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Khao Lak Or Krabi / Ao Nang


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Have my son and a couple of his friends staying with me at the moment. Obviously, they're out "enjoying themselves" most nights, sampling the delights of Patong.

They do, though, want to do a little exploring around the immediate area during their vacation, either up in Phang-Nga, or across the bay. While travelling around, they've asked me whether there's much night life, clubs / bars, and female company up in Khao Lak or in Ao Nang at this time of year, and quite honestly, I haven't a clue!

So, if anyone can give the heads-up, please do so. Thank you.

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khoa lak was deserted when i waqs there 6 weeks ago i think it stays like that through till high season now, im now in ao nang krabi a few tourists about nothing like phuket but defo try ao nang over khao lak ,might want to try phi phi told thats a party place dont know how busy it is at the moment though.....................

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If they want nightlife....Ao nang is the winner in those two locations hands down.....2 days is all you need to explore the sights around there...its a good little sidetrip fom phuket for the first timers...gets old after a few trips though!

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Khao Lak, stone cold dead.. Ao Nang dead but the corpse is still warm.. Lamai on life support and chaweng just in ill health.. Oddly Koh Tao we struggled to get a room.

In Lamai one restaurant had a sign up "come in and eat.. Before we both starve" !!

As said between Khao Lak and Ao Nang then Ao Nang wins for some bar life. But not worth going there for that (plenty of reasons to go there, just not nightlife).

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Nightlife-wise Khao Lak for sure dead.

Ao Nang has a section of girlie bars called RCA, but this time of year the girls are not so nice, and really a high percentage of katoeys (not knocking the lifestyle, just an observation).

If nightlife is really what they are after, why don't they do a litle more touring here and head back to Bangkok? I mean Patong is even sort of tame compared to BKK.

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