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Glitterman Speaks About Spitting In Public.

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The Almighty and Powerful Wizard is back AGAIN, about your nasty habit i hope to TAME.

ALL men from ALL races appear to be guilty of this vile, disgusting act

here in Pattaya.....ALL except ME that is. I have to witness this

action every minuit while walking or cycling in Pattaya. IT is


in the past i have often asked girls 'why do men spit?' I am told that they copy the Chinese. In

Bangkok at Central World there are notices everywhere, stating that

people will be fined [ i forget how much] for spitting.I do not

remember any men back home in England spitting, yet ferrangs here are

participating in this revolting sport all the same. How would it look

if the Goldenman was seen spitting as he cycled. I imagine here in

Pattaya the amount of men spitting at any one time are well into the 5

or even 6 figure range, perhaps even more.

I wonder if it is a subconcious way of marking ones territory, just like a dog or cat will

urinate to mark its territory.

Purchasing my coffee and pint of milk from 7/11, i walked to my favourite stone bench on the beach road

promenade at Soi 4, looking away and turning my head as men around me

looked to the floor and let lose another blob. Avoiding the many

spittal spots on the path i sat down to sip my coffee. had done this

for a few years now. Taking just a few sips, a Thai man with a plastic

map of Koh Larn in one hand [selling speed boat tickets] came fairly

near me and placed one finger on to one side of his nose to block that

nostril, then with a disgusting sound 'puffed' out all the snot from

the other nostril onto the floor. Rather unpleaserable indeed i should

say what ho [upper class jargon talk] That guy did not mean to offend

me, he thought it was okay behavior . But for me that was the last

straw, now everyday i sit and drink my coffee and pint of milk on top

of the new metal lifeguard towers at soi 4 instead. Wonderful, best

seat on the beach , i get the refreashing wind because i am high up,

and i am not bothered by the anoying pedalers or made to view spitting.

By Royal Decree i hereby pronounce that any men caught spitting in public

shall be hung drawn and quatered, and their heads boiled, then stuck

upon those new lifeguard towers along the beach, for all to see and the

pigeons to eat and decorate.

The Royal Glitterman hath spoken.

post-96609-094414500 1279637101_thumb.jp


Many years ago the Singapore Government wiped out TB at a stroke, one of the causes of the disease they claimed was spitting in the street. Heavy fines and good policing have stopped the problem.

This from Wikipedia

When people suffering from active pulmonary TB cough, sneeze, speak, or spit, they expel infectious aerosol droplets 0.5 to 5 µm in diameter. A single sneeze can release up to 40,000 droplets.[37] Each one of these droplets may transmit the disease, since the infectious dose of tuberculosis is very low and inhaling less than ten bacteria may cause an infection.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


There is an ongoing campaign in China to stop people spitting! they started trying to stop people prior to the Olympic games, as they knew it would gross people out! Still have a long way to go, but certainly had some success.......


One 'Flaming' post deleted.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Okay, that's it! Soooo borrrring. Couldn't even finish reading it. No more Glitterman for me. I make my solemn pledge to NEVER open another post that contains the name "Glitterman."


I must say it is disgusting to be hit in the face with spit (extreme case). But in Delhi I had the ultimate. On a busy street I was hit with a wad of red beatlenut juice between my toes. They all spit at the ground and was an accident. A direct hit that took about two hours to dry was the most disgusting event I can remember. No place to clean up.

So there GM top that one. :bah:


^ Oh goodness, hit on the FOOT by a hacked up gob.

How about riding the train in China in summer, head out the window (no aircon) and someone, maybe a crossing guard, a maintenance worker or even someone further up the train lets loose a large, green, wet, loogie that splatters me full-on in the face.

Now you see when I couldn't beat 'em, I joined 'em.... although that post was deleted for 'flaming'?


Okay, that's it! Soooo borrrring. Couldn't even finish reading it. No more Glitterman for me. I make my solemn pledge to NEVER open another post that contains the name "Glitterman."

yes true.

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