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Desperate Thais


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Worth remembering that a lot of the desperate people seen around town are Loa or Burmese. A lot of the negative views of some of the results of this desperation are laid at the door of our Thai friends wrongly.

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In 1996 I moved to Thailand and lived in Pattaya from june 96 to May 99. In those days it was still a good place to live and have fun.

In 1999 I decided to expand my horizons and move to other parts of Thailand, away from tourism and its touts offering services.

IN 2007 a friend came down to visit me and I took him to Pattaya, hadn't been since there moving away in 1999. WOw, the place changed a lot and not in its favour.

My impressions in 2007 compared to the second half of the 90's era were; staff in most industries seemed more aggressive and less polite. Different attitude and vibe going around.

It just has this busy, crowded, mental vibe about it now. In the 90's it was busy but one still had this laid back, easygoing feeling.

With the economical and political issues after 2007 I can only imagine how it must be now.

Always liked the place, had a wonderful time living there for 3 years, enjoyed my last visit in 2007 but did realize that I wouldn't want to live there anymore. Started to learn a lot more about Thailand's people, history, culture and language then ever before. I doubt if I had stayed in Pattaya that I would have reached this level of "integration".

THais desperate? Some very much so probably! Some completely the opposite who couldn't care less about Pattaya, Thais working there or farang holidaying there.

here is a video of Pattaya in 1985.

It looks and sounds like not much has changed. Its just an expanded version of the same thing.

Good to watch, things arent that different aesthetically ... They all dress like Russians.

And for those who say Blackpool doesnt show the real England id say that sh7thole is a very good example of towns/cities in modern day England at the weekend with drunks fighting, being aggressive and throwing up all over the place, just a slightly more extreme version.

Pity it used to be a nice family resort, now its derelict.

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I agree with hansum Blackpool is a good example of english towns at the weekend. Nottingham is no differant to Manchester or Newcastle they're all shit holes full of pissed up idiots looking for a punch up with the use of bottles.

Pattayas 10 times better. I dont know about "desperate" thais, i know that where I have to live in the UK there's more than enough desperate smack heads, crack heads, and whinos that would be more than happy to rob you to sort out their next fix.

Someone said further up the topic about Pattaya being where the worst of the East meets the worst of the West, this is complete rubbish, The worst f the West stay where they are sponging and sucking the system dry.

If Pattaya is so bad why do you guys stay. I'd love to leave this dump of a country and live perminently in Pattayaalong with my wife and 3 children.

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In 1996 I moved to Thailand and lived in Pattaya from june 96 to May 99. In those days it was still a good place to live and have fun.

In 1999 I decided to expand my horizons and move to other parts of Thailand, away from tourism and its touts offering services.

IN 2007 a friend came down to visit me and I took him to Pattaya, hadn't been since there moving away in 1999. WOw, the place changed a lot and not in its favour.

My impressions in 2007 compared to the second half of the 90's era were; staff in most industries seemed more aggressive and less polite. Different attitude and vibe going around.

It just has this busy, crowded, mental vibe about it now. In the 90's it was busy but one still had this laid back, easygoing feeling.

With the economical and political issues after 2007 I can only imagine how it must be now.

Always liked the place, had a wonderful time living there for 3 years, enjoyed my last visit in 2007 but did realize that I wouldn't want to live there anymore. Started to learn a lot more about Thailand's people, history, culture and language then ever before. I doubt if I had stayed in Pattaya that I would have reached this level of "integration".

THais desperate? Some very much so probably! Some completely the opposite who couldn't care less about Pattaya, Thais working there or farang holidaying there.

here is a video of Pattaya in 1985.

It looks and sounds like not much has changed. Its just an expanded version of the same thing.

Good to watch, things arent that different aesthetically ... They all dress like Russians.

And for those who say Blackpool doesnt show the real England id say that sh7thole is a very good example of towns/cities in modern day England at the weekend with drunks fighting, being aggressive and throwing up all over the place, just a slightly more extreme version.

Pity it used to be a nice family resort, now its derelict.

Yeah, that video even has jet skis in it, with outboard motors.

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Pattaya is the armpit of the universe.

I read a quote somewhere else on here that said Pattaya was where the worst of the east meet the worst of the west.

Brilliant and true statement. :jap:

And still we love it so much that we keep coming back year after year after year.....

Edited by Rimmer
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My Opinion and it is only my opinion is that when we all first come to Pattaya we are younger, richer we have much more hair and less of a gut but as the years slip by we stop looking at Patts through rose tinted glasses and reality sets in, our waists line are expanding and the bank balance is shrinking and that gorgeous bar girl shouting “Hey sexy man” is now trying to entice a younger and dare a say it! a better looking version of ones self and what makes is worse is that he’s from Russia or India.

