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Siamese Cat


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Do a google for "wichien maas" (the Thai name for the breed) and I think you will find a lot of information. There is also a lovely book on all the Siamese cat breeds by Martin R. Clutterbuck that is (or at least used to be) available at Siriwong Books.

/ Priceless

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There is a breeder in Chiang Mai. His name is Stuart and he is form UK. I just bought a kanja (black siamese) kitten from him and he has seal points, blues and kanjas available either now or soon. He had a birth of beauties about a week before I bought mine. PM me if you want his number. They are great cats. I bought mine to replace one I lost. Super affectionate but also quite loud. Very smart too.

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I have a question about the Siamese breed that maybe someone can answer. Traditionally (to my knowledge) Siamese cats have rather long pointed faces. However, i have seen cats (like the one in the picture), with a more "regular" face, but with Siamese colouring. Different breads..?

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I have a question about the Siamese breed that maybe someone can answer. Traditionally (to my knowledge) Siamese cats have rather long pointed faces. However, i have seen cats (like the one in the picture), with a more "regular" face, but with Siamese colouring. Different breads..?

I think the situation is actually the opposite of what you think. The cat in the OP is a "traditional" Siamese, whereas the ones you think of are so called "modern" Siamese. Would these three conform with the ones you are referring to? They are of the "modern" type.

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The "modern" Siamese is rarely seen in Thailand but is quite common at cat shows in the West. I actually saw a few at a show this weekend.

/ Priceless

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Yes Priceless, the pictures above would conform to what i was thinking of as the typical Siamese face. I didnt realise that this is the "modern" Siamese breed. All beautiful cats, but i have to say my personal preference is the softer "regular" cat face.

Thank you for the explanation :wai: .

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Looking at that website makes me drool. Korat cats are lovely.

Most Thai cats have some Siamese in them, it seems. from the slightly pointed chin to the talkative nature. My old cat was quite a talker.

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sorry.. :offtopic2:

I find vocal cats funny. My grandmother had a Persian that would scold when left out too long. Im serious..this was real scolding. If only i had recorded it. One of my own cats in particular enjoyed long conversations with me. Chatting away in response to questions mainly. :lol:

Recently I was at a golf course and chatted to an old man there. He was impressed when i started to speak Thai with one of the caddies. Later on he saw me trying to get the attention of a cat and commented "Oh my, you can speak cat too!". :D

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I grew up with a Siamese cat. We got the cat in the 1960s and my mother did some research at the library to come up with his name -- Rama! That was my first introduction to Thailand since she learned so much in her research and believed in having enlightening dinner table conversations. So, we got to hear all about Thailand for several evenings from my mother, the expert!

After Hubby and I got married I felt our life was lacking something -- a Siamese cat. So, we answered an ad in the paper for someone who had two adult Siamese cats that needed a new home. Turned out the cats were neutered males, litter mates, 9 years old and the owners had been transferred overseas and didn't want to subject the cats to a 6 month quarantine. Those cats lived to be 22 years old!

All of these cats had the "traditional" rounded face, which I've also heard described as an "apple" face in disparaging tones by modern cat exhibitors. My parents went on to have some Siamese cats with the newer pointed face and I never liked them. They seemed to have a nastier personalities and just didn't have the heft to be good lap cats. Maybe their bone structure is finer.

After the two Siamese passed away we had a couple of "regular" cats and while they have their charms, they just don't have the personalities of the Siamese cats. Hubby says that is sometimes a good thing since the Siamese cats are real "drama queens", with their vocalization and strong personalities.

Recently we adopted a soi kitten that looks just like Dave2's cat. Funny thing -- this kitten is a real vocalizer! Early on I said "he sounds just like our Siamese cats!" Hubby pointed out that he is a Siamese cat.

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re .... Recently we adopted a soi kitten that looks just like Dave2's cat

do you want to adopt my kittens two brothers and sisters ( ones black ) as well ?

just wondering / joshin : )

enjoy pic ... best wishes .... dave2

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After the two Siamese passed away we had a couple of "regular" cats and while they have their charms, they just don't have the personalities of the Siamese cats. Hubby says that is sometimes a good thing since the Siamese cats are real "drama queens", with their vocalization and strong personalities.

We have a Siamese cat that we found that is completely crazy and who never stops crying until she gets what she wants, Her latest trick is to climb up a building where she can't get down from and whine until we figure out how to save her. I can hear her right now screaming away on a roof that is close by where we have had to rescue her many times.

However, if you hold her, she is loving and sweet for the few minutes she stops crying every now and then. :D

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I have lived with cats for almost all my life and although Siamese are beautiful and often smart, they're way too vocal for my taste and get worse as the pedigree gets longer. The two best cats I ever shared a house with were Tonkinese (Siamese/Burmese cross) and a very moggie ginger tom. Tonkinese are now a fairly sought after breed but twenty five years ago were just regarded as novelties or even accidents and kittens were cheap if not easy to come by. The introduction of Burmese into the gene seems to make them less restless and vocal while they still look wonderful and are every bit as intelligent and affectionate - ours used to pee neatly into the toilet although he stopped short of using the water saving flush button...

