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Pattaya Underage Boy Bar Raided In Organised Sting Operation

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NO PDA'S!!!!!

No Public Displays of Affection... have some couth!

Good taste, how DARE you be in love... publicly!

What a sad way to go through life.

We can show beatings and horrendous treatment of women and others on all social media,

but don't you dare show basic human affection in public... it is too weird...

One of the most warped of social overlays in too many cultures.

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If they were really serious about stopping this activity they would have laws to put away the BAR OWNERS for major time. This doesn't seem to be happening. Why? If the owners were under such culpability and it had real teeth in it, you can be sure there would be no underage sex workers at any of the bars. The way it is now, there will be more raids, next month, next year, and on and on, like clockwork.

As far as the drugs, I don't see how owners can control that completely with their workers. They can't drug test everyday, that isn't practical.

It isn't happening, according to posters on other sites, because the authorities make too much tea money out of the bars - all go-go bars, not just the small minority which are gay ones. As long as corruption in many of its forms is rampant in Pattaya and elsewhere, the rules will be flouted time and time again.


Interesting perspective indeed! Sitting on the other side of the ball park, metaphorically speaking, IMHO kathoeys are there to attract homosexual or bisexual men. Real heterosexual men are not the slightest bit interested.

That's not logical. Think about it. Why would a man who is solely attracted to men be interested sexually in a person that parades around as a woman? Answer, they are not!

What <deleted>. I seem to remember Peaceblondie remarking on being partial to pre-op katoeys in a standard thread in the CM forum some time ago, much to the revulsion of posters at the time. Why the need to flaunt it? No-one's interested. You come across as a fairly intelligent chap, Jingthing, so what's with all this paranoia and petulance? Get over yourself or have another beer and chill. :whistling:


I like the link you provided. I have a few other dictionaries on my computer, but another source is always good.

I have worked in the entertainment industry most of my life. I said once to an old friend (woman) of mine, a makeup artist; thank God for Jews and Gays or I wouldn't make so much money. People are people, but when people overtly have to display their sexual preference, it does get a bit old... Gay or straight... Since you led me to that site I found a new word: RetrosexualDefinition: a man who adopts a traditional masculine style in dress and manners.

I just feel: Up to each person's own preferences, I just don't need anyone sticking their sexuality in my face in public...mellow.gif

Well most people do demonstrate their sexuality, by dress and style and mannerisms.

it only becomes and issue for those not attracted by them

and wishing to shut off their natural sexuality, because it makes them nervous.

Everyone, even the aged, display their sexual style and orientation muted more in some than others.

No one ever objects to someone sticking their sexuality in their face in public if there is attraction there.

Unless they are with their mate / wife / husband etc, and it is blatant flirting right in front of them.

Our pharmacist is a rather cute katoey,

I have no intention of sleeping with her, but I have no issue with her being herself;

a competent, professional person, well dressed and well spoken, polite, and friendly.

But at the same time her sexuality is obvious. Certainly not revolting in any way.

But is not threatening to my mind set, so I don't sweat it. My wife thinks she's cute too.

I guess you missed this post of mine: "I don't like people in general, making out in public. A kiss hello or good bye, not a problem. I kind of like the Thai way, you don't show a lot of affection in public... Understand? Whatever, and an up to you...biggrin.gif I still don't care what you do, I just hope you're a good person and you're happy. I try to be..." Oh course some people's sexuality is made public, but do you like seeing some a couple in public doing something that should be done in private? A little respect for those around you goes a long way to me.

You obviously missed my following post about no PDA's....

Having sex in public is rightly not recommended, but kissing and hugging... come on.

Ok to hug your children, but not give the wife a nice long goodbye kiss before getting on the plane,,,

This is not Luther's Huguenot times anymore...


I note the discussion has changed to the public display of affection. Outside of certain regions where such activity is punished by death or flogging, no one objects when 2 good looking people do such a thing. C'mon now. If Sophia Loren had kissed some guy in public, would anyone complain? Aren't we more likely to be more repulsed and revolted once we see what the foreign offenders look like?

Most well adjusted people go aww sweet when the octogenarian couple shares a smooch. Who doesn't get a smile out of a 16 year old boy is holding his girlfriend's hand or giving her a kiss? It brings back those warm & fuzzy memories when life was good and the world was ours. However, what is usually the case in Patong, is that the ugliest of ugly engage in the most vivid displays of groping and fondling. It's usually a slack jawed slob with a stained singlet grabbing onto his grotesque partner that offends the eyes. It is the fuglies that have the need to do it as if they are making a statement, hey look at me, look at me, I got a girl or a guy. I am hansum man, The beautiful people are usually discreet.

Look at the pictures of the creepazoid customers in the bar pictures from the PDB. All of those farang men look like they hide in dark corners ready to pounce on some unsuspecting kid. Not one good looking farang in those photos is there? Good looking people can literally get away with murder. Ugly people do not catch a break. If the customers looked like Derek over there as opposed to the white haired Chester the Molester in the PDN photo, would the perceptions be different. But then, people that look like Derek don't have to go pay for sex with anyone do they? Welcome to life and the human psyche.


