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“Farang’ Behavior On A Thai Golf Course.


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I can't say I have read all the thread but it strikes me that a number of you are stuck in your ways and have not read the rules and ettiquette of golf for a very very long time...

Singles have just as much right as a 2, 3, 4 ball to enjoy the game and the course without being intimidated by a bigger flight. The rules about priority changed in 2004.

Personally I am for speed of play and I always let singles or whatever through if my group is holding them up and there is a clear hole ahead. THAT is the true spirit of the game. People who get annoyed by faster singles and have a hauty attitude don't deserve to play this wonderful game.


Thanks for the link...

I've read the rules in the last year or so but as my edition of the rules R and A and USGA is an older edition than 2004 I was unaware that the R and A and USGA had actually revised the rule and considered a single as a group and clarified the point in another revision in 2008, but I do note the revised rule gives courses an out by including that " unless otherwise determined by the committee, and I think IMO committees of many courses are run by old fuddy duddies who won't change their ways for anybody no matter what the the R and A say or the USGA.

I quite liked tigerfish's post because it highlights some of the pre-historic relics that prop up the bars in golf clubs.

My ex golf club bar/lounge was more like a nursing home through the day with all the pensioners, sick coppers, retired judges etc etc, oh and then their was the ladies section who'd hold a knitting club or horticultural society meeting in the club house and demand silence from all not attending the meeting. :bah:

Ooops, I nearly forgot to give the "funny handshake brigade" a mention. :o

As for the rules on Thai golf courses, I suppose it's one for Thai and one for Farang... :lol:

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Just an observation. Skills joined TV in 2004 and has less than 2 posts per year yet manages to find this thread! More chance of a hole in one skills?

And quite a good observation, another observation because of your observation, guess what ? it only took skills 1 hour 59 minutes to post a reply to the OP who posted at 21.47, skills posted reply at 23.46... and the OP a newbie joined Thai visa at 21.36 :shock1:

Something fishy or what... :lol:

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This is hysterical. Relax fellow and don't get serious and then maybe some mates will play with you then you can enjoy the beautiful weather, courses and charismatic caddies. Hitting a good shot beomes incidental to the general experience.

Unless you are planning to join the Asian professional tour.

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Never let the truth get in the way of a good whinge.

There was a five ball holding us up so to let you through today would not have helped you.

Yeah I was the guy who walked across the fairway because that's where my ball was.

Yeah I kept looking at you because I didn't want to get hit by your ball.

No I didn't say no to you joining us because I didn't know you wanted to join us, but if I did I would have said no because when I did see you at what, the eighteenth[?] you proved to be quite obnoxious and full of your self and then you started firing questions at us as if you were a policeman.

You caught up to us at the seventeenth, only two holes to go and wanted to join us, we said no and you should have just been patient and finished the game out as we did.

And the reasons the guys didn't want you to join us was because of your behaviour the previous week.

Oh and we do come from three different countries and you were told which ones and my name is none of your business.

I'd suggest you find people of your own ilk to play with [if you have any] or hit off at 6.00 am. Either way you will have a round free of delay, but then again you might find your self stuck behind a Thai 6 ball.


how long have you been playing the game of golf?

"walking across the fairway because thats where my ball was"

have you no sense man! the guys been waived through and you want to walk across the fairway to where your ball was. whats it going to do, suddenly grow a set of wings and fly off!

if i had been that guy id of pulled a four iron out of the bag, gripped down the shaft and sent a zinger out (ala tiger woods) and made you the new target placement for my drive off the tee. maybe that might of jogged your hearing or at least made you get your lardy backside into gear.

yes he had no standing being a single ball and you being a four ball, but if you knew anything about the rules of golf and etiquette he would have had every wright to pass the five ball in front of you because they shouldnt have been playing on the course with that amount of players in the first place.

and were there any other groups being held up by your antics behind this guy?

god its people like you that made me and 3 other junior members(all single figure handicappers) quit the club we had belonged to for years and brought recognition through our feats at county level.

a club stuck in the dark ages and members with pre-historic views on how the club should be run. full of bent coppers, politicians, lawyers and judges. propping up the bar in the 19th saloon telling old charlie boy about the new set of clubs theyve just bought, but couldnt hit a ball and find a fairway within less than a hundred yards if their life depended on it. or going on about the new pad in the algarve and hoping to at least break 95 the next time they are out on the course, because that way theres sure fine chance of winning a dozen golf balls by coming in third, in next months monthly medal with a bandit handicap. or trudging out old bigoted views about the fact that there seems to be far to many members of irish, scottish and welsh descent being able to join the club.