All in all though, raising a neutered Ginger Tom on a strict regime of intensive cuddling gives pretty unbeatable results :rolleyes:.




Dip waiting for the next cuddle

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There is a breeder in Chiang Mai. His name is Stuart and he is form UK. I just bought a kanja (black siamese) kitten from him and he has seal points, blues and kanjas available either now or soon. He had a birth of beauties about a week before I bought mine. PM me if you want his number. They are great cats. I bought mine to replace one I lost. Super affectionate but also quite loud. Very smart too.

Thanks for the info...I have contacted him to see what he has available

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Call me a dog with a bone but I'm going to say the same thing I always say when someone starts a thread like this...Why on earth would you even contemplate buying a cat in a country that has an abundance of strays crying out for good homes? It just ain't right.

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Hi Bananaman, i get where you are coming from, but at the same time many cats have different temperaments too. Many of the pedigree cats have distinctive natures so an owner can decide which one would be best suited to their environment. Of course, there are those who also wish to breed, or enjoy taking part in shows. Its great if kitties born from feral moggies get homes.... but what would be best is if there are more people helping to sort out the problem of getting feral and stray cats sterilized. Which imo is the most important factor.

Anyone who would like details of a project that is working on cat sterilization is welcome to pm me.

(Hope that didnt sound like a dig at you Bananaman. Wasnt meant to come over like that, apologies if it does. )

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I feel the same way that Bananaman does on a personal level, but I also understand that other people have different needs. Please do not forget that some of these people who buy purebreds also do a lot to help the strays.

Priceless in particular has contributed a lot of time and money to help homeless animals. :thumbsup:

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Eek and UG, I hear and acknowledge both of your sentiments but I'm something of a hardliner on this issue and don't really believe it's morally right to buy and sell any animals. Though I'm not accusing the OP of this, many individuals buying pedigree animals, do so for the perceived status that is attached to owning them. Often you'll hear those same folk saying "Oh yes, I am real cat/dog lover", while the truth of the matter is, if they really were, they'd be offering the chance of a good home to an abandoned animal rather than lining the breeder's pocket. I don't expect everybody to agree with my views but in offering them, I hope I might provide some food for thought.


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Why buy a new car when there are thousands of used ones out there. Why buy a new house or build one when there are plenty of used ones for sale. Don't have your own children when there are so many out there for adoption. Stop buying new clothes. There are plenty of thrift shops selling second hand ones. Because people have the right to buy what they want with their money.

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Why buy a new car when there are thousands of used ones out there. Why buy a new house or build one when there are plenty of used ones for sale. Don't have your own children when there are so many out there for adoption. Stop buying new clothes. There are plenty of thrift shops selling second hand ones. Because people have the right to buy what they want with their money.

Now you're just being silly. Cars, houses and clothes are inanimate objects to which you can't possibly apply the same argument. Children, however, you can and without wishing to go off on a major tangent, you raise a serious point - indeed, in a world where 15 million children die of hunger every year, one has to question the morality of creating new mouths to be fed. But then few of us are anything more than slaves to our reproductive instincts. I digress, however, and returning to the original issue, I reiterate that the animal trade is essentially an exploitative and immoral one. At the legitimate end of the scale, look at the abnormalities created through cross-breeding programs, while at the opposite end are unscrupulous dealers who care only about profit and little about the welfare of animals. Thailand is a country where the fashion conscious buy pedigree dogs on whims, only to get bored of them and dump them when their fashionableness wanes. Whether that's you or not, in opting to purchase a pedigree animal, you contribute to and help perpetuate the idea that status or style can be achieved through ownership of specific breeds.

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The breeder I bought my Siamese cat from is on a mission to save the species. The "original" Siamese cat referred to earlier in this post with a round face is disappearing. The "modern" Siamese being the cat in demand. He does not sell in shops and he has been known to give the cats away to good homes. He only charges to cover the cost of feeding them. As for me....my cat never goes outside so there is no status involved. I simply like Siamese cats.

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  • 4 months later...

The breeder I bought my Siamese cat from is on a mission to save the species. The "original" Siamese cat referred to earlier in this post with a round face is disappearing. The "modern" Siamese being the cat in demand. He does not sell in shops and he has been known to give the cats away to good homes. He only charges to cover the cost of feeding them. As for me....my cat never goes outside so there is no status involved. I simply like Siamese cats.

So where can I buy a Siamese cat?

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Slightly off topic but has anyone read "The Language of Cats", a short story by Spencer Holst?

It is an amusing story involving a siamese cat.

If you have not read anything by Holst he is sometimes compared to Jorge Luis Borges.


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