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Kirsty Jones Case Reopened


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I am looking to find any of the former contributors to a forum in Chiang Mai Citylife on the murder of Kirsty Jones in 2000. The case has been reopened and a new forum started. I have posted some events that panned ouy for myself. I am especially interested in hearing from 'Intrigued' mmmm?, and the several 'anons' that gave me enough information to form my theory on this murder. Does anybody know the where abouts of Andy Gill, he would know if I am on the right track. Find chaingmaicitylife, then forums, > 'others', > local news, > Kirsty Jones case reopened. Go to the buttom of page 2 where a thread from AllanP kicks in. Allan

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I am looking to find any of the former contributors to a forum in Chiang Mai Citylife on the murder of Kirsty Jones in 2000.

Because of the posability of police payback I am not expecting present CM expats to post, but if you know a former expat that can post from the safety of outside Thailand, contact them to look at the forum. AllanP

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For Sao Jiang Mai who posted on 10th June. Where are you now ? I wish I had seen this posting before I left Thailand, I'm a bit like andy Gill in a way, I cant come back. I had to make a move. I thought about it long and hard because all expats know Tony and I am worried about police paybacks. I was exchanging emails with a jouno who can call on expert backup and the last I heard from him was "let me do some checks" I sent a reply back to him saying "I hope you good enough to let me know if you come sniffing around CM, let me know, I want to be out of here." That was about 3rd June and no more replys from him. One of his articles was on the floppy I gave to Tony. So just incase he was up to something he wasnt telling me about, I had to get out of Thailand. And if I had to uproot myself from CM then I was going to open my theory on Kirstys murder. If had known Sao Jiang mai was in CM then I could have given it to him and go and out to live Ubom somewhere. I have had to leave my motorbike behind, Tony will end up with it for his son to ride to college on as it is in his name. Each time when my yearly vise was finished I left my bike with Tony for his son to use. The first year when I was leaving Tony turned up with transfer papers to put the bike in his sons name. I thought to my self "I shall go along with this because it will be one way to see if Tony is OK" To his credit he gave my bike back on the two times I went back home and his son looked after it well. I'm not out to get Tony but if he and the other chap were planing my demise, I have to get to the end of it. Anyhow Tony wont get in much trouble if I am right, as Trink used to say "TIT" this is Thailand, he'll get a slap on the wrist with a feather duster. Its the other chap thats in trouble.

Anybody that knows Tony can tell to go to my guesthouse and collect my bike, I have told the lady there Tony might be around to take my bike.

And yes, I know Trink wanna be, he is the first expat I got to know. His office was above a sing a sing cafe I used to go to. AllanP

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The Jones case was re-opened in 2002. I don't believe it's still 'open' in the official sense, but I could be wrong.

I went to see the Brit embassy and told them my story which I am going to insert after this. They reopened Kirstys case after my visit and made a big fanfare out of it, sent people to CM only to check if Tony's DNA was cleared and its old news that all the tourist police are cleared. I went to BKK later on to see the embassy and one of the oficialls that saw me the first time was in the lobby with a high powered delegation from the motherland and when he spotted me he turned his back to me. However I did get to see the lady who took notes on the first day and thats when she told me that Tony's DNA is in the clear, they asked nothing about the teacher I call 'L' below. They got my story all wrong, didnt take me along to the Thai police to make shure they had the story correct. The Brit embassy must reckon I have it all wrong and now wont answer my emails. When I saw Pims posting in "Chiang mai citylife' forum where she wanted to help I contacted her before posting and discussed the issues I was worrird about. I thank "Citylife" for having a forum for Kirstys murder, its about the only avenue I have to air my story, it is completly useless myself walking into the Thai police by myself. People following the Kanchanterburi couple will have noticed how the culprits higher up got up in court and told porkies to get him off.

Below is how things paned out for me.

I had known Tony for 3 years its now about 5 yrs. After seeing three articles of a policeman that has Tony's profile, I loaded all the clippings that mentioned Tony plus the first Kirsty forum onto a floopy and gave it to Tony and at the time asked him if he did Kirstys murder to which he gave a quick reply "the police think that Surin did it" I didnt ever bring it up again, I had no reason to, I was satisfied with that reply.

