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Falang Charging 100 Baht For Photos With His Bird On The Beach


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Didn't I see a report in the newspaper a while ago about Thai people being fined for having animals that tourists could have their photo taken with in Walking St. and also along Beach Rd. It was about the time when the Police were having raids on the Russian ladies plying their trade.

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Just leave the guy alone. Even if he was rude and without a permit, just leave him alone. There are bigger things going on in the city that the officials should be concentrating their efforts on.


I strongly dissagree. I think you should report him for not having a work permit etc. Also Thai's need to pay for space on the beach if they want to conduct any sort of business so why should this arrogant fat German get to do it free. He is breaking the law. Report him. I I was there I sure would. Next thing you know, farangs will be setting up all over the place free and taking away jobs from the Thai's. They need the money NOT him. I would call this class "A" Loser !!!!!!!!

ummmmm -well i was under the impression that this guy was a Yank -- not a big fat arrogant fat german -- do u have something personal against big fat arrogrant germans???????

watch out for farang taking over the beach scene --- what a terrible thought --

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What I find most interesting with this story,is how he manages to make the transition from American to fat German.And back

maybe he was a German American ? apparantly they comprise about 51 million people or 17% of the U.S. population.... :whistling:

the chances then of a fat one, currently on holiday in Thailand with a pet parrot seem plausable... so i believe him.... :rolleyes:

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Why should he be left alone if he is clearly breaking the law? plus I didn't start this topic to get anyone into trouble, if I wanted to I could've easlily reported him to my friend who is a cop and get him sorted out quick smart, but felt he wasn't worth it, plus I don't like getting people into trouble, even though with his cocky abhorrent attitude probably did deserve to get busted. Had he been a happy more polite man who should be thankful he gets to live in LOS with his bird and sit on the beach all day instead of being a grumpy old fool charging for photos, then I would say leave him alone as he isn't harming anyone, nor breaking any laws. But my whole experience with him was unpleasant when all i did was be nice and compliment him on his beautiful bird.

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I was down on beach walk the other night as the Mrs wanted to look at some clothes stalls.... full of dirty perverts trying to pick up bargain sex.... i was going through some t-shits in one place and had to listen to 2 Indians trying to bargain with a girl further along the way this tall american stops a normal girl who is shopping and basically treating her like he was picking up a hooker.. she was clearly embarrassed with the attention ... this guy with the bird is one of the least issues with beach rd..

Edited by Rimmer
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Why should he be left alone if he is clearly breaking the law? plus I didn't start this topic to get anyone into trouble, if I wanted to I could've easlily reported him to my friend who is a cop and get him sorted out quick smart, but felt he wasn't worth it, plus I don't like getting people into trouble, even though with his cocky abhorrent attitude probably did deserve to get busted. Had he been a happy more polite man who should be thankful he gets to live in LOS with his bird and sit on the beach all day instead of being a grumpy old fool charging for photos, then I would say leave him alone as he isn't harming anyone, nor breaking any laws. But my whole experience with him was unpleasant when all i did was be nice and compliment him on his beautiful bird.

Did he approach you ir did you hassle the poor man enjoying the sea breeze with his long term pet bird.

If you hassled him you are the one deserving arrest or at least a thick ear.

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If it was a red macaw i know this pr1ck, and yes he is an arrangat @sshole, he buys a fried breakfast in soi baekow and shares it at the table with the bird, ( i have pictures ) just another of the pattaya weirdos, and i always thought these birds were smart, if that one was it would fly off and dump the <deleted>, ./( joke ) the bird was stood on his shoulder, i said "where did you get him from ",,,,the bird replies " it started off as a wart on my foot ! "

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Just leave the guy alone. Even if he was rude and without a permit, just leave him alone. There are bigger things going on in the city that the officials should be concentrating their efforts on.


I strongly dissagree. I think you should report him for not having a work permit etc. Also Thai's need to pay for space on the beach if they want to conduct any sort of business so why should this arrogant fat German get to do it free. He is breaking the law. Report him. I I was there I sure would. Next thing you know, farangs will be setting up all over the place free and taking away jobs from the Thai's. They need the money NOT him. I would call this class "A" Loser !!!!!!!!

Had to laugh at this......grass the man up for no work permit...says thailandblueGRASS:lol:

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A Thai lawyer told me if you ever have a problem in Thailand its probably going to come from another Foreigner! and not a Thai! Why cos they can't mind their own business.

