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Internet In Thailand Can Be Beneficial If Used Correctly

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The internet can be beneficial if used correctly

By The Nation

The government wants to improve online access, but it must ensure that content and quality are promoted too

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva plans to make the cost of Internet access more affordable for Thais as part of the government's plan to bridge the digital divide. But the plan to give Thais more online access should be conducted through a multi-pronged approach.

The objective should not only focus not only on access to the Internet, but on how Thais should be able to utilise the benefits of online information. People must be able to capitalise, not only for their own good, but for others, too.

Internet access does not guarantee to make us smarter. Writer Nicholas Carr has made an interesting argument that the Internet can make you dumb. In his book "The Shallows", he says that the Internet can make us less attentive, reduce our capacity for deep thought, and thus make us less intelligent.

It is debatable whether the Internet will make you smarter or dumber. But the benefits of online information will certainly depend on how users apply that information. If Thais use the Internet to source information to enhance their knowledge and worldly view, that can only be a positive benefit.

That will not be the case, as Carr argues, if the Internet distracts our attention with unnecessary alerts and e-mails. His argument goes that people who multi-task tend to be less creative and productive than those who concentrate on one thing at a time. We should not be slaves to Internet distractions, but we should learn to use it wisely.

The rapid rise of the Internet in Thailand shows that Thais are eager to become a part of the global online community. Yet many Thais are not fully aware of "netiquette" or the danger of compromising their Internet passwords. A recent controversy over a social website is a case in point.

Reducing the fees for broadband alone is not enough to ensure that we become smarter. Users should be aware of the limitations of information that goes online, and be cautioned about the lack of verification for certain information that can appear and disappear online in a short space of time.

Knowing a second language is also a plus for Internet users. English is currently the most popular online language, followed by Chinese and Spanish. It will not hurt if Thai Internet users strive to improve their proficiency in some of these international languages.

Besides, online information in the Thai language remains limited. Therefore, if the government wants to promote the good use of the Internet, it should encourage users to search for information by promoting an online library in Thai, so that people can upload quality literature and educational material. Literature with expired copyright should be available for a new generation to read and appreciate in numerous languages. The beauty of the Thai language is certainly hard to find in modern pulp fiction.

Information technology provides a massive opportunity for those who can appreciate the benefit that comes with it. An increase in online access can help Thailand to become an information society. No one should be left out of this opportunity to learn through this medium. Finland recently became the first country in the world to make broadband access a legal right for its citizens. Other countries with capacity may soon follow suit. Thailand cannot fall behind.

Of course, there are many who prefer traditional media for learning and communication. But if the government wants to promote Internet access, we should ensure that the taxpayers' money that it plans to invest for broadband will make us all smarter.


-- The Nation 2010-07-24


Nothing like being smarter....Thailand can use all it can get of the smarter commodity.

Sure hope this government internet program (if it ever really occurs) don't end-up where signup under the low fee plan (which may be a govt subsidized plan) ends up always routing a person through hidden proxy servers that limit web sites available.


I don't want the government to make me smarter, I want them to leave me the F--- alone. Don't start playing Chairman Moe.

"Surely the purpose of the internet is entertainment and sales not education?????"

Its entertainment and shopping in my home as well as news and information. For others its business and others its education. The last thing we need is government thinking they need to control how we use it for our own good. Look around Thailand at what and how things are done. Do you want your brain to look like a ToT mess of wires or an open overflowing sewer pipe.

Writer Nicholas Carr forgot to mention that education does not make a person smarter or as in some cases it can make them dumb, it only provides information i.e. knowledge to the person. How or if they can use it has nothing to do with it.


How smart does the govt want the masses to be? Too smart and they might start asking questions and being able to spot propaganda when they see it. Not smart enough and they wont be downloading the volumes of classic Thai literature on offer to keep them entertained in the evening - as all the good sites will have been blocked.


It's the 2000 years old principle:

"Give 'em bread & games"

(...no need to mention it's our bread and we make the rules to the games)


"The internet can be beneficial if used correctly..."

Actually, the same goes for my toaster, microwave, DVD player, car, telephone....they can all be beneficial if used correctly!!!


"The internet can be beneficial if used correctly..."

Actually, the same goes for my toaster, microwave, DVD player, car, telephone....they can all be beneficial if used correctly!!!

Well said and I don't have to worry about out side forces limiting what they do for me or infecting them.

One of the experts said

"if the Internet distracts our attention with unnecessary alerts and e-mails" I thought they had evolved past that point where if I did not wish to here them I could block them out.

Actually when I saw the head line I said to myself this I have to see. I was wondering who was going to tell me how to use it correctly a red shirt a yellow shirt or Abhisit. As is my teacher is finding out that I don't learn easily. But I do forget easily.LOL Have to be careful he is a poster here on TV.


I don't want the government to make me smarter, I want them to leave me the F--- alone. Don't start playing Chairman Moe.


LOL!!! Nice one!laugh.gif The internet is a tool. You have to know how to use it... I've had internet for over 15 years now. It's a very useful tool to me...


Internet should be for all - and there should be free access in the way out villages - whether for education or recreation - as someone said the internet is a fantastic tool - but dont forget there are a lot of TOOLs who use it


How smart does the govt want the masses to be? Too smart and they might start asking questions and being able to spot propaganda when they see it. Not smart enough and they wont be downloading the volumes of classic Thai literature on offer to keep them entertained in the evening - as all the good sites will have been blocked.

The "masses" don't seem to be very good at spotting propaganda. Thaksin and the red shirt leaders use that well.


"The internet can be beneficial if used correctly..."

Actually, the same goes for my toaster, microwave, DVD player, car, telephone....they can all be beneficial if used correctly!!!

Right! The question is: Who decides what is correct? The Government? Big brother? Or yourself?


I don't want the government to make me smarter, I want them to leave me the F--- alone. Don't start playing Chairman Moe.

"Surely the purpose of the internet is entertainment and sales not education?????"

Its entertainment and shopping in my home as well as news and information. For others its business and others its education. The last thing we need is government thinking they need to control how we use it for our own good. Look around Thailand at what and how things are done. Do you want your brain to look like a ToT mess of wires or an open overflowing sewer pipe.

Writer Nicholas Carr forgot to mention that education does not make a person smarter or as in some cases it can make them dumb, it only provides information i.e. knowledge to the person. How or if they can use it has nothing to do with it.

Thailand's "democracy" confuses the hel_l outta me. At times is seems closer to ???? not sure what ...

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