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Atec Desktop: Thb 22,000


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Should I get this? It does have a sexy LCD screen.

Please don't advise me to build my own, (or commission someone else to build it). You might as well ask me to build a space station.

I just need something cheap, that the shop can install Windows 2000 on, and that if my wife breaks it - it won't be a THB 40,000 catastrophe.

Oh, and it has to have a modicum of style.


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Are you sure you want a sexy LCD screen? Remember that you will no longer have a choice and have to run at 1024x768.

Sounds like much more of a machine than basic but no MB or Disc specs and only see 15" mentioned for the LCD. It 2400 AMD does include CD RW and 256 DDRAM.

If style important you may like it and it does seem cheap for a unit with LCD.

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Guest IT Manager

IMO it would be a good Internet Cafe Machine.. style (LCD), services (CD Burner) cost (nothing). Good look I think.

I am using an ACER LCD and its wicked, and shapeable. All in all I am very impressed with it.

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You can get one good computer and screen for 15 000

hum hum .... Never never land ... might be good to land sometime :D

15,000 B for a com ... tell me where, laptop ... I run for it!

in Chiang Mai, laptop under 25,000B are crap s##$, old and small disk, well forget them !

a desktop less than 25,000B is already a bit expensive for what they can offer!

only second hand ones are worth this value if you choose carefully and are a bit adventurous :o

from what I saw recently, "good" laptop Acer, HP, Sony ... are still expensive!

this means more than 40,000B !

desktop, are in a real wide range of price, from 27,000B (minimum), up to more than 50,000B or more for the latest techs on board!

it seems to me that we are far from 15,000B, aren't we?

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desktop, are in a real wide range of price, from 27,000B (minimum), up to more than 50,000B or more for the latest techs on board!

If you require LCD display perhaps; but there are a large number of desktop choices available under 20k that are usable with Win2000 for normal business type use. I am still using a 500mhz Cel/VIA system (and it won't die) and runs everything I need to run. Current price of a Cel 2.4 socket 478/40GB with 17" monitor from Liberia is only 14,900 baht. I would add 128 DDR to make it 256 but other than that it is quite usable for most people.

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Current price of a Cel 2.4 socket 478/40GB with 17" monitor from Liberia is only 14,900 baht. I would add 128 DDR to make it 256 but other than that it is quite usable for most people.

well, with a celeron, ok, but where can you find this?

coz in Chiang Mai ... as I say it's not really the same, might that IT would say opposite, just tell me where ... I'm a kind of interested :o

15,000B for a decent laptop, it's more than alright!

any cd-rom, floppy, or do you have to buy all these devices seperatly?

give some detail, coz it doesn't look too bad :D

I'm surprised as well as amazed, but curious to know more about.

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