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Dengue And Cholera Outbreaks In Thailand Bring Warnings After 30 Die

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I went to a weekend function 2 weeks ago in Chia Nat my nephew (by marriage) was entering the monk hood. 100's from the village attending. Anyway returned to Chiangmai and the next day came down with a fever that knocked me flat for a few days. I evently ened up in the Chiangmai Ram Hospital on a drip and being pumped full of antibiotics for 4 days. They conducted tests for all tropical deseases known to man but could not come up with an answer.

Maybe you've come up with something new. Name it ChaiNat Fever or KhaiChaiNat. But I doubt it is new. 4 days in the hospital costs money and that's what they want. Bangkok Pattaya charged me over 9,000 baht in various out patient visits before they diagnosed Dengue. They then said there was nothing they could do about it except let it pass. A friend went to Pattaya Memorial; paid under 500 baht for a blood test and got the same answer.

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I went to a weekend function 2 weeks ago in Chia Nat my nephew (by marriage) was entering the monk hood. 100's from the village attending. Anyway returned to Chiangmai and the next day came down with a fever that knocked me flat for a few days. I evently ened up in the Chiangmai Ram Hospital on a drip and being pumped full of antibiotics for 4 days. They conducted tests for all tropical deseases known to man but could not come up with an answer.

Maybe you've come up with something new. Name it ChaiNat Fever or KhaiChaiNat. But I doubt it is new. 4 days in the hospital costs money and that's what they want. Bangkok Pattaya charged me over 9,000 baht in various out patient visits before they diagnosed Dengue. They then said there was nothing they could do about it except let it pass. A friend went to Pattaya Memorial; paid under 500 baht for a blood test and got the same answer.

I think you are right. I was really sick tho but they checked everything very thourough. i was thinking it was over the top when they called in the cardio surgeon for a ECG anyway I went through it all. It cost me me 53,000 baht. Got gopies of the reports and came back to Melbourne Australia last week and had an appointment with my local GP showed him him the ECG reports and the other pathology reports along with the drugs prescribed by thai dr. (Concor 2.5 mg) apparently for heart flucuations. Came back to Aust last Friday and had an appointment with my local GP on Monday. Showed him the reports and the drugs he sent me for more Pathology and ECG tests appears nothing wrong at all and the so called Concor heart drugs are not used in the west and are nothing more than sugar tablets (so to speak)

My wife told me being farang they like to put you in Hospital for a few days for just having a common cold. Money I guess


Surely there must be some mistake - cholera only happens in third world countries.....

And where do the 274 infected migrant workers come from ? Europe?

Oh, of course. So now it is obvious. It is the foreigners bringing the disease to infect Thais. I should have realised.


This is a repeat of the post I made on 7 May 2010 - it might be of interest to someone who is sick with Dengue or knows someone else who is.

I believe that Dengue is thought to be incurable though not untreatable, and apart from the usual medications to reduce symptoms there seems to be little that can help. However, I've read recently that papaya leaves have been shown to be effective in treating the disease. For what it's worth, (and I have no proof of its effectiveness), you use 5 good size fresh, washed and clean papaya leaves, chopped fine, and boil those in an open pan with a couple of litres of water. Continue to boil until the liquid has reduced by half, allow to cool, transfer to glass bottles (not plastic) and chill in the 'fridge. Dosage is said to be 3 tablespoons, 3 times a day. The liquid comes out brown-ish in colour and is bitter to the taste. It is also thought to be helpful in the treatment of some forms of cancer, but I can't vouch for that either.

It would be interesting to get feedback from anyone who tries this, with their comments on whether or not it was beneficial in relieving or curing Dengue.

Thank you for this Info! I have read abit about this "miracle tree,and this is a gift from The nature to us.Seriously ,more research ,Give worldwide info,Many ! ,life would be Saved,and better life quality for millions.

If you have some links n s-hi-t,:D I say Thank you.:)

One thing,: I read a place that it would be better to not boil the leafs at all ,just chop,squeeze and drink(teaspoon),by doing so the Potency will be stronger.Has there been done some study on this?

http://www.scribd.com/doc/9882730/Papaya-Leaf-Cure (found the place)


Pfft... ever noticed that Thais are WAY cleaner than us westeners? Maybe that's how they get away with sharing spoons?

It mostly has to do with toilet habits, the Thais wash down there. In the oh-so-civilized west, we use a dry piece of tissue and attempt to wipe something off that really needs soap and water to be removed. I am somewhat disgusted by western toilet habits now that I think about it.

Cholera outbreaks in Thailand are much more likely due to poor sanitation - think klongs and canals overflowing every time during the rainy season and you get a very clear picture. In Ko Samui there's shit flowing down the streets every rainy season, for example. That might just have something to do with it, no?

You don't get Cholera from sharing spoons much in the same way you don't get pregnant by looking at each other. Clearly if somebody already had Cholera, and you'd share your spoon, then yes that could happen, but with numbers of cases in the low 100s that's not what's going on here.

As for Dengue, it's a terrible problem which only gets worse every year. The more people have Dengue, the more likely others get infected too as the Mosquitoes bite infected people and then carry the disease. BTW only the daytime Mozzies carry the disease. I don't see Thailand solve this problem any time soon. It's really not easy with the large polulations of Mozzies here. I sure hope Bill Gates' Mozzie zapper will be commercially available soon, other than that, you just need to be vigilant with spray, nets, and generally avoiding mosquitoes.


If DF is carried by mosquitoes, which apparently it is, then this entire thread is totally BS...