Did you know its also against the law to cut the grass or do any work around the house? are you too breaking the law? Should I report you too?

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A Thai lawyer told me if you ever have a problem in Thailand its probably going to come from another Foreigner! and not a Thai! Why cos they can't mind their own business.

Did you know its also against the law to cut the grass or do any work around the house? are you too breaking the law? Should I report you too?

Good one! LOL

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Why should he be left alone if he is clearly breaking the law? plus I didn't start this topic to get anyone into trouble, if I wanted to I could've easlily reported him to my friend who is a cop and get him sorted out quick smart, but felt he wasn't worth it, plus I don't like getting people into trouble, even though with his cocky abhorrent attitude probably did deserve to get busted. Had he been a happy more polite man who should be thankful he gets to live in LOS with his bird and sit on the beach all day instead of being a grumpy old fool charging for photos, then I would say leave him alone as he isn't harming anyone, nor breaking any laws. But my whole experience with him was unpleasant when all i did was be nice and compliment him on his beautiful bird.

Did he approach you ir did you hassle the poor man enjoying the sea breeze with his long term pet bird.

If you hassled him you are the one deserving arrest or at least a thick ear.

hahaha "hassle the poor man" what are you some sort of defense lawyer? get lost, he clearly is the one in the wrong here....he must be your mate? tell him I said hi....can't believe how many twisted people live in Pattaya, pretty sad...

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A Thai lawyer told me if you ever have a problem in Thailand its probably going to come from another Foreigner! and not a Thai! Why cos they can't mind their own business.

Did you know its also against the law to cut the grass or do any work around the house? are you too breaking the law? Should I report you too?

Nice try, and in answer to your question, I don't live in Pattaya, so do not have any grass to cut....this guy is making profits from charging other tourists to take pics with his bird, so that to me is working for money, and is wrong, plus he is an asshol_e, so if he does get locked up, then that's one less asshol_e in Pattaya to put up with....

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If a farang can find a way to make a buck anyway .Who Cares. Good on him. The last thing I moved to LOS for is to be a cop.Besides 100 baht is cheap for a pic of you & a rare bird.

Hopefully it is the flying type & not the type that you girl will want to cut your........

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I don't think it was about money anyway. The guy was just fed up being pestered by people who wanted to take pictures of his bird.

OTOH you could argue that by flaunting a bird like that around in public he is asking for it.

Edited by Phil Conners
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The op should mind his own business, the guy is doing no harm. So what if he makes a few bucks.. you were just too cheap to pay.

Don doesn't go down the beach to make a living, he likes taking Khanane out for walks and what better place than Beach Road. You never see Don on Walking Street at night when he could get a lot of customers but that is not his style or what he is looking for. Leave him alone, many people snap pictures of him and Khanane and don't ask to hold him. That never bothers Don, it is those that want to stop and pet Khanane or have their picture taken holding Khanane or with him on their shoulder. That gets irritating after a while, leave him alone and he will leave you alone.

Yes, I am a friend, and American also from Hawaii as Don is, and I also have a pet parrot or two. Difference is I take mine to the beach about once a week for a short stroll, but like Don he has a patio of his own and is never in a cage.

He is not a fat German as some have described.

Edited by bob4you
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Leave the guy alone!

From the way you describe it he was just sitting there on the Beach Road with the bird, enjoying a bit of peace and tranquility, minding his own business.

It hardly sounds like he was actively soliciting passers by for hundred baht photos!

Is this the guy and his bird here? (This photo was taken a few years back)


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Just leave the guy alone. Even if he was rude and without a permit, just leave him alone. There are bigger things going on in the city that the officials should be concentrating their efforts on.


...so why should this arrogant fat German get to do it free...

What has his activity to do with his nationality and body shape? :annoyed:

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get a life dude, so the guy is rude......you approached him, he has the right. If he approached you to talk and was rude, they yep, screw him. If he approached you to pay for a picture, they yep, screw him

From what I can tell he was sitting there minding his own business, apporach at your own risk. If he wants to charge and someone is willing to pay, what business is it of yours.

We dint need this western bullchit over here, if they are not hurting you, then live and let live

you are probably breaking the law all the time here, want someone to point it out every time?

drive not seat belt

using mobile while driving

not using blinkers


crossing the center yellow line

hiring prostitutes

etc. etc

must I go on........live and let live... lets get after the criminals that are making our lives dangerous, not some guy trying to eat

have a good day :D

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