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Confused Why Farangs Care So Much About Red Shirt And Yellow Shirt Bs


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I am ignorant about internet and politics, but when reading this forum, I am confused about why so many of my fellow foreigners are so much into the red and yellow disputes. Can't they see how ridiculous all of this is? It seems more like gang wars than politics, and I cannot seem to take the whole thing seriously when both sides cannot seem to accomplish anything without taking over airports and govt. buildings and burning down businesses. Then some (a small minority I believe)on forum get so worked up about this nonsense that they insult and belittle each other. Just because Thai people are divided does not mean we should be also. I think as the minority here it makes more sense to stick together and support each other than to become hostile over the silly antics of power-hungry tin pot dictators.

It is good to have compassion for Thai people and the country. If I did not love Thailand and Thai people I would leave. But this does not mean I have to go native or whatever and get drawn into the crazy Asian crap that has gone on for centuries and probably will continue. I learned from a former NGO aid worker who said that trying to save this country is a waste of time and energy, but if you can help the people you come across in your daily life then this is all you can do. I think to leave a decent tip and pay a fair price for what you buy from poor people and basically help what people you can in life is a good way to live and helps the country. But fighting amongst ourselves accomplishes nothing, and to get involved in craziness that you cannot change will only drive you crazy. Now I do not watch Thai news, only the bloomberg channel to find out currency exchange rate.

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Harry, you need to remember that many posters here have absolutely no life outside of this forum. From their first waking moment each day until they fall asleep at night, all they can think about is posting comments on Thai Visa that belittle or insult others.

You should consider yourself very lucky that you have not yet succumbed to this obsession. You still have a chance to get out now before you get dragged down to their level.


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