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Warning Of "fake" International Driving Permits


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Thsi thread has come from the 6k baht thread in the other forums..

I know the service provided by this person and considered getting one for reasons I dont need to describe here.. The licenses that come have been checked by local police at roadblocks and Patong cop shop and given a 100% ok.. That was specificially being asked if it was a legal licence to use here.. Of course how insurers etc deal with this is down to the insurer and the policy..

As a flip side I know that the application process for this is loose because I asked via email about having a license issued in an alternative name as my current license and passport are not the same (there is a legit reason for this) and was told that it would not be an issue.. so licenses seem to be able to be issued in any name..

I would wager that these licenses would also cover a car in the UK if rented though gaining insurance on it privately could be very expensive / impossible (unknown specialist insurers can often do this as per my previous post)..

:D You think the local police would know the difference between a IDP/IDL/Passport for Disneyland. As I stated on prevoius thread was even told by police "why don't they teach us what these look like" :o

Thay are gatting pretty clued up now,highway cops are even speaking Englush.
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As the heading on this post reads, beware!! There are many persons out there driving with scammed international permits. The police are aware and you have been warned. Get a thai license if you live here. It's pretty easy.

On another note, I f###ing hated it when renewing your license and having to pay 1600 baht (if i remember correctly) for a new letter of residense from the british embassy. Antoher scam if yuo ask me..

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I have been driving in BKK and around since the better part of three years now. I have been involved in two accidents during the first year (once a truck rammed me from left while both me and him were turning right - he clearly overlooked my almost invisible small Volvo, had no driver's license, no insurance and was drunk - two hours in the police station and of course i was asked for my "documents" - my german driver's license was perfectly accepted (i had a international one but didn't carry it with me!) and it all revolved around that guy's obvious lack of anything. No problems at all - my insurance (first class) paid the damage and claimed from that guy, or his firm, or whatever.

Second time i was hit by a motorbike, while i was driving slowly out of a soi. The motorbike (that happened at night) came speeding from the wrong side, with no lights (there were no lights on the bike at all), driver no helmet, and again drunk. That case i was given "part guilty" because i came out of the soi, and, since this is Thailand, when traffic is allowed to only come from right you NEED to watch the left side also, because motorbikes know no rules and are permitted to do so, seemingly. That crash resulted in almost total damage to my car since the bike went at almost 100 km/h according to the cop who took the details, luckily the driver flew over my car and landed in the bushes, almost unhurt. Since i was a "part guilty" he still was driven via ambulance to a hospital for a check, yet he was back before the cops were gone, and claimed "10.000 Baht for damages" from me. The guy from my insurance (still first class then) had arrived at the time and went into negotiations with that motorbike driver, and they settled for 2.500 which i had to pay cash, again the insurance covering both the damage to the motorbike and my car, as well as the ambulance and hospital cost. Cop and insurance were fine with my german driver's license, since my int'l one had expired then.

is it possible that german driver's licenses have a better status, maybe because they are very easily identified as such (clear symbols on the back showing passenger car, light truck, truck, trailor truck, bus, trailor bus, drivable construction machinery, farm machinery and motorbikes in four different classes, stamped with the date when the specific class of license was granted) and possible knowledge amongs cops/insurance firms that germany is the country where it is possibly the most difficult and also most expensive to get a driving license?

After all my license had cost me approximately 3.000 Deutschmark, which is equvalent 60.000 (sixty thousand) Baht, took some three months to get with all 18 theoretical lessons, 24 practical lessons (city, country, Autobahn, night driving) and rigorous theoretical and practical tests. I hold licenses for motorbikes 50cc 50 km/h, unlimited displacement max 34 hp and completely unlimited as well as passenger cars, four wheels, up to 3.5 ton. Each class clearly marked with the date on which i got the respective license on that single, credit-card sized thing that is my actual license.

Also a question i have. If i were to get a thai license (not yet since i have no non-immigrant visa), do i still need to get seperate licenses for car and motorbike?? Or is the "car" license also valid for motorbikes? (after all they are mere mopeds with their 125 cc max).

Kind regards.....


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Also a question i have. If i were to get a thai license (not yet since i have no non-immigrant visa), do i still need to get seperate licenses for car and motorbike?? Or is the "car" license also valid for motorbikes? (after all they are mere mopeds with their 125 cc max).

Kind regards.....


Yes, you need two separate licenses for car and motorcycle. Thai drivers licenses are small check card like. In the upper right corner they indicate either rod yon (car) or rod jaggayan (motorcylcle) in Thai script.

