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Thailand Urged To Provide Incentives For Women To Produce 'Qualitative' Children


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Automatic visas to couples who have a Farang father who stays with the wife and child

Now that is an instant way to get better quality babies and more of them


Dont quite get the Academics point of qualitative children,but Natural Selection usually sorts out the best combination of Genes, unaided.

Edited by MAJIC
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Quality children starts with responsible parents.

How many chidren are being abandoned into the care of grandparents or other relatives, and how many husbands walk out of their pregnant wives?

Arjan is spending too much time with his books and computer and lacking fieldwork.

I suspect the incentives could be aimed at redressing this bad parenting issue.

It once was families of 3 and 4 generations all stayed together and were mutually supportive,

but economic necessity has pushed more of this child rearing onto grandmothers solely.

But in the past they often still did this duty, while the younger worked the fields.

But then they also came home at night, not stuck in the big city for logistical reasons.

Slowly, but surely, we are getting to the root of the problem.

Quality parents = quality offspring ... whatever that means??

For how long mom & dad must be coming home at night???

(the minimum I know,- it is called ovulation period ??)

Hate to sound offensive, but delegating offspring education to grannies (people of the past?) results in overall retardation process, which accumulates with years significally, sometimes down to the year 2553???...

Poor Professor ....Higgins....:blink::ermm:

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The need for an intelligent educated set of parents is essential, that starts at the grass roots. A decent education system , followed by a dramatic change in society where parents actually look after their own offspring and not farm them out to aged relatives.

To solve the farming out problem would mean an all round increase in salaries/ wages so as to encourage mum or dad to stay home and actually be a parent.

The necessity for a decent maternity leave is needed however as far as I am aware that there are provisions in place for such leave here in Thailand.

However, remember, we create that child between ourselves and our partner, but we don't know what we are going to get, what we get may differ very much from what we expect.

I've seen kids from appalling backgrounds grow and prosper , I've also seen kids from privileged backgrounds sink below the gutter, parenting is dammed hard work. After bringing up, and still bringing up four boys I assure you my wife (who is Thai) and myself are still learning day to day.

Our children have never been farmed out,however family contact has always been a prominent part of their upbringing.

The learned Ajarn who is responsible for the original article indeed needs to actually get in contact with the grass roots parents to see how they exist, then let us see what ideas and theories this high minded isolated from reality intellectual can propound and even put into practice so as to benefit the upcoming generations of Thai's

The whole gamut of parenthood like childhood is a vast unexplored scene of if's and but's, I wish I had done this or not done that. Social pressures financial pressures, indeed a frightening prospect but a damm good ride in my view.

Strange as it may seem most parents irrespective of social levels ,education or location do a pretty good job of bringing up their children in Thailand considering the rigid constraints that bind the majority of people into a form of debt bondage and servitude that binds them to a sometimes dysfunctional family.

Once the state becomes involved that is the downward slope, North Korea, China, many more can be mentioned, my own country the U.K. has all but destroyed childhood and parents and children's rights in its pursuit of political correctness and conformity .

The industry that has sprouted from the caring society in the U.K. has created far more victims than it has or ever will save.Strangely enough that industry is staffed in the main by unmarried and childless overpaid people with no insight into reality

Governments and politicians and intellectuals have no insight nor right in interfering in family matters in the main.

Parenthood is our personal duty and we should be able to understand that which is best for our children.

This is unlike some isolated government mandarin jobsworth whose only concern is, what is my next promotion, and what will my pension be worth when I retire ?

Edited by siampolee
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Is this what they want to do?

“Eugenics is the study and practice of selective breeding applied to humans, with the aim of improving the species. In a historical and broader sense, eugenics can also be a study of "improving human genetic qualities." Advocates of eugenics sought to counter what they regarded as dysgenic dynamics within the human gene pool. Specifically, in regard to the continuation of congenital disorders and factors impacting overall societal intelligence relating to the heritability of IQ.

