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German Man, Thai Wife Commit Suicide In Nakhon Ratchasima

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Offensive post removed & a reply to it. Please remember that 2 people have died & show some decorum, they may have friends or relatives who will read this thread.

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Even though I am breaking the forum rules regarding the usable language, I would like to say:

Ruhet sanft und möget ihr den Frieden finden, der euch in diesem Leben versagt blieb.


"The suicide is believed to be resulted from the couple's condition of stress that they had no offspring to care for them."

If that is true, how very sad. RIP.

Very sad indeed, if they wanted children so bad I wonder why they did not think about adoption if they could not have their own? There must be more to the story than we know.


.... The suicide is believed to be resulted from the couple's condition of stress that they had no offspring to care for them....

As posters have noted very odd statement.

One's stress can be another's relief.

I know childless mature couples that have no regrets,

Just hope the loose cash left behind actually finds its way to any funeral arrangements.


Rest Peacefully, and leave your worries behind.

There are no guarantees that death is restful or worry free my friend! Better to enjoy life while you can.


Sad indeed. If elder people miss being involved with children, there are ways to get involved. In my town, there's a new bridge where a dozen small groups of youngsters go to hang each evening it's not raining. All are approachable and cheery. Such venues, including volunteering (teaching, crafts, etc) can be a viable outlet for depressed elders. Even getting a pet dog can help a lot. Turning off the TV and go out walking in nature can help sweep away the mental doldrums.


Depression can put you in a deep black hole. A similar case in Phuket recently where the Thai wife died from a stroke. American husband could not bear to live without her & shortly thereafter put a gun to his head. They were married a long time & ran their business together. Not saying the Thai German couple were afflicted by depression but sounds possible given the circumstances. Sad & tragic.



Sad, and not what I would think of doing...even if my Thai partner was willing to take her part...though I'm not fool enough to expect she ever would agree to such a thing. She's far too practical, and would just tell me to make sure I left the bankbook where she would find it easily. (I love her dearly, but I know her quite well also)

But I guess in a way you have to admire (maybe that's not the correct word) them for having the...well shall we say... Cahones...to do it with some dignity and style anyhow. I don't think I would, if it ever came down to that.

As the qoute goes:

But go not gentle into that good night,

And rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Now somebody tell me what Shakesperian play it is from.


It is not our William, it is a very famous piece by Dylan Thomas.... part of a villanelle. Originally published in the journal Botteghe Oscure in 1952,


wife had terminal disease or (early) alzheimer ; the husband would only have taken his own life if it were him who had the disease, leaving plenty of money to wife to live on .



The trouble with shooting yourself in the head is that some people live through it.((1) I am getting up in my years. Before I reached that point 10 years ago I adopted two girls, they were homeless teens with no place to live. They adopted me as their father. They are a constant joy to me and call (text) me every day almost. Now the oldest is PG and she finally has, after getting rid of her pimp daddy ((I was going to shoot him), found a good man. Both girls are Thai/Lao. The youngest is a looker, I taught her how to do electrical work. You think she'd get a job, nope...I try not enable her.

The point I'm making is that the world is full of children desparate for parents, somone to love them. When I was in Laos, the teens in my guest house adopted me...very funny. They walked me to the coffee shop to make sure I was safe. The Dylan poem is great.



so bascially she killed her self first, then him, unless the body was close to the sofa she was sitting

:huh: I admit I'm no forensics expert but that doesn't seem feasible to me...


Hey, all of you who posted "RiP"...! May I remind you all that REST and PEACE in the heaven we must deserve during our lives??

We are deserving it in each second - the way we grow, the way we deal with the things, and the way we spend our lives for until the very last seconds. May I remind you all that ALL religions strongly prohibite suicides (inclide thai version of Buddhism), and ALL of the self-killers will be burn in hel_l forever? Growing up to their age - and end the live (the MOST expencive gift in the Universe) by the .38 hole in your skull, well-made by your own hand?? OMG........