Interesting perspective indeed! Sitting on the other side of the ball park, metaphorically speaking, IMHO kathoeys are there to attract homosexual or bisexual men. Real heterosexual men are not the slightest bit interested.

That's not logical. Think about it. Why would a man who is solely attracted to men be interested sexually in a person that parades around as a woman? Answer, they are not!

What <deleted>. I seem to remember Peaceblondie remarking on being partial to pre-op katoeys in a standard thread in the CM forum some time ago, much to the revulsion of posters at the time. Why the need to flaunt it? No-one's interested. You come across as a fairly intelligent chap, Jingthing, so what's with all this paranoia and petulance? Get over yourself or have another beer and chill. :whistling:

My understanding is that PB has serious health problems right now and I am sure we all wish him the best as he is a beloved member here. However, my understanding is that he was married to a woman with children for a long period of his life; he does not represent a typical gay man, not that there is anything wrong with being atypical. I love atypical. Mainstream gay men do NOT go with ladyboys, trust me, I know what I am talking about. Sure, I do agree bisexual men may go for them, but my experience with it is that it is mostly straight men for a taste of the wild side and also straight men from cultures like India where there is absolutely no association with being gay with being the active partner with a transsexual. Do your homework.


You're joking right? No matter where you go in Pattaya you can't avoid seeing the little boy bars, they're everywhere and the boys stand out in front waving their hands and parading back and forth. The only way to not see them is to close your eyes or move out of that $hithole. Try going for a walk or ride your bicycle along Dongton beach and tell me you can avoid the little boys in see-thru panties giving massages to the fat farang...the boys & katoey's are everywhere, you don't need to look..

Interesting perspective. The vast majority by an overwhelmingly degree of aggressive sexual solicitation in Pattaya is HETEROSEXUAL in nature. Sure there are gay pockets here and there, but it is no contest. Stop demonizing gays. If you are going on a rampage against prostitution in Thailand, don't be a hypocrite and focus only on gays. Also your use of the term "little boys" is highly inflammatory, as the vast majority of male sex workers in town are of LEGAL AGE, same as the vast majority of female sex workers.

BTW, kathoeys are there to attract straight men. Real gay men are not the slightest bit interested.

BTW, kathoeys are there to attract straight men. Real gay men are not the slightest bit interested.

How do you know?:blink:


Making out is lots of kissing and hugging.

Crotch grabbing and publicly feeling each other up is not what I was advocating, and you know it.

Maybe a misapplication of the words is the problem here, you certainly misread mine.

I give an anthropological observation and you get testy.

Affection is GOOD. Excessive prudishness is debilitating in a society.


I think you are arguing semantics here. According to Wiki: While a single kiss shared with someone you like or love can be intense or electrifying, an extended kissing session (referred to in America as "making out", "snogging" in Britain, and "Proper Score" in Ireland) can take a little more variety, coordination, and finesse.

I've done it when i was younger, but I don't especially like watching a couple engaging in what could also be termed as foreplay... Showing affection in a somewhat civilized fashion wouldn't bother me in the least. I don't think that is being prudish. But we can agree to disagree. Not everyone should have the same opinions on what they think or there wouldn't be any individualism in the world...


the police knew of its existence, what happened in the place.why does it make the press,maybe the donations stopped to them.i don,t think they were any secrets in the place that the people of pattaya did not know their was a bar there and what happened in the place


luckily I had a good sleep last night as I fear I will never sleep again at the worry about being put on ignore :rolleyes:

so in you post you say it my right to be disgusted then criticise me for being disgusted, what a strange thing you are, as others have also pointed out your behaviour in this thread is uncalled for, like I say drama queenish to the extreme.

Now I suggest you read my post again, this time when you have stopped flouncing round your room having a hissy fit, and understand my post, Irs not a troll (the usual response from a poster that can't answer reasonable questions when he knows they will make him look a hypocrite; and the usual allegation of flaming where none exists, and you wonder why people take the piss?

At no point do I compare homosexuality with paedophilia, this thread is about both as it is about underage male prostitutes in a gay bar, so the thread in itself is about both, I use it as an example that you too can be disgusted about sexual things and asked you a question about being disgusted about under age sex, a question you have still not answered and I point out that some posters could read into this, its your choice to not answer and I am disgusted by your refusal to condemn underage sex.

Anyway you are not reading my posts so I am not expecting an answer, amazing how when someone has valid points to make you choose to put them on ignore rather than deal with the issue, bury your head in the sand and hope the nasty man goes away, how dare he be against what I do :whistling:

I have the feeling you are as yellow as the shirt you wear


Takes all types to make the world go around , just wish sometimes people would do it in there own country of origin.

