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Ladykatas Electric


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So, it appears the good lady (or man) doesn't really have any such device.

Agreed, just a lonely lady doing a bit of trolling maybe :)

If this device 'does' exist then the inventor will be a trillionaire!

Agreed, we'll agree to disagree, i'll genuinely look on the net if i can find a link i'll post it, as stated if it's a illegal system and i'm going to check ASAP then i've opened a can of worms for the distributor before it's certified

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In depth now, same principle as a car engine, a car engine 30 years ago maybe done 15 KM to the gallon, the same size engine car today with even more power in output, because of fuel management and technology that car today nearly get twice as much KM to the gallon.

even if we stick to the original 30 year old car, simple better driving and braking will produce better fuel consumption.

Now instead of petrol, it's electric

I know your a woman.. So I'll go slow..

This isnt about a different 'engine' your household current draw remains the same.. Ohms law is a physical constant.

Your either A) imagining it works / placebo effect or B ) Stealing electric.

most engines and appliances become more energy efficient decade by decade.

but no engine has been replaced here, so the same engines used the same way are with this device supposed to be using less energy. Magic.

what would be very interesting is to connect a meter to one of your large appliances, switch off everything else, and compare kwh consumption with your PEA meter. If there is a difference, electricity is being stolen from PEA.


A few years after completing electrical engineer I took an education in Marketing. We where discussing how to market electric waterheaters and the teacher suggested focusing on energyefficiensy. He was convinced some heaters would use less power to heat a certain amount of water in a certain time. I denied. Couple of days later he came back, had done some thorrow investigation, and said "lets focus on other aspects".:)

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A few years after completing electrical engineer I took an education in Marketing. We where discussing how to market electric waterheaters and the teacher suggested focusing on energyefficiensy. He was convinced some heaters would use less power to heat a certain amount of water in a certain time. I denied. Couple of days later he came back, had done some thorrow investigation, and said "lets focus on other aspects".:)

I asked my mum why she had bought herself a smaller kettle. She replied, it will be cheaper to run. In fact all it done was take longer to boil the same amount of water, using the same amount of


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So, it appears the good lady (or man) doesn't really have any such device.

FH, you are not suggesting that WHOHOO Joe'shead or whatever handle du jour might be a man, are you?

again your concentration on the ball, not the game, topical for the world cup, whether i'm a man, woman, shemale, hegirl, lizard, fish, alien, you've give me no evidence to refute a management system.

your all tit for tat on your abilities as engineers, or none engineers as i can see it, if i want a hole drilled do i go to a drill specialist or a hole specialist, again appliances use energy, fact, manage that system, the kettle analogy is hog wash, buy a kettle that is more efficient and it uses more energy, drivel so a full kettle uses less energy to boil, you've found perpetual motion, con grats

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@ ladykata

you know what I can not even be bothered to reply to that. You are obviously a very foolish and bigoted person.

Finally, a break through, lets look at that, what have i wrote on any topic that implies i'm foolish, people normally reflect there dis functions and believes in disagreements back to other people.

The person i'm sitting next to now are they foolish, because your using a incredible crystal ball or have a canny knack of within a short few lines knowing somebodies background and history and thoughts, bigoted, please use it in the right context, it show a ignorance to use it willy nilly,

Go have a cup of tea and sulk

Edited by ladykata
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lets look at that, what have i wrote on any topic that implies i'm foolish

Well the fact that you keep stating that energy use, not the metering of that energy use, can be adjusted through the use of a plug in device..

That goes against the known laws of physics.. But hey saying the known laws of physics are wrong, based on some badly explained analogies doesnt make you look foolish at all.

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It will never work, somebody tried to sell it on bahtsold, try look there and look at the drawings, will and can never work, maybe get the bill down 20 Baht and thats it. you try to google it

Again finally, please repeat you've seen it advertised, is that 20 baht a minute, hour, day, month, thank you Sir, listen all i know is i have a thing stuck on the wall, my bills are less, at this point who cares if it works efficiently, in Court that would be evidence to refuke the hill billy bragade, thats a slam dunk!!!!thank you

I except all your silent apologies

Edited by ladykata
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"3500 baht for a month!!!!...and you're a lady living on your own? What on earth are you running there? I've been here 5 years. Apartment I'm in now I have a fan and computer running almost all day and nighttime I run aircon all night. My bill has NEVER been more than 1800 baht. Seems to me before you installed all the money saving gadgets you were being ripped off. You sure you weren't paying for next doors' electric too? That goes on a lot."

Im seriously going crazy withh these kind of posts.

What's with all the cheap charleys living in 20sqm apartments sweating all day on a cheap tesco fan not understand that lots of us, use aircon all day, have big houses and do not enjoy living in the 1800's


3500 baht a month isnt a lot of money, although having such a device is a lot better than living like an animal just to save 2000baht

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I know your a woman.. So I'll go slow..