The true fact is that with the passing of time we all become GRUMPY OLD MEN with too much time on our hands and its far easier to blame the Thais the Russian etc than accept ones own short comings .

As a whole the Thais are a friendly and proud people and I am very honoured to call then my friends and neighbours.

As I stated this is only “my opinion

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Unacceptable language is blocked by the software. ;)

Didn't know it was that kind of forum, do you discuss conquests here as well?

Maybe you can try and see what happens :ph34r:

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Would say Pattaya has been full of desperates for years. Thai's for cash

and foreigners for sex.

If no sex or girls, no foreigners would be here and Pattaya would be a fishing village.

Problem is that most hookers take their boyfriends, husbands to Pattaya as well, but because they unetucated they will not find any other jub than be a gambler, beagger or motorbike driver.

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In 1996 I moved to Thailand and lived in Pattaya from june 96 to May 99. In those days it was still a good place to live and have fun.

In 1999 I decided to expand my horizons and move to other parts of Thailand, away from tourism and its touts offering services.

IN 2007 a friend came down to visit me and I took him to Pattaya, hadn't been since there moving away in 1999. WOw, the place changed a lot and not in its favour.

My impressions in 2007 compared to the second half of the 90's era were; staff in most industries seemed more aggressive and less polite. Different attitude and vibe going around.

It just has this busy, crowded, mental vibe about it now. In the 90's it was busy but one still had this laid back, easygoing feeling.

With the economical and political issues after 2007 I can only imagine how it must be now.

Always liked the place, had a wonderful time living there for 3 years, enjoyed my last visit in 2007 but did realize that I wouldn't want to live there anymore. Started to learn a lot more about Thailand's people, history, culture and language then ever before. I doubt if I had stayed in Pattaya that I would have reached this level of "integration".

THais desperate? Some very much so probably! Some completely the opposite who couldn't care less about Pattaya, Thais working there or farang holidaying there.

here is a video of Pattaya in 1985.

It looks and sounds like not much has changed. Its just an expanded version of the same thing.

Thanks for that, I even recognised my old sailing junk in the bay. Actually things went pear shape 10 years earlier 1975, before that there were just just two over the water dancing spots, Fantasea and The Sandbox and that was enough.. Gone are the days when one found their favourite resort by boat, then jumbo jets and mass air travel cruelled all that. Oh I moved on in 1985....

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In 1996 I moved to Thailand and lived in Pattaya from june 96 to May 99. In those days it was still a good place to live and have fun.

In 1999 I decided to expand my horizons and move to other parts of Thailand, away from tourism and its touts offering services.

IN 2007 a friend came down to visit me and I took him to Pattaya, hadn't been since there moving away in 1999. WOw, the place changed a lot and not in its favour.

My impressions in 2007 compared to the second half of the 90's era were; staff in most industries seemed more aggressive and less polite. Different attitude and vibe going around.

It just has this busy, crowded, mental vibe about it now. In the 90's it was busy but one still had this laid back, easygoing feeling.

With the economical and political issues after 2007 I can only imagine how it must be now.

Always liked the place, had a wonderful time living there for 3 years, enjoyed my last visit in 2007 but did realize that I wouldn't want to live there anymore. Started to learn a lot more about Thailand's people, history, culture and language then ever before. I doubt if I had stayed in Pattaya that I would have reached this level of "integration".

THais desperate? Some very much so probably! Some completely the opposite who couldn't care less about Pattaya, Thais working there or farang holidaying there.

here is a video of Pattaya in 1985.

It looks and sounds like not much has changed. Its just an expanded version of the same thing.

Thanks for that, I even recognised my old sailing junk in the bay. Actually things went pear shape 10 years earlier 1975, before that there were just just two over the water dancing spots, Fantasea and The Sandbox and that was enough.. Gone are the days when one found their favourite resort by boat, then jumbo jets and mass air travel cruelled all that. Oh I moved on in 1985....

Just out of iterest, is there anyone on this forum remember the Fantasea or Sandbox, or Lothar's Suzie A Go Go, or Bill Book or Bill Burbridge (dive shops) ?

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Unacceptable language is blocked by the software. ;)

Didn't know it was that kind of forum, do you discuss conquests here as well?

Maybe you can try and see what happens :ph34r:

I'm not that kind of guy, nor do i wear a chang or singha T-shirt.

Well done to the mods for cleaning up this thread it's good to see there is a standard being upheld here.

Bravo :jap:

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