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Rural Thailand, Theft


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I believe the Statistics on Greytown's post, Crime is more prevalent in the Western Countries than in Thailand, But is part of the anti-Thai movement exhibited on this forum.

:cheesy: the "anti thai movement", what color is the T-shirt for that? and also if bad things happen, why do you want others to just appreciate them or put some censorship on them? "oh yes i just had a burglary but that was a good thing, surely he was poor and in need of whatever he took" someone try to kill you? it's obviously because he strongly believed you were going to reincarnate in something better after.....c'mon man! these are facts which means these crimes are taking places and the fact you try to play them down is not helping anyone, including yourself , so many crimes everyday are not being publicized despite all the victims efforts to make sure others are aware of them, it might happen to any of us at any given time, it should be also your duty to make sure the person next to you, being that thai/farang/whateverelse, is prepared, don't make a favour to the baddies by playing that part, wake up!

Your post was a prime example, This person is trying to discredit my post " the only logical reason is that it dose not concur with his/her Thailand is bad -Train of thought."

My village dose not have a police Department presence's, the closes Police Department is in Lat Yao 12 Kilometers away. Problems are handled by the village headman and He has a group of local volunteers to oversee security at community events.

Sonny I am most capable of portraying the TRUTH as I know it in my 10 years in Thailand. Your tunnel vision is very common on this forum where a man, is attacked for his explanations of the truth of his experience in Thailand that is against your perceived Ideas.

How much of the crime taking place in falang communities, Bangkok, Pattaya, ect -is actions of the falangs themselves, I know the one occassion of crime against me there was only Falangs present in my house.

You should open your eyes, there is a whole country to enjoy out here, instead of hiding behind closed locked doors .Attacking people behind the safety of your computer keyboard!

"It is said that it is best to remain quiet and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt !"


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Kiko, it's not my intention to attack you or discredit anyones experience, i just feel the need to make others aware that the dangers i am talking about are real and taking places in so many different areas, you might be one of the lucky people which right now is not affected by this and i am glad for that, however just because it is not happening to you that doesn't mean that it might not happen in the future to you or anybody else, i am not hideing or not enjoying myself but common sense says that when you are exposed to certain dangers then you need to be proactive rather then just reactive and by sharing my personal knowledge with you and others i feel more like if i am helping rather then attacking....no? :)

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The way I read your post,and A common reply to many post I write,"as being a blind Thai lover" because I do not have the same perception as many on this forum do, about the Thai population.

I will accept your explanation of your intentions.


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I live in a rural part of korat,3 clicks from a local town,and have been broken into once,but i was saved by the electrician, who wired my lounge light switches in the wrong place TIT,it was put on a complete opposite wall to where normal people would want it,so when they did enter they couldn't find the light switch,thus nothing was taken.

there are about 15 westerners in a round a 30km from me and we all have been broken into at some stage,some twice,we all contacted the police when this happened and there response was some what slow.

until one of my friends got broken into and had hes laptop taken gold and phone,he called the local police,they did come on the 3rd call to them but wasn't interested to much,so after a couple of days went by and no contact from the local police,he took it further and contacted AIS ref hes sim card,and was told it was still being used 20km away from hes home, then he went to the police in korat,and they where more apologetic with him and took the case on

after a couple of weeks gone by,the korat police found the gang responsible, and guess what there was police involved,which makes us all here believe the korat city police new about this,

we don't know the out come as yet,but we know the gang was only going out to Target frangs houses,

since this has happened are local police likes all us frangs to have meeting now once every two months just to say if all is ok and can they help us with everything,so a push up there back side worked!!!!!

since this iv ed pot riveted all my ailuminin windows,so now only one window will open,and put a bamboo stick inside so the other window cant open when we go out,

next stop is steel on the out side

but after all this i still feel safe here,just have to do a little bit more to your house,to make it safe


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.....found the gang responsible, and guess what there was police involved,which makes us all here believe the korat city police new about this,

we don't know the out come as yet,but we know the gang was only going out to Target frangs houses,

and i guess it's hasn't been reported by the news anywhere :ph34r: :ph34r: , it is a good thing anyway that something moved in the right direction there, the police in my area refused to do anything and only wanted to find out about the VICTIM passport/visas, etc.. and then reading your post i had like a flash remembering this BiB asking me if i had a computer in my house (?!) bear in mind, he didn't want to know if a computer had been stolen, he wanted to now if i had a computer in my house NOW and probably wanted to find out if i had any other valuable goods ready to be taken away, what the heck !!!