Because I was trying to get Tony to come foward on another matter about my exwife, I was always going to drink with him. Twice a total stranger (Tony said he was a lecturer at a uni., "when a tree gets sick he knows what is wrong with the tree." I shall call him 'L') turned up and needed to make friends with me. ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT THIS ONLY STARTED AFTER I GAVE TONY THE FLOOPY ABOUT HIM STANDING OUT SIDE on the night of Kirstys death. And I cant recall anything noteworthy on the first 2 occasions except his need to be friendly and getting to know me. On the third occasion I heard Tony call him up to tell him I was there with him again. ( he was with Tonu would have called him up on the first 2 occasions but I didnt overhear Tony the first two times ) I heard "Allan" in the phone call (the rest in Thai) and this chap turns up 10 mins. later. ( so their is a reason that Tony needs to call in 'L' when I went to see him) I am going to tell all the small details because they all add up to me. Tony knows that I like some types of Thai music and took me to a small place on the outskirts of Ch Mai. On the way he called into a suburban police station to try and get a expat off a driving charge. It was by now dark and he didnt park in the lot directly in front of the station, he parked way to one side in complete darkness, and we were in a tourist police car. Then at the Thai singing place, he didnt park in front, he went 75 meters down the road to where it was more darker. ( why keep the police car more or less out of sight) 'L' turned up on his motorbike. At the end of the night 'L' tried to get me to go home with him. When I rejected him he gave me two good thumps in the thigh, showing real anger at the fact that I would not go with him. Actually I think that I am lucky in that I became a little drunk and began dancing with the local girls ( I was the only man dancing ) the fact that I made myself prominent (what ever the correct word is) may have saved myself from being kidnaped (what was the reason for Tony parking so far down the road ?), now that I know what I know. (I have to ask where they planing to get me into a suituation where they could do me in)

I didnt see Tony for about 2 months, he only wants money and he wouldnt come foward about my other story. Then I went and saw him to tell him I was going to BKK again to have another go to get the English press to take on my X wifes story. I didnt go straight away and 2 days later I was called to the phone. Nobody answered at first, maybe the caller went off daydreaming while I came to the phone but once I started saying 'hello' hello' he must have come to and inadvertently said 'hello' but only once and then hung up after a couple of seconds.

Now that little 'hello' is the most important point of this story. I went back to my room trying to put a face to that voice. After 5 minutes it came to me. It was 'L' voice, and everything started to gel. He was phoning to see if I went to BKK, he must have a reason to know if I went to BKK because he hung up when he knew I was still in Ch Mai. He must have some reason that worries him by my going to BKK to see the Nation. Why is 'L' needing to know if I went to BKK to see the Nation about diplomatic murders that Tony knows all about, he dont want any press snooping around Tony. Tony did a coverup for him. (he was worried enough to find the number of my guesthouse and phone up)

Now what is the connection between Tony and 'L'. I shall tell about this incident. I was at the station to see Tony and another policeman needed to borrow my motorbike when there were police bikes and cars everywhere. And he was away long enough to go to the university where 'L' works, and back (to show 'L' what my bike looks like so he can track me down) . Although the one that borrowed my bike is more brown from doing police work, he had a similar nose and face to 'L'. I am asking if this is the link of 'L' to the tourist police in general, a brother or relation to the policeman that borrowed my bike.

I need you also to consider why the tourist police allowed the press access to the room before forensics were done, for a coverup. The Keystone Cops abduction of Narong the tour guide in the presents of French tourists was a pitiful attempt to get a confession. Perhaps Tony had got to know Kirsty days earlier. There were 3 glasses in the room, did Kirsty get to trust Tony enough to allow him and 'L' into her room for drinks then Tony waited out side. I suspect the tourist police in general did a coverup because one of them is related to the culprit 'L'.

Anyboby want to volanteer to babysit me while I front up to the Thai police. I need at least 2 witnesses with me to make shure I come back out. AllanP

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The Jones case was re-opened in 2002. I don't believe it's still 'open' in the official sense, but I could be wrong.

I want to bring this one over from "citylife" also, its my theory.

I am hoping to get the attention of contributors from the forum that was hacked. People like, anon, Yan, Intrigied, Roscoe and especially mmmm? Below is part of an article I saved and I think it came from The Nation. I have picked out a part that Phairath must have obtained from police records and applied my theory to it. Everything I write (is in brackets)


Corrupt Thai Police Officer is Suspect in Brutal Rape and Murder of Kristy Jones

Corrupt Thai Police Officer is Suspect in Brutal Rape and Murder of Kristy


by Phairath Khampha

27 January 2002

Thailand's police reopened their investigation into the brutal rape and

murder of Welsh traveller Kirsty Jones while the chief of the country's

tourist police said his officers in Chiang Mai would undergo DNA tests

following stunning fresh evidence was uncovered. British detectives

investigating the brutal rape and murder of Kirsty Jones in Thailand

discovered that that her killer was a Thai policeman (I am saying a friend of tourist policeman) and that was the

reason that the Thai police had not only framed another man from Britain,

but also tried to quash the investigation. The detectives from DyfedPowys

in Wales in the middle of January reviewed evidence linking a group of

Thai policemen to the Aree Guest House in Chiang Mai, where the

23-year-old Welsh backpacker was found brutally strangled and raped on

August 10, 2000. The information points to a Thai tourist policeman with

fluent English who had a reputation for prowling local bars looking for

foreign women and sexually attacking (I wouldnt go as far as saying "attacking ", Tony scores a lot of mutually agreed sex) them and was seen outside the guest

house on the night in question.