From the story which is posted on the 1st post I feel NO sad on them, if they really comitted suicides. I unable to say "RiP" as they will (are!) not. For me, the while story sounds as "Save Earth - kill yourself!". I am sorry if it hurts someone here, but it is my opinion based on the posted words.

No RIP. I'll save it for a different cases (like the recent death of the Scandinavian while he tried to save thai boy from the earth hole)

PS: and, of course, if it is a murder (not a siicide) - it is another, very different story.

In the absence of the autopsies, you should hold your judgement. What if one of the couple had alzheimers or terminal cancer? It is not uncommon for one spouse to accede to the wishes of the other and help end the person's suffering. The surviving spouse is unable to live without the other and follows suit.

It is easy to wag one's finger, but what happens to older people with a debilitating illness and limited financial means in Thailand? If you are a foreigner and have no family you will have a grim end. It is why so many choose to throw themselves from the balconies of Pattaya. Who will care for the old man that is incontinent and senile? What happens if one has Parkinsons or MS? There aren't seniors homes in Thailand. Families take care of the elderly. If there is no family, what then?

And what if the couple in this incident were struck by despair and dpression, mentally ill for lack of a better description? Would you still condemn a person that was distraught and mentally disabled?

Please do not quote religious scriptures until you have undertaken serious reflection of the intent and meaning of the passages you reference.

Good post raising some pretty salient points!


very sad ...

but why?

in Thailand can not adopt a child?

The couple apparently were married and lived together in the house for only 10 years. That puts them at 50 and 63 when they got married. They would never have been approved for adoption at that age, and it would have been impossible to adopt earlier because they weren't married.

Sounds to me like it is exactly how it was described. There were likely chronic medical problems and nobody to take care of them. I think it takes alot to end your life that way, and it should make us all reflect on those things in life that are truly important. I can only hope that they find the peace they deserve in their next life.

I hope my final days will be happier. I can think of no greater sorrow than dying alone without knowing anyone that you feel compelled to let  grieve for you at your funeral.  It is a truly sad day when our society has decayed so much that people are reduced to thinking this was their best option.  The lonliness must have been unbearable, and they have my deepest sympathies.


My life is mine up to the point where I may decide to terminate it. Society may frown upon it, law may forbid it, but still my life is mine. Having said that, no I do not encourage suicide just say there are times I may understand.

Have a look at the 1973 movie 'Soylent Green', makes you think.


It is very sad when anyone's life is so sad that they do something like this. One thing here is confusing. Article says there were .38 cartridges near bodies. .38 caliber rounds are revolver rounds, which remain in chamber after firing. .38 Super rounds are semi-automatic ammo but this caliber is very rare even in US, and probably non-existent here. so most likely either not .38 cartridges, or not really suicide. Same situation with recent murder of police chief, in which article also reported spent .38 caliber cartridges. I believe either newspaper or police sources are mistaken, otherwise cannot explain this.


Reading this made me cry... I hope they find peace togetehr in deat5h as they seem to have been in life. At least they had each other... That is a good thing,,,

Reading this made me really sad, suicide in the LOS, for whatever reason is not the solution. Without blaming anybody, somebody had to shoot her first, Life's a gift. RIP.


I don't think this private couple wanted this much attention. Let them be. Theorizing about them now is pointless.

I agree with you 100% Jingthing.



It just doesn't add up.

If they really were intent on suicide, there are much easier, peaceful and cleaner ways than a gun to a head, and they would have researched the various options.

If he really did love her, how could he kill her, or watch her be killed in such a gruesome way?

Also, how did he get to own a gun and why did he have one?


It just doesn't add up.

If they really were intent on suicide, there are much easier, peaceful and cleaner ways than a gun to a head, and they would have researched the various options.

If he really did love her, how could he kill her, or watch her be killed in such a gruesome way?

Also, how did he get to own a gun and why did he have one?

Its not difficult to own a handgun here (legally). Even easier if you have family BIB.

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