biggest joke of all was even though we had won several trophies and cups a long the way representing the club at both junior and senior level. we werent allowed to tee off at the weekend until 2 p.m. winter and 4 p.m. and even when we did, after caddying in the morning although most of the time playing as a two ball, still had to wait behind a group of 60+ old farts with an average handicap of 28 looking for a ball and never got waived through.

and thats just the tip of the iceberge, some examples of what we had to put up with.

do you know what id do if i were you thaigolfer! do what all four of us did, join a different club or at least one that has a modern approach to the way the game of golf should be played.

as for what happened to the four of us. one went onto become the pro at very well known club in ireland, one competed in the open at.muirfield in 1992, the other one got a scholarship in the u.s. and served out his apprenticeship, but never went on to forfill his great talent. and me well thats another story, still love the game of golf, just wish there werent so many wanke_rs around!

This conversation relates to Thai golf sourses where 5 and 6 balls are usually permitted.

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Golfers can be very weird. There are numerous scenarios where other golfers, good or bad, can get on your nerves. That's your fault. I once played with another twosome who had no idea about how to conduct themselves on a golf course. Never waiting for someone behind them to hit, driving back and forth to their balls, etc. I have to admit, they got on my nerves.

I've been in similar situations. Some times, I've skipped the hole if it's clear in front. Other times, I've been invited to play with 5 or 6 other guys (mostly Thai groups). In these cases, the caddy has been invaluable, and the players were very nice, and we'd have a good time. My main purpose in playing is to get out, and have a good time. Most Thai players are the same, and they're very accomodating. I have learned to not get upset in these type situations, as it only affects my game.

I was going to say, they must have been Brits, but, although they can be totally obnoxious, it's not limited to Nationality.

When I have no choice but to wait, I get some satisfaction from seeing how bad they can play, and get a few laughs. I, personally, would never hold up other players. Especially singles. However, golfers, at least some, can be very weird.

Why would someone post "boring" on a golf thread? Why would he even be here if he thought talking about golf was boring? He must be a futbol fan.

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quoting iainiain

This conversation relates to Thai golf sourses where 5 and 6 balls are usually permitted.

It may do, but no matter where you play golf in the world including Thailand the rules are the same all over the world and have international standards governed by the R & A and the USGA, but like I said earlier, one rule for Thai, another for farang. :rolleyes:

And as some have mentioned have you tried getting Thai's in a 5, 6, 7 or 8 ball group to allow you to play through , one of the reasons I choose to give golf a miss when in Thailand because many Thai's from past expeirience have no etiquette and probably don't even know what it means or don't care. :wacko:

Or maybe I just met the wrong ones on a bad day..

I was going to say, they must have been Brits, but, although they can be totally obnoxious, it's not limited to Nationality.

The rudest most obnoxious people I've ever come across in the world are Americans whilst playing in Hilton head, South Carolina and Myrtle Beach, so yeah it's not limited to nationality..

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One thing is for sure, golf really matters to people.

This thread is running at almost 20% replies to views!

How you work that out then, almost 20% replies to views, as I type this the main page says 36 replies and 763 views so how is it 20%, you been on the sauce or me.. :burp:

I work that out at less than 4%..

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To me there are some obvious answers.

1. start early BEFORE the bigger groups arrive.

2. Team up with a few other people BEFORE you start

3. Have more patience on busy days

4. If you are already near the end of the game (16th hole etc) then playing through won't save much time

5. Accept that some people don't want to play with strangers

6. Understand that there are pompous jerks everywhere and probably no less evident than on golf courses

7. Learn more about humanity or take up another sport

True, guess I followed #7. Ever play golf here Ian? Got out three times shortly after arriving and found a noticeable lack of cheer, way down from what a Canadian is used to, on the courses. Think fishing the Vedder canal peak season but nastier attitude. Know it's not always the case, have visited Gymkhana twice this year and met more cheerful golfers.

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4% or 20%

it's not from drinking. It's from all the chemicals like pesticide that are used on the golf grass. Get's into the golfers nervous system and causes all manner of symptoms like poor etiquette, faulty reasoning and bizarre fashion sense.

organophosphates are directly absorbed into the human nervous system

google "golf course pesticide nervous system" and find some interesting reading

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No 'queens' in my family, just an ordinary chap, minding my own business and trying to stay out of trouble.

