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Would You Allow You Gf/Wife To Dress Provocative Or Talk To Other Men?

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Starting this since my other topic started going off-topic in this direction most of the time... ( - "Spotting a future expat in trouble" )

There is always raised questions by some how guys can allow their girlfriends/wives to have a Facebook profile where men could in theory message them a lot - and if the girl isn'tr faithful, respond positively and initiate a second relationship with another gentleman.

So my questions are:

- If you go out to one of the decent establishments around BKK etc (not any gogo strip, I am counting CM2 etc) would you allow your girl to dress provocative? Not slutty, but sexy and classy at the same time.

- Would you react if other men starred at her?

- What level of contact from other men would be acceptable before you react - and what kind of reaction would it be?

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strange questions my girl has a face book account and if we went out to a classy place she would dress appropiately for the occasion i dont care if other men look at her look but dont touch i dont tell my girl what she can and cant wear/do or i would consider myself a control freak, ithink she is more worried about women looking at me even though im nothing special i find thai girls very jealous and protective ....................................

yes this post makes me a super member one more dot:rolleyes:


Declaration: Some members called out the allowance of our respectice partners to have a Facebook account as trouble waiting to happen in the other thread. And some men in clubs respond very negative to other men looking at their women. Hence the basis of the questions.


my wifie lived in blighty for 3 years,its normal for her to look sexy,show a bit here and there

and i and her love it, if you got it flaunt it

swimming around with a whacking horn



She can dress how she wants its not for me to tell her, she'll soon tell them to shove off and she's married if someone harrasses her and if she has told them she is married she doesnt think much of them if they keep asking to go out someplace.


No issues; when going out you dress for the occasion. Just for everyday however you wouldn't want the Mrs. to look slutty or be seen to chat a little too much with other men; that's more of a face issue than anything else.

Perhaps some people want their woman to dress in a burka and only drink tea; those people would be in the wrong country.


The Mia has a facebook account along with many other sites. I dont have a problems with it. When we go out she dresses as she pleases, but always conservatively. I wish she would dress a little sexier, but she doesnt like it. But what she does hate is farangs thinking she is a bar girl and hitting on her.


My wife is a head turner in jeans and T shirt..................that's just the way it is......ain't nothing going to change it....:D .........dresses very conservatively........but people will look.


Allow her to have a Facebook account and allow her to dress provocatively?

TAWP, do you think that people own their gfs or wives??

If, however, we were out together and a stranger started chatting to her I would probably tell him to get lost. That would be the same for me in any country. I'm not keen on other men hitting on my partner. It isn't something that's come up here though.


My wife went out and got a boob job, started flaunting her new silicone, heavy use of "war paint" and wearing heals...

She really just went "weird" on me... as it turns out she had a boy friend & that is why she was up to what she was doing. I guess she wanted to please him.

I'm more of a "country girl" kind of guy, I don't desire anything too flashy etc.

Any how, I hope she is happy her new life and half my money.

That said, I do not think because a girl dresses well, and guys have to take a double take, means she will stray. It is really up to the personality... I just got a bad apple.


Once your in an equal relation not only based on money but in a similar age bracket and looks are similar its much easier to maintain a relation. You also have to work on the relation then you can be sure without having to exclude temptation.

SO i let my wife dress however she wants and have facebook with whatever status she wants. She lets me do what i want too. I would not feel good worrying all the time if my gf would leave me for an other guy.

You cannot exclude temptation, better to be open about it. If you watch your wife / gf like a hawk and give her no freedom then its bad too for her she might get annoyed with it.

If it goes wrong it goes wrong but its better this way then to live in fear of what might happen. So far things have been good this way. Even included a while that the relation was open. (no that did not mean her having 10's of guys and me 10's of girls). You just have to be really sure about a relation before you even consider that.


Allow her to have a Facebook account and allow her to dress provocatively?

TAWP, do you think that people own their gfs or wives??

If, however, we were out together and a stranger started chatting to her I would probably tell him to get lost. That would be the same for me in any country. I'm not keen on other men hitting on my partner. It isn't something that's come up here though.

I would be really surprised if anyone hitted on a girl while her partner was there.


My wife is a head turner in jeans and T shirt..................that's just the way it is......ain't nothing going to change it....:D .........dresses very conservatively........but people will look.

As is mine {a stunner and head turner}. But she also belongs to the old school of modesty, as she's not terribly interested in how other men see her - Thai or Farang. One of these that looks good in anything - jeans, sarong, dress, and home working attire. We're terribly secure with one another, and are lightly mused when we attend a special gathering and she receives the glances. Not hi-so by any means....just your everyday country farm girl. As some of you know, the ladies in the sticks will quite surprise with their attitudes as to how others find them.


Since we all have 'head-turning stunners' for wives and gf's (maybe even some hiso Thaichiew as well), we must accept that we are all really hansum men. I mean, why else would these Thai supermodels stay with us eh? With that sort of uber-confidence, who the <deleted> really cares what she calls herself online, wears when out n about or how she handles the odd chat up line from them what don't have the looks (and head-turning stunner hiso girls) like what we have got?

Call me a perv but I have always been interested in what really is underneath the burkha tho'.


I have no problems with my younger wife when we are out and about , she always dresses well without giving provocation (as you call it ) to other men , she does get approached now and again by wishfull thinking men with ulterior motives , if the talk gets any way off line , she introduces him to me "This is my husband of XX years , would you like to talk to him also ?" She does grocery shopping in the market alone , I have no qualms with this , if we cannot trust each other , what is the point ?


