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The Origin Of Thailand’S Dual Pricing


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I can live with that :)

I cant believe that people make a big deal about dual pricing. Look at the GDP per person in a western country and then look at the GDP per of Thailand. Don't you think it is fair to charge the rich person more then the poor person ? Even though the Thai's don't realize that allot of western people are really just debt poor, that was not the way it used to be.

As the BHT appreciates(standard of living for Thai's goes up) then dual pricing will be phased out slowly.

I guess all the economists in Switzerland are dummies. Cause every time the Swiss Franc starts to go up they sell Francs to keep it low.

If the Baht goes up the Thai economy will tank. Perhaps you should reevaluate your thoughts.

Yes the Swiss National Bank has been making some fairly stupid moves lately. Everyone at Zerohedge has been laughing about it.

Official Estimates Confirm Zero Hedge Projections That SNB Will Suffer €8 Billion In FX Interventions in Q2

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I cant believe that people make a big deal about dual pricing. Look at the GDP per person in a western country and then look at the GDP per of Thailand. Don't you think it is fair to charge the rich person more then the poor person ?

It's got nothing to do with the GDP of your country of origin. It's totally racist, and prevalent in many Asian countries.

Do you think it's fair that the rich amatya get into the waterfall for 20 baht, when I, without any of their financial resources, am charged 200?

You and I are not our originating country's GDP. We have individual incomes and resources, as Thais do.

So perhaps charges for the parks and museums should be based on some kind of income statement?

Or maybe be truly fair and charge the same for everyone!

Yes I think it is totally fair that you got charged more. In fact it would be unfair if you didnt get charged more.

The higher price is just to even it so that you are paying an equal percentage of your disposable income as the Thai. 20 bht is less then one US dollar, which is nothing for you right ? But 200 bht is something, its around 6 US dollars. Do you think 20 Bht is nothing to a Thai ? Probably not, its probably what 6 US dollars is to you. So in that case, both people are getting charged an equal amount of disposable income,at least that is what they are trying to do.

And who do you think has greater disposable income - me, or Khunying Potjamun for example, or a member of the Charoen family, or pretty much any Thai politician, or ....

Why bother going on? You're the one who should be charged a massive amount because you clearly have the disposable thought processes.

Considering the minimum wage laws in western countries, there is no way you could have less disposable income then an average Thai.

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I would recommend putting the energy you spend into whining into something more financially lucrative. Then perhaps you will wake up one day and not even care whether your ice cream cup cost 5 or 10 baht.

You clearly don't get the point its not only about the money. Its about the thought behind it. Its the feeling of being ripped off. If your in an accident and your car is damaged, too bad id say and i can live with it. However if it was intended this way id get angry. Its te intent and the way some Thai treat foreigners. Not all mind you there are plenty of good ones.

Ill give you an other example of intent and bad behavior. I bought a car with the wife the car salesgirl did not know my wife was my wife and said just put your mothers name in the list of beneficiaries when something happens to you so she gets the car and not the farang. Stuff like that is what bothers me plain racism and swindling.

Other example i bought a mirror for my gym and i remembered the price.. I come back half a year later to buy the exact same mirror again and then its a quater of the price. The guy had forgotten the price he charged me before so i commented why it was so much cheaper. (we are talking real big mirrors made to order and placed in my gym). Anyway its not the money because that was long ago already the money was gone and i did not think about it anymore. But the feeling of being cheated is much worse.

At least that is how i feel about it, others might think differently. I like it here but Thailand has it dark sides what is the problem with complaining about those.

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When something is paid for or supported by tax dollars, I have no problem with dual pricing, whether that is a national park here in Thailand or my city park back in California where I can get in for free but people who are not city residents must pay.  In these cases, the taxpayers are already paying.

However, for commercial enterprises, I simply choose not to partake of them if they are going to charge me more.

Regardless, for those who decry the Thai dual pricing as somehow unique to Thailand, I have pretty much seen it all over the world in some form or another.  

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When something is paid for or supported by tax dollars, I have no problem with dual pricing, whether that is a national park here in Thailand or my city park back in California where I can get in for free but people who are not city residents must pay.  In these cases, the taxpayers are already paying.

However, for commercial enterprises, I simply choose not to partake of them if they are going to charge me more.

Regardless, for those who decry the Thai dual pricing as somehow unique to Thailand, I have pretty much seen it all over the world in some form or another.  

I can understand it if it is supported by tax dollars, but then someone with a work permit who pays taxes white or Thai should be able to go in there for the reduced fee too. And that is often not the case.

I am not saying its unique to Thailand, but i think its more fair in other places. If i were a Dutch resident in Cali and paying taxes i think there would be no problem of me getting in.

Anyway the government parks are not really a problem for me i can accept that for what it is. Private places are more a problem. I mention Bung sam ran because i used to go there quite often and now i seldom go there only when i got out of town visitors.