Life will go on with or without me although I prefer the former.

but you could say: yes man, no problem! hit this fuc_king stick on the ball and let it rolled into the hole!

now man can not sleep, can not eat, can not think)))

etiquette and other - yes, of course, but we all people, and sometime can make smile and make an exception

i understand, it's not my funeralI, i just expressed my opinion

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One thing is for sure, golf really matters to people.

This thread is running at almost 20% replies to views!

How you work that out then, almost 20% replies to views, as I type this the main page says 36 replies and 763 views so how is it 20%, you been on the sauce or me.. :burp:

I work that out at less than 4%..

At the time of posting there were in the region of 35 posts to 200 views. clearly a lot of people get up around 7am and start to read Thai Visa.


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I can't say I have read all the thread but it strikes me that a number of you are stuck in your ways and have not read the rules and ettiquette of golf for a very very long time...

Singles have just as much right as a 2, 3, 4 ball to enjoy the game and the course without being intimidated by a bigger flight. The rules about priority changed in 2004.

Personally I am for speed of play and I always let singles or whatever through if my group is holding them up and there is a clear hole ahead. THAT is the true spirit of the game. People who get annoyed by faster singles and have a hauty attitude don't deserve to play this wonderful game.


You may have read the rules, but you didn't read the thread. Apparently there was 2 holes to play, and there was a 5-ball holding up play in front. He didn't ask to play through, he asked to join. It was their right to say no. Perhaps they knew something about him they didn't like. After all if he is such a great golfer, and he said he was more than once, why doesn't he get some friends to join him? Then he would be playing at the same pace as everyone else.

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I feel the urge to take up golf.

I read this thread and inexplicably enjoyed it while not understanding much of it. Most curious is the passion the game invokes. I suspect that the players I'm likely to meet on a golf course, be they courteous, competitive, callous, combative or plain crazy—will always be curiously interesting.

Plus I'll learn what all of this means: observation percentage, fracture rate, tee off, bandit handicap, single figure handicapper, lardy backside, tiger woods, walking across the fairway, lucky 5 iron equivalent to happy gilmore tee shot, and, the intriguing: being a four ball.

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I think the op is a tit for his attitude on the course and the farangs are no better. All need to grow up a bit.

Must admit, the worst attitude I've had is when playing up behind an old fart three ball in the UK who castigated me for rushing them; although to be fair I was on my tod that time but they held no precedent either. I simply told them to up their work rate or let me through... with dagger eyes bearing down, a lesser man may have easily topped it but had a fantastic drive. ;)

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I would like to make some things clear:

-I never posted before on Thaivisa; I visit it a few times aweek yes, but I never felt I had to do more. My Thai wife insisted to dosomething as she was shocked by the "farang" behavior for 2 weeks in a row.With all other replies to my post, I have nothing to do, despite someonesuggest. I post as Thaigolfer only.

I have to thank all whom are polite, friendly, know therules of golf and fairplay (in short some kind of gentleman and that's whatgolf is about), and support my view. That keeps me / us? golfing.

-@ skills32.

 I would like to tellyou: if you started with an excuse, I would accept and understand. First youhave to tell about the week before also; YOU WERE 5 and I was behind your5-ball waiting on every tee and fairway. You know that very well as I made afew times a sign but got ignored by all of you for 4/5 holes. THERE WAS NOBODYIN FRONT OF YOU. While you were playing the 13th, the next group wason the 16TH! Tell me what my behavior was? I hit 1 (bad) shot andmoved on to the next hole. I DID'T HOLE OUT THE 13th. We were evenrunning to clear the fairway for you. Many Thai people are laughing when theysee me and say "jai yen yen". It is my habit as I don't want to disturb others.Now, tell me skills32, what is wrong with that?

If you know, and you admit, that I was ready to play and youstill walked pretentious across the fairway in my line for at least 20 seconds,it is even worse that I thought. It shows completely disrespect for otherplayers.

And now back to this week. I was behind you already on the15th. On the 16th I waited on the tee-off while youstarted putting/chipping with the pin still in the hole. You know that; thegroup looked at me. I joined you on the tee-off of the 17th saying "Goodafternoon young men". I DID NOT ASK YOU TO PASS, I ASKED 2 TIMES TO FINISH THELAST 2 HOLES TOGETHER! First time ignored completely, second time, while youall walked away already, a short and dry NO.