Although you got through in the past with you national license it is strongly advisable to go either for a Thai license or get your international license (grey colored booklet) renewed because officially Thai law states you need either an international or a Thai license. Despite the very demanding driving eduction and Germany and the high cost the local license has no validity but must be accompanied by the international one featuring several languages.

Although keep in mind one important rule in Thailand. The bigger vehicle must be considerate with the smaller one. Means if you get into an accident with a motorcycle while driving a car most likely your always will be at fault or at least have to bear part of the fault.

Happy driving.



Edited by Richard Hall
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Thsi thread has come from the 6k baht thread in the other forums..

I know the service provided by this person and considered getting one for reasons I dont need to describe here.. The licenses that come have been checked by local police at roadblocks and Patong cop shop and given a 100% ok.. That was specificially being asked if it was a legal licence to use here.. Of course how insurers etc deal with this is down to the insurer and the policy..

As a flip side I know that the application process for this is loose because I asked via email about having a license issued in an alternative name as my current license and passport are not the same (there is a legit reason for this) and was told that it would not be an issue.. so licenses seem to be able to be issued in any name..

I would wager that these licenses would also cover a car in the UK if rented though gaining insurance on it privately could be very expensive / impossible (unknown specialist insurers can often do this as per my previous post)..

:D You think the local police would know the difference between a IDP/IDL/Passport for Disneyland. As I stated on prevoius thread was even told by police "why don't they teach us what these look like" :D

Thay are gatting pretty clued up now,highway cops are even speaking Englush.

Yes. They've had lessons on how to say "you in outside long time, against thai traffic laws, you want ticket or pay 200 baht now" :o

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The sad thing about this whole topic is that even a genuine international Driving Permit can look 'forged. Take the version issued by the Automobile Association (AA) in the UK. The official stamp across the photograph looks like it was carved out of an old boot heel by a schoolchild! It rates as one of the most 'unofficial' looking documents.

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Thsi thread has come from the 6k baht thread in the other forums..

I know the service provided by this person and considered getting one for reasons I dont need to describe here.. The licenses that come have been checked by local police at roadblocks and Patong cop shop and given a 100% ok.. That was specificially being asked if it was a legal licence to use here.. Of course how insurers etc deal with this is down to the insurer and the policy..

As a flip side I know that the application process for this is loose because I asked via email about having a license issued in an alternative name as my current license and passport are not the same (there is a legit reason for this) and was told that it would not be an issue.. so licenses seem to be able to be issued in any name..

I would wager that these licenses would also cover a car in the UK if rented though gaining insurance on it privately could be very expensive / impossible (unknown specialist insurers can often do this as per my previous post)..

:D You think the local police would know the difference between a IDP/IDL/Passport for Disneyland. As I stated on prevoius thread was even told by police "why don't they teach us what these look like" :D

Thay are gatting pretty clued up now,highway cops are even speaking Englush.

Yes. They've had lessons on how to say "you in outside long time, against thai traffic laws, you want ticket or pay 200 baht now" :o

200 baht is the way to go :D

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Also as mentioned before, you will pay only 20 baht  to get into National Parks, instead of the 200 baht you will pay without one, one trip to a National Park more than covers the cost of the License.    :o

What about the temples and boxing matches? Can I pay local prices after showing one?

Propably yes, I have never had any problems with double pricing. The local Thai DL works at the bank, at post office, Thai domestic flight ID checks & hotel check-ins. The Intl drivers permit is not a valid ID though.

If they ask for "farang price", just leave that venue and post your experiences here in the forum!


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I alwayss thought that you can get an international license which is valid in countries except where issued....

Ref accidents, its the Thai insurances which seemingly gut money paid to the farang if you havent got a valid license....

A friend found that out the hard way, 500000 baht medical costs, they paid 50000...

Then my experience is that if you are stopped and have a Thai license the police becomes significantly more friendly....

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Get a thai license if you live here. It's pretty easy.

Please explain how someone under 50 and not married gets one ???

Pretty easy ??? So either coming out of retirement and starting a biz or marrying someone comes uner the pretty easy category ??

Use your non-immigrant 'B' visa, you do have one don't you?? If you're retired your 'O-A' will get you a licence. I don't understand your problem.

If you're a tourist get a real IDP, that's all you need.

That counts as 'pretty easy' to me.

Edited by Crossy
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Yes. They've had lessons on how to say "you in outside long time, against thai traffic laws, you want ticket or pay 200 baht now" :o

or just speak english and offer 100 baht :D

or my mate paid 20 baht for doing 140 kph up near mukdahan after being clocked by the highway patrol with a speed detection unit -- but he had his thai wife to bargain for him.

