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US Court Indicts Paedophile Imprisoned In Thailand


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...handed a 14-year suspended sentence[/quote]

"14 years" and "suspended" somehow doesn't compute -- is it just me & my poor brain? In most countries I know, 14 years is pretty much the equivalent of a life sentence. So how can something serious as that be suspended?!?

The mind boggles...

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Capital punishment should be the final sanction in these cases - period.


"Capital punisment" perhaps not, but we should neuter them... castration before jail should be the best punishment and sure, they will never do it again...

I think treatment in a secure mental hospital is needed for these people as they are obviously mentally ill. In the picture they all look to be very old, usually a reduction of libido goes with an increasing age so there must be something very wrong with them. I don't think vengance really helps anyone including the victims. If treatment worked and they were no longer a threat to society maybe they could be rehabilitated and later released. Putting them in jail for years just wastes money and doesnt really achieve much.

Sure is nice to know that some Expats have some common sense, from what I have seen in the past 10 years, many family's push their children on Farangs, so they can buy food, cloths and so on, there are not any soup lines or hand outs of any kind, in countries like this, people use what they have to work with, how important is letting your son or daughter being abused, opposed to the rest of the family starving? For some this is a way of life, due to lack of choices, no job, no education, no food, 5 kids, grandma, grandpa, no father, you just might be tempted to offer a member of your family to be used, abused, fed, and also receive some baht to feed the rest of your family, the abused child will most likely end up selling them selves the rest of their youth, and continue to support her or his, brothers, sisters, mom, grandparents. Some of the children might even get a education fro his or her support. The abused will not commit suicide or be disrespected or be full of hangups, like many would back where many of us came from, it is a very different set of rules here. You don't punish the family, family's can do strange things if they are starving and that doesn't mean they are bad people! scared, poor, hungry maybe, once one uses all of their Aces, one must look with-in. Don't read me wrong, I'm not saying it is OK, I'm saying it is understandable and putting these poor old farts in jail for many years and it looks like most will die in their. Put them in a mental hospital and the parents, brothers, sisters, grandma,grandpa of the abused are back to starving until they can find someone else.

Some may be kidnapped or sold also, If you don't understand how things like this can happen, hold back on being judge and jury.

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opposed to the rest of the family starving? For some this is a way of life, due to lack of choices, no job, no education, no food

If you were speaking of hill tribe I might buy it. There is not lack of food here in Thailand, many fruit trees, wild herb and veggies, and rice is cheap. I haven't seen Thai families who are poor go without food. It is simply greed that motivates a person to act in such a deplorable manner with their on children. It is GREED!

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"14 years" and "suspended" somehow doesn't compute -- is it just me & my poor brain? In most countries I know, 14 years is pretty much the equivalent of a life sentence. So how can something serious as that be suspended?!?

The mind boggles...

Maurice John Praill (the ghost) is very well connected as one could see in the past, i hope that will change soon.

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opposed to the rest of the family starving? For some this is a way of life, due to lack of choices, no job, no education, no food

If you were speaking of hill tribe I might buy it. There is not lack of food here in Thailand, many fruit trees, wild herb and veggies, and rice is cheap. I haven't seen Thai families who are poor go without food. It is simply greed that motivates a person to act in such a deplorable manner with their on children. It is GREED!

My 'hill tribe' Thai wife of 11 years (the time married to me, not her age!) would find your assertion ill-measured and certainly offensive.

Her village and many others in the area that we live are more civilised and respectful of Human Rights than some Western countries I have lived in.

I base this truth on many visits to her mountain village(s) and interactions with her kinfolk.



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We let this topic stay open for serious and civil discussion.

The person was found guilty by a Thai court.

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Please clarify for me.....If he was caught in 2007, why is he just now getting arrested???? On bail for 3 years??

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Please read before you post

Please clarify for me.....If he was caught in 2007, why is he just now getting arrested???? On bail for 3 years??

Please go back to the original post and read the first 3 paragraphs - very slowly.

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What pedos do is beyond any words, but i would like to ask a question

-Where were or are the parents of those kids? Surely many parents knew about this and in many cases sold their kids. Should not they be punished?

you have insider knowledge? <_<

Of course he doesn't. They never do. These guys just make up things as they go along.