I have no problems with my younger wife when we are out and about , she always dresses well without giving provocation (as you call it ) to other men , she does get approached now and again by wishfull thinking men with ulterior motives , if the talk gets any way off line , she introduces him to me "This is my husband of XX years , would you like to talk to him also ?" She does grocery shopping in the market alone , I have no qualms with this , if we cannot trust each other , what is the point ?

That is it.. i know my wife talks online with guys.. i do the same with girls. In the end we are still together and going strong for 5 years now.


ever been inside an internet cafe and see a thai girl chatting with 10 farang at the same time? I guess they are all giving her personal freedom. :whistling: :whistling:


CM2... A classy place ?!? :lol:


Nana without the poles. Yeah, it'd pretty much be divorce time if she were dressing provocatively and heading off to CM2 of all places


having a facebook is one thing, trading messages with random farang who have somehow magically found her facebook page is another. more than likely she has put herself in a position to be found perhaps before you met her. she is called a farang hunter. now she is with you but still wants to browse.


My wife , dresses how she likes ,acts how she likes, talks to who she likes, goes out when she likes.

I would never suggest that I allow her to do anything < I can approve or disapprove.

She turns heads alright both men and women crack on to her , I’m confident she has eyes for me only.

Learn a bit about trust , learn about treating your wife/ Gf as a person not a bloody object or one of your possessions.

If she ever chooses to stray then game over, Next ! I live in a country full of available women.

Works for me and my missus. Married over 14 yrs now.


Last night I was out with the wife and she was wearing white shorts and a silk blouse.

In the nightclub 1 Thai guy started chatting her up, my friend (a bit drunk) groped her.

Oh well, I went for a hot girl, only to be expected, lucky for me she doesn't want to stray.

Part of the fun of living in Thailand and having a wife half your age!

I'm with Stiggy on this, country full of available girls, I like the one I'm with but no point in worrying.


I like for her to dress in her style, sexy but not from revealing allot of flesh. Great cosmetics, hair constantly done, a range of sweet smelling perfumes and lotions are like a love potion you can sniff, often in a Maxi dress with a belt to extenuate her natural curves. Alot of attention is paid to the eyes which she knows how to use..she can communicate much without saying a word.

Dresses are matched with accessories and nice shoes, always with a heel, and very often open toes to reveal pretty feet. Never sneakers never flats.

As far as men friends go; Unless they are gay or married I don't approve, though she knows this and respects me by keeping the company of other like minded women and flaming queers. the few men friends of hers she has are the husbands of her female friends and I'm comfortable with that.


Last night I was out with the wife and she was wearing white shorts and a silk blouse.

In the nightclub 1 Thai guy started chatting her up, my friend (a bit drunk) groped her.

Oh well, I went for a hot girl, only to be expected, lucky for me she doesn't want to stray.

Part of the fun of living in Thailand and having a wife half your age!

I'm with Stiggy on this, country full of available girls, I like the one I'm with but no point in worrying.

Your a more patient man then me. My friends no better than to touch my wife and even drunk that would be a ass whooping. I would probably loose a friend over that if he couldn't get over a beat down.

As for the Thai guy my wife would have ignored him and walked away, it wouldn't have even been a chat up.

However I'm not Twice her age either so maybe the rules are different.


Not that appearances are the reason to pick a wife, but as men, wouldn't you rather have guys looking at your wife in approval instead of holding back their gorge?

My ex was a stunning beauty. And I would catch men eying her all the time. So what?

But some men seem to be very insecure. I had a sort of adopted sister while I was getting my doctorate. She was a grad student from Korea, very beautiful with a knockout figure. And she liked to dress provocatively. She caught the eye of a Yemeni student, and he fell hard for her. As soon as she agreed to be his g/f, he came over to her apartment with a ruler and scissors, then proceeded to cut up every dress and skirt she and which were shorter than some length he decided was "proper." What a hypocrite, in my opinion.


We live in the UK, so maybe things are different; though I don't see why they should be.

I do make comments on her choice of clothes. Usually complimentary, sometimes not if I think what she is wearing doesn't look good or appropriate. She does likewise to me.

Of course, there are always the conversations that every man dreads, such as:

"Which looks better; the red or the blue?"

"The red."

"What's wrong with the blue!?"

She likes to go clubbing with her friends (some Thai, some not) and they all dress up. Sometimes I go, usually not as what I call 'boom boom music' and overpriced drinks are not my thing. When she goes clubbing I usually go to a local pub that has live bands. Sometimes the wife comes too, particularly if one particular band she likes are playing.

Although now in her mid 40's, she looks younger and is still, to me at least, very attractive. She does attract male attention and does like to flirt; but she makes it clear that flirting is all it is. I don't have a problem with that; although I have warned her to be careful and to make sure the man she is dancing and flirting with understands that it ends when the club shuts and they go their separate ways.

If I see an attractive woman, I like to look and, the woman allowing, talk to her if appropriate, e.g. in the pub. But talk is all that's going to happen. My wife knows this, and has no problem.

We've been married 10 years and still going strong; because we love and trust each other. Neither one of us 'allows' or 'let's' the other do anything; we are in an adult relationship and treat each other as adults.



Who am i to 'allow' my girlfriend to do anything?

I 'allow' my daughter to eat chocolate, but as an adult i dont 'allow' my partner to do anything. i would assume that they were able to decide on things for themselves.

If those decisions are continually something i disagree with then it is time to part company.

I want a lover, not a student or another child.



Who am i to 'allow' my girlfriend to do anything?

I 'allow' my daughter to eat chocolate, but as an adult i dont 'allow' my partner to do anything. i would assume that they were able to decide on things for themselves.

If those decisions are continually something i disagree with then it is time to part company.

I want a lover, not a student or another child.

Agree with this completely.

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