This isnt about a different 'engine' your household current draw remains the same.. Ohms law is a physical constant.

Your either A) imagining it works / placebo effect or B ) Stealing electric.

dear friend, do you still think the world is flat, items, appliances, AC's, all use energy, i've explained and i don't know why you don't listen, use your eye's and ears in that ratio, all i know is that my bill on a conventional system would be higher, why question it, fact and evidence, It's make no difference to me either way, the amount of money i could save a community of ex-pats would be staggering but then again why save a ship if it's already manned by rats, if i'd told you 10 years ago you'd carry a virtual library on a stick in your pocket , your answer would have been????

i wonder if she knows that in SCI-FI people were predicting it a goddamn long time ago :)

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The overuse of electricity is contributing to environmental problems and we are interested in helping control it. We were sent information about a product that sounds like what is being discussed, including the following. We would appreciate hearing from people who have used similar devices and/or electrical engineers who can verify or dispute the facts scientifically. I left out the brand name. Thanks.

All electrical supply is subject to surges from time to time, which result in spikes or "parasitic peaks" that cannot be used by your appliances as working power. These spikes simply waste your electricity. Worse still, they result in overheating, which shortens the life of your appliances and wiring. In the most extreme cases this can cause burns, blow outs and power cuts.

Ps use a capacitor system to stabilize the flow of electricity. It reduces the spikes in the supply, protecting against surges. The system improves the power factor of your electricity and reduces your electricity bill by on average 15%-20%.

We guarantee Ps for (5) Five Years. Within reason, these units are built to last indefinitely. They are in a strong ABS case and will likely be used in just one location without needing to be moved. They do not contain any moving parts. As long as you keep your Ps in a dry temperate place, with adequate ventilation, you should see many years of continued use with your unit.

Ps work by storing electricity internally and then releasing it. It can take 2-3 days for Ps to store this electricity efficiently. If you experience a significant power surge in your electrical system, there is the possibility that the Ps fuse will blow but you can easily replace it yourself.

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Key point here

Ps use a capacitor system to stabilize the flow of electricity. It reduces the spikes in the supply, protecting against surges. The system improves the power factor of your electricity and reduces your electricity bill by on average 15%-20%.

Now Ladykata states states a saving of 583%!!!

If she had claimed a saving of 15-20%, and this device maybe had intelligent lighting, and turned off circuits during periods of the day that they were not being used ( ie turn off TV DVD etc sa as not to be in standby mode). This would also possible mean that some kind of management system is in place. However to stop spikes, then a transiant device would need to be installed. IMO before the metre.

I beleive a 15 - 20 % is possible, with the before mentioned. Not 583!!

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Going back at least 10 maybe even 20 years I have a faint recollection of such a gadget being sold back in the UK in such organs as Exchange & Mart; markets down the Old Kent Road and at car boot sales by characters like this>>> onlyfoolsandhorses.jpg

Maybe they're finally penetrating the Asian market!

Would love to know how much you paid for yours and for the installation ladykata? Is it a one off fee?

Edited by phuketrex
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As I posted earlier and somehow it got deleted, please scan said A4 drawing and take a photo of said device to prove all these naysayers are wrong.

But that would prove nothing..

I dont think any of us doubt that the physical device exists. What many of us find improbable is that its found a way to change the laws of physics and reduce the energy consumed.

Edited by LivinLOS
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As I posted earlier and somehow it got deleted, please scan said A4 drawing and take a photo of said device to prove all these naysayers are wrong.

But that would prove nothing..

I dont think any of us doubt that the physical device exists. What many of us find improbable is that its found a way to change the laws of physics and reduce the energy consumed.

True true, but I'm sure many posters would like to see some sort of evidence of said device, even if it gets made up in the next few hours.

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Key point here

Ps use a capacitor system to stabilize the flow of electricity. It reduces the spikes in the supply, protecting against surges. The system improves the power factor of your electricity and reduces your electricity bill by on average 15%-20%.

Now Ladykata states states a saving of 583%!!!

If she had claimed a saving of 15-20%, and this device maybe had intelligent lighting, and turned off circuits during periods of the day that they were not being used ( ie turn off TV DVD etc sa as not to be in standby mode). This would also possible mean that some kind of management system is in place. However to stop spikes, then a transiant device would need to be installed. IMO before the metre.

I beleive a 15 - 20 % is possible, with the before mentioned. Not 583!!

Volt x Ampere = Kwh

Just like gravity

removing spikes after meter does not in any way change reading of meter. there are several other ways to change meter readings, all illegal.

Installing anything, or even touching the cables before meter is illegal.