Well common sense is the only thing needed to figure this one out.

We are talking about kids, do parents do not know where the kids are? or what happens with them?

But since you need the insider information, would you like a phone number and address of a 25 year old girl who can tell you the insider information after drinking a bottle of vodka straight.

Her story was-her mother sold her to a foreigner for &lt;deleted&gt; for 30 000 baht at the age of 14.

At the age of 16, her mother sold her to gogo bar in BKK on a 4 year "lease"

she is now 25 and there is not even 1 day that goes by that she is not totally drunk, minimum 1 bottle per night.

But according to Berkshire, its all made up story's. Foreigners walk around and ask kids if they want to go with them while parents must be at work.

Common you seriously just ask for insider information on something as clear as that?!!

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There are parents that do 'sell' their children, but I think this is a small minority. There are lots of bad things that happen to families and this leaves children with one or no parent, absent parents and sometimes in the hands of people who don't feel the same attachment that parents do. These kids are often not cared for, may be actively 'sold' or by omission be allowed to go to work for strangers when they are far too young--and this is a set-up for exploitation.

The Thai-side of the story is probably muted because the story is less interesting and since the procurer rolled-over on perpetrators, then it's likely either nothing or very little will be done in return for her testimony.

Let's also remember that pedophilia is a condition in which people are attracted to pre-pubescent children (11 year olds probably fall in this category). I have no personal knowledge of brothels that have been reported by others, but I would guess that they employ not-legal, underage girls, but I doubt many have young children.

Treatment of pedophiles is not very successful and castration does not work. For many it is about dominance and power over their victim, not sexual gratification, per se. Whether one believes in prison or 'treatment', as a very general rule, these people need to be kept isolated from society.

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Well, as my wife said when she asked me what I was reading about and I told her, old farang likes young girl, she said: F them! Crazy old farang, likes young girl? For what? I agree! Too much porn? Not enough love in their lives? Sickening! Karma comes around again!

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opposed to the rest of the family starving? For some this is a way of life, due to lack of choices, no job, no education, no food

If you were speaking of hill tribe I might buy it. There is not lack of food here in Thailand, many fruit trees, wild herb and veggies, and rice is cheap. I haven't seen Thai families who are poor go without food. It is simply greed that motivates a person to act in such a deplorable manner with their on children. It is GREED!

My 'hill tribe' Thai wife of 11 years (the time married to me, not her age!) would find your assertion ill-measured and certainly offensive.

Her village and many others in the area that we live are more civilised and respectful of Human Rights than some Western countries I have lived in.

I base this truth on many visits to her mountain village(s) and interactions with her kinfolk.



No offense Brewsta. I was in terms of being impoverished and not on morals. I have the highest respect for the hill tribe people. They have the strong ethics and a moral code that hold the family unit together even in the most difficult of times. My apology to all those with hill tribe spouses, I will stay on topic with no inflammatory remarks.

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There are parents that do 'sell' their children, but I think this is a small minority. There are lots of bad things that happen to families and this leaves children with one or no parent, absent parents and sometimes in the hands of people who don't feel the same attachment that parents do. These kids are often not cared for, may be actively 'sold' or by omission be allowed to go to work for strangers when they are far too young--and this is a set-up for exploitation.

The Thai-side of the story is probably muted because the story is less interesting and since the procurer rolled-over on perpetrators, then it's likely either nothing or very little will be done in return for her testimony.

Let's also remember that pedophilia is a condition in which people are attracted to pre-pubescent children (11 year olds probably fall in this category). I have no personal knowledge of brothels that have been reported by others, but I would guess that they employ not-legal, underage girls, but I doubt many have young children.

Treatment of pedophiles is not very successful and castration does not work. For many it is about dominance and power over their victim, not sexual gratification, per se. Whether one believes in prison or 'treatment', as a very general rule, these people need to be kept isolated from society.

I totally agree with you, but these kids somehow do end up in the hands of pedo's and someone always profits financially, either parent or guardian or some distant or close family.

Putting aside the actual fact of what pedo's do, those kids life are ruined for ever. Basically their life is taken away from them, and not only the childhood but the adulthood also. This does happen all over the world, just in Thailand is little easier.

