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Cold And B12 Shots


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I have a cold. Nothing special just a common cold. I went to the clinic across from my condo and the doctor checked me out and gave me some pills. On a whim I asked if he had B12 shots. He said sure. He reached in his med cabinet and he had a kit of B12 shots on the top. Leading me to believe he gave them out all the time. He shot me in the butt and charged me 70 baht. Very little pain. But I don't feel any different. Am I supposed to feel something or is it one of those things I should have them once a week for a couple of months before the energy kicks in?

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I have a cold. Nothing special just a common cold. I went to the clinic across from my condo and the doctor checked me out and gave me some pills. On a whim I asked if he had B12 shots. He said sure. He reached in his med cabinet and he had a kit of B12 shots on the top. Leading me to believe he gave them out all the time. He shot me in the butt and charged me 70 baht. Very little pain. But I don't feel any different. Am I supposed to feel something or is it one of those things I should have them once a week for a couple of months before the energy kicks in?

Yes you should use it for a longer time before you feel anything. Even then its not profound.

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B-12 is not really a cold thing. You should be taking Vit-D3 and large doses of vit-C ascorbic acid. B-12 will be more noticable if you are stressed out or nervous. Years ago talking to a friend and he was going thru a divorce and was very agitated. I told him to take some B-12 and a few days later he was feeling better even though his exwife to be was still busting his balls.

Take the vit-c to bowel tolerance depending on you 8,000 to 12,000mg a day in doses every 2 hours until symtoms abate. You should have a blood test to determine you blood levels of Vit-d I believe you need a level of 70mg per liter of blood. Most people are low on D3 levels especially in Thailand during the rainey season to much time indoors and also the use of sunscreen and not enough time in the sun. I take 4000, to 6,000 internation units of vit-D3 a day no side affects and if sick will take higher doses.

Hope you feel better.

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B12 shot is used for certain types of anemia and peripheral neuritis. It is not medication normally prescibed for colds.

B co injection is widely used amongst thai doctors and with the cost of 70 baht, I think you have had the Bco injection.

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Unlikely that you will feel any major changes if you do not have an underlying deficiency; even then, a whole course may be needed over a period of time to have an effect.

Vit B tends to be a bit of a stimulant and that may be why the docs use it but it will not change the course of the flu or cold.

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