Its actually not even a money issue but a fairness issue for me. (though saving 600 baht on a day of fishing) is a good thing :D

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I have left thailand and this was one of my reasons. I can't wait for the day a Thai comes into my shop, and goes to pay, I will (don't care if I get sued) tell him flat out. Sorry that price is US price, You travel, must be rich, you pay 5* more. It would be nice if every overseas business treated Thai's the way Thais treat non-thai's.

Its not just dual pricing, they have segmented pricing,

Thai pays x

Chinese pays xx

Korean/Japan pays xxx

whites pay xxxxxxx

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Considering the minimum wage laws in western countries, there is no way you could have less disposable income then an average Thai.

No such person as "an average Thai." Leastways, I've never shaken hands with him. Always found Thais, like other nationalities, individuals. "Hello, Mr. Somchai." Never "Hello, Mr. Average."

Minimum wage laws are irrelevant. As per my example, Khunying Potjamun has a much greater disposable income than I do, and neither of us is an "average" of either country. We are both individuals.

But she will pay the Thai price whereas I must pay the falang price, i.e. racist discrimination, nothing to do with averages.

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Then you got the pink glasses brigade stating the ones who don't like it are bitter. I am actually quite happy here but there are always certain points that people dislike. This is one of them.

You sound bitter. Who cares if a Waterfall costs 200 baht instead of 100 baht?

Dual Pricing for Public Parks exists everywhere.

I care as i refused to pay the inflated farang price compared to my Thai wife and her friends at the waterfall.

40 baht Thai versus 200baht farang for 1 hour of walking around a little jungle with a waterfall...

Some Thais in the group were embarrassed and argued my case with the staff as I have known them for over 6 years and not as a tourist like the OP but as some one who has lived here for a few years and more.

The staff would not budge from the 200 baht and so i exercised my right to walk away and not participate or buy as i do frequently when i feel i am being ripped off...

On the other hand...people like the OP are only 2 week millionaires and of course prices will be inflated for him as a tourist this is not a Thai phenomena but a tourist thing the World over... <deleted> does he care if a waterfall is 40 baht or 200baht he probably is not visiting anyway...

People like the OP are strange folk as they sit at home and imagine something then write about it on the net.. Once again i'm calling the OP to give us an example of dual pricing thats happened to him...! i'm waiting..... tick tock

I know the other people contributing to the thread live here and have given examples and situations which have happened which prove dual pricing is alive and well in the LoS...

Back in England an ex Thai g/f got in cheaper to tourist attrractions cheaper than me as she could produce a student card :lol: So the flooping Thais are getting cheaper double pricing in my own country too :lol::lol:

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I can understand it if it is supported by tax dollars, but then someone with a work permit who pays taxes white or Thai should be able to go in there for the reduced fee too. And that is often not the case.

 If you do reside here and pay taxes here, and if you have the proper documentation, then you should be paying the local price for tax-supported activities.  If some ticket clerk refuses, then that is a problem with training, not with the system.  (There is another thread here in General which is discussing that issue.)

But whether the private aquarium or wherever still wants to charge a foreigner more, that is up to them.  Just as it is up to me never to go to one of those places, nor buy from anyone who charged foreigners more.   And I won't from a purely principle standpoint. 

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I can understand it if it is supported by tax dollars, but then someone with a work permit who pays taxes white or Thai should be able to go in there for the reduced fee too. And that is often not the case.

 If you do reside here and pay taxes here, and if you have the proper documentation, then you should be paying the local price for tax-supported activities.  If some ticket clerk refuses, then that is a problem with training, not with the system.  (There is another thread here in General which is discussing that issue.)

But whether the private aquarium or wherever still wants to charge a foreigner more, that is up to them.  Just as it is up to me never to go to one of those places, nor buy from anyone who charged foreigners more.   And I won't from a purely principle standpoint. 

Ok if you say that you can get Thai prices here i take your word for it. Then i don't have a problem with tax supported places at all. Never had much problems with them anyway.

I also agree with the other part of your post, i normally don't go to those places.

I like it here this is just a minor thing that annoys me all in all i wont complain too much. But heck i complain about my own country too. It is only natural.

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Considering the minimum wage laws in western countries, there is no way you could have less disposable income then an average Thai.

No such person as "an average Thai." Leastways, I've never shaken hands with him. Always found Thais, like other nationalities, individuals. "Hello, Mr. Somchai." Never "Hello, Mr. Average."

Minimum wage laws are irrelevant. As per my example, Khunying Potjamun has a much greater disposable income than I do, and neither of us is an "average" of either country. We are both individuals.

But she will pay the Thai price whereas I must pay the falang price, i.e. racist discrimination, nothing to do with averages.

These averages are what establish the known fact that the West has been considerably wealthier then SE Asia for some time. GDP, purchasing power and minimum wage laws have everything to do with it.

Racism has nothing to do with it.

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Considering the minimum wage laws in western countries, there is no way you could have less disposable income then an average Thai.

No such person as "an average Thai." Leastways, I've never shaken hands with him. Always found Thais, like other nationalities, individuals. "Hello, Mr. Somchai." Never "Hello, Mr. Average."

Minimum wage laws are irrelevant. As per my example, Khunying Potjamun has a much greater disposable income than I do, and neither of us is an "average" of either country. We are both individuals.

