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G8 Or A Stunt?


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Personally, I missed it. The greatest spectacle since Live Aid, a uniting of people all around the world in a common good deed. Doing good for our fellow man who hasn't got much. And with it comes the inevitable back patting. Not a whole lot wrong with that, after all we are human. Plus I don't think anyone involved didn't actually mean good. However Geldof and Bono’s campaign actively portrays the enemies of the poor as their saviours. The good these two remarkable men have done is in danger of being outweighed by the harm. Aid is set to be increased by the G8 nations but it can in no way compensate for unfair terms of trade. If the African nations in question were allowed to increase their share of world exports by 5%, it is estimated that they would earn an extra $350 billion a year, three times more than they will be given in aid by the year 2015.

But the poor world is going to need the extra aid because trade laws wont be changed and the conditions written into debt relief and aid pledges effectively ties the receiving countries arms even tighter behind their backs. This in effect will ensure that the receiver will not forget where it stands and will remain unquestioningly obedient to the demands of countries with an interest in its continued exploitation. Those demands and imposed tariffs and restrictions have done more than anything else to hold it down. As the World Bank’s own figures show, across the 20 years (1960-1980) before it and the IMF started introducing strict conditions on the countries which accepted their loans, median annual growth in developing countries was 2.5%. In the 18 years after (1980-1998), it was 0.0%.

It's a difficult one for sure. I have been vilified for taking this stance over the last few days. But surely I am not the only one to notice how Blair's stock has risen from recent shakiness. He's back and it's cool Britannia again. Hanging with Saint Bob and Saint Bono. The saints have also created the illusion that Bush and Blair and their cronies take a benevolent view of Africa and the developing world. If one were to study the details of every agreement and policy the heads of the wealthy nations have generated concerning Africa, it will be plain that they are self serving, perpetuate subservience, and, like endeavours of the past 30 years, are destined to do nothing to improve condition and enhance opportunities for the masses of Africans. these agreements only serve to make the imposing nations and their corporations and businesses even richer and more powerful. There is no question also that individuals in positions of power in Africa, so called representatives of "their" people, will enjoy self-enrichment. Cases of this self enrichment are flaunted around Africa for all to see. Greater funds flowing in will also insure that leaders in Africa can now wield a bigger stick when it comes opposition voices.

It's a long rant I know, but if this was really such a good and pure thing why will we not see debt relief for Argentina for example. A country being crushed under the weight of its debt as we speak.

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