Just recently there were 2 cases in Australia where in 1 case, mother was selling her 13 year old daughter off for short time sex, and other father was doing the same thing(from memory girl was about 12-13 years old)

I do not think capital punishment is an answer, and as you mentioned treatments while stop them from having sex, it does not stop them from doing other things.

Long term jail is a perfect answer for a few reasons.

1. They are isolated and will not have any access to the kids

2. They truly experience the word "rape" in its full force, Pedophile's are despised in jail and get raped, assaulted, killed on a regular basis. Not to many make it out of jail alive unless they kept in isolation.

Basically their life is totally taken away from them just like they took kids life.

And there are not too many second offenders after jail as either they physically unable anymore or really do not want to go through the same life of being gang raped on daily basis.

funny thing about jails worldwide, you can be in there for anything, but if you are in for rape or being a pedophile-you really are a dead meat and despised by all.

As they say, one could never understand the pain of another until they experience it first hand.

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Whoops - I meant in the US, not Thialand. But thought I'd mention something I read before I came to Thailand, that the Thais frequently sell their underage children to foreigners for sexual purposes. I'd like to say that, having lived in Thailand for 5 years and the US for 55 years, that the sexual activity of minors, even involving adults, as several times more in the US than in Thailand. But that's just going by my very small and limited observation...

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Well, as my wife said when she asked me what I was reading about and I told her, old farang likes young girl, she said: F them! Crazy old farang, likes young girl? For what? I agree! Too much porn? Not enough love in their lives? Sickening! Karma comes around again!

Sorry, people come here for this because this is readily available here. It is not made up for Farangs. It is here because asian men want this so it is readily available here. Learn some history of asian beliefs. You are old can't get it up you need a young virgin to fix it. Headlines happen when it is a farang, it happens everyday with Thai men.

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Well, as my wife said when she asked me what I was reading about and I told her, old farang likes young girl, she said: F them! Crazy old farang, likes young girl? For what? I agree! Too much porn? Not enough love in their lives? Sickening! Karma comes around again!

Sorry, people come here for this because this is readily available here. It is not made up for Farangs. It is here because asian men want this so it is readily available here. Learn some history of asian beliefs. You are old can't get it up you need a young virgin to fix it. Headlines happen when it is a farang, it happens everyday with Thai men.

I guess Jimi's wife never showed him the Thai Rat newspaper, or doesn't want him to know thai. this goes on all the time within thailand. even most prostitution goes on within the thai community. it doesn't hit the english headlines because: they prefer us not to know, it ruins the image, and because it doesn't involve us, so why put it in english newspapers.

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how many Thai also arrested along with these 'scum'?

one would think that they needed 'assistance' in percuring their 'prey'

You can rest assured NO Thais were arrested with them.

My Thai male friend said the "locals" brothels is full of underage girls. Go figure. Though, this is not news as this sort of thing is big in Japan, Korea and China as well and is much more excepted than it is in western culture. Disturbing.

At least they got these guys off the streets even though the Thais involved will just pawn them off on new customers.

Very sad situation. Probably as long as the pedophiles keep paying it is okay. If they don't pay, the anti goes up. In the US we call it blackmail. The real criminals and traffickers are the parents that sell their daughter's to these sicko's.

In the US, we want to cut it off at the source. Since this type of situation is practically non existent let's compare it to a drug bust.

1. The cops find a user.

2. They grill the user and make a deal with him.

3. The deal is give me someone higher up and you get a lesser sentence.

Now I know this is simplistic, but...

If there was no supply, the demand would not come to Thailand!

Start putting away the mothers that sell their kids (Along with the sicko's.), and the situation is solved.

Trouble is, in Thailand everyone looks the other way until someone doesn't get paid. Then everyone becomes a "moral beacon". Give me a f8888in break.

Stop this crap at the source, or live with the fact you are going to get a runner or two.

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On internet I have read some old report of about 80 - 90 years ago, i forgot the exact time. It was a report from a French government worker, when I remember well he was a doctor. He wrote that in vietnamese society (as he know) not the upperclass of course, it was almost impossible for a girl to stay a virgin after 11 years old when there where male members in the family!!! In Vietnam the pet name for a girlfriend is (was?) "little sister" (?!?!) It was common for french government workers who often had a Vietnamese bedpartner also taking care the householding, to hand over their bedpartner, when returning home to France to the man who, by government decission, took over their job.