But she will pay the Thai price whereas I must pay the falang price, i.e. racist discrimination, nothing to do with averages.

These averages are what establish the known fact that the West has been considerably wealthier then SE Asia for some time. GDP, purchasing power and minimum wage laws have everything to do with it.

Racism has nothing to do with it.

What you fail to note is that "the West" and "SE Asia" do not go into the national parks or museums, or ride the train from Bangkok to Kanchanaburi.

Individuals do that, and generalizations about wage laws have nothing to do with it.

Racism does.

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Of course it's racism. Face facts. Here's proof. Do you seriously think the farang price would usually be enforced if a bunch of Cambodians showed up, and they also knew they were not Thai, but still Asian? I think most of the time these other Asians WOULD get the local price.

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Of course it's racism. Face facts. Here's proof. Do you seriously think the farang price would usually be enforced if a bunch of Cambodians showed up, and they also knew they were not Thai, but still Asian? I think most of the time these other Asians WOULD get the local price.

Cambodians, No. Korean tour bus, Yes.

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Of course it's racism. Face facts. Here's proof. Do you seriously think the farang price would usually be enforced if a bunch of Cambodians showed up, and they also knew they were not Thai, but still Asian? I think most of the time these other Asians WOULD get the local price.

Cambodians, and others from Asian countries of similar or less economic wellbeing than Thailand, no.

Malaysians, Singaporeans, and those from much better off Asian nations. Especially if speaking English and showing signs of being well off, certainly yes.

Race, no.

Perceived economic status of foreigner's country, whom isn't paying Thai tax, yes.

Edited by thomo
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<br>Considering the minimum wage laws in western countries, there is no way you could have less disposable income then an average Thai.<br>
<br><br>No such person as "an  average Thai."  Leastways, I've never shaken hands with him.  Always found Thais, like other nationalities, individuals.  "Hello, Mr. Somchai."     Never "Hello, Mr. Average."<br><br>Minimum wage laws are irrelevant.  As per my example, Khunying Potjamun has a much greater disposable income than I do, and neither of us is an "average" of either country.  We are both individuals.<br><br>But she will pay the Thai price whereas I must pay the falang price, i.e. racist discrimination, nothing to do with averages.<br>
<br><br>These averages are what establish the known fact that the West has been considerably wealthier then SE Asia for some time. GDP, purchasing power and minimum wage laws have everything to do with it.<br><br>Racism has nothing to do with it.<br>
<br><br>What you fail to note is that "the West" and "SE Asia" do not go into the national parks or museums, or ride the train from Bangkok to Kanchanaburi.<br><br>Individuals do that, and generalizations about wage laws have nothing to do with it.<br><br>Racism does.<br>
<br><br>Ok, so do you think they would still charge more if Westerners where poorer then SE Asia ?   <br><br>
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Of course it's racism. Face facts. Here's proof. Do you seriously think the farang price would usually be enforced if a bunch of Cambodians showed up, and they also knew they were not Thai, but still Asian? I think most of the time these other Asians WOULD get the local price.

haha, yes they would get the local price, because they are POORER

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Yup, quite simple really.

For does who haven't been chewed up by thailand and view everything thais do through bitterness and hate.

Do you actually live here ? And i love it here i just hate dual pricing. If it is true that you get in for thai prices if you show a WP because then you pay taxes i have no problem with that. That would make it fair in my eyes.

Private companies who do it are just thieves and for those 2 tier pricing is wrong. You can condemn things without hating all of Thailand. Your life must be so good thomo seeing things black.. or white.. no middle road. Easy i think so you don't need much of your brain power.

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Yup, quite simple really.

For does who haven't been chewed up by thailand and view everything thais do through bitterness and hate.

Do you actually live here ?

Yup. Going on 5 years.

Private companies who do it are just thieves and for those 2 tier pricing is wrong.

No it isn't.

I think it's extremely selfish of you to think that average locals, with a much lower disposable income than the average richer foreigner, would have to miss out on going to a place like Ocean World with their kids, because of the prices.

Of course it should be cheaper for them. Thinking otherwise is extremely selfish of you. It certainly comes across that you look down on and value the Thais as less than you.

A disgusting, yet common trait, among those who've grown bitter and angry here. :(

Your life must be so good thomo

It is, thanks you.

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I think it's extremely selfish of you to think that average locals, with a much lower disposable income than the average richer foreigner, would have to miss out on going to a place like Ocean World with their kids, because of the prices.

Of course it should be cheaper for them. Thinking otherwise is extremely selfish of you. It certainly comes across that you look down on and value the Thais as less than you.

A disgusting, yet common trait, among those who've grown bitter and angry here. :(

I won't go to Ocean World because of the dual pricing. That is how I deal with it.  But I have to laugh at your logic.  So should the local Mercedes dealer charge poor people less than rich so they can afford a nice new 500 SEL?  

I can't afford that SEL here, but that doesn't bother me any more than knowing I am not about to buy my own private 737 to ferry me around the world.   

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