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Purchased New Land - Some Advice Needed

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We finally found a nice plot of land. Since we are going back to Europe for a few years will will start construction of a new home in maybe 5-7 Years. A long time still. Now the question how to "leave" the land.

I was thinking about putting up a wall and filling the land. In this case the land has enough time to settle properly. This they didnt do at our current house (mooban development) which we have luckily sold. :whistling: The result, everything is constantly sinking even after 4 years.

What would you do? Do you think these are the right steps to prepare the land for a future home? Or is it wise to wait with the land fill? Any advise is appriciated.

Edited by asia_pilot
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Definitely get the land refilled now. I would also build a concrete wall now for security reasons. It will be a lot cheaper to build the wall now as opposed to in 5-7 years time. If the wall is built properly it should just need a good paint job when you are ready to build. If the property is walled it is more likely to appreciate in value even if you ended up not building.

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Prior to any activities I would rather advise you to check your land owner certificate.

Assumed you (nominees) received a fully certified and verified (Land Department)

Chanote, then the proof of land ownership is easy over the years.

A wall would be enough and make sure nobody occupies the land which could lead to disputes.

The nominee involvement could create disputes to the point of losing the money for buying the land.

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Another reason for building the wall now, apart from the mentioned cost-factor, is that an empty plot of land can easily turn into a junkyard if left open.

Edited by stgrhe
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Another reason to build a wall now, you may come back on your next holiday and find your land has shrunk.

Your neighbours may erect a wall and encroach on your property, or they may move the marker posts ( you do have them in place dont you OP?).

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Marker posts are in place. Thanks for the many usefull tips. It looks like we go ahead and fill it and putt the wall up. Since the property is right next to a road and the form of a square. Would you built the wall on all 4 sides? Or leave the road access open? We would not go back for another year

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Marker posts are in place. Thanks for the many usefull tips. It looks like we go ahead and fill it and putt the wall up. Since the property is right next to a road and the form of a square. Would you built the wall on all 4 sides? Or leave the road access open? We would not go back for another year

I would build a complete wall around the plot but use a temporary gate at the access. You wouldn't like someone to be able to drive in to you plot would you?

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We will fill it up and built a barb wire fence.

Does the land filling have to be "compacted" We are getting different quotes, from compact to uncompact. Anyone can help?

A couple of rainy season will compact the land for you. Then, before you start the construction, just make a back-fill but take into account your future drainage system so you are ensuring a small but sufficient slop towards the drain.

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We will fill it up and built a barb wire fence.

Does the land filling have to be "compacted" We are getting different quotes, from compact to uncompact. Anyone can help?

To give you an idea on prices last year the wife was quoted under 10,000 baht, think it was about 9,000 baht, to raise 1 and 1/2 rai in Korat by one metre.

The quote was for black earth at 250 baht per truck load, so you can do the maths.

As another has mentioned uncompact is fine, a couple of rainy seasons will sort it out for you, and let you see where you may have to refill due to drainage.

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Does the land filling have to be "compacted"

Hmmm two of our posters have said a couple of rainy seasons will do the job. But is there any backup for this.

Another question....if one wants to compact land quickly will a day of having a bulldozer going back and forth do the job or not?

Another question....what depth of dirt is required to end up with 1 metre after settlement or compaction?

To give you an idea on prices last year the wife was quoted under 10,000 baht, think it was about 9,000 baht, to raise 1 and 1/2 rai in Korat by one metre.

The quote was for black earth at 250 baht per truck load, so you can do the maths.

Your wife better do the maths :)

(1.5 x 1600sqm / 3 = 800 trucks @ 250bt = 200,000bt

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Does the land filling have to be "compacted"

Hmmm two of our posters have said a couple of rainy seasons will do the job. But is there any backup for this.

Another question....if one wants to compact land quickly will a day of having a bulldozer going back and forth do the job or not?

Another question....what depth of dirt is required to end up with 1 metre after settlement or compaction?

To give you an idea on prices last year the wife was quoted under 10,000 baht, think it was about 9,000 baht, to raise 1 and 1/2 rai in Korat by one metre.

The quote was for black earth at 250 baht per truck load, so you can do the maths.

Your wife better do the maths :)

(1.5 x 1600sqm / 3 = 800 trucks @ 250bt = 200,000bt

Thought the wifes maths was ok.

800 trucks, depends on the size of the truck I suppose, yours must be 3 metre trucks.

The wifes were 60 metre trucks, so 40 truck loads at 250 baht per truck = 10,000 baht, discounted to 9,000 baht.

The above is of course assuming we both agree the volume was 2,400 cubic metres.

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