Mister skills 32, this is no good behavior on a golf courseand against all spirits and fairplay of golf. Hey Mister skills32, I told you onthe 18th that we were shocked about your attitude and I would post somewhereon the net. What is wrong with asking where you came from or some names? I toldyou my name, I have nothing to hide nor I did do something wrong on the course.If you are so pretentious and courageous to disturb other players, to show themsuch a disrespect, why not the same attitude in answering 2 easy questions?

The only right thing you can do is apologize, adapt yourgame in function of others, enjoy and move on.

It is up to you, we will meet again for sure. As I saidbefore, being a macho is not for your age anymore.

PS.: why should I tee-off at 06am in the morning? If allrespect the rules and fairplay, there is room for everybody to be happy. Andyes, I am patient but with limits. And I understand others but with limits aswell.

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... snip ... Plus I'll learn what all of this means: observation percentage, fracture rate, tee off, bandit handicap, single figure handicapper, lardy backside, tiger woods, walking across the fairway, lucky 5 iron equivalent to happy gilmore tee shot, and, the intriguing: being a four ball.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Thakkar, and TV CM Golfers,

We second (and third) the comment by our esteeemed friend, Khun Thakkar: even though we have not yet felt an urge to "take up" golf: this thread deserves a glossary for those of us who are unfairly "handicapped" by golf's jargon/argot/patois (pidgen ?).

And, Khun JackR's wonderfully enigmatic comment:

... the worst attitude I've had is when playing up behind an old fart three ball in the UK who castigated me for rushing them; although to be fair I was on my tod that time ...

suggests many wondrous interpretations including a neolithic human sacrifice ritual to some lunar goddess, or such later phenomenon as Ullamaliztli, the Aztec ball game using a rubber ball up to 4kg. in weight, often played until the losers were, literally, "dead."

best, ~o:37;

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From the USGA website

Unless otherwise determined by the Committee, priority on the course is determined by a group's pace of play. Any group playing a whole round is entitled to pass a group playing a shorter round. The term "group" includes a single player.

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One thing is for sure, golf really matters to people.

This thread is running at almost 20% replies to views!

How you work that out then, almost 20% replies to views, as I type this the main page says 36 replies and 763 views so how is it 20%, you been on the sauce or me.. :burp:

I work that out at less than 4%..

At the time of posting there were in the region of 35 posts to 200 views. clearly a lot of people get up around 7am and start to read Thai Visa.


Nice try fella, but have a look at the times of posting, your post 08.06.am, my reply 08.29.am, the posts are timed, no wonder many golfers are classed as cheats because they have problems with simple arithmetic and can't count, I used to play with a guy called Chris, he'd take six to seven shots on a hole and I'd ask how many Chris, he's always knock 1 or 2 off. :intheclub:

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There is no rule says you have to be gentlemen in a gentlemen sport. More important is to show rule knowledge and etiquette. You seem to wnat to enage them maybe even confront them for their poor play? Just because you are a better golfer, you seem to criticize their golfing abilities...

Why engage them? You are the better golfer so if they don't let you play through, ask your caddy to bypass them and come back to play the couple of holes you missed. In the rainy season, it is not crowded so plenty of open holes...

Why would you want to join considering your abilty differences? No reason to show them up..

It takes two to tango and it seems there was some tangling and bad behavior/feelings happening here.

Just avoid them next time rather than tell them you are going to make it public and asking for ID....What were you trying to accomplish?


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Good post Cardinal Blue. Commonsense !

I was struck by the same thing. The OP talks about 'Farang' like he does not think of himself as one but then tells us about his aggressive confrontation with the other golfers. That kind of behavior is so counter to Thai culture and one of the biggest criticisms of just of the boat Farang.

A head scratcher paradox for me.

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Seems to me to be fault on both sides.

Playing as a 5 ball that sucks and is bound to hold up play, not just for a single, doing it because the Thai's do it?- no excuse.

Lack of etiquette and lack of knowledge of the rules is to use the pun-"pretty much are par for the course here". Used to really wind me up now much calmer and simply pity the ignorance of so many of the "golfers" here.

Playing on your own here despite the revised status for singles is asking for abuse and is often duly given. I usually bypass the ignorant ones ,although often allowed to play through or join, and play a couple of balls on a similar hole further ahead.

Played today with a partner, finished the first 9 in 1 hour an 15 minutes, got stuck behind a very slow twosome (slowsome?) who took 2 hours and 10 minutes to play the same 9 (9 hole course), the Japanese foursome that initially was just ahead of the slowsome finished ahead of them by nearly over 2 holes!

