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Australian Fraudster's Phuket Vacation Cut Short


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50 foreigners a week committing insurance fraud a week in Patong? Is that a statistic or something made up? It seems like it would be in the news before this, if there were 50 cases a week...

:) C'mon tourists do it all the time; an expensive Nikhon left on the tour boat, money and cameras missing from; safe all they require is a police report to take back home to claim insurance and their holiday is paid for ! Little wonder when they report to the police station to get a copy of the report, the cops roll their eyes like "oh no, here's another one"

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KATHU, PHUKET: -- A young Australian tourist is facing deportation from Thailand after falsely claiming that she had been robbed in order to claim on her insurance, police in Phuket said.

Patong Police said the 20-year-old college student told them that two young men on a motorbike had snatched her bag in Patong yesterday

** should try it in malaysia

bikers snatching handbag , handphone, robbing ,breaking other cars windshield and stealing

and police seem doin nothing at all.

specialy in kuala lumpur and johor bahru

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50 foreigners a week committing insurance fraud a week in Patong? Is that a statistic or something made up? It seems like it would be in the news before this, if there were 50 cases a week...

I think he probably meant that 50 people each week report theft to the police in order to claim on insurance rather than insurance fraud, otherwise it would have been in the press a long time ago. Don't you think?

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Is this some typical Aussie thing, go on a short vacation and claim to be robbed during the stay?

Am I missing something here? On what basis do you brand all Aussies on the basis of one or two?

Are all your country's citizens as pure as the driven snow?

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50 foreigners a week committing insurance fraud a week in Patong? Is that a statistic or something made up? It seems like it would be in the news before this, if there were 50 cases a week...

I think he probably meant that 50 people each week report theft to the police in order to claim on insurance rather than insurance fraud, otherwise it would have been in the press a long time ago. Don't you think?

I don't know what he meant. The article said:

Police Duty Officer Nitikorn Rawang said too many foreigners were committing insurance fraud in Thailand.

"There are probably around 50 cases [dealt with by Kathu Police] every week," he said.

Read more: Australian Fraudster's Phuket Vacation Cut Short - Thailand Forum Australian Fraudster's Phuket Vacation Cut Short - Thailand Forum

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50 foreigners a week committing insurance fraud a week in Patong? Is that a statistic or something made up? It seems like it would be in the news before this, if there were 50 cases a week...

:) C'mon tourists do it all the time; an expensive Nikhon left on the tour boat, money and cameras missing from; safe all they require is a police report to take back home to claim insurance and their holiday is paid for ! Little wonder when they report to the police station to get a copy of the report, the cops roll their eyes like "oh no, here's another one"

I wouldn't know. I've never had travel insurance on any trip I've ever taken and I've never lost or had anything stolen on my trips. I did have a motorbike stolen from my house here. I went to the wonderful BiB's with a copy of my greenbook and a photo of the guy and they called me a few hours later with him in handcuffs. The police Captain called me the next day and wanted 4K Baht for their work on the case. I said, pang, he said 2K, I said; okay...

PS: You have to pay for a police report here also...

Edited by Jimi007
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Poor thing. What do people expect? She had to do something, because you can't claim the dole when you're overseas.

Somebody should have warned her, there aren't many crimes that go down in Patong that the police don't know about beforehand.

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If the police suspect it's an insurance fraud then there's no need for them to do any further investigation. Write the report, take the 20 baht, job finished. I'm quite impressed that they took this case further though how they got an admission of guilt I don't know.

Medical insurance fraud is also commonplace; the tourist is having such a good time that he doesn't want to go home. A mystery illness ensues, medical certificate from the hospital and the insurers pay for a new flight and additional nights in the hotel as well as the medical bills. Back pain, for example, is very easy to simulate and being unable to walk properly, you can end up in a business of first class seat as well, plus electric buggies at the airport. I saw an example of this very recently.

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you stupid idiot... thanks for givinng other Aussies a bad name you toe rag. Your boyfriend should have left you to rot.

Oh my, seems a bit extreme. Being young and foolish go hand in hand, besides there might be something in the air here that corrodes the minimal thread of integrity humans like to think exists.

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If the police suspect it's an insurance fraud then there's no need for them to do any further investigation. Write the report, take the 20 baht, job finished. I'm quite impressed that they took this case further though how they got an admission of guilt I don't know.

Medical insurance fraud is also commonplace; the tourist is having such a good time that he doesn't want to go home. A mystery illness ensues, medical certificate from the hospital and the insurers pay for a new flight and additional nights in the hotel as well as the medical bills. Back pain, for example, is very easy to simulate and being unable to walk properly, you can end up in a business of first class seat as well, plus electric buggies at the airport. I saw an example of this very recently.