100 seems to be the standard for thais - though I have seen taxi drivers bargain to 50-60 baht on several occasions.

I would like to get a thai licence -- can it be done via starting a company and getting a work permit?

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Yes. They've had lessons on how to say "you in outside long time, against thai traffic laws, you want ticket or pay 200 baht now" :o

or just speak english and offer 100 baht :D

or my mate paid 20 baht for doing 140 kph up near mukdahan after being clocked by the highway patrol with a speed detection unit -- but he had his thai wife to bargain for him.

100 seems to be the standard for thais - though I have seen taxi drivers bargain to 50-60 baht on several occasions.

I would like to get a thai licence -- can it be done via starting a company and getting a work permit?

If you have a visa that allows a work permit (or a retirement visa) you can get a licence, you don't need a wp itself.

Do a search in the car ownership forum, loads of info. IT IS EASY to get a local licence.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For the documents, I have to have a letter stating that i am currently renting this particular apartment which i am staying in right?

If so, here is the problem. I am renting the place from my friend and there is no paper contract or whatsoever. :D

Do i get him to draft some kinda contract out for me? Just for the address verification?

Preceptor. :o

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Some here do not understand that there are many on these boards that do NOT have a non-em B visa as it is not that easy to get for them. They instead use tourist visas w. extension and visa runs.

In my Scandinavien home country they would NOT issue me a non-em B visa without sponsor docs Etc. Only a TOURIST visa(6 month validity/double entry). This is the case in many countries wherefore there CAN be some real problems in obtaining this Thai drivers licence.


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Some here do not understand that there are many on these boards that do NOT have a non-em B visa as it is not that easy to get for them. They instead use tourist visas w. extension and visa runs.

In my Scandinavien home country they would NOT issue me a non-em B visa without sponsor docs Etc. Only a TOURIST visa(6 month validity/double entry). This is the case in many countries wherefore there CAN be some real problems in obtaining this Thai drivers licence.


BUT, if you are here on a tourist visa you can use your IDP so you don't need a Thai licence.

Like I said 'if you have a visa that allows a work permit or retirement you can get a local licence'. Tourist visas do not allow a work permit so no licence.

Edited by Crossy
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For the documents, I have to have a letter stating that i am currently renting this particular apartment which i am staying in right?

If so, here is the problem. I am renting the place from my friend and there is no paper contract or whatsoever.  :D

Do i get him to draft some kinda contract out for me? Just for the address verification?

Preceptor.  :o

If you're in BKK probably easiest to run down to your embassy and get the residence letter there (costs money though and you need to get a certified translation). The British embassy made no checks at all that I was actually staying where I said I was.

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True Crossy; and that is what I plan to do at least until I manage to get that 1 year non-em B (investor) visa in place. My embassy (scandinavien) actually handles the IDPs too - so that is pretty sweet.

But for "tourists" staying here more than 12 months (6 months triple entries+visa runs Etc.) their IDP expires....

Meanwhile; point was that some here think that everybody can get the non-em B (apparently in some countries one gets the "O" visa by simply saying "visiting friends(not even relatives)" - it is not that simple in other countries.


Some here do not understand that there are many on these boards that do NOT have a non-em B visa as it is not that easy to get for them. They instead use tourist visas w. extension and visa runs.

In my Scandinavien home country they would NOT issue me a non-em B visa without sponsor docs Etc. Only a TOURIST visa(6 month validity/double entry). This is the case in many countries wherefore there CAN be some real problems in obtaining this Thai drivers licence.


BUT, if you are here on a tourist visa you can use your IDP so you don't need a Thai licence.

Like I said 'if you have a visa that allows a work permit or retirement you can get a local licence'. Tourist visas do not allow a work permit so no licence.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is the story:

I went down to the Singaopre Embassy this morning & asked for a residence letter. They turn me down flat, stating that I have to have a vaild visa of more then 6 months (?!!!) to enquiry a thai driving licences.

After which i made my way to the immigration dept & asked for a residence letter, they too tell me this, i have to have a visa valid for more then 90 days (?!!!)

I have only a non-imm B 3 months visa.

Will someone please enlighten me on this?

Perturb Preceptor.

For the documents, I have to have a letter stating that i am currently renting this particular apartment which i am staying in right?

If so, here is the problem. I am renting the place from my friend and there is no paper contract or whatsoever.  :D

Do i get him to draft some kinda contract out for me? Just for the address verification?

Preceptor.  :o

If you're in BKK probably easiest to run down to your embassy and get the residence letter there (costs money though and you need to get a certified translation). The British embassy made no checks at all that I was actually staying where I said I was.

