sometimes they may also get some small commision from the landlord for introducing a tenant, or , they may just want to try to help their customers.In this market there will be some desparate prospective landlords out there so you have a great chance of getting a good deal.

I did exactly this the last time I rented and ended up getting an apartment significantly below the price CBRE were asking for the same unit. Also Prakard.com is worth a look as it is often used by landlords who want to reach renters without going through an agent.

On price, you will pay slightly more for a new prestige project with a good fit-out and high quality furnishing, but, as a rule of thumb, for a high quality unit ,you should be paying no more than 50 % of the sqm area in baht multiplied by1000; eg if the unit is 180sqm then 90000 bt per month maximum etc. With a bit of negotiation you should be able to get it a fair bit cheaper.

Load of rubbish in your post. Your opinion is not universal for all unit owners, and through intelligent use of the agent the rental fee can be reduced. Your approach may work for the type of expat with too much time on their hands, but frankly its insulting and simple minded.

For the Met, where there are clearly a lot of units available for rent you will see rents decline in the short term due to excess supply and limited (very limted) demand. Call every agent - nobody can updte a website in real time and no agnets list all the unist they have - its not hard!

Insulting to whom exactly? Not an agent by any chance are you? The truth is it does not take much time and effort once you know the building you want to live in.

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I don't understand your comment about "conflicting" rents. There's a range of rental prices, according to view, size of condo, and furnishings - but that's not a "conflict". Where's the conflict?

Regardless, the Met has a (re)sales/rental office, and I suggest that you start there.

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Conflicting prices. one website advertises apartment A for 65,000baht per month. anonther website advertises apartment A for 80,000baht per month!

I will go to the sales office and see what they have on offer. id rather not use an agent if it can be helped.

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I would not go near an agent if you can avoid it. You are more valuable to a prospective landlord without one. If you go through an agent your rent will effectivly be marked- up 10 to 15 % as a minimum to cover the agents commision. You would be better off doing a "net" deal directly.The issue is how to contact the owners. Might be worth going along and introduce yourself at the building to the buillding management. On a new project like this there is usualy someone who deals with the transfers , they are will be in close touch with the purchasers and know who wants to sell or rent,try to get to know them; 500bt here and there can help! Sometimes they may also get some small commision from the landlord for introducing a tenant, or , they may just want to try to help their customers.In this market there will be some desparate prospective landlords out there so you have a great chance of getting a good deal.

I did exactly this the last time I rented and ended up getting an apartment significantly below the price CBRE were asking for the same unit. Also Prakard.com is worth a look as it is often used by landlords who want to reach renters without going through an agent.

On price, you will pay slightly more for a new prestige project with a good fit-out and high quality furnishing, but, as a rule of thumb, for a high quality unit ,you should be paying no more than 50 % of the sqm area in baht multiplied by1000; eg if the unit is 180sqm then 90000 bt per month maximum etc. With a bit of negotiation you should be able to get it a fair bit cheaper.

Load of rubbish in your post. Your opinion is not universal for all unit owners, and through intelligent use of the agent the rental fee can be reduced. Your approach may work for the type of expat with too much time on their hands, but frankly its insulting and simple minded.

For the Met, where there are clearly a lot of units available for rent you will see rents decline in the short term due to excess supply and limited (very limted) demand. Call every agent - nobody can updte a website in real time and no agnets list all the unist they have - its not hard!

Spoken like a true agent. The fact remains, if you can take out the middle man, invariably you will get a cheaper price.

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I always wondered how someone who makes (1 month commission) could possibly go to bat for the renter?

Renter: "Can you see if they will lower their price a bit?"

Middleman "I checked and because they have had many calls on the condo, they are unwilling to reduce the price."

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No transacation equals no fee - so any agent will invariably actually act for the tenant / buyer as THEY control the agents ability to get a fee. Alternatively work with two agents to identify space in the same builing - this quickly leads to a price cutting war where the tenant benefits.

Or you can just go ahead and try and find every unit for rent in a mass market building and then on the basis of no factual market knowledge try to secure the best terms - at least if you are an unemployed long stay toursit type this gives you something to do and may make a wanna-be expat feel positive in seeking a rental home...

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"Or you can just go ahead and try and find every unit for rent in a mass market building and then on the basis of no factual market knowledge try to secure the best terms."

The size difference between the largest 2BR and the smallest 3BR units is 100 sqm. At 120k THB/sqm, that a sales price difference of 12M THB. It seems as though you and the OP are of the opinion that charging an extra 20K THB/month rent on a condo that cost an extra 12M THB is suspicious.

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