Of course DF is carried by mosquitoes, just follow the above links. The thread is about both Cholera and Dengue fever, because the report was about both. Both are deadly, but other than that they are completely unrelated diseases. So the thread isn't BS if you do just a tiny teeny bit of research on your own. Every visitor to Thailand should know about Dengue fever.

Ok, I'll post it here:

- Dengue is transmitted only by Mosquitoes - not human to human

- Dengue only transmitted by Aedes Mostquitoes - they are active only in the day time, and they have black and white stripes on their body so they're easy to make out


- You have a good chance of surviving Dengue as a healthy adult, but you will have to be in bed for 10 days or so

- Medicine can be used only to treat symptoms, there is no cure. It's a virus so antibiotics don't work. Rest and plenty of water is the best you can do.

- Rather than developing an immunity, the disease gets worse every time you get it. I don't know why that is, but it's what I've heard.

Interesting on the papaya leaf cure, I'll certainly try that should I ever get it. Can't hurt!

It's relatively easy to avoid DF - mosquito spray, and general awareness of mosquitoes, e.g. avoid places with lots.

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Okay , for the nay-sayers , I am more aware than the minister that the 2 deseases mentioned are not related to eating habits , my post was in relation to his mention of a 'Middle ' spoon and all of the problems that can come from sharing saliva from shared eating utensils etc , it is also of note from another poster concerning the disgutting habit of sharing the food from a cxommon pot WITH UNWASHED HANDS where saliva is also transfered to the common feeding trough . As far as I am aware , dengue cannot be transmitted by human blood , any enlightenment on this would be appreciated , I am always open to learning new methods of staying healthy by means of PREVENTION , reminds me of an old adage "An apple a day keeps the doctor away " .

Poor hygene plus poor diet are reasons for many health problems in poor villagers , but scoffing at the one problem which can easily be rectified , cannot be excused by reference to the other , get smart , any precausion that is a leg up for ones personal health and of those around you , is a bonus .

Why did I mention the bacteria laden flip-flops ? They are handled by all and sundry , especialy CHIDREN who are not taught to wash their hands prior to eating , there is the possibility of human feces being on those flip-flops because many villagers DO NOT HAVE TOILET FACILITIES , THEY SCOOP A HOLE IN THE TREES AND DEFACATE , THIS IS READILY PICKED UP AND TRANSFERED TO HANDS AND THENCE TO THE MOUTH DUE TO DIGUSTING EATING HYGENE , my capitals are not to shout but to place emphasis on a VERY important matter , some posters seem to need that .

Amen and have a healthy life , I do !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Just to round off my last post , do you know , I mean realy know some of the places you can pick up realy virilant germs , to name a few hepatitis B + C ,+ HIV , anything that abraids the skin (scratches it) such as tooth brushes , hairbrushes , razors etc , another very virilent place is that ATM pad you touch so often , the TV clicker in the hotel or a strangers house . Supermarket push-carts have been known to spread e-coli and solmonella .

A good way to kill all germs is with simple house-hold items , I do not mean dead , I mean really dead , first spray with vinegar and then hydrogen peroxide , you do not even need to wipe things with a cloth afterwards . You can use this same procedure on vegetables and meats , do you know what is transmitted via some tap water ? .

You can check this out by googling msn health or similar sites .

Live healthy , live long .


I went to a weekend function 2 weeks ago in Chia Nat my nephew (by marriage) was entering the monk hood. 100's from the village attending. Anyway returned to Chiangmai and the next day came down with a fever that knocked me flat for a few days. I evently ened up in the Chiangmai Ram Hospital on a drip and being pumped full of antibiotics for 4 days. They conducted tests for all tropical deseases known to man but could not come up with an answer.

Maybe you've come up with something new. Name it ChaiNat Fever or KhaiChaiNat. But I doubt it is new. 4 days in the hospital costs money and that's what they want. Bangkok Pattaya charged me over 9,000 baht in various out patient visits before they diagnosed Dengue. They then said there was nothing they could do about it except let it pass. A friend went to Pattaya Memorial; paid under 500 baht for a blood test and got the same answer.

I think you are right. I was really sick tho but they checked everything very thourough. i was thinking it was over the top when they called in the cardio surgeon for a ECG anyway I went through it all. It cost me me 53,000 baht. Got gopies of the reports and came back to Melbourne Australia last week and had an appointment with my local GP showed him him the ECG reports and the other pathology reports along with the drugs prescribed by thai dr. (Concor 2.5 mg) apparently for heart flucuations. Came back to Aust last Friday and had an appointment with my local GP on Monday. Showed him the reports and the drugs he sent me for more Pathology and ECG tests appears nothing wrong at all and the so called Concor heart drugs are not used in the west and are nothing more than sugar tablets (so to speak)

My wife told me being farang they like to put you in Hospital for a few days for just having a common cold. Money I guess

So did anybody ever find out what was wrong? I don't quite understand how a fever would make a hospital make ecg tests. All sounds very suspisious to me. As for concor, I used to take them but they made my blood pressure so low sometimes I could hardly stand. My Thai cardiologist who prescribed them immediately took me off them when I told him of the side-effect I was having. See http://all-drugs-online.com/Drugs/Hypertension/5724.aspx for more info. They are not sugar and are used in the west to treat hypertension, the probable cause of my heart attack.


- Dengue only transmitted by Aedes Mostquitoes - they are active only in the day time, and they have black and white stripes on their body so they're easy to make out

Can't make them stay still long enough for me to see if they have stripes.


I just got back from thailand a few weeks ago i got sick on the plane flight home to LAX i dont know what the symptoms are of cholera or dengue but my legs cramp all day now and my fingers tingle and feel swollen doctors here cant find anything wrong with me but its been two weeks now i fell fatigued all day i hope the next round of test will find something .

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