To quote you: "Takes all types to make the world go around, just wish sometimes people would do it in their country of origin."

What difference does one's country of origin have to do with anything? I don't understand, there aren't people of different sexual orientations in every country? Huh, I didn't know that...

I am talking about people who come down to thailand for one particular reason, they would get hung in their own country .


Anyways water finds it's own level. If you look for underage Boys/Girls you will find them to your own peril. In that if you look for trouble you WILL find it. People that do these deeds are many both Thai and farang. :jap:

It is so sad, so evil so ugly.... I am lost for words to express this kind of hate :(


One inappropriate post deleted.

Please remember the topic is about Pattaya Underage Boy Bar Raided In Organised Sting Operation

It is not about any particular poster, please respect that.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Men that appear to you to be "straight with a taste for the wild side" and from cultures where they practice self delusion, fall into my category of bisexual. To say that heterosexual men have no interest in transsexuals is putting it far too lightly - many are repulsed. Putting a dress on your favourite sheep is still bestiality; putting one on your boyfriend is still homosexuality.

I know several straight men that have gone with post-op katoys. Or even pre-op in some cases, as the guys in question only cared to go with a model (tall, slim, great shape) and never went the full nine yards (or a BJ at most).

And I dare you to speak the way you do to the people visiting the places with katoys...especially the 2 japanese gentlemen with tattoos covering their bodies in perfect match with the very expensive shirts I saw in one some time back. :D


It seems some posters haven't taken note of the reminder posted by a moderator earlier. The thread is about the topic listed, not about a poster, so stay on topic, please, otherwise warnings will be issued and posting abilities suspended.

As for the title of the thread, I question whether it is correct. It sounds like it was a boy bar with some underage employees, not an underage boy bar.

A number of years back, there was an underage boy bar in Bangkok (apparently run by a police officer). It was eventually shut down, but one visit to the place was very uncomfortable because the boys were clearly underage--Maybe between the ages of 13-15 (hard to judge), but there were none that looked legal. I was told that none of the boys were allowed off the premises. That was an underage boy bar.


As for the title of the thread, I question whether it is correct. It sounds like it was a boy bar with some underage employees, not an underage boy bar.

You are 100 percent correct, but it makes a much better headline to blatantly distort the truth.


One off topic post deleted despite earlier public warning

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


I think it's a pretty clear case of 'police entrapment'.

To me, it seems wrong for individuals to pay officials so that the individuals can break the law...and then the law arrests individuals.

Clearly, this contradiction brings the law into disrepute & therefore cannot be trusted by the public to act honourably.

In other words, with all the 'pay offs' that happen (publicly) in Thailand, how can anyone trust law enforcement officials to do a proper job?


I don't have a big problem with the police methods here. The bar was offering some underage workers and they would have offered to anyone who asked, undercover police or not. I do have a problem with how this trade never seems to stop. The owner will probably be in business in a few months at a new (or the same) bar with new paint, and new bar name.

This whole business is clearly a cash cow for parties other than the owners, when it is operating, when arrests are made, and there isn't the real will to make it stop. As others have said, these periodic raids are for SHOW.


You could have said, ____________ Underage Boy Bar Raided and everyone would fill in Pattaya. What a shame this city can't get it's act together.

It's no secret, both the boy bars and the girl bars are full of underage workers. 15, 16, 17 years old, they are everywhere. Cops know it, owners know it, many of the customers know it. Only when someone forgets their tea money do they get raided.

They need to once and for all clean up the kid stuff. There is just no reason to allow it.


The owner will probably be in business in a few months at a new (or the same) bar with new paint, and new bar name.

Probably be back in business tonight if he isn't already.


I think it's a pretty clear case of 'police entrapment'.

To me, it seems wrong for individuals to pay officials so that the individuals can break the law...and then the law arrests individuals.

Clearly, this contradiction brings the law into disrepute & therefore cannot be trusted by the public to act honourably.

In other words, with all the 'pay offs' that happen (publicly) in Thailand, how can anyone trust law enforcement officials to do a proper job?

why is it entrapment? if they were not offering underage boys for sex there could be no attempt at entrapment, the fact is they had underage boys there to fulfil the needs of some pervert, the same goes for bars that offer under age girls for some pervert. The place deserves to be shut down.


I think it's a pretty clear case of 'police entrapment'.

To me, it seems wrong for individuals to pay officials so that the individuals can break the law...and then the law arrests individuals.

Clearly, this contradiction brings the law into disrepute & therefore cannot be trusted by the public to act honourably.

In other words, with all the 'pay offs' that happen (publicly) in Thailand, how can anyone trust law enforcement officials to do a proper job?

why is it entrapment? if they were not offering underage boys for sex there could be no attempt at entrapment, the fact is they had underage boys there to fulfil the needs of some pervert, the same goes for bars that offer under age girls for some pervert. The place deserves to be shut down.

Afreed Tony, well said.

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