One wonders why they didn't fill out the report, and then take the insurance money from the girl, who would be arrested for fraud if she didn't go along with it.

But then again, that's a report they have to fill out, and then they might have to find two guys to pin the robbery on, and that sounds like too much work for a measly few thousand Baht. Easier just to arrest the girl and squeeze the cash out of her.

How did they find out? Some cops are known to develop a very good sense for when someone is lying to them. Not all cops, but some. As Thai cops are generally experts at every scam in the book, I reckon it wouldn't have been too hard to catch this bright young lady in a lie.

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What's in your tucker bag dearest Aussie lady. "well i had the latest Pentax mini camera, a Gucci watch, (it was hot so i took it off), my maxi gig ipod & iphone, my purse, ( D & G of course) plus the odd lipstick". "can i claim 50,000 baht please?". "Oh by the way i locked my credit cards, passport and normal valuables in the hotel safe. I also got my boyfriend to walk ahead so that those nasty Thai bikers would not be intimidated when snatching my very expensive handbag". "please dont force me to confess that nothing really happened. I did have my bag snatched...henest". Well i belieave her. All the backpackers i have meet always have the best brands, carry them all the time and would not be seen dead with anything that was not top of the range.

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If the police suspect it's an insurance fraud then there's no need for them to do any further investigation. Write the report, take the 20 baht, job finished. I'm quite impressed that they took this case further though how they got an admission of guilt I don't know.

Medical insurance fraud is also commonplace; the tourist is having such a good time that he doesn't want to go home. A mystery illness ensues, medical certificate from the hospital and the insurers pay for a new flight and additional nights in the hotel as well as the medical bills. Back pain, for example, is very easy to simulate and being unable to walk properly, you can end up in a business of first class seat as well, plus electric buggies at the airport. I saw an example of this very recently.

What medical insurance company does this? I better sign up with them! laugh.gif My US medical insurance company said all they would cover in Thailand is emergency care at a hospital emergency room. So, I canceled them and got accident insurance here through my bank here.

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Okay so this has no Thai relationship, but bear with me.

About 30 years ago an american friend (well a work acquintance anyhow) tried to scam the company he then worked for using the same "stolen traveler's checks" scam. He purchased $500 in traveler's checks for a business trip to Saudi Arabia on company business. On his way, at a stopover in Frankfurt, he claimed his traveler's checks were "stolen". He filed for compensation for the 'stolen' checks, and his money was refunded. On arriving in Saudi Arabia, he changed the so-called stolen traveller's checks with a Saudi moneychanger. He apparently thought nobody would notice. The Saudi moneychanger contacted the traveler's check company, and my friend (or acquaintance) was arrested. He was deported back to the U.S. where he was to be arrested for fraud for falsely claiming the traveler's checks were stolen. But to make it worse for him, before he was deported from Saudi, the Saudi officials sentenced him to a public flogging (Islamic law allows it)for trying to defraud the moneychanger. The flogging was filmed by a U.S. news crew, and shown on the nightly network news in the U.S. So when he arrived home he was not only arrested, but he lost his job, and had to reimburse the comapny he had worked for to cover their losses on his business trip.

So he wss publicly flogged, lost his job, arrested for fraud, and had the entire thing shown on U.S network news all at the same time.

Some crooks are just not too bright, are they.

By comparison to my friend that Aussie girl in Phuket was lucky.


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and Australia will lose tonight to Ghana :) just to rub salt

no mate that happened when the Kiwis got a point, and anyway we're only going marginally worse than the poms.

back on topic, I blame Jetstar for flying them straight there, and to the previous poster who referred to this woman as spawn of a Nimbin mum, I think it would be grand mother actually, the mother would be white trash around the northern rivers of NSW somewhere

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It is such a shame that this young woman thought that Thais are such easy pushovers. I am not as much saddened by the crime as I am about her possible sense about and discrimination toward the people of Thailand.. She has no respect for the culture or the people of Thailand.

Oh come on, she tried to scam her travel insurance.

Please tell me what thew possible link to having no respect for the culture of the people of Thailand.

But of course you are joking

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It is such a shame that this young woman thought that Thais are such easy pushovers. I am not as much saddened by the crime as I am about her possible sense about and discrimination toward the people of Thailand.. She has no respect for the culture or the people of Thailand.

I must say your comment is truely well said. Cheers to you.

I think one or both these posts must be a wind-up.

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50 foreigners a week committing insurance fraud a week in Patong? Is that a statistic or something made up? It seems like it would be in the news before this, if there were 50 cases a week...