Eugenics was widely popular in the early decades of the 20th century, but has largely fallen into disrepute after having become associated with Nazi Germany.”

From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugenics

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" fewer numbers can be more

productive and supportive of the large population that is not dieing "

I went over the text and yes,you managed to de-code it and this is its meaning . The part about 'quantitative ' is misleading and refers to measures taken by other countries.

What I see in Europe, the result of less children , more productive or not, is massive immigration encouraged by governments and a later retirement age (and a probable crash of the NHSs needless to say)

Hmmmmmm, I can only partially agree with you there monsieur. The major factor contributing to immigration is the fact that in Europe too many people are too lazy to work and receive too much in unemployment benefits! They prefer to sit on their <deleted> and live off of the state. There are enough jobs there (hence the need for immigrants) but too many Europeans are now too fine and or too lazy to work! Just take a look at the unemployment figures - why do we need so many immigrants when so many people are unemployed? Go figure it out.

I know I'm a bit off topic here, but I just had to get that off of my chest!

Fewer children doesn't necessarly lead to more immigration.

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And you don't consider a racist post suggesting that they should encourage foreigners to live here and father children because they would be of a better quality than Thai children insulting?

Not necessarily. Western men often have more means to support the family,

and come from a place where family units and early learning are valued higher.

It's not hard to see the differences between local custom and mores

and where you come from and/or have lived.

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The death rate is falling, that is amazing.

I assumed it would stay at 100% like other countries.

Never mind the death rate. Thailand is a Buddhist country so it's the reincarnation rate that matters. What you need is for those people who die to come back as better quality children in their next life.

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Quality children starts with responsible parents.

How many chidren are being abandoned into the care of grandparents or other relatives, and how many husbands walk out of their pregnant wives?

Arjan is spending too much time with his books and computer and lacking fieldwork.

I suspect the incentives could be aimed at redressing this bad parenting issue.

It once was families of 3 and 4 generations all stayed together and were mutually supportive,

but economic necessity has pushed more of this child rearing onto grandmothers solely.

But in the past they often still did this duty, while the younger worked the fields.

But then they also came home at night, not stuck in the big city for logistical reasons.

Slowly, but surely, we are getting to the root of the problem.

Quality parents = quality offspring ... whatever that means??

For how long mom & dad must be coming home at night???

(the minimum I know,- it is called ovulation period ??)

Hate to sound offensive, but delegating offspring education to grannies (people of the past?) results in overall retardation process, which accumulates with years significally, sometimes down to the year 2553???...

Poor Professor ....Higgins....:blink::ermm:

If granny is only 35-40 I don't see why her parenting skills are LESS than

those of a 20 year old, not to mention that she has raised the mother or father.

Abandoned to granny is not quite right either, it is not unusual for

older generations to stay at home and mind both infants and the elderly,

while the more fleet of foot and strong take to the back breaking work.

This is typically a family decisions, and not just a dump the kids on granny decision.

Grannies have the time and experience to raise children, no question.

At issue is cultural STYLE of child rearing.

Nutrition and pre-natal care are very important factors,

but the TYPE of nurturing is equally important.

Teaching children to be rational, responsible and thoughtful,

is as important to raising a qualitative child as the former two.

Nutrition and pre-natal care are important to make sure that learning has somewhere to stick and grow,

but if the learning is mai bpen rai, 'oh my little darling no problem you are the greatest...' coddling,

well the child grows up not able to handle the real life chalenges it will face.

So changes in multi-generational child rearing practices must be made,

if the effectiveness levels of the children are to be raised appreciably.

I think this is also part of the OP argument.

I think the translator sucks, but the Prof's. basic idea was not off the mark.

And addressed an important issue for Thai society.

Edited by animatic
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Automatic visas to couples who have a Farang father who stays with the wife and child

Now that is an instant way to get better quality babies and more of them

True that!Not to mention kids will be bilingual and well educated .

Also how about defining qualitative.