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Here is the story:

I went down to the Singaopre Embassy this morning & asked for a residence letter. They turn me down flat, stating that I have to have a vaild visa of more then 6 months (?!!!) to enquiry a thai driving licences.

After which i made my way to the immigration dept & asked for a residence letter, they too tell me this, i have to have a visa valid for more then 90 days (?!!!)

I have only a non-imm B 3 months visa.

Will someone please enlighten me on this?

Perturb Preceptor.

For the documents, I have to have a letter stating that i am currently renting this particular apartment which i am staying in right?

If so, here is the problem. I am renting the place from my friend and there is no paper contract or whatsoever.  :D

Do i get him to draft some kinda contract out for me? Just for the address verification?

Preceptor.  :o

If you're in BKK probably easiest to run down to your embassy and get the residence letter there (costs money though and you need to get a certified translation). The British embassy made no checks at all that I was actually staying where I said I was.

The official visa requirement is only a valid Non-Immigrant visa of any category to be eligible to apply for a drivers license in Thailand.

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Here is the story:

I went down to the Singaopre Embassy this morning & asked for a residence letter. They turn me down flat, stating that I have to have a vaild visa of more then 6 months (?!!!) to aquire a thai driving licences.

After which i made my way to the immigration dept & asked for a residence letter, they too tell me this, i have to have a visa valid for more then 90 days (?!!!)

I have only a non-imm B 3 months visa.

Will someone please enlighten me on this?

Perturb Preceptor.

For the documents, I have to have a letter stating that i am currently renting this particular apartment which i am staying in right?

If so, here is the problem. I am renting the place from my friend and there is no paper contract or whatsoever.  :D

Do i get him to draft some kinda contract out for me? Just for the address verification?

Preceptor.  :o

If you're in BKK probably easiest to run down to your embassy and get the residence letter there (costs money though and you need to get a certified translation). The British embassy made no checks at all that I was actually staying where I said I was.

The official visa requirement is only a valid Non-Immigrant visa of any category to be eligible to apply for a drivers license in Thailand.

I would still have to obtain a letter of residence first right? Where else can i go or what can i do to get it? Goosh, this is such a headache.

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Here is the story:

I went down to the Singaopre Embassy this morning & asked for a residence letter. They turn me down flat, stating that I have to have a vaild visa of more then 6 months (?!!!) to aquire a thai driving licences.

After which i made my way to the immigration dept & asked for a residence letter, they too tell me this, i have to have a visa valid for more then 90 days (?!!!)

I have only a non-imm B 3 months visa.

Will someone please enlighten me on this?

Perturb Preceptor.

For the documents, I have to have a letter stating that i am currently renting this particular apartment which i am staying in right?

If so, here is the problem. I am renting the place from my friend and there is no paper contract or whatsoever.  :D

Do i get him to draft some kinda contract out for me? Just for the address verification?

Preceptor.  :o

If you're in BKK probably easiest to run down to your embassy and get the residence letter there (costs money though and you need to get a certified translation). The British embassy made no checks at all that I was actually staying where I said I was.

The official visa requirement is only a valid Non-Immigrant visa of any category to be eligible to apply for a drivers license in Thailand.

I would still have to obtain a letter of residence first right? Where else can i go or what can i do to get it? Goosh, this is such a headache.

Your Embassy or Immigration.

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Here is the story:

I went down to the Singaopre Embassy this morning & asked for a residence letter. They turn me down flat, stating that I have to have a vaild visa of more then 6 months (?!!!) to aquire a thai driving licences.

After which i made my way to the immigration dept & asked for a residence letter, they too tell me this, i have to have a visa valid for more then 90 days (?!!!)

I have only a non-imm B 3 months visa.

Will someone please enlighten me on this?

Perturb Preceptor.

For the documents, I have to have a letter stating that i am currently renting this particular apartment which i am staying in right?

If so, here is the problem. I am renting the place from my friend and there is no paper contract or whatsoever.  :D

Do i get him to draft some kinda contract out for me? Just for the address verification?

Preceptor.  :o

If you're in BKK probably easiest to run down to your embassy and get the residence letter there (costs money though and you need to get a certified translation). The British embassy made no checks at all that I was actually staying where I said I was.

The official visa requirement is only a valid Non-Immigrant visa of any category to be eligible to apply for a drivers license in Thailand.

I would still have to obtain a letter of residence first right? Where else can i go or what can i do to get it? Goosh, this is such a headache.

Your Embassy or Immigration.

goosh! Do i have to make a scene or could i just pay my way thru? :D

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