Maybe the Police deal with 50 cases of tourists being robbed each week more like..Think lost in translation.....

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Unfortunately the police is as unreliable as the potential fraudster themselves. While staying in a Bangkok hotel my hotel room was completely ransacked, a Video and a Photo camera stolen and although the police came with an impressive number of people who even opened the ceiling to see if valuables were hidden there (Probably to check if I had not found a way to store them) they refused to make a report for over a month. It cost me five trips to the station and a sum of money to get the report. Reason: Crime is registered, it reflects badly on them and thus they are always questioning the person that is reporting it.

This was many years ago and on my very first trip to thailand my European girlfriend was very upset, Four years ago during the world cup I stayed in a Pattaya hotel. I woke up from the sound of a closing door, my door. I rushed downstairs and nobody had anyone seen coming out of the building. My passport, my wallet with 12,000 Baht and my credit-cards were gone. I had no insurance so no need to commit any fraud. Still they were treating me as if I had stolen it myself. Two weeks later the staff was robbed by one of their own they found my passport and my empty wallet inside his room. Still the police refused to make a report. Unfortunately for me the staff that was robbed too insisted that the person was arrested (it worked out he had gambling debts) Unfortunate because it took me close to 11 appearances in the court room, 10 of which were postponed. So I will never ever report a crime anymore. After all when you steal enough in this country you become the most wanted son in law and you can become Prime Minister.

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There's ten posts in the trash because of:

Derogatory comments about women in general.



Aussie bashing that isn't on a rugby pitch.

Don't waste your time posting this nonsense as it will be in the bin in short order. Repeated violations will result in posting rights being removed.

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It is such a shame that this young woman thought that Thais are such easy pushovers. I am not as much saddened by the crime as I am about her possible sense about and discrimination toward the people of Thailand.. She has no respect for the culture or the people of Thailand.

Sorry Anyse, but you need to address a few delusions... Bear with me, it might be good for you.

Respect for the police of Thailand? Oh please... No, no, they aren't pushovers are they? Honest as the day is long - unless of course you slip them the correct bribe. Sorry, but the boys in brown are known around the world as being hopelessly corrupt - the Thai police force is an international joke.

So forgive this stupid girl for thinking that maybe she could join in and make a little dishonest money herself. (and it is not as if crimes like bag snatching are rare in Phuket - or tourist rape by locals, which oddly enough doesn't get reported nearly as often as it happens) Maybe she read about how last week the tuk tuk drivers in Phuket created a blockade against sailors from the US Navy and didn't get arrested for it and she figured the police here were slack.

And while we are on it, are you surprised after what happened last month if foreigners don't necessarily think of this country and its culture as being advanced, or even civilised? People acting like animals, expressing their political differences through mob violence... And any attempts at discussion just showed two sides unwilling to budge, like little children in a schoolyard.... You believe this behaviour is somehow worthy of respect?

Our humble apologies if the world isn't filled with admiration for Amazing Thailand at the moment, but respect is something you earn, not something you claim as a birthright.

It seems to me that every time Thailand needs to go through a reflection period, criticising themselves perhaps, that suddenly there are lots of stories of foreigners committing fairly minor crimes - suddenly these incidents get covered - in both English and Thai language press (I've spent years working at newspapers here and the choice of smaller stories can be very reactive to the front page events). It is a way for Thais to look outward at the bad in other people (foreigners) when they need to be looking inside themselves. And then they can tell themselves they aren't so bad after all.

Take for example this claim: Police Duty Officer Nitikorn Rawang said too many foreigners were committing insurance fraud in Thailand.

“There are probably around 50 cases [dealt with by Kathu Police] every week,” he said.

So he is saying there are 50 cases of fraud per week? Or does he mean 50 cases of suspected fraud. Okay, if it 50 cases of fraud, then this story isn't news, because they must be arresting and shipping foreigners out by the boatload.

If they aren't arresting them, then why not? If they know it is fraud, how do they know, and why don't they do anything about it? Why is this just coming to light now?

Or are they saying that 50 insurance claims are filed each week? Are there not 50 crimes per week directed at foreign "guests"? How do they know they aren't legitimate?

What the hel_l is this duty officer trying to say exactly? Or is he just talking - making up stats, making assumptions, and generally showing prejudice towards foreigners?

Have the police no respect for the culture or people of Farangland?

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50 foreigners a week committing insurance fraud a week in Patong? Is that a statistic or something made up? It seems like it would be in the news before this, if there were 50 cases a week...

Maybe the Police deal with 50 cases of tourists being robbed each week more like..Think lost in translation.....

Who knows? Just another finely written article that leaves one with more questions than answers... ermm.gif

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