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My wife took a 5 rai plot of land and planted some vegetable to sell. We had hired some local people to weed and tend to and irrigate the plants. We drove to the village, and arranged for some trucks to take the vegetables to market the following day, after harvesting. Normally we live 500km away.

When we arrived to the field early, with the help, the field was BARE...somebody had taken 3 truckloads of vegetables during the night.

The family had the typical "som nah nah" attitude, but I was pissed. We talked to 2 police officers, and they pretty much had the same attitude...

I let it be know I would pay 30,000 baht to know every person that was involved steeling our vegetables. Within 2 days I knew every person that had been in the field that night, who drove the trucks, and where the stuff was sold and who got how much money. Wonder why the police could not do the same? (Strange..it was the relatives of the people involved, and even one woman that helped pick the vegetables that came for the reward.)

Funny how fate is....over the next year, every truck and motorcycle that was at the field that night, had a catastrophic engine failure. Every cow and buffalo that was owned by the families involved died. I understand there was even a house fire...funny thing about fate...maybe what my wife preaches is right.."Do good, get good, Do bad get bad".

When some of our good friends approached my wife about borrowing some money to make a down payment on a new motorcycle, or buy some cattle, she just told them, "we too poor too....somebody steal all our work last year with the vegetable. now we not have money to plant again either."

Naturally I had nothing to do with any of this, but just a casual observer to it all. We have left all the fields just lie fallow for the past few years, so these good friends and relatives that we had paid to do our farming are missing out on this income.

Next year, when I plant again in this area, it will be interesting to see if we will again be the subject of thieves, or will our good friends and relatives step out to protect us from happening again.

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Next year, when I plant again in this area, it will be interesting to see if we will again be the subject of thieves, or will our good friends and relatives step out to protect us from happening again.

My guess: unless YOU are there to protect your interest by yourself, it will happen again, western standard's logic doesn't seems to apply to these shores, people have no problems to bite the hands that feeds them, go figure it out.....:ermm:

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If, as many TV members believe, they are viewed as walking ATM's then why shouldn't their houses be viewed as stationary ATM's ? Seems logical to me. Not nice, that's a different subject but certainly logical.

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I've never really had any problems but I've known the Villagers steal from each other on occasion. Chickens, Fish etc. probably just oportunists I guess.

We get an announcement from the Village headman once or twice a year to say, theft is on the increase. but it usually coincides with the release of one of our Villagers sons from the 'Monkey House'. He'll steal to buy drugs , or just do the drugs and end up back in side in no time at all B)

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My wife took a 5 rai plot of land and planted some vegetable to sell. We had hired some local people to weed and tend to and irrigate the plants. We drove to the village, and arranged for some trucks to take the vegetables to market the following day, after harvesting. Normally we live 500km away.

When we arrived to the field early, with the help, the field was BARE...somebody had taken 3 truckloads of vegetables during the night.

The family had the typical "som nah nah" attitude, but I was pissed. We talked to 2 police officers, and they pretty much had the same attitude...

I let it be know I would pay 30,000 baht to know every person that was involved steeling our vegetables. Within 2 days I knew every person that had been in the field that night, who drove the trucks, and where the stuff was sold and who got how much money. Wonder why the police could not do the same? (Strange..it was the relatives of the people involved, and even one woman that helped pick the vegetables that came for the reward.)

Funny how fate is....over the next year, every truck and motorcycle that was at the field that night, had a catastrophic engine failure. Every cow and buffalo that was owned by the families involved died. I understand there was even a house fire...funny thing about fate...maybe what my wife preaches is right.."Do good, get good, Do bad get bad".

When some of our good friends approached my wife about borrowing some money to make a down payment on a new motorcycle, or buy some cattle, she just told them, "we too poor too....somebody steal all our work last year with the vegetable. now we not have money to plant again either."

Naturally I had nothing to do with any of this, but just a casual observer to it all. We have left all the fields just lie fallow for the past few years, so these good friends and relatives that we had paid to do our farming are missing out on this income.

Next year, when I plant again in this area, it will be interesting to see if we will again be the subject of thieves, or will our good friends and relatives step out to protect us from happening again.

LOL - I wonder if that is why there is a sugar shortage in Thailand now ;)



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