Depending on how frequent spikes are in your area, removing spikes before meter would perhaps change meter reading with 0,1-1 %, IOW not readable since spikes last for rather short time

So to reduce KWh consumption,

1. Replace appliances with more energy efficient appliances, like Inverter Aircon.

2. If you need to toast 2 slices of bread, dont use a 4 slice toaster. Double energy from toaster, and makes your room hot thus increased cooling needed.

3. Lightbulbs are often described in Watt, which is a description on how much power they need, not the amount of light they provide. Brightness of light can be described in Candela, and the color of light in Kelvin. So a 11 watt fluroscent light bulb provides the same Candela as a 60 watt glowbulb, and Kelvin can be chosen for both. Power saved

4. Another power saving is from switching off, like your TV. Not just standby from remote, switch off at TV or take the plug out. Remove charger from outlet when not charging.

5. The utmost powersaving is to switch off. Do not use energy to heat, cool, move or light.

If this device does any of above, I am a buyer.

Reducing my powerbills from 5k a month to 1k a month would be great, if its legal. However my poolump needs 750 watt 8 hours a day, which is 6Kwh x 30 days a month = 180 Kwh at 4,1 baht is 738 baht. So how do I run my fridges, AC, 50"TVs and other stuff? and my lights??

Fooling the meter to lower reading does not save energy

Paying for a device to do so, is simply stupid. It takes 3 baht to fool the meter, but its illegal.

Just like filling up your car at the gas station without paying for it.

Kwh is often called units, in case someone didnt know

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As I posted earlier and somehow it got deleted, please scan said A4 drawing and take a photo of said device to prove all these naysayers are wrong.

But that would prove nothing..

I dont think any of us doubt that the physical device exists. What many of us find improbable is that its found a way to change the laws of physics and reduce the energy consumed.

True true, but I'm sure many posters would like to see some sort of evidence of said device, even if it gets made up in the next few hours.

Please, please, please i've never said i supply or can sell any device, fact!!!!

again please don't assume my living arrangements ie single woman

Rightly so, i only took into account the amount of electricity savings relative to the previous month and at that time i had family staying, so i should have taken the mean(average) over a longer period, granted not a true reflections of savings.hey it was just a throw away comment in a topic

a true reflection would be in the teens, but that because my consumption is way lower, i know please the % will stay the same whether low are high volumes of electric are used, not as it was explained to me, but i think we all agree to disagree that these devices exist, whether a plug in version, a domestic in line version or a small commercial installation version (i have)

Trevor balis, the wind up clock guy, can't be done, for something that couldn't be done it made him a rich guy and that was with the top boffins in the world telling him,no way!!!

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Trevor balis, the wind up clock guy, can't be done, for something that couldn't be done it made him a rich guy and that was with the top boffins in the world telling him,no way!!!

I assume you mean Trevor Baylis, the wind up radio guy ?? And rather than it being a hard to invent thing it was something he whipped up in easily, it was the new 'idea' not application as many good inventions are.

However its no surprise you seem to have trouble creating suitable comparisons and analogies, and still obviously havent looked up ohms law. What you are claiming is simply a physical impossibility. Its possible your cheating your meter, tho given the quality of your answers so far I personally doubt that as well.

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Rightly so, i only took into account the amount of electricity savings relative to the previous month and at that time i had family staying, so i should have taken the mean(average) over a longer period, granted not a true reflections of savings.hey it was just a throw away comment in a topic

stating some true facts now, I wonder why you did not say so at first?

All my previous comments stand well.

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A management system can only turn devices on or off. It will not make a 1000w device into a 500w device!

When I leave my house I have a switch by the front door which when turned on, will turn off all my non essential circuits. Cost 300 baht for 2 x 4 pole contactors, and 50 baht for the cable. Thats all the management you need.


Edited by Forkinhades
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Please can someone, put me out of this head banging, please listen, i've explained situation, get one of the other boffin's to explain, come on a afternoons exercise, don't prove it can't work, prove it can. remember, not cheating the meter, it's a management system, explain to me what you think that is, cos for sure i don't!!!!

I'm away for a afternoon wine, i turned it from water!!!!!!!!LOL

We wont prove it can work, because to do what your suggesting is a physical impossibility.. Its not merely difficult, or something that can be invented around.. The amount of energy uses is (strangely enough) the amount of energy it uses !! No plug in device changes that. a 1000w heater is a 1000w heater use it for an hour and you use 1kwh

Its possible (tho I have my doubts) that it cheats your electric meter, but given the detail and understanding of your posts on the subject so far, this I even find unlikely.

Edited by LivinginKata
Some remarks removed
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Well to add to the boxes side..

I have done some digging and found a Thai company selling the "Save 15 - 25% off your bill" but as thought the same company also sell a "make your meter go backwards" box.. These dont do anything to save power, only trick the electric company meter.

I wont post the links.. Only end up more work for LiK.

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