In asian countries, love and sex are not part of being related to someone as a partner. Probably this has become part of a culture where people did became partners out of their will by decission of their parents/family for other reasons as love, for centuries. In contrast to Islam culture - where people also still mary outside their personal will - there is no strict religion in Asia to prevent sex outside a relation/marriage. So prostitution in an Islamic country is more secret and less 'common' as in many Asian countries. In Western cultures with a strong development of individuality most people cannot even imagine they could be kidnapped or sold by parents to become a prostitute. Would it happen you have big chance to be headline news in TV and newspaper. Beside the sexual exploitation I have learned by the stories of my girlfriend - and she is not a poor countrygirl - that the events that happened in her life in general are not accepted in western culture also, and then we look at the way she was treated by her family, her 2 husbands and the colleagues at her work, especially the ones with power positions. My girlfriend is not in some exclusive situation, the things happening to her happen to everyone in some way in Thailand who lack power to avoid or handle situations of abuse and exploitation.

The situation we deal in with these four man, and all other pedophiles sexual abusing children, is that these are from western cultures and they are raised in a society based in christian morality, even when they are not christians. This means they are well aware they are doing wrong to these children and that we can notice becos they do all they can to prevent their actions are discovered. From a western point of view it is terrible what they do and have done, from an Asian point of view I cannot judge. I think the girls should be helped as much as they would like to be helped, the man probably cannot be helped anymore and they probably will not cure in their life anymore.

yes, these man are sick in a world that is becoming more and more sick, slavery in the world is increasing despite the evolution of mankind. The comments I can read as a reaction to their conviction show they are not the only sick people. Some people are sick in some other way.

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Capital punishment should be the final sanction in these cases - period.


"Capital punisment" perhaps not, but we should neuter them... castration before jail should be the best punishment and sure, they will never do it again...

I think treatment in a secure mental hospital is needed for these people as they are obviously mentally ill. In the picture they all look to be very old, usually a reduction of libido goes with an increasing age so there must be something very wrong with them. I don't think vengance really helps anyone including the victims. If treatment worked and they were no longer a threat to society maybe they could be rehabilitated and later released. Putting them in jail for years just wastes money and doesnt really achieve much.

Sure is nice to know that some Expats have some common sense, from what I have seen in the past 10 years, many family's push their children on Farangs, so they can buy food, cloths and so on, there are not any soup lines or hand outs of any kind, in countries like this, people use what they have to work with, how important is letting your son or daughter being abused, opposed to the rest of the family starving? For some this is a way of life, due to lack of choices, no job, no education, no food, 5 kids, grandma, grandpa, no father, you just might be tempted to offer a member of your family to be used, abused, fed, and also receive some baht to feed the rest of your family, the abused child will most likely end up selling them selves the rest of their youth, and continue to support her or his, brothers, sisters, mom, grandparents. Some of the children might even get a education fro his or her support. The abused will not commit suicide or be disrespected or be full of hangups, like many would back where many of us came from, it is a very different set of rules here. You don't punish the family, family's can do strange things if they are starving and that doesn't mean they are bad people! scared, poor, hungry maybe, once one uses all of their Aces, one must look with-in. Don't read me wrong, I'm not saying it is OK, I'm saying it is understandable and putting these poor old farts in jail for many years and it looks like most will die in their. Put them in a mental hospital and the parents, brothers, sisters, grandma,grandpa of the abused are back to starving until they can find someone else.

Some may be kidnapped or sold also, If you don't understand how things like this can happen, hold back on being judge and jury.

I understand what you're saying and to a certain extent I share your opinion - hungry people will do desperate things BUT what I don't agree to is parents using innocent children like that!

"Where there's a will, there's a way" - if the parents really wanted to provide more for their families, they should work harder and look for other solutions. Selling the kids for a few Baht is an easy way out for most parents. A lot of this is happening because of greed, consumerism and maybe other problems we don't know anything about (e.g. alcohol).

There are many countries that are poorer than Thailand is and as far as I can tell THEY don't do this to their children - at least not to the extent that it happens here in Thailand.

But I do understand your arguement - I just think there is always "a better" solution.

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Capital punishment should be the final sanction in these cases - period.