Two witnesses identified one of the group of policemen wearing civilian

clothes in the area of the guest house on the night Jones was murdered.

One even saw him smoking a cigarette under a tree in the Aree courtyard as

if he were waiting for someone. (I say this is Tony)

A second witness, a schoolteacher,(this is my culprit) saw the same man (Tony) coming out of the

lobby, off which was Jones’ room.(my culprit is covering for Tony, doing his bit to put Tony in the clear) But the second witness then claimed to

have seen Andy Gill go into the room and then heard the screams. (my culprit is now covering for himself by dobbing in Gill) (The big question is, was Gill at the Aree at the time of the murder. If he was not then my culprit is telling porkies to cover for himself. mmmm? might know the answer to that one.)

The DNA evidence from the UK indicated that Gill was set up on the murder

charge. (exactly, if these paragraphs came from police records then the police have the name of Kirstys murderer. Allan)

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The Jones case was re-opened in 2002. I don't believe it's still 'open' in the official sense, but I could be wrong.

I want to bring this one over from "citylife" also, its my theory.

I am hoping to get the attention of contributors from the forum that was hacked. People like, anon, Yan, Intrigied, Roscoe and especially mmmm? Below is part of an article I saved and I think it came from The Nation. I have picked out a part that Phairath must have obtained from police records and applied my theory to it. Everything I write (is in brackets)


Corrupt Thai Police Officer is Suspect in Brutal Rape and Murder of Kristy Jones

Corrupt Thai Police Officer is Suspect in Brutal Rape and Murder of Kristy


by Phairath Khampha

27 January 2002

Thailand's police reopened their investigation into the brutal rape and

murder of Welsh traveller Kirsty Jones while the chief of the country's

tourist police said his officers in Chiang Mai would undergo DNA tests

following stunning fresh evidence was uncovered. British detectives

investigating the brutal rape and murder of Kirsty Jones in Thailand

discovered that that her killer was a Thai policeman (I am saying a friend of tourist policeman) and that was the

reason that the Thai police had not only framed another man from Britain,

but also tried to quash the investigation. The detectives from DyfedPowys

in Wales in the middle of January reviewed evidence linking a group of

Thai policemen to the Aree Guest House in Chiang Mai, where the

23-year-old Welsh backpacker was found brutally strangled and raped on

August 10, 2000. The information points to a Thai tourist policeman with

fluent English who had a reputation for prowling local bars looking for

foreign women and sexually attacking (I wouldnt go as far as saying "attacking ", Tony scores a lot of mutually agreed sex) them and was seen outside the guest

house on the night in question.


Two witnesses identified one of the group of policemen wearing civilian

clothes in the area of the guest house on the night Jones was murdered.

One even saw him smoking a cigarette under a tree in the Aree courtyard as

if he were waiting for someone. (I say this is Tony)

A second witness, a schoolteacher,(this is my culprit) saw the same man (Tony) coming out of the

lobby, off which was Jones’ room.(my culprit is covering for Tony, doing his bit to put Tony in the clear) But the second witness then claimed to

have seen Andy Gill go into the room and then heard the screams. (my culprit is now covering for himself by dobbing in Gill) (The big question is, was Gill at the Aree at the time of the murder. If he was not then my culprit is telling porkies to cover for himself. mmmm? might know the answer to that one.)

The DNA evidence from the UK indicated that Gill was set up on the murder

charge. (exactly, if these paragraphs came from police records then the police have the name of Kirstys murderer. Allan)


it could be right ...

it's another theory that looks possible.

I heard, "nothing sure" that Andy wasn't there, so may be easier to set him up ...

anyway, the dan talked and for sure it's a Thai dna, and if this dna belongs to any policeman, nothing will be done unless some straight evidences are shown, for which we can dream of :D

this case can be reopened, but I would be really deeply surprised if it is closed with someone truely guilty arrested and going to court for it :o


Edited by francois
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anyway, the dan talked and for sure it's a Thai dna, and if this dna belongs to any policeman, nothing will be done unless some straight evidences are shown, for which we can dream of :D

this case can be reopened, but I would be really deeply surprised if it is closed with someone truely guilty arrested and going to court for it :o


Francois, All the news paper articles say that a tourist policeman was seen waiting outside. My theory is that this is Tony. Their is only one tourist policeman fits this profile and that is Tony. The murderer is a lecturer that Tony waited for outside and a DNA test on him would find out if I am right or wrong. I think that Tony was not in any conspiracy to murder, the lecturer went bananas all on his own and tourist police cleaned up the mess. The Brit embassy is the only ones that can make a DNA test on the lecturer happen, through official channels. AllanP

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