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Need Electrician In Ubon


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Hi Chris

We have tried using local village electricians on several occasions in Ubon and we must have been unlucky as the workmanship was terrible. Eventually we managed to use the government electric company contractors who happened to be doing some work in the area bringing power into the village. They will sometimes do private work out of hours on nights/weekends and these guys know what they are doing rather than some local "lecky" turning up on his push bike and wetting his fingers when touching wires to see if they are still live! Believe me that is true in Ubon I've seen it. Anyway I had the whole house rewired outside and the new guys were very professional. In the end they cost a little bit more but the work is noticeably better than the guy on his bike. Over last 3 years no problems with the new electrics at the house. Everything seems to be wired up fine and still working. However, I don't have a phone number at hand for you but if you can visit the electric company in Warin they will no doubt sort you out with one of their contractor guys.


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With you Jay I use the local power company linesman. Did the factory and the house, never a problem. Went to OZ for Xmas came back to see a new extension wired up by bozzo the clown, plugs taped to the poles. Asked why they didn't use the other guy. Too dear. Jim

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We have tried using local village electricians on several occasions in Ubon and we must have been unlucky as the workmanship was terrible.

Not unlucky, but unfortunate, as this the norm. One really has to suss out the rice-paddies to find a decent and qualified local electrician.

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