"Capital punisment" perhaps not, but we should neuter them... castration before jail should be the best punishment and sure, they will never do it again...

I think treatment in a secure mental hospital is needed for these people as they are obviously mentally ill. In the picture they all look to be very old, usually a reduction of libido goes with an increasing age so there must be something very wrong with them. I don't think vengance really helps anyone including the victims. If treatment worked and they were no longer a threat to society maybe they could be rehabilitated and later released. Putting them in jail for years just wastes money and doesnt really achieve much.

False, in the USA right now, after you serve jail for a paedophile act, you are sent to a mental institution for life or untill you pass all the rehabilitation tests. Almost no one makes it out of it and in the documentary i watched, 1 of the guy about to be released was sent back because he decided to put a picture on his wall of a young ballet dancer almost naked (about 15yo) like a week before leaving.. and he did pass all the tests including not getting any sexual feedback(detected by computer) while being shown pictures of kids with sexual connotations..

Pedophiles are good at deceiving and can never be rehabilitated.

Ophra had a good show on this recently, she has a full interview on her site with 4 pedophiles/molester.. i suggest everyone checks it out

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Capital punishment should be the final sanction in these cases - period.


"Capital punisment" perhaps not, but we should neuter them... castration before jail should be the best punishment and sure, they will never do it again...

I think treatment in a secure mental hospital is needed for these people as they are obviously mentally ill. In the picture they all look to be very old, usually a reduction of libido goes with an increasing age so there must be something very wrong with them. I don't think vengance really helps anyone including the victims. If treatment worked and they were no longer a threat to society maybe they could be rehabilitated and later released. Putting them in jail for years just wastes money and doesnt really achieve much.

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Unfortunately, there is no available empirical evidence whatsover that suggests these PEDOS are reformable. None.

Its like "reforming" heterosexuals or homosexuals. They are what they are, sadly.

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"His reply was that Thai men aren't Paedophiles" ... from an above post.

The Thais themselves are not so often the paedophiles, but certainly are the pimps. These old farts in prison now could not have procured such a supply of children without active participation and co-operation of a pimp.

And something does not add up. A student usually pays for English lessons. Whereas the paedophile pays for his pleasures. So which way was the money flowing? 200 studenets/victims adds up to a sizable sum, enough to pay off the police, prosecution and whoever. The parents would have to been aware of the money thing.

As for the sentencing, it most likely means 'life' for these old guys, providing they don't get to buy their way out. I do not agree with another poster who advocates phsyciatric treatment in these cases. They, the convicts, are very obviously aware of their wrong doing. It is a simple case of abuse.

I do wish these cases were given media coverage in Europe and the Americas.

Further to my comment about buying their way out, this is why is worth imprisoning the 'farang'. It's good business

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Besides the DVD's on the evidence table, are those other items sex toys and/or prods?

Vomit is not a strong enough description of what I feel at the image of these young children being subjected to such tortuous treatment by ghouls.

The human race must be some kind of lab experiment that flew out of control!


Okay let me get this factual. It's hard enough to think how the wiring can exist in the human brain for a rare freak of nature to be so perverted; but do these guys actually get together like some kind of club and do these heinous acts? please say NO

How could there be a group of them???

Edited by eggomaniac
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I would say that there is plenty of blame to go around and many questions left unanswered.

This kind of reprehensible behavior and exploitation of a minor and of the Thai/Cambodian/Laotian people needs to come to an end.

It also creates stigma upon those who've molested but have been able to be reformed.

What pedos do is beyond any words, but i would like to ask a question

-Where were or are the parents of those kids?Surely many parents knew about this and in many cases sold their kids. Should not they be punished?

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If we could live in a more Utopian world I could say no but the fact of the matter is that this does in fact occur. Many child molesters procure their victims through others like themselves. It's totally inexcusable and high time that we do something to curtail it.

Besides the DVD's on the evidence table, are those other items sex toys and/or prods?

Vomit is not a strong enough description of what I feel at the image of these young children being subjected to such tortuous treatment by ghouls.

The human race must be some kind of lab experiment that flew out of control!


Okay let me get this factual. It's hard enough to think how the wiring can exist in the human brain for a rare freak of nature to be so perverted; but do these guys actually get together like some kind of club and do these heinous acts? please say NO

How could there be a group of them???

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