Now that was frustrating!


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@ cardinalblue

@ CobraSnakeNecktie

 There is no rule says you have to be gentlemen in agentlemen sport. More important is to show rule knowledge and etiquette. Youseem to wnat to enage them maybe even confront them for their poor play? Justbecause you are a better golfer, you seem to criticize their golfingabilities...

 Just avoid them next time rather than tell them you aregoing to make it public and asking for ID....What were you trying toaccomplish?

 I was struck by the same thing. The OP talks about'Farang' like he does not think of himself as one but then tells us about hisaggressive confrontation with the other golfers

 Hello, hello... to both of you; don't twist things aroundand don't throw events in your posts that never occurred. Read the posts andstay with those facts please. There is wind enough already.

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I'm still trying to figure it out. If you don't have to stop at red lights or when you hit a motorcycle or another vehicle, why do you have to get permission to play right through another group of golfers? It doesn't make sense. Just do it.

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I had originally thought the OPs' girlfriend was his caddie. Having re read it I am wondering whether his girlfriend was a third party. If so was she told of the whole 'confrontation' afterwards, or was she in fact present and trailing him around the golf course? If present, then this is just not cricket and the man is a cad!!!


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@ cardinalblue

@ CobraSnakeNecktie

 There is no rule says you have to be gentlemen in agentlemen sport. More important is to show rule knowledge and etiquette. Youseem to wnat to enage them maybe even confront them for their poor play? Justbecause you are a better golfer, you seem to criticize their golfingabilities...

 Just avoid them next time rather than tell them you aregoing to make it public and asking for ID....What were you trying toaccomplish?

 I was struck by the same thing. The OP talks about'Farang' like he does not think of himself as one but then tells us about hisaggressive confrontation with the other golfers

 Hello, hello... to both of you; don't twist things aroundand don't throw events in your posts that never occurred. Read the posts andstay with those facts please. There is wind enough already.

If he goes to ask "what country are you from?" and "what are your names?" then that 'might' be confrontational.

In the account the people did not want to give him their names then it really suggests it wasn't a friendly 'get to know you' kind of moment.

Is this not a dictionary definition of a social confrontation? Demanding to know someones name who seems to be unwilling to disclose it?

If someone comes up to you and demands your name then what would you call that?

Isn't a hallmark of Thai culture to avoid confrontation?

This is the behavior of someone who refers to others with the Farang label? He didn't choose to call the others as golfers or males etc. He implied separation from himself by calling them Farangs? or am I mistaken?

It sure smells like a paradox to me or at the least cultural identity confusion.

Confrontation def -- a bold challenge

discord resulting from a clash of ideas or opinions

a hostile disagreement face-to-face

a focussed comparison; bringing together for a careful comparison

Paradox def. --A paradox is a statement or group of statements that leads to a contradiction or a situation which defies intuition

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Holy H, I don't believe this thread.

First of all let me clear a few things up.

I have been golfing [badly] off and on for quite a few years now [for the pedants probably about 45.7231 years]

and am quite familiar with the rules and etiquette of golf.

I don't post here much but do read occasionally and the reason I replied to this post [indeed found] it was that it was pointed out to me by another member of our group[who was not present but guessed it was us because no one else played Gasson Lakes then].

When we started playing the first time we were the only ones on the course and had no qualms about playing a fivesome.

Now Thaigolfer once I found out that you had been called through, which had no problem with, I then had to get out of your way because by some stroke of fortune my ball was on the fairway. I was in the process of doing that and you walked off. You had to wait 20 seconds? Good heavens man I hope you didn't expect me to run for you [maybe I would have if I had known your importance].If waiting 20 secs was the cause of your game being ruined then I'm concerned for you. This does conflict a little with what I posted before but I'm sure that you can understand that my previous post was made late at night and upon reflection I can assure you that this is an accurate account of events.

The reason I am posting is not that I care because I don't, but because you have a trigger finger that has caused you to misunderstand the situation.

You see in the first instance all 5 of us understood your predicament and to allow you to play through was just plain common sense seeing we were the only players on the course.Your mistake was that you did not give me time to find safety.

You have a very short fuse my friend and then to get teed off because we wouldn't let you join us? Would you if the boot was on the other foot?

We will let you through again if the situation ever happens again but please understand that I am an old man and give me time to get out of your way.

Your apologies are accepted and we will consider the matter closed.

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