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To give birth to another human being just because someone is unable to carry own with his own life using his own means it's one of the more selfish and irresponsible act a "human" being can actually made, it doesn't matter on how rich and happy someone can be during his entire life, it will still be subject to pain, sickness and all the other "plagues" that affect everyones personal existence, the world is full of other people having huge sufferences and a person inable to see all these shouldn't really be allowed to live, let alone procreating, if you really want to do something good in your life, start taking care of whom is already here and never asked to be part of the "game" , it's time to make responsible choices....oh and by the way, recent news are talking about governments cancelling those bonuses because they can no longer afford....

Edit: spelling

this is one of the longest sentences i have ever seen

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This guy is actually a professor?

How about government incentives to produce some "qualitative" academics then.

How very true. Also make it a free education system with the same standards every where.

Sorry, like you said where will they get the administrators from?

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I don't know what all the fuss is about. The terms "qualitative" and "quantitative" seem to upset a number of people. Why focus upon child birth and early childhood? Anyone walking down Soi Bangla in Phuket at 11pm can see some pure quality and often in great quantities. The quality quantity dichotomy has already been solved. The prof just needs to get out more.

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<br>This guy is actually a professor? <br><br>How about government incentives to produce some "qualitative" academics then.<br>
<br><br>This is a masterfully put , succinct and totally accurate and appropriate response. Very well said,.. I salute you!<br>
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I hope that this is a lost in translation special again.

I think this could possibly mean that the government should come up with qualitative measures instead of quantitative measures to encourage birth rates.

If what is printed here is what he means, then these statements are bordering on eugenics. It would be extremely interesting to know what qualitative measurements would suggest a qualitatively superior child?

1.85 m and an IQ of 140 with a strength in concert piano?

How many millenia would that take in this country?

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This sounds like the Nazi's back in the 1930's-40's, a master race. <br><br>The only way to get a qualitative population is to educate them to the standard needed to compete in the globalised world. When you get reports about 80% of teachers failing in their own subjects, how do you expect children to learn anything. I think the fact is that Thailand is miopic when it comes to teaching kids. <br><br>I was amazed just how little my wife knows about world history for one. Compared to other third world contries it is amazing how few speak good English, That in it self is a handycap to a qualitative population. <br>

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Mahidol University is heavily influenced and financed by the Rockefeller Foundation which funds all sorts of social and scientific agendas. The current Prime Minister and his father are both old boys. I would be wary of anything these people plan or propose. You can bet our interests or the standard of living of our children are the last thing on their minds.

Behind the veneer of respectibility, paper degrees and titles, are often found elitests with extreme views on who should hold all the power and money in the world.

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Strength comes from diversity, and as long as Thailand maintains it's long list of double standards, the vehicle to move forward remains stalled.

The education system needs to be improved first, their needs to be an incentive for becoming educated, not just to compete for the chance to take an exam. The media needs to stop stressing rich is where it's at and put something of substance on the television. The ever persistent push for kids to read cartoon books and wear Disney paraphernalia is nothing more than illusion as to what is really important. Take the cartoons off of late night tv, educate about nutrition, and raise the standard of integrity and teach respect for all people. Shouldn't have to be said. The molding of decent children starts with the parents, focus on them first.

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This sounds like the Nazi's back in the 1930's-40's, a master race. <br><br>The only way to get a qualitative population is to educate them to the standard needed to compete in the globalised world. When you get reports about 80% of teachers failing in their own subjects, how do you expect children to learn anything. I think the fact is that Thailand is miopic when it comes to teaching kids. <br><br>I was amazed just how little my wife knows about world history for one. Compared to other third world contries it is amazing how few speak good English, That in it self is a handycap to a qualitative population. <br>

I agree.

Your average Thai and even many educated Thais don't even know who Hitler was. Even worse, they don't even know about Pol Pot and that happened just next door.

Shocking, really.

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Maybe the Govt could give a Bonus similar to what the Australian Govt gave.

But the parents have to make sure that the children do go to have a good education.

The money then would be available to pay for the high education of the children.

Well that is my thoughts. :)

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