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7 Months Old Tv, Bad Colors Around The Edges


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I'm currently watching TV on a 7 months old small LG TV, old fashioned one. No widescreen, LCD, Plasma or anything. This morning I turned on the tv, and all around the edges of the screen the colors are wrong, it all looks blue around the edges. Tried unplugging the tv and plugging it back in again. Opened the DVD player to check if the problem was not in the cable. But it's definitely the TV. I am living in a house with kinda crappy electricity boxes, and somehow wonder if this could somehow cause this problem.<div><br></div><div>But the important 2 questions are. Is this temporary or irreversible? Bringing the TV back on warranty is no option. It was a cheap TV anyways. But I was kinda saving up to buy a proper Full HDTV  in a few months, so it would kinda suck if this one would be out of the running after such a short time.</div><div><br></div><div>Any recommendations are greatly appreciated </div>

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If it's a CRT TV (which is what it sounds like) then likely the de-gauss has failed.

Unplug and leave for 1 hour, plug in turn on. If that doesn't fix it take it back to the shop, should be under warranty :)

EDIT Ah I see, no chance of returning it, then drop it round to your local telly man, should be an easy fix if it is just the de-gauss.

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Thxn for the quick reply, it is indeed a CRT TV. How much would a fix cost? Cause it's a 3000 baht TV, and I wanted to buy a new one anyway, timing is not perfect but don't feel like spending much on the old one, already taking it out on the motorbike to get it fixed is something I am not looking forward to.

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Thxn for the quick reply, it is indeed a CRT TV. How much would a fix cost? Cause it's a 3000 baht TV, and I wanted to buy a new one anyway, timing is not perfect but don't feel like spending much on the old one, already taking it out on the motorbike to get it fixed is something I am not looking forward to.

Crossy is 100% correct. The problem is nothing more than the TV has become magnetised or is stiing next to some magnetic field (speakers or wiring can do this).

Move the TV and see if it changes (cost NIL)

Move other things away from it and see if it changes.

If either of these make changes to the "pretty colours" then it's just magnetism.

Degaussing is a fancy word for de-magnetising and the process takes about 1 minute so cost should not be high if you find a reputable repairer. Some may even do it for free :unsure: -if you're very lucky.

:burp: Ken

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Unplug for an hour or so first and then plug back in and it should degauss itself. The keep alive (standby) mode does not allow the degauss cycle so it has to be completely turned off for awhile and then turned on.

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