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Computer Re Start Problem.


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Had a power cut earlier,so shut down my computer,when re started,all icons,text etc have appeared bigger than before,looks like the computer has started in a different mode?,i know its not simply a question of changing font size etc,has anybody any ideas how to rectify it?

Thanks in advance.


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Most likely your screen has defaulted to VGA.

Right click on the desktop and see if you can adjust the resolution, if you can't chances are the video driver has gone on strike, time to re-install the driver.

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Resolution re-set seems to have done it,cheers guys.


EDIT,however when googling something,the search result texts,images are still big?

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Believe you can right click anywhere on blank screen (desktop) to bring up menu with screen resolutions available. Are you by any chance in Safe Mode? Did you monitor the system coming up? That power failure likely was an unexpected shut down so you would have been asked if you wanted to up up in normal mode or not. Quick check is shutdown and come back up.

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Lopburi,thanks, i was not given an option to re-boot,my computer went off in the power cut,i was sleeping,and on return the computer was off,i.e ran out of battery.

I have tried to shut down,everything appears normal now apart from big text/pictures on a google search.


EDIT:email also-larget text?

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Try pressing Ctrl-0, as in Control-Zero. On my computer this acts as a reset for a magnifying glass effect to reset the text size/picture viewed while browsing to the normal text/image size. And pressing Cntl dash Minus symbol and Cntl dash Plus symbol (e.g., Cntl-+), decreases or increases the size.

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Next time just reboot again and everything is back to normal, at least this is my experience with Windows 7.

Only happened with me 1 or 2 times after a power failure and I never bothered to check if only the screen resolution was set to fail